
Clearing my Head


09-18-2013, 11:20 AM
ooc: My post actually was saved, FOR ONCE IN MY COMPUTERS LIFETIME IT IS BEING NICE. xD Anywho, sorry for short/crappy post, shall get better.

Time of day: early morning.

She would sit upon a small hill, mismatched orbs watching the animals below. There were only a handful of them, large brown beasts with small horns n their heads. Seraphine knew they could be prey, just a feeling in her gut, but she wouldn't go after them. No way. They were strong animals, she could see it, the muscles rippling beneath the skin. She shuddered thinking abut the damage they could inflict, broken bones for sure if you were to anger them and get trapped somehow. That was why she was on the hill observing from a nice distance, well, half the reason.

The main reason she was out here, was to get away from the trouble arising in Valhalla. The girl didn't like where things had been going, the chaos forming. She thought it was silly to be so willing to go to war because one child was a fool and flirted with the wrong guy, now look where it got them.

Seraphine sighed heavily, shaking her head. She couldn't be irritated at the girl, Liberty, her mother had just passed from hat she heard. Of course she would act unlike herself, so it couldn't be held against her. She just hoped nothing bad would happen after she had left the battlefield, hoping the next time she met her friend he would have good news, even if the news Chrysanthe might give the pack wasn't good.


Awesome image by Trynx <3