
The state the world has been in



09-16-2013, 02:00 PM

Rivaxorus flicked her black tail as her small fox companion followed behind her. This was another day in the search for her brother and son. Though she doubted her luck would change, it would be the same as the weeks before she joined Seracia and the weeks after. Kurai her fox companion had been helping her in her search, but it wasn't like he could do much besides keep in close with his new found friend. The tree's swayed back and forth in a depressing manner as her red eyes looked about. The scents were washed away by the recent rain and that even still the clouds were lingering about in the fall air.
"This place is just perfect isn't it." The british red fox noted as they walked along the path they had chosen. Rivaxorus rolled her eyes and gave a bit of a laugh. Why she had chosen such a companion she wasn't sure, but they had a little bit in common with Kurai's death of his mate and kits. Riv had experienced that ten fold, and maybe that's why she kept the fox close. The world worked in weird ways after all.


09-17-2013, 05:08 AM
Left right left right left! Left then right! With a grunt the yearling took his right light gray speckled paw and stomped it onto the ground. Why was this so hard?!?! Why couldn't Liaf walk in a fluid motion like all of the other wolves? With a sigh the male picked up one of his paws to gently bite on it to make the itch go away for now.

"I-itch, itch, itchy itch!" he mumbled

After letting his law fall to the ground where it should be his other one lifted up and shook left and right. No, down it had to go down. He couldn't control his movements, it was frustrating! Rolling over he tried to push his paw down with the other. His back in the browning grass the boy snarled as he wrestled with himself. Stopping abruptly the young brute felt a tingling sensation in his feet.

"N-o! No!" he screamed before his entire body shook.

From tail tip to his nose every part of him was shaken by the seizure. Why was this happening so frequent again? As his ones rattled and teeth chattered the seizure ended after only a moment. Laying ok the ground stunned for a moment he sat up half way and retched onto the ground. Of course he hadn't eaten anything recently because he sucked at catching prey on land. So all that came up was a clear liquid. Food, he had to find water to find food. With a groan Liaf slumped back down onto the ground before waiting for the water to for to him. Of course that never was going to happen so Liaf or "Fail" sat up. Die to his actions Fail was probably here, not Liaf. But why was he called Liaf and Fail? Had his parents aimed for the inside joke after they saw his so called cursed markings? Maybe...but that wasn't his fault, nothing was. Wait....where had he even came from? Trying to think Liaf couldn't pull anything from his mind. But something bad had happened. Yet all he remembered clearly was Fael, his sister. Plus she was the only nice wolf to him...but where was she now?

Sitting up and eventually standing on all wobbly fours the male walked around looking for his dear sister.

"Faaaaa-eeeeee-lllll" he said in a elongated tone.

No, no Fael, Fael not here. Where was she? Finally remembering this caused Liaf to kick out his hind legs and curve his back as he tore with his claws at the ground. No, no, kill, kill, dead, dead. Bad wolf, bad wolves. They all hurt him, they all be bringers of pain! Curling himself into a ball Liaf or shall we say Fail let the tears fall down his russet streaks from his maroon eyes. Tears of blood, that's what they said. But no, just mark. Quietly sobbing the boy's shoulders shook as he did so. Why, why hurt why sadness come to poor Liaf?

OOC: please ignore phone post errors



09-17-2013, 11:08 AM

She heard it suddenly, a small weeping noise. Her brown ears suddenly turned around towards the source of the noise as Kurai ran into her hind legs. Her mud splashed paws stayed put as her mature mind began to work. That was the unmistakable cry of pain from a younger wolf. It was a cry she was all too familiar with in the end. Rivaxorus tried to think for a few moments before deciding on anything, any wrong moves could startle the other, or even injure herself all together. Kurai was silent for a few moments looking up and down. Riv vanished into the bushes for a few seconds, only to come out again, with a brown rabbit. "Come on Kurai, let's do our good deed for the day." She whispered through her teeth in the prey. As she headed towards the scent, it was indeed, a curiously sobbing wolf who seemed to be in some sort of distress. It slightly broke her heart to see such a thing. Her black tail flicked as the red eyed woman lowered her head, and offered the rabbit to him.
"Are you hungry? I caught a rabbit for you if you'd like it." Riv quietly told him. Her brown body towering over the small male. He looked like he had gone through hell. Kurai perked his own ears with a flick of his white tipped tail. "She ain't gonna bite ya so don't feel afraid." The British fox commented with a kind smile. Though it wasn't as soft as Riv's. Obviously she had more experience with this than she did.


09-17-2013, 07:08 PM
The eyes, they saw, they watched. They all watched him, taking in his every move. They judged, they scoffed, they pitied. The tears streamed down his face until the yearling grew tired of it, tired of being this thing! Why couldn't he be normal?!?! No sound escaped his lips, trapped in his throat was all he did and didn't want to say. Communication, how else was he supposed to do that so fluently if he couldn't even speak? Light gray speckled ears perked up as a scent hit the male's nose, a wolf and something else, another mammal. Quickly standing up or scrambling onto all fours Liaf pinned his ears against his head as he made himself look as small as possible. Going into submission yet taking a few wobbly steps back the boy shivered.! Yes! He saw it! Something edible. Liaf or should we say Fail forgot what that thing was called at the moment..the hoppity thing...te thing with the long ears. The thing that goes hoppity hoppity, yes that thing.This ...this lady she told him she had caught it for him. Narrowing his maroon eyes the boy didn't know what to do. Uncertainty plagued his mind as his mind told him to run. But what was the point in that? He wouldn't get very far without stumbling over his own paws.

After a moment went by the thing talked...the uh uh! Yes a fox! It told him not to be afraid but the word bite caught his mind. They say they won't but they always did....always... With a few mumbles and slurs Liaf stepped backwards tripping over his tail yet recovering. Never taking his wild gaze off the dame and the fox the young brute tried to speak in reply.

"T-t-t T-rick! trick trick! Hurt...hurt, Puh-AIN! puh-AIN! beat beat beat beat beat beat beat." he said as words finally flew from his mouth.

He couldn't stop at beat but eventually he ceased the command. No, stop, done, done and done. His entire body twitched for a moment as he still grew upset. Trust, something Liaf never had with another wolf besides his late sister. They lured him in with kind words before they beat him.Either that or just beat him then and there. Pain, he could still feel their blows onto his pelt. As if an unseen force was hitting him Liaf imagined it and cringed as he whimpered with each fake blow. Re-enacted was the one of many beatings, so many that he could barely forget what pain felt like.

finally stopping Fail looked up at the female with a strange look in his eyes.They showed sadness and defeat...but was he really defeated? Liaf quickly turned his head away so not to make eye contact....but then he turned to look at the dame once more. Maybe if he stared long enough she would go away. Maybe she would be disgusted by him like the others and ignore him...maybe she won't hurt him. Maybe she'll just go...go away...go....



09-20-2013, 01:30 PM

Riv was taken back, this child seemed terrified her. It was almost heart breaking. He was a yearling, but it seemed like due to some problems he wasn't able to function properly. What kind of being would do this to him, it made her angry. She wanted to rip them limb from limb. As he moved backwards after seeing Kurai. The fox spiked his fur and ran into the nearest bush. Hiding, afraid that he was frighting the wolf, and that was never a good thing. Rivaxorus, put down the rabbit and pushed it slowly towards him. While doing so, she crouched down and got onto her stomach, once she was closer to him. She rolled over to expose her vital points, underneath her was the slow sound of her wagging black tail. She knew what it was like to be afraid and alone, and at a young age. She wanted to reach out to him and give him a helping hand. If he wanted to learn she'd teach him. And treat him with the most kindest of words. She rolled over and placed her chin against the ground. "I wouldn't beat a child like you even if my life depended on it young one. Come eat, it'll do you some good. The only way I can trust you, is if you trust me. It's called a rabbit, a main source of food, it will make you feel good." Riv spoke in soft tones as she dragged her tail across the ground.
Riv's mother instincts were kicking in, she was in half mind to take him into Seracia and raise him. After all, one of the healers had to have something for his illness that he seemed to have. She could teach him to speak properly. Along with the tradition of Japanese language. It may even bit easier for him to learn japanese with the strange letters and words. Riv closed her eyes and covered them with her paws. "My name is Rivaxorus, and I'll protect you. So eat and tell me yours." She spoke and splayed her paws out on the ground. Hoping the young boy would run off, and possibly hurt himself.


10-05-2013, 03:23 PM
embarrassment, he felt embarrassed. Liaf started to become abit self-conscious of his behavior. How could he help it, he couldn't. Liaf just couldn't be normal no matter how hard he tried. He would remember dreaming of the day he would one day speak with few mistakes, walk in a straight line. Catch himself some food other than fish...

His maroon eyes watched with fear as the strange orange animal that looked like an odd smaller wolf darted into the bushes. Turning his gaze back towards the dame he watched as she oddly got onto the ground and exposed her stomach. Taking another step backwards not knowing what she was doing he stood there for a moment. Silently waiting for something that did not and would not happen did he do. The yearling would then cautiously take a few baby steps forward...His speckled light gray ears would rise as he heard words come from her voice. Pretty words, without any mistakes, no stutters, no trouble. It sounded like music almost, a perfect sentence after sentence. The wolf spoke of trust and how she wouldn't hurt him. Eyeing the rabbit he listened as she explained it was good food and that it would make him feel better.

Walking forward with his head low to the ground as his eyes never left her he darted forward and snatched the rabbit. Taking a few steps backwards he dropped the food on the ground and sat down on his haunches. Licking his drooling maw the young male would dig into the meal and let the warm coppery taste of blood fill his mouth. He ripped off a piece of the juicy tender meat and chewed it thoughtfully before swallowing it.

Looking back up as the female spoke again she said her name, Rivaxorious. She told him she would protect him, and to eat and for him to tell her his own name. What...what was his real name again? The name Liaf, buried deep in his mind. All the brute could remember was being called Fail by those mean wolves.

Opening his mouth no words came out.he tried and tried until a few finally slipped out.

"Fuh...Fuh...Fail..nickname...I-I forget real name. Th-the mean ones...they s-say f-Fail." he said before leaning down to take another bite from the rabbit.

Liaf would wonder why this wolf Rivaxorious was being so kind to him. This was unorthodox to him, and really rare. But she had fed him, and she hadn't beat him yet, so that was alright he guessed. Picking up the rabbit which still had some meat left on it he walked over as best as he could without wobbling side to side due to imbalance to set it down in front of her paws.

Looking at him others would see a wolf that looked like skin and bone. Even though he just ate he couldn't finish the rabbit. Not being used to such a big meal that would usually not be enough for a completely healthy wolf; Liaf would give the rest to Rivaxorious.

Leaning down to bite at his itchy ankles he would then look back up at the female before him and wait for her to do something.



10-07-2013, 07:26 PM

I couldn't help but to feel bad for the pup, in such conditions one would think that he was left to die. I lowered my ears against the back of my skull, only slightly raised in order to hear him as he spoke. This child had deeply been abused, and if I left him out here alone, that'd be fairly cruel. That was something I'd never be able to do, it was a great weakness of mine to feel such feelings. In the least though, he had eaten half the rabbit before offering it to me. I stretched forward, shoulders moving ever so closer to him; maybe I'd be able to get close enough to touch him? I grabbed the rabbit by the edge of my teeth and dragged it back, Kurai watching from the bushes tilted his head towards me. I gave a kind smile to the boy. Fail? What kind of nickname was that, could anyone imagine be taking him to Seracia with a nickname like that. I would seem like a mad man, and it was only because he didn't remember his real name. I didn't know who abused this boy, but I was not a mean one, and would not be calling him Fail.
"You are not a fail, I'll call you unknown until you remember your real name okay." I said with a smile upon my features. It took small bites of the rabbit, making sure he felt comfortable was key. I didn't want him thinking I poisoned the food - or worse tried to kill him - so the least I could do was finish the meal. My red eyes looking over the boy, I tilted my head. I would adopt him, it was apparent he was in need of help. I didn't think Maverick would mind. And it would do him some good anyway, I could teach him to speak and live normally and give him a chance. I had the experience with two children and a younger sibling. I gave a small light chuckle. "You have nothing to worry about, would you like to stay with me? I have a big kind family and I could teach you how to speak. There is a kind wolf by the name of Themisto that can help you feel better as well." I whispered in a soft motherly voice, hoping he would accept. After all, if I left him in the state he was in, he could die.
