
We can eat babies in your sleep


10-03-2013, 10:09 PM

Stockinged limbs moved quietly across the ground. He was fairly new, and in search of his Mother...whom he had yet to find. He didn't know her name, didn't know what she looked like, but he had a message to tell her. He scented something close by, and with curiosity he would seek out the stranger. It was a short walk, soon he came upon a strange man with scars on his body, and it seemed he would also have scabbing wounds on his pelt. He circled to the mans front, approaching without wary steps. Byakuro was never afraid of anything, and this man would not frighten him.

"Good evening. Do you require assistance with your healing wounds?" his words came polite and without challenge, wondering the stranger needed some help. Byakuro was not one to meddle in affairs, though he figured that the male might accept his help. After all, it would not settle well should the black stranger receive infection from improperly cleansed wounds even if they were moderately old.



10-04-2013, 03:27 PM

Oddity wasn't in the mood to get help from strangers. He lifted his head up and let a deep growl escape it as he approached. His own could deal with the healing, and his wounds were just fine and healing properly. His wound under his eye would scar, but he was just fine. He wasn't going to accept help from a stranger. It was flat out unreasonable in his terms of survival. Wolves who blindly gave out their trust to others would one day kill themselves. "Find some other helpless wench to heal. I'm perfectly fine." He snorted and stood up. He didn't even have anything in his gait, he seemed perfectly fine because that is what he was, he was fine.
"Never offer help to a stranger bloke. It'll get yourself killed." He closed his eyes for a few moment and scoffed. It was more of the fact he was irritated, that and he hated other wolves who just assumed things. Find the facts first, otherwise you would die. It was all about survival, because you only had one life to live. And Oddity wasn't about to give his away.



10-28-2013, 03:42 AM

The young boy would stand calmly at the male who would respond with a growl towards him. Instead of responding back with hostility, he simply stepped back a couple paces to allow the angry male room. Dipping his head in quick respect, he listened patiently as the man told him of what he thought. Byakuro would remain calm, inclining his gaze to the male. He would hold no qualms or hostility to him, that's not who Kura was. He had simply wanted to know if the black male would allow assistance, and if not then all was well and fine. "I apologize then Sir, for inconveniencing you. But it is in my very core and nature to aid those that appear to need it, whether they are good or bad. Kindness does not judge, just as I do not. But I won't press the matter." he responded in a calm and kind tone, not surprised if his calmness would offset the male. Whether it would or not, Kura would make an attempt to calm the situation.

"My name is Byakuro, Son of Renesme. May I have the courtesy of learning your name, Sir?" Whether the male wanted to tell his name or not, Byakuro would remain with the same graced kindness and respect that one would expect a young wolf to give to an older one. His father had taught him high morals, and he would continue to uphold that aspect in honor of his father's memory. Slowly, he would lightly bite his lower lip as he thought about how his father was faring...had the disease killed him already? Or was he waiting for his Son to return home with his mother to say their last goodbyes?
