
Ranks in Glaciem



09-14-2013, 05:41 PM

Hey guys! Glaciem has a few empty ranks that will need filling to make it smoother running. Also the potential of war with Valhalla also opens exciting possibilities for any who wish to be involved. If you are a brood within the pack, do feel free to request promotion if you think your girl has more skills/desires to give heheh.

So basically starting from the bottom we need Hunters, these will probably be males. It's fun in the sense that if a brood requests the hunter go catch them a meal, the hunter must comply and head out to hunt, thus bringing something back for her. Isardis isn't as horrid to these ranks as most seem to think, he's smart enough to know he needs them to sustain his girlies.

We only have one Curer. Curer's are essentially medics and midwives. With the several litters a year born to Isardis, a trained wolf is always expected to aid in the delivery and ensure the health of mother and pup. Also, with war rising curers may be needed. Eris, played by Roamer, can probably train young characters if you show interest.

Assailants are back up fighters, though they don't have the Tier to be able to challenge for pack members and such, they will be able to be involved in the war as warriors- I think? xD We only have two in Glaciem. Broods that fight are welcome to request training to fall under this rank.

Dame and Knight! These are pretty well the male & female commanders of the warriors, they are well respected members. Originally I planned on only one of each, but there is room for several if Isardis/Argent see's fit. They need fighting skills and are expected to train Assailants and Juveniles. They are Tier 3. Broods can be bumped up with training if you wish. <3

Reply if you may be interested! I'm also open to new ranks if you have any ideas.