
Collecting dust, clinging to memories


09-19-2013, 07:36 PM

Hajime looked around the barren island with his red eyes sparkling in the night rays. The night time was his favorite to be out. Although his eyes made some slightly afraid of the boy considering that they were rather intense. Though not uncommon in these lands that he had seen so far. The royalty he felt to himself with his coat, and how he wished he had his mothers was a bit of an over drag though. Riv had told him his father had been a plain black wolf. Which was where he got his mask and black ear from. Not to mention his pure black tail that his mother also had. It was the stripes he missed from his coat, the plain brown made him slightly upset. Though now he was here, he was brought memories back of his old home with his mother and slightly higher adapted family.
The green stains within the banks surprised him a bit though. His paws making prints in it, the color was odd. Lowering down his head he pressed his nose against the bank to dig in the scent. It just smelt like rocks. Lifting his head he gave a laugh. Continuing on, he had already taken a nap so now it was time to explore again. He wondered if Allen would find him, considering one night he had partly disappeared and decided he was going to explore the island. The man was probably mad at his nephew as well. Hajime would love to see him lecture him and then go back to calling him a king again. While Hajime wasn't sure why his uncle called him that in the first place.
