
Getting Into Trouble


09-28-2013, 10:24 AM
Curious teal eyes of the black and white pup shown brightly as he slipped away from the den. His mother, brothers, and sister were all asleep but this young pup was full of energy and ready to explore. Why waste time sleeping when he could be up and exploring? Besides... he had to bring back something new for his mother's present. Emery loved his mother very much, though he wasn't as close to his other siblings. He loved them, yes, but they seemed to have favorites among themselves so he tended to shift off the side after a while and watch them play. But finding gifts for his mother was never boring... and he hoped today he'd really find a special one.

Emery then suddenly paused. There was a strange scent in the air, stinky and smelling a bit like blood. He crept closer, the bushes up ahead moving as something moved within them. He lowered his ears, unsure if he really wanted to see what was beyond the bush. But it was too late -- the creature was emerging. It was orange and black -- something he had never seen before. It looked angry, and was a bit bigger than him. It was a fox cub. Emery started to back away, shaking a bit as the creature advanced.

"Mama Mama! Help!" The boy let out a scared howl, barely dodging as the fox cub ran at him. He continued backing away, whimpering.


10-03-2013, 06:15 PM
ooc// not sure if you planned for a mom fox to come bursting out lol just in case I made the post for that should you decide for one to appear XD if it does I don't mind getting in a little scrap with it haha


A yawn would spread her jaws wide open, her nap would seem to elude her. She had been walking a lot lately, a lone traveler in these strange lands. She had placed herself under the protection of an oak, the colors of fall surrounding her on all sides. She rested her head gently upon bandaged forelegs, her long horse like tail wrapped over her back. Eyes would begin to drift closed when a sudden cry pierced the air. "Mama Mama! Help!"

Silvery audits would raise, her head lifting with them as furrowed brows and wary investigative eyes stared into the distance. Was that the sound of a pup she heard just now? Immediately, her body would pull herself up and her legs moved forward at a swift pace, her heart pounding with the possibility of an encounter. But what would she encounter, exactly? She was about to find out. As she neared, she could detect the scent of blood, and among it the scent of young wolf cub She hurried her pace, now moving in a few quick bounds before breaking through the bushes behind the distressed cub. She faced the fox cub, a stern look upon her face as she stopped, her body standing protectively over the young boy. Her teeth were bared, blue gaze never leaving the fox cub. She was sure that if this baby was here, then a mom would not be far off.

Her long tail would gently wrap around the frightened cub as she urged him to move away. "We must move before the mother comes..." she whispered urgently.


10-03-2013, 08:07 PM
Emery let out a long, frightened whimper as the fox cub got close again. But this time it back off quickly as a wolfess burst through the bush and stood protectively over him. Emery lowered his body to the ground, quivering as the wolfess bared her fangs at the cub and it ran back, making it's own cries for it's mother to come to come and help it. At first Emery was sure that his savior had been his mother... but instead it was a stranger.

Emery shakily got back up, quivering as he looked up at the wolf. Whoever she was she had saved him, and for that he was extremely grateful. Her tail was long and warm, giving him comfort. The pup started to move away with her, walking on shaking paws, but unfortunately the mother of the fox cub had arrived, snarling and growling at the she-wolf that had saved him.

The pup let out a frightened yelp before diving completely behind the she-wolf, lowering his ears. He dropped to the ground again, scared out of his mind.

The vixen faced Lily with narrowed eyes, slinking forward and then back out of reach as it considered its options for an attack. After a few moments she lunged forward, jaws open and ready to clamp down on the wolf's right front leg.


11-01-2013, 02:52 AM

The girl's vocals produced a small but threatening growl at the cub as it turned to flee. Such a sound was usually never heard of and rare to even come from the shy young dame, but this was something different. She felt protective of this cub, and she would not let anything come to harm it. Her hackles would slowly begin to lie flat as she looked underneath her small frame to see the pup cowering and looking back up at her. She would offer a smile, and was about to ask the young boy his name when a sudden stronger scent and growling hit her nostrils and ears. Her head shooting forward again, she came face to face with the angry mother of the fox cub who had just run off. Her hackles would rise again, her fur puffing out to make her appear larger then she was, but secretly she was frightened. She had never fought before, and now it was possible that she would get into a scrap with a fox. She would not back down, however, as a strong protective instinct welled up inside her over the cub beneath her.

It was unfortunate, that they had only gotten a few paces before this angry fox mother appeared. Luckily, Lily had not turned her back or else she was sure the creature would have surely gone to attack her tail or backside. Her teeth would bare most fearsomely, showing her opponent the sharp daggers that lied hidden behind silvery grey curtains. She would curl herself around the pup, shielding him from harm as she coiled like a snake readying itself to strike. Should the fox decide to attack, she would give it a good reminder not to mess with her again. She knew, however, that it was merely protecting it's own young. And Lily didn't want to hurt the cubs mother. But she also would not allow it to hurt the cub that she was protecting.

Slowly, she would begin to back away. Keeping her body low and coiled should the fox decide to strike at it, and if it did then she would lunge out and try to knock it back. She'd take small and careful steps back, feeling the young cub behind her feet as she gently urged it to move. "Move carefully, I'm afraid if we move to quickly it'll provoke her...where's your mother and father? Are they nearby?" she'd whisper lightly to the pup, trying to keep him calm with her voice to aid him in becoming less frightened if only slightly.


11-06-2013, 06:35 PM
Emery whimpered quietly as the woman shielded him from the angry vixen, both females baring sharp teeth at the other. The vixen was likely just defending her kit, though it had been the one to start of this all. The wolf pup lowered his tail between his legs, his ears lowering and his eyes reflecting fear. It took a moment for Emery to realize that the she wolf was trying to get him to move.

At first Emery stumbled a bit over his feet, though he was trying hard not to move too fast. He looked up to the she-wolf helping him, his small body shaking as he answered her. "I think my mom is back at the den with my brothers... I don't know where my dad is... I've never even met him." The little pup peeked back over at the vixen, who was disappearing through the bushes with her own kit.

Emery let out a little sigh of relief, looking back to the she wolf. "They're leaving. I think we'll be okay." Emery came to a stop, straightening his posture and sitting down neatly to make himself look presentable. [b]"My name is Emery... what's yours?"