


09-23-2013, 03:34 AM
OOC Name: Cat
How did you get here?: Google
Age: 16

Character's Name: Mod
Age: 1.61 years
Season of birth: Winter
Size: 24.5 in tall::25.75 in long
Appearance description:

OVERALL: Short and moderately thin, mid-length legs, large fox-like tail, narrow face, oversized pointy ears. The ears have no fur inside them, the insides change from fur color to light skin-pink. Nose is black. Body is well built with strong bones, but with sensitive skin. Also, her paw pads are pink and black, and her claws pure black. She is able to grow two tails for seasonal use, ex. Summer= tail 1 small, fall= tail 1 medium, tail 2 budding, winter= tail 1 large, tail 2 large, spring= tail 1 and 2 medium. Tongue changes color with mood, ex. red= angry, orange= paranoid, yellow= curious, light green= surprised, dark green= triumphant, putrid green= disgusted, teal= nervous, ice blue= scared, periwinkle= tired, dark blue= content, dark purple= serious, light purple= excited, magenta= embarrassed, dark pink= silly/drunken, light pink= flirtatious, white= bored, black= stressed, gray= sad, gray-blue= sad for another.
Summer-- Main fur color is soil red, with markings of white on her chest, lower face, underbelly, paws, and tail, her ears are dark brown and she has a dark brown stripe running along her spine and upper-side of her tail, coming to a large bushy tail-tip.
Fall-- Second tail buds, first tail grows, fur grows, main fur color is silver-blue, with white underbelly, legs, lower face, and tails, tail 1 tip is black, half-ears are black, dark brown back stripe recedes.

Winter-- Second tail and first tail are twice body size, fur grows, fur is completely white.

Spring-- Second tail and first tail recede in size until first tail is small and second tail is gone, meanwhile both tails are white with dark brown tips, fur length recedes (shedding), main fur color is silver-blue with soil-red outline, with white chest, underbelly, lower face, legs, and tails, and dark brown back line begins to reappear, half ears are dark brown. The texture of her fur is coarse around her paws and snout, and rabbit-soft everywhere else. Her fur bushes up at her neck and half-covers her collar. Fur is relatively long in all places, but longest at neck and tail.

MARKINGS: Mod has two painted markings. The first is a cornflower-blue diamond in the center of the forehead representing the third eye to allow a free flow of faith, hope, and peace throughout the mindset of one's self. The second marking is a set of two black, downward triangular markings on either side of the face directly below the eye representing the downward flow of water, or in Mod's case, the flow of the Styx (river of souls) into the underworld. Right iris is a sparkling aqua-gray, pupil black. Left iris is blood red, pupil glittering black and slitted. The left eye is this way because of a previous battle with a malicious cat demon. The venom of the demon's claws incinerated the overlying aqua-gray layer of the iris to reveal the eye of a demon which lay underneath.
Duty: Prisoner or omega::: Hoping to work my way up to dame



09-23-2013, 08:01 AM
Please read our guidebook and fix your profile and application accordingly.

We are a semi-realistic wolf roleplay forum, we don't have demons. Her tongue can't change colors and can't have two tails, the markings will have to be purchased.
