
Gone Too Long



7 Years
10-09-2014, 04:09 PM

Adventuring had only been so kind to her for a little while. She had gone off in search of her siblings, but the greatness of the world was nothing to compared to the beauty that Alacrita held -- for within it rested Athena. She missed the sweet goddess's face, and she craved to see her once more. Her paw glided upon the wintery landscape, she felt as if she were floating the closer and closer she got to Glacium's lands. She knew that she most likely missed a lot when she was gone, she wouldn't be surprised if Athena held the role of Queen. When she had been part of the pack, the young girl was an avid learner and had a regal air about her. Amalia knew deep in her heart that Athena was a grand leader, her father would be a fool not to see the potential that she had.

At last her gray and white toes paused on the border of the lands, and she was only somewhat surprised when the scent of Athena was strong. Closing her icy blue eyes she drew her scent in deep, her purfume sending a shiver down her spine. Oh how she longed to see her once more. Giddy excitement coursed through her veins as her head tipped back, her song asking for her sweet Athena to grace her. After her song was done, the small framed girl pulled herself to her rump, little stubby tail shaking back and forth in the snow. Oh how much news she wanted to hear from her!


Athena I


9 Years
10-09-2014, 05:16 PM

Lots of wolves showed up at her borders. Perhaps not as often as it seemed, but it didn't surprise her anymore when visitors appeared. However, this howl was a shock. At first she didn't believe it, at first she just laid there in her spot just outside of her and Vereux's den, listening to the familiar voice and trying to process that it was real. She had accepted the fact that much like many members of her family Amalia had simply disappeared. Hearing her voice now brought up so many mixed emotions, but Athena didn't have time to process it right now. She had to go and greet Amalia, no matter how she was feeling about it.

She pulled herself up, noting for the hundredth time today that her stomach was beginning to grow. She wasn't huge yet by any means, but her sides were definitely more full than normal. Pushing that thought aside, Athena trotted off to find Amalia, a certain rush to her step. She was eager to see the russet-faced girl, no matter how she felt about her sudden reappearance. When Athena laid eyes on her she slowed, a small smile tugging at her muzzle. Something about those blue eyes just made her instantly happy.

"Amalia... You're here. What- Where have you been?" She looked over the small girl, checking for any injuries, any signs that she might be malnourished or sick. But she didn't see any of those things. She looked perfectly healthy. She looked good. Athena stopped a foot or so in front of the girl she had once saved from starving to death in the cold. She girl that she had, at one time, debated her feelings over.




7 Years
10-09-2014, 06:16 PM (This post was last modified: 10-09-2014, 06:17 PM by Amalia.)

As soon as the silver queen appeared over the ridge, she rose to her paws in a flash and let out a happy bark. Her ears lowered with her head in obvious signs of submission, her little stub wagging like crazy behind her. The force of the wiggle made her whole rump move with it, there wasn't enough tail to contain the velocity of her wiggle. She felt like jumping across the line and tossing her arms around her, but she held herself back. Athena paused and left a foot of space between them. She didn't want a gap, she wanted to bury her nose in her fur, but the look on the woman's face held her back. She had gone off without a word, but after the loss of her tail things were hard to deal with. Amalia let out a soft breath, head hanging even lower. "I didn't mean to wander off without talking to you first, the pull to find my siblings was strong. Plus you were so busy, I didn't want to ware you down with my petty problems." She said, her voice sing song in its whispered state. ?But of course I am here now! I could never stay away from you for very long.? She said, her little rabbit like tail making her whole back side shake again. ?I missed you.? Came her soft call.

It was then that she allowed her eyes to roam Athena, and noticed her growing belly. Amalia's eyes grew wide, but a wild giggle soon left her lips. ?It looks like you've been busy! Seems like you are going to have your paws full.? She said with another giggle. Tentatively she took a few steps forward, her small body closer to the ground as she crossed the boundary line. ?How has Glaciem been since I left? Its been far too long.? Amalia looked up at Athena through her lashes, blinking slowly as a warm glow flushed under her russet cheeks. She was even more beautiful than she had remembered, time had been kind to her indeed. With her belly starting to grow, it made her even more attractive. A part of Amalia wished that those children would know her as their second mother, but Athena had never made any advance on her. It would be far to bold to state it out loud. But her feelings mattered not, all she wanted to do was hear about how Athena had been since she left for more travels.


Athena I


9 Years
10-10-2014, 09:00 AM (This post was last modified: 10-10-2014, 09:01 AM by Athena I.)

The obvious joy Amalia had when she walked into view made her smile. The small russet faced girl could apparently hardly contain herself, although she did seem to sober up a bit and dipped her head submissively when she spoke. Athena listened curiously to Amalia's reasons for disappearing, her gaze showing her understanding even though she still disapproved. She could understand wanting to find her siblings, but she wished she had at least spoken to her about it first. Amalia went on to mention how much she had missed the Soeverien and Athena's gaze softened, her smile widening a bit. "I missed you too, Amalia." And she meant it. Bevroren wasn't quite as bright when the girl wasn't here.

At her friend's next comment Athena followed her gaze, glancing back at her own stomach before quickly glancing back again with a small grin, chuckling softly. "I suppose I have been. A lot has happened since you've been gone." That statement was made even more true when Amalia asked about Glaciem. Where did she start? "Well, it's actually Bevroren now. I took over as Queen and Isardis left to take over another pack. When he did that Vereux and I wanted to make some changes so I decided to completely change our name and ranks. Now we're called Bevroren and I go by the title of Soeverien. Isardis was challenged to fight to the death and his pack dissipated, but a wolf named Quelt took it over and now his pack are our neighbors." She paused for a moment, wondering if there were any more large events that she was forgetting as far as Bevroren news went. "Vereux and I were married... And you've already noticed my being pregnant. A lot of wolves have disappeared, but some new ones have joined in their place. So much has happened... It's crazy to think that so much can happen in such a short amount of time."

Athena sighed and gave Amalia a smile. "I'm glad you're back. You always brightened my days when I saw you and I certainly could have used some of that brightness lately." She took a step forward to give Amalia a friendly nuzzle on the girl's shoulder, her eyes finding Amalia's captivating blue ones when she stepped back again. Even now, standing face to face with the girl, Athena couldn't quite sort out her feelings for her. She felt a strange flutter in her chest when she saw her, the same one that had confused her when she heard Amalia's howl calling for her. "Will you be here to stay this time?" Her voice was hopeful, some part of her needing for Amalia to say yes.




7 Years
10-22-2014, 12:09 AM

Disappointment was worse than anger, in all cases. Amalia felt like shrinking away from the prowess of the woman before her, cowering from the terrible mistake she had made. Her pale body lowered closer to the ground as she let out a low whine, trying to express just how sorry she had been. Clearly the girl had not been thinking, acting selfishly for the first time in her life. And now look what it had gotten herself into. She could almost feel Athena's disappointment weighing on her like a boulder -- it was quite hard for her to shoulder it. She never wanted to do anything that the woman would ever disprove of, she only wanted to be perfect in the goddess' eyes. Amalia dared to peek her cyan eyes up at the queen, a tiny smile pressed tightly on black lips. But then she spoke three words that almost sent her reeling. "I missed you..." Really and truly? The Soeverien would never lie, she was incapable of such darkness. Her little stub of a tail shook behind her, her rump moving right along with it. Raising back to almost her full height -- as lacking as it was -- she allowed herself to feel the joy that the silver woman's words brought her. She did not mutter out any more words though, for nothing she could ever say would mean as much as Athena's words had.

Her russet ears stood fully erect as she awaited the Soeverien to tell her all of what she had missed. Guilt flooded within her heart as the woman spoke, telling her of her new name for the pack and that Isardis had left. She had to suppress the smile that she felt at that comment, she had never really cared for that male. He was too flaky and did not place enough faith into Athena, he did not trust his own daughter enough. "You are a stronger and better leader than he ever was, Athena. Wolves follow you out of respect, not fear." She said softly, that smile growing on her lips. It was rather rare to see her without one, more so around the goddess. And then came the next part. Her ears fell back against her skull and her grin vanished without a trace. "Oh... married." Amalia whispered. Tears threatened to spill but she blinked furiously, she would not allow this mighty queen to see her cry. And not over this. She should be happy for her! But she felt... conflicted. She cared for Athena greatly, and always pictured herself by her side. But with Vereux as her husband -- well things would get a little messy from there. But this was Athena's choice, and she needed to respect it, no matter how much it tugged at her porcelain heart. "I am happy that you are happy." She said softly, smile once again stretched over thin lips. She nodded in agreement with missing a lot in a short matter of time, and she had not been here for her wedding. "Oh Athena, can you ever forgive me for missing so much?" She asked, cyan eyes pulling up to search Athena's red and green eyes. They held such beauty, such regality and maturity. The shimmer of youth was still ever present in her face, and such a masterpiece could never dull. Amalia would find herself lost so often in her gaze, but now Athena had a life of her own. A husband and children on the way... Where did she fit into all of this?

At the queens next words, a furious blush warmed her coloured cheek. It was her who brightened up Athena's day? "Oh no, sweetest Soeverien. It is you who brightens my day, who makes me gleeful in the depths of winter. I saw you in all my dreams when I was away, and it tortured me that I had wandered so far." Athena stepped forward and nuzzled her, almost making her whole body melt as she leaned into the touch, sucking in a deep breath at the graceful contact. Her head spun, and the Soeverien's perfume overwhelmed her for a few moments. She had been meaning to tell Athena that she was here to stay, but the touch had sent her off track. Blinking as the woman held her gaze, with cheeks blazing she was finally able to speak once more. "I could never dream of leaving you again. I am here to stay, indefinitely."

Athena I


9 Years
10-22-2014, 12:44 AM

The way the girl melted against her touch and fawned over her didn't go unnoticed by the silver queen. Those threatening tears at the mention of her marriage, her sweet words, the undying fascination in her bright blue eyes. Athena couldn't deny what she saw, but she also couldn't deny the flutter of excitement when Amalia agreed that she would never leave, couldn't ignore her urge to lick those tears off her russet face. Oh what were all these feelings? She was in love with Vereux, but... could she be in love with two wolves? Was that possible? She knew her father had been with so many women in his lifetime, had sired so many children, but she wasn't sure he really loved any of them the way she loved Vereux and possibly loved Amalia, except for maybe her mother for a time.

"I'm glad," she breathed with a smile, her ruby and emerald gaze softening despite the conflicts and turmoil she was feeling. With just a moment of hesitation she took a step forward and slipped her neck around Amalia's in an embrace, her eyes sliding closed at the comfort she felt there. This love was different. This feeling was completely different from what she felt for Vereux. She didn't doubt the strength of either of the feelings, but they were strong in completely different ways. "Welcome back, Amalia," she said softly, her tail waving gently behind her at the unexpected joy she felt from the girl's touch.

She pulled back just enough for her gaze to lock with Amalia's again, searching her dear friend's eyes. "I think your old den is still free... Would you like to go see?"




7 Years
10-22-2014, 11:30 AM

The woman before her let out a few soft, breathy words, causing her heart to stir within her chest. Silence spread for a few moments before Athena moved towards her once more, neck pressing against her own in a soft embrace. Amalia felt as if her legs were about to buckle under her and she took in her heady scent, savoring its delicate flavors. Her own eyes slipped closed as she savored the moment, pressing herself up against her taller form. "I vow to never slip away again." The girl whispered, her wet nose digging into the silver fur on her neck. She never wanted to break apart from her, but to shower her in kisses and praise, to tell her how she truly felt about her. But like all things, this precious moment too soon came to a close, the goddess before her pulling away from the embrace. Cyan eyes flickered open at met the multi-hued gaze of the woman she loved, searching for something within their depths. Amalia would not be one to tear a marriage apart, but she couldn't stop her feelings. They were too strong to ignore, and the being before her too great to deny. Amalia had never felt this strongly about another before, and now that she had been away -- well distance truly did make the heart grow fonder.

Athena brought up the fact that her old den was still free, and that always present smile returned to her lips. "Lead the way." She said softly, her ears turning around to try and see if anyone else was around. Athena had said that a lot of wolves had left, but she wondered if there was any around that she still knew. She positioned herself to follow after her Queen, her little docked tail wagging right along with her rump. 'I will follow you until the ends of the earth, my love. My Athena.'

Athena I


9 Years
10-22-2014, 08:03 PM

Athena padded through the territory with Amalia at her side, a small, pleased smile glued to her muzzle as they moved toward Amalia's old den. It wasn't a very long journey, but even still Athena wouldn't move more than an inch away from the smaller girl's form. Occasionally she would let her shoulder brush against Amalia's, glancing over at her every once in a while with a slightly wider smile. New love was always the most exciting, but it made Athena nervous all the same. She knew Vereux's dedication, knew he wouldn't take this well. But what was she supposed to do? She couldn't turn Amalia away, couldn't go on living with her wondering if she really did love her in return, couldn't hide her feelings if she did... She was just going to have to cross the bridge that was her husband when they came to it.

Soon enough it would come into view, a little covered up with snow and a few small fallen branches. It was obvious that no one had been in it for quite some time, possibly since she had been here to look for Amalia shortly after her disappearance. Athena picked up the branch that was laying across the door and gave it a gentle toss out of the way and used her forepaw to brush the worst of the snowpile out of the way. "There, just like new," She said with a small chuckle before turning around to face Amalia once again.

Oh how those blue eyes got her every time. Athena stepped closer, a gentle smile on her face and a tender look in her eyes. "This reminds me of the day we met... You've come so far since then." Memories of finding Amalia half buried in the snow, cold and starving. Athena had curled around her protectively then and now that she looked back on it she wondered if that had been the day that had sealed her fate to have feelings for this small girl. She hesitated, her eyes fixed on Amalia's before she slowly leaned forward and brushed her muzzle gently against her love's russet one. "It'll be dark soon... May I spend the night with you here?" she whispered, a daring thrill running through her at her forward advances.




7 Years
10-22-2014, 09:59 PM

Her snowy fur brushed up against Athena's silver one, each simple brush sending shivers down her spine. If only the woman knew how crazy about her she was, about how much she made her mind spin. When Amalia was near her, it was all she could think about. Her multi-hued eyes felt warm when they looked towards her russet face, and she couldn't help but smile back at her. This was what she had been waiting for, to see her magnificent face once more. She wished to tell her just how strongly she felt about her, it was weighing down heavily on her shoulders. But she couldn't, because Athena was married. What if she told her and Athena shut her down? It would shatter her whole world and tear her mind apart. It would just be so much easier to keep everything hidden, to not complicate things even further. Her thoughts came to an end as they came before her den, and the small girl let out a little squeak. Her old den!

She watched as Athena lovingly tossed aside the branch that covered her den, brushing away some of the snow that covered her entrance. Sticking her face into the hollow den she saw that the little trinkets she had collected from her adventures. She backed up again, grinning widely up at Athena. ?Its just like I left it!? She said sweetly, her whole body swaying side to side to make up for the lack of tail.

When the woman moved close to her, her heart beat picked up to a quicker pace. Her breath caught in her throat as those beautiful eyes looked into her, and she was unable to pull away from it. Athena's gaze held her captive, and she didn't wish to look anywhere else. When she spoke about that day she found her, her smile grew into one of wonderment. She had come upon her like an angel, curling around her freezing form to keep her from becoming a pup-sicle. She was forever grateful for that, she wouldn't be here without this silver queen. And then her muzzle reached out and pressed against her own, and Amalia couldn't help but placing a tender kiss on her damp nose. Her ears still lay semi-flat in respect, but she allowed herself this contact. Amalia took another step forward, pressing herself closer to Athena. Her breath danced across the goddess' ear as she ran her tongue along the shell of her ear, the sensitive place that she knew would send her pleasure.

Realizing what she did, the small girl nearly jumped back, scrambling to put some space between them. Heat flushed into her cheeks, and she was glad that her face was coloured. Stuttering, she looked down at her paws and shuffled them in snow, ever so bashful for the act of love she had just shown her. And then came Athena's request, causing her head to snap back up as she looked at her with wide cyan eyes. ?R-really? You want to stay here with me?? She asked, stunned that this amazing woman would want to stay here with her -- and was asking her permission for it. ?Of c-course you can stay here, I could never deny your warmth.? Her voice was soft, but her eyes still wide in shock. Was this real life?

Athena I


9 Years
10-22-2014, 10:33 PM

Athena smiled and chuckled happily when Amalia inspected her den and seemed pleased that it was how she left it. The Soeverein know all too well how good it was to have somewhere to come home to, even if it was just a den littered with snow and sticks. She was glad that no one had tried to claim this den and that she had been able to give Amalia the tiniest of welcome home gifts.

The silver woman would be surprised by the smaller woman, but in a startling good way. While she had her muzzle near Amalia's the girl gave her nose a kiss before moving closer, close enough that Athena could feel her body against her own and enjoy her warmth. Her eyes closed when a surprising tremble went through her, the girl's kiss on the curve of her ear pulling up all kinds of feelings she had long since buried deep down. They were the same shocking, curious feelings she had felt that first night with Amalia, the ones she had hidden and completely abandoned when the girl had disappeared.

Her eyes blinked open when Amalia skittered away, apparently as surprised by her actions as Athena was. While Athena felt confused and curious, Amalia seemed to react in a way that was almost apologetic like she hadn't realized what she was doing until she had done it. A small smile touched Athena's muzzle as she watched the girl she could quickly feel herself falling in love with, absolutely amazed by her innocence. When she accepted her request to stay with her for the night a wider smile found her face and she said a soft, "Thank you," before taking a step toward her, closing the distance Amalia had created before and giving Amalia a small, grateful kiss on her cheek.

Feeling incredibly daring, Athena turned and slipped into Amalia's den, settling herself on her stomach near the back of it. Shifting a little, she lounged and stretched out to make herself comfortable, her forepaws folded over each other neatly and her hind legs stretched out to the side. She lifted her gaze so she could find Amalia's gorgeous blue eyes, her ears flicking with just a hint of nervousness and a small smile curling up her lips. "Won't you join me?" she asked, continuing this game they seemed to be playing with eachother.




7 Years
10-23-2014, 10:19 PM

Everything was forgotten when Athena stepped into her den. She could hardly believe that this was happening, and that she had not been scolded for her tender touch. Her cheek still burned where she had kissed her -- sweet flames of a passion that has for too long been suppressed. Amalia didn't fully understand herself was was going on, but all she could think about was the silver goddess waiting for her within her own chambers. Surly this was all a dream. She must have passed out on her way to see Athena, because there was no way that this was truly happening. It was all her dreams rolled into one, impressive being, and a night that she wouldn't soon forget.

The russet faced girl followed after the larger woman, having been standing outside in a bit of a stunned state. This just didn't feel like real life, her paws kept gliding as though she was walking on the air. Heart beat strong in her chest, pounding to a rhythm that only Athena could hear. A part of her was screaming at her to wake up, she was married! But the other part of her saw the logic -- Athena had not shied away or scolded her for her actions, but instead reciprocated them. As soon as her eyes adjusted to the different light balance, she saw that the woman of her dreams was spread out before her as if on a silver platter, warm eyes looking up and meeting her own cyan gaze. She extended and invitation, but Amalia felt rooted to her place for a moment. What she wouldn't give to toss herself at her flank, to bury her coloured face within the confines of her soft coat. But no, there was something that was sitting to heavy on her chest. "Is this wrong?" She whispered, eyes becoming mournful as she refused to take a step closer to the other woman. "I care for you Athena... I always have. But if this is wrong... if you want me to stop just tell me." Came her innocent voice, a soft shiver making her vocals sound like a verse in a song.

Amalia felt so lost in this moment, and wasn't sure where to go. "I find that if you say yes though, that I cannot hold anything back. I have had strong feelings for you for so long now... and now..." She broke off, taking a few tentative steps towards her lounging form. "I don't want to do anything that may drive us apart, I couldn't bare being apart from you again." Her voice was hardly above a whisper, but being in the confined space with Athena she had no doubt that her words would not go unheard. Cyan eyes pleaded with the woman that saved her life, begging for her to tell her what to do.

Athena I


9 Years
10-23-2014, 10:49 PM


Her eyes watched her dear Amalia as she slipped into the den, only to hesitate and come to a standstill, leaving Athena laying alone. She blinked with surprise as Amalia voiced her fears. Wrong? Was it because of Vereux? Her gaze softened and her ears flicked back, immediately feeling guilty for making Amalia feel like her feelings were wrong, like she shouldn't be feeling this way. At the same time the girl's words confirmed what Athena had been suspecting and in that way it made Athena incredibly excited. So she hadn't been imagining things after all, Amalia really did care for her. Athena brushed away her thoughts about Vereux, deciding that she would tackle that hurdle later. She was in a den with the girl she had been craving to see for so long now, she wasn't going to let anything come between them, even just for a moment.

Athena rolled back onto her paws and closed the small distance between the two of them, her gaze warm with a small, understanding smile on her muzzle to match. "I don't think anything about this is wrong," she said softly, settling on her haunches just in front of her girl.
"I care about you too, Amalia... I care about you a lot. Yes, I love Vereux and yes, he is my husband, but... I don't think there is anything wrong with loving two wolves. I'm already married to my brother and having his pups, how much weirder can my love life really get?" She chuckled, trying her best to lighten the mood between them. "My father had children with probably a dozen different women, It's not strange to love more than one for me... and I do love you Amalia."

Her split tone gaze watched Amalia while she let her words sink in, leaning forward after a moment to place a gentle kiss on her cheek. She wasn't entirely sure what she was doing. She had never known anyone that had fallen in love with someone that was the same gender, but she couldn't deny that flutter she got in her stomach when she saw Amalia's gorgeous gaze or the way her heart pounded when they touched. She would just have to figure it out as they went along because every word that she spoke was true.



7 Years
10-23-2014, 11:28 PM (This post was last modified: 10-23-2014, 11:29 PM by Amalia.)

This... wasn't wrong? She couldn't help but feel relieved, a soft puff of air leaving her lungs as she searched Athena's face. She admired the way that the black under her eyes brought out the stunning colours within, and how easy it was for her to get lost in them. For a long moment she was silent, her gaze looking into each beautiful gem upon her face. Amalia was stunned by her beauty, she had been for a long time now. And now... now Athena was telling her that she felt the same way for her, and that her father had had many children. Was is possible for wolves to love more than one being? For her the answer was no -- there was only Athena. She had never know that she felt attracted to woman, never even found other woman pretty. But this ruler standing before her, now she was different. Even the sun and the moon could not shine as brightly as her, everything else dulled in comparison. If Amalia was struck down right now she would die a happy being, and would not regret that the last thing that she saw was her goddess' face. "Oh my dearest Athena -- my goddess, my unus verus amor." She said softly, speaking the little tiny bit of Latin that she had learned in her travels. That had been the one saying that stood out to her, because it was a perfect match for how she felt about Athena. It translated to 'One true love,' which Amalia knew was the silver queen in front of her now.

And then those three words left Athena's lips, the one phrase that set her heart free. Her knees just about gave out as she fell forward, her chest grazing across her love. "I love you too Athena, so much." She cried, her voice almost too loud for the cave. But all she wanted to do was to scream it out to the heavens, to let everyone know how she felt about Athena. Finding her footing, she cleared her throat as she stood, but did not put space between them. Instead she looked up, face burning from the woman's soft touch. Pressing herself closer to her love, she leaned forward and pressed her damp nose into her cheek. She sucked in her perfume greedily, heart racing in her chest at them being this close to one another. And then she pressed a trail of soft little kisses all the way up Athena's jaw, having to stretch to reach the taller woman's face. Nuzzling against her black rimmed ear, Amalia let out a soft hum. "Oh Athena." She breathed, her own face giving off enough heat to melt all the surrounding snow. The russet faced girl slowly pulled back, pressing her nose against Athena's. Her breathing was a bit heavier now as her heart beat out of proportion. Looking up at the woman from under her lashes, Amalia let out a very breathy laugh. "Promise I'm nor dreaming?"

Athena I


9 Years
10-23-2014, 11:52 PM

Athena couldn't help the chuckle that escaped her as she listened and watched Amalia's enthusiastic reaction to her proclamation, her tail wagging and brushing the ground behind her when Amalia loudly replied that her feelings were the same. Amalia loved her! The news made the Soeverein smile widely, wanting immediately to engulf the smaller girl in a tight embrace. However, she held still as Amalia moved, rising to her paws and pressing herself closer to Athena. She let Amalia shower her in kisses, her head tipping to the side slightly to lean into the russet-faced girl's touch. Her heart was racing and if she wasn't mistaken she could hear the pounding of Amalia's heart as well, proving that she wasn't the only one feeling this nervous excitement.

Athena's eyes found Amalia's cyan gaze once again, absolutely hypnotized by them as her love spoke. Athena let out the same quiet laugh at Amalia's question, a small smirk pulling at her muzzle. She never would have guessed that there was snow just a handful of feet away from them with how in flames her body felt. "I promise, my love..." she breathed as she leaned in, brushing her muzzle against her cheek and then up to her russet ear, placing kisses there much like Amalia had done to her when they were sitting outside of the den. "I promise you are very much awake... I've never had a dream as beautiful you..." she whispered as she let her muzzle dip down to the girl's neck, running her nose through the thick fur there and breathing in her sweet scent.

Pulling away, she turned and went back to where she had been laying before, settling back down onto her side and stretching out comfortably before raising a foreleg invitingly, leaving a open space for the smaller girl against her body, and glancing toward Amalia with a small smile. "Now will you join me?"




7 Years
10-24-2014, 12:05 AM

The kisses burned like the hottest fire, and yet they did not scorch her fur. Amalia's whole body was set on high as Athena touched her, her tender kisses making her bite her lip. She had waited so long to share a moment like this with this dear woman, and now look at them. A shuttering sigh left her lips as the woman promised that she was very much awake, calling her beautiful. She had thought that she could not blush any harder, but her face almost looked darker from how red her cheeks had become. Amalia felt as if her body was being lifted up, like she was completely weightless. And ah, the ever sweet smell of the goddess. It overwhelmed her, and made her crave to be close to her once more. She didn't have to wait long though, Athena pulled away and she followed in step behind her, not wanting to be far away from her after that. The woman laid down, once more extending an invitation to accompany her. Giggling ever so sweetly, Amalia nodded her head and lowered herself to the ground, burrowing her back into Athena's side. Their fur mingled and became one, silver fur shimmering through her own pale white coat. Another sigh left her lips, but this one sweeter than the last.

The girl wound her way around Athena, wrestling with her body's position until she was able to rest her russet head on her lovers paws. She saw her own cyan eyes looking back at her as the woman's bangles reflected the light, and letting out another soft laugh she poked them with her nose. This whole thing still felt so surreal, and she wasn't able to wipe that smile off of her face. ?Best welcome home ever.? She whispered, her laugh echoing off the stone walls. Even though the temperature was steadily dropping, Amalia felt like she was resting on a rock in the middle of summer. The two girls heat was bouncing off of each other, wrapping each other up like the warmest on blankets. She could feel Athena's growing belly pressed against her spine, and made sure that she was careful how much she pushed upwards. It was then that it dawned on her, and she looked up at the most beautiful wolf on this planet. ?What will the children call me?? She asked in wonderment. It was a heavy question, but she was curious. Obviously Athena was their mother and Vereux their father, so then where did she lay? Would they call her Aunty Amalia? Its not like they would have a very straight vision of not being able to love their siblings, after all their parents were siblings themselves. Blinking those long lashes, she wondered if that was too much to put on the woman. Maybe she should have just stayed quiet and fallen asleep -- things would have been easier that way.


Athena I


9 Years
10-24-2014, 10:48 PM

A small smile rested permanently on her muzzle while she gazed at the smaller girl adoringly, waiting till she had snuggled up against her chest to place gentle kisses on the top of her russet head, one of her forearms draping over Amalia to pull her closer. She looked so beautiful laying there, making her chuckle as she wiggled up to lay her head on her other forearm and poking playfully at the golden band on her leg. She was so precious and innocent, Athena felt an instinctive need to protect her from the outside world and keep her all to herself, wanting to keep that innocence intact as much as she could. It was so rare and so beautiful that it deserved to be preserved.

Athena's gaze met Amalia's as she suddenly brought a question to the table that she had yet to consider. Athena blinked with surprise but made sure to consider it carefully. It was a valid concern, one that she was sure she would have to answer eventually if she didn't answer it now. "I think you'll be as much of a mother to them as I will be," she answered honestly with a small smile. "I think they should call you mom... or maybe momma Amalia. You'll be like their stepmother in a way." She placed a small lick on the tip of Amalia's nose laughing as she added, "Congratulations, beautiful, you're going to be a mother."




7 Years
10-24-2014, 11:13 PM

She felt so comfortable within the gentle arms of her lover, feeling like she was on top of the world. What a weight had been lifted after she told Athena how she truly felt, only to hear the same thing come from her! She had to keep reminding herself that this was indeed not a dream, that she was awake and really laying here. She could feel the heat pulsing off of the woman at her side as she let out a soft giggle, pressing her nose deep into Athena's chest as the top of her head was covered in delicate kisses. The girl let out a soft rumble in her chest, her throat vibrating on her silver legs. Cyan eyes slipped closed as she enjoyed the moment, feeling as if her heart were about to burst from the love she felt towards this woman. Pressing herself as close as she could get, she was grateful for the arm around her. It brought her closer to her one true love, someone that she never wanted to stray apart from.

Once her question was asked, Amalia did not open her eyes and gave the woman all the time she needed. It was not a simple question, and she knew that she had tossed quite a hardball at her. But when she spoke, telling her that they would think of her as another mother, her eyes flew open and she blinked up at Athena with shock written all over her face. A gleeful grin split her maw as her eyes welled up -- but they were not tears of sadness that poured down her delicate face. "A mother..." She whispered with wonderment. She had not expected to be a mother for quite some time, and now here she was, about to be a step-mom of sorts to her precious Athena's children. Letting out a sound that was half a cry, half a bark, she wiggled downwards until her russet face rested by her silver belly. Pressing her ear up to Athena's stomach she pressed faint little licks there, soft giggles bubbling up in her throat. "Hello in there little ones, I'm going to be your momma Amalia. I know that Athena is your momma, and Vereux is your daddy, but you lucky children get to have three parents that love you with all their hearts. I am going to show you all the joy that this world has to offer, my little ones." Amalia's voice was soft as she spoke to the growing children, her eyes wandering up to look at her lovers face as her mouth pressed closer to her growing belly. "Momma Amalia loves momma Athena very much. And you know what, its okay. What we have is very special, you will see when you come into this world. And I will be there to welcome you with lots of hugs and kisses."

Athena I


9 Years
10-25-2014, 11:24 PM


The reaction from Amalia was so much better than she ever could have imagined. She had hoped that Amalia would agree or even be happy about her decision, but Amalia was beyond overjoyed and that only helped to cement Athena's choice to call Amalia these pup's mother. She laughed and watched Amalia as she wiggled downward, shifting on her side a bit to make it easier for the girl to get to her stomach when she started to speak to their unborn pups. Athena watched her, happy tears welling up in her eyes. Three loving parents. Growing up, she was lucky if she got the attention of either of her parents for any length of time. Isardis was always busy either with the pack or any one of his dozens of children or mates or was ill in some way. Argent was absent most of the time and when she was here they hardly got the chance to speak at all. She really knew nothing about either of her parents, only had one single happy memory of her father and not a one of her mother. But these children... She was determined to have these children know exactly how treasured and loved they are. They are already her pride and joys and they weren't even out in the world yet.

Her eyes met Amalia's as they shifted up toward her face, her love's words touching her heart and making her melt. "Momma Athena loves Momma Amalia very much too," she replied softly while her tail thumped gently against the ground from happiness. She made a small motion with her head, wanting Amalia to come back to to where she was laying before and once her love was settled against her again Athena started covering her face and neck in tender kisses. Her muzzle, cheeks, all across the top of her head and ears were all covered in gentle, loving kisses while she draped a forearm around her once more and pulled her form tight against her. Her kisses trailed down the side of Amalia's neck, her heart beginning to pound in her chest again as their silver and ivory coats mingled together and she felt Amalia's heat seeping into her skin. "You're so beautiful," she whispered as she brought her muzzle back up to her russet ear, nuzzling her cheek and trying her best to control her run away heart.



7 Years
10-26-2014, 04:55 PM

Athena nuzzled her to come back to her original position and she did just that, worming her way under her arm again as it was placed around her. As Athena began to cover her in hot kisses she let out a low rumble, the touches stirring up feelings in her belly. Her whole body felt as if it were on fire, but the next moment she felt so nice and cool. This love thing was a strange emotion indeed, sending her on a roller coaster ride of hot and cold, of blushing and admiring. Her heart thumped to the beat of Athena's, there very pulse seeming to match up in that moment of fire and ice. The girl let out the softest of sighs, cyan eyes slipping closed as she enjoyed basking in her love's heat. When she spoke, her russet face burned up all over again. "Not compared to you Athena. I saw more of the world when I left here, and none of it could compare to the raw beauty that you hold. I felt myself longing to be with you at every moment, and you ran rampant through my dreams." Her eyes opened as she turned around to look up at her, the smile on her maw so sweet and full of her adoration for this queen. "I want nothing other than to be with you for the rest of my life, to shower the children in love and to show them how amazing this world is. But it would all be mute without you -- I wouldn't even be here without you." Amalia's voice was soft, just above a whisper as her sing-song voice carried her honey words to her lovers ears.


Athena I


9 Years
11-09-2014, 09:29 PM

Each word her beautiful Amalia said was as pretty and sweet as the russet-faced girl herself. Athena gazed at those gorgeous blue eyes and wondered how she could be so incredibly lucky to not only have the love of Vereux, but also Amalia. She didn't know how it was possible to have both, but now that she did she was determined to keep them both. She loved them both so much, just in different sorts of ways.

"Oh, Amalia..." she whispered in return, at a complete loss for words. She nuzzled her face into the warm fur on Amalia's neck, breathing her in and savoring every moment of having her love pressed against her. Amalia was so small and delicate, like a flower. Her innocence was stunning and she wanted to hide her away from the world to keep that innocence in tact. At the same time, however, she simply wanted to devour her and savor every single inch of her.

She brought her muzzle up to Amalia's ear, running her tongue over it gently, her heart beating wildly as she whispered, "Let me love you, beautiful..." With that, Athena went about doing just that. She wanted to shower Amalia in love, to prove to this girl just how much she truly loved her, how much she wanted to enjoy every fiber of this girl's being. She gently rolled Amalia onto her back and worked her way over her lover, covering every inch in tender licks and playful nips. It was all completely uncharted territory, but somehow it didn't feel strange. It was the same song and dance, but in a different package. Same song with a slightly different tune. Same dance, but this time she was leading.

-fade to black and back in-

She held Amalia tight against her, a small, wistful smile on her muzzle. Oh what a turn this meeting had taken, but in only the best of ways. "I love you so much, my flower," she whispered. She had two lovers, her children would have another mother, there would always be another wolf at her side. It was more of a blessing than she could have asked for.
