
Hold Me Tight



09-09-2013, 08:00 PM

Since they had left that morning the black wolfess paced along the borders. She could not keep still, worry hung to her like a leech, sucking everything out of her. But she was not just simply worried for her Alpha and higher rankings, not the outcome of the battle, but for one single soul. She could not help it, could not get it out of her head. It took over everything in her. He invaded her mind, found a place to roost in her heart, and there was no way she would let him go. But this mission, this task had pulled them apart. Fear skittered up her spine. Fear of not knowing, of never seeing him again. And then as the sun made it's mark to the highest point she realized something. She would never feel this way for another wolf. Not this kind of fear, this desperate need to see him, hear his voice, to smell his warm scent, and to feel his presence next to her. Since the day they met she had only built a stronger attraction to him every day. She could confind in him, trust him with her life.

She could not pull herself away from the border. So stressed she had begun to make a worrying path of turned up earth in a line along the borders. She could not even bring herself to find water. What if they returned while she was away? Her movements began to lag, the ache in her paws and legs evident till she was forced to sit down. Her sky blue eyes scanned to border to the north where they would return, where he would return. Another shiver ran down her spine. All day she had thought over her feelings, denying what was only true. But there was no way she could avoid the truth. She loved him, her very essence craved for him. As soon as she saw him, she would tell him. Pray it be he would not reject her.



10 Years
Athena I
09-09-2013, 10:45 PM

The whole affair had taken a horrible turn. The initial challenge had been won, but challenges had been thrown left and right, turning into a huge mess of tension and anger. The slim, pale brute had never been meant to be a warrior and never in his life had he imagined that he would be caught in the fierce war that had broken out. He had done the best he could to help his pack mates with their wounds as they came, doing what he could with the supplies he had taken with him. Now he finally had the boarders of his home within sight, relief washing over him as he crossed into the shade of the trees and caught that familiar scent of the Valhallan territory. He had run ahead of the group so he could alert Erani and the other healers that the wounded were on their way back since he had stayed out of the fighting himself. He was exhausted, his eyes tired, the blood of others staining his paws from the general bloodshed of the affair.

Before he did anything, however, there was one wolf in particular that he had to find. The lovely fea had kept him going, kept him focused. When he felt like he was going to be overwhelmed by the sense of death and destruction that hung around the battlefield, he thought about her beautiful blue gaze and he had the strength to push through. He yearned for her more than ever, wanting to see her lovely face and hear her gentle voice. His nose caught a whiff of her scent and his two-toned gaze darted around the area till he laid his eyes on her and he sighed with relief, a huge grin spreading across his face. He darted over to her, collapsing onto the ground in front of her and giving her gentle licks all over her cheeks and face. His tail wagged madly behind him and he smiled happily as he looked into her gorgeous eyes.

"I missed you so very much, Imena," he said gently, nuzzling his muzzle into the fur along her neck, breathing in her scent. He felt at home again now that she was with him. It was like a missing piece had gotten put back into its place. He never wanted to leave her side again. He had never felt so strongly for anyone wolf before that wasn't his family. No, this feeling was even stronger than family. With family, there was a sense of duty, the feeling that one had to feel this way because they were family. This feeling, this emotion, was so pure and strong, this... this love. Yes, it was love, there was no denying it any more. He pulled back enough so that his gold and sapphire gaze could find her sky blue one again, speaking straight from his heart. "I've never felt so empty without someone before. The entire time I was away I thought about you and worried about you. I never want to be away from you again. You are my whole world, Imena... I love you. He fell silent, holding his breath anxiously. His whole heart was laid out in front of her, every truth and emotion at her feet. Cael waited to see if she would feel the same or if he would be turned away with his tail between his legs.




09-11-2013, 09:34 AM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2013, 09:35 AM by Imena.)

She was not sure how much longer she could wait till she would race off to find him. She needed him, he had become every part of her being. With him gone she was frantic, nervous and on the verge of falling in on herself. But bless Tor and Fenris there he came, racing to her. She had taken only two steps to him before he lavished her with kisses to her face. She was bewildered at first by his attention before a smile broke over her face. Her own tail waved madly behind her.She drank in his scent as it washed over her. All worries and fears vanished as she nuzzled into his chest. His very beig calmed shattered nerves, his voice soothed. Yes, she loved him there was no way she could deny it. She knew from the day they met something had sparked between them. She had felt a pulling towards him.

As he pulled back to speak her blue eyes stayed glued to him. Fearing if she blinked he would disappear. But his words made her hold her breath, heart raced, hummering in her chest, she suddenly felt light, free and warm. Her body trembled slightly, trying to hold back fom tackling him. She searched his face for any doubts but found only a question look as he awaited her answer. She had never felt so euphoric. Her brain spun to find words to reply with. "The day we met, frozen I held my breath. Right from the start I knew it I found a home for my heart. How to be brave, how can I love when I'm afraid to fall? But watching you stand alone all of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow." She paused to look right at him. "Cael, I love you. I always have." She pulled closer to him muzzle nuzzling his cheek in a gentle caress before she licked it.




10 Years
Athena I
09-17-2013, 11:02 PM

"Cael, I love you. I always have." That was all Imena had to say to make Cael completely melt and make his heart soar. Cael could hardly contain all the emotion she made him feel with a simple carness and lick to his cheek. She was flawless in his eyes, absolutely perfect in every way. His tail thumped against the ground behind him as he placed a tender lick on her cheek as well. "My dear Imena..." he whispered softly, pulling her into an embrace as his head slipped around behind her neck and he nuzzled his muzzle into the thick fur of his scruff. Everything in the world seemed brighter with his blue-eyed girl beside him. All the bad in the world seemed to disappear into nothingness.

After several moments he pulled back to gaze into her eyes once again, his two-toned gaze shining with love as he spoke. You are everything I have ever wanted. I had given up ever finding that one fea to spend the rest of my life with, but now that you are in my life I know that I've found my one." He smiled and brushed his muzzle gently against hers, loving every touch he could get from her.




09-19-2013, 09:05 PM

She would close her eyes as he pulled in for an embrace. Finally she felt whole. Like a huge piece of her, of her life was finally put back in place. His whisper was like a soft caress o her soul. As he nuzzled into her scruff and leaned forwards todrink in his scent, head tucking in to connect with his chest. She felt face, at peace, and for once truly loved. As he pulled back to speak, her eyes met his two toned gaze. Her gaze watered up, blurring her vision. She was just so happy, nothing could ever compair to this moment."Oh Cael..Ihave never been so happy in my life. I feel like a piece of me has finally been put back in place." She whispered softly. His gaze would forever be branded into her memory. She nuzzled h muzzle before a sudden dread washed over her."Cael dear...the fight?! What happened? Is everyone ok?" he felt horrible, forgetting her alphas and warrors. She could only pray they would all be in one piece.

(OOC: should this be where Chyrcalls for a pack meeting? They could also annouce them being mates now.)
