



09-09-2013, 06:25 PM (This post was last modified: 10-11-2013, 06:32 AM by Epiphron.)

"Ahhhhhhh." The man inhaled deeply, and as he exhaled he couldn't help the happy moan that came along with it. He loved the smell of his little plants, especially when they were ripe. Being a healer he naturally loved to try out herbs, experimenting was just something a good healer knew how to safely do. Only when he came across this particular plant, he became hooked. The way it relaxed his body was addicting, it made him feel like he was vibrating from his very core when he ingested enough. It wasn't overpowering to where he couldn't function, but it was enough to make the man feel good. His senses greatly enhanced, he became much more cautious, and hell, he could stare at a tree and be entertained for hours. The bird squirrels made him laugh even when they weren't doing anything, and it was great. Sure, time seemed to drag by, but there was never a dull moment when he was enjoying his little buds.

His eyes squinted as he examined the buds on one of his plants. He had yet to tell anyone about them, because honestly he wasn't sure how they would feel about it. Especially Gerhardt or Maverick. As far as he was concerned he wasn't causing anyone else harm, so why tell them? His plants were out of sight, and unless someone came close enough to smell them, it was like they weren't there. Peach colored eyes rolled over one little bud in particular. It had so many crystals, and mixed in with the green were beautiful purple and orange streaks. It was a marvelous plant for sure, hell, he could barley contain himself from eating the entire thing! It was ripe, and practically calling his name, but he would refrain from devouring them all- one bud was enough to get him on a good level. Tongue curled around the large nug, and with a tug he pulled it away from the plant. He chewed it steadily, and then swallowed. With a happy sigh he sat down on his rump, waiting for it to kick in.

Italian Accent Speech



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-09-2013, 07:14 PM (This post was last modified: 09-14-2013, 05:36 PM by Epiphron.)

Slowly, step by step, Epiphron would traverse across the lands that she ruled over. Slowly she had been recovering from not just actually bearing children, but nursing them, keeping a watchful eye on them at nearly all times. Though she was uncomfortable with the possibility of any of the four venturing far across the borders, she could do little more than lightly scold them if they so choose to explore. There was no way she could keep them at home forever, however badly she longed to.

Once again, she had grown strong and healthy, appearing nothing but true Queen as she padded across the flat plains. Her head was held high above her shoulders, tail curled proudly over her back. Now that her children were growing slightly more independent -- even Arian, the girl she had adopted -- she could begin to integrate more fully into the wolves of the Kingdom of Seracia. Almost immediately following her wedding, she had become pregnant, and had been mostly preoccupied otherwise. It was unpleasant to see her husband pulling more than this own weight, and she was determined to take over some of his duties and give him time to spend with their rapidly growing children.

It was a lovely autumn day. The leaves had begun to change colors, dotting the landscape with a brilliant display of orange and yellow and red. The temperatures had begun to drop in the evenings, and linger well throughout the morning. It was not all-together unpleasant, but rather refreshing; she couldn't help but move with a slight jump to her step, thoroughly enjoying her relaxing day. As the silhouette of Themisto came into view, a slight smile tugged at the corners of her lips. Increasing her pace slightly, she moved toward him, dipping her head in a respectful greeting.

"Afternoon, Themisto," she said, grinning at the male who related to her by marriage. She truly wanted to make sure that all members of her kingdom were not only happy, but doing well also.



09-10-2013, 12:06 PM

Peachy gaze lifted as he caught sight off a leaf breaking away from a branch. It was fall, and with fall always came a wonderful display of fiery colors. It was so interesting how something so dull could change colors when a season changed. The leaf gracefully fluttered down toward the earth, and for a moment Themisto wondered what it would be like if he was that leaf. No conscious, no soul, just merely a purpose to keep gods creatures alive and healthy. Most wolves didn't know that trees produced oxygen, and without them, life would be nonexistent on earth. He often wondered how truly vast him home was, and how far up the sky reached until it faded into oblivion. Topics like this could keep him self entertained for hours. He loved it.

His right ear twitched slightly as the left kissed the earth with an almost silent whisper. crunch crunch crunch what in the hell was that? His gaze lifted from the leaf as he looked around for something that seemed to be coming toward him. Ahh. It was lady Epiphron, the new queen of Seracia. He had met her briefly before when she and Maverick needed some assistance, and so far he liked her. Funny, they were so sworn to secrecy, and now their pups run wild around Seracia. She gave him a polite greeting, and of course, he gave her one back. Hello Lady Epipron. How are you today?" He said with a polite nod of his head. Everything was going to smoothly, but then he remembered them. His plants! They were practically right behind him, and were only slightly hidden behind his body and a boulder. They were an eye catcher for sure, because they were all different shades of colors. From blue to purple, each plant held a brilliance that one couldn't help but stare at. Maybe she didn't know what they were? Only time would tell.

Italian Accent Speech



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-14-2013, 06:00 PM (This post was last modified: 09-14-2013, 06:00 PM by Epiphron.)

Epiphron hadn't hadn't spent much time with her husband's relative, and hadn't seen entirely much of him in the pack -- he seemed a good enough man, but why not pry a bit further? It was merely for curiosity's sake that she slipped forward to greet him; she was not skeptical of his character, nor did she feel inclined to keep up with what he was doing. He had proved reliable when she and Maverick had sought advice on her pregnancy, and she was grateful. A gentle smile toyed with the corners of her lips, her expression pleasant as she approached him nonchalantly.

"Sir," she said again, though she had already greeted him by name; gently she dipped her head in greeting, always respectful to her subordinates, even if she didn't care for them much. But this man, she liked already, though she knew little of him. Interest brimmed in her sapphire gaze as she studied him, taking a few steps closer. It seemed he had something on his mind -- but she couldn't quite tell yet that he was hiding something.

"I'm doing great, thank you for asking," she said, her grin widening, a sparkle in her eyes. "It is nice to have a moment to myself. My paws have been so full lately." Even a short afternoon to wander the territory of Seracia would be more than welcome to her. "And how about you?" Slowly she settled nearby, reclining onto her haunches comfortably.



09-15-2013, 11:19 AM

His face remained neutral as he waited for her to say or do something. Paranoia was staring to plague his mind, but he tried to ignore it. After all, she couldn't feel badly about the plants could she? She probably had no idea what they were or what they did. Finally she said something, it was a simple "sir" and he couldn't help but smile. She was so friendly, so polite, and so beautiful. She reminded him slightly of that girl Chrysanthe he met a few seasons ago. She was still stuck on his mind, why he didn't know, but he couldn't seem to shake her image from his mind.

"I'm doing great, thank you for asking," "You're very welcome." He quickly responded with a smile. He listened to her go on, and the more she spoke the less he worried about his pants. He started to zone out though, which was a popular side effect, but it was easy to cope with. "Yes, being an alphess seems like a rather busy job. A little too busy for my taste." He chuckled lightly, giving her a friendly wink. He had always been known to live a care fee life, he was no where near suited to fulfill the duties of an alpha. He assumed she knew that about him by now. "I'm doing just fine. Tending to my duties and collecting herbs consumes most of my attention, but I enjoy what I do. I enjoy helping others."

The longer he stared into her eyes, the more and more Chrysanthe plagued his mind. For some reason he was getting the vibe they she could possibly know her. Hadn't she come from another pack? Besides his little outings he rarely left Seracia. Maybe she knew who Chystanthe was? He just had to ask. He had to know more about her, and he had to know what he could do to get her off his mind. "Miss Epiphron, may I ask you something between you and I? It may be a bit random, but I assume you have been around Alacritis longer than I.

Italian Accent Speech



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-18-2013, 05:19 PM (This post was last modified: 09-18-2013, 05:41 PM by Epiphron.)

Epiphron's posture was relaxed, utterly calm and serene. A gentle smile painted her features, and slowly her tail wagged behind her, brushing aside leaves that had already fallen to the ground. Her eyed wandered briefly to the colorful plants that Themisto had situated himself near, wondering silently what they were -- but she was not well-educated in the art of herbs, so she was unsure what they were. Perhaps she would question him soon. After all, no knowledge was too great -- especially in a field as useful as healing.

She responded to his wink with a light chuckle, tail wagging more rapidly behind her. "My children seem to keep me more busy than anything," she admitted lightheartedly. She would not trade them for the world, but she would be lying if she had as much free time as she wanted. "Sounds like you'd make a good father then, Themisto." Being caring, and wanting to help others, were great qualities that this male possessed. Certainly he would make a terrific parent in the future, but were such things on his mind, she wondered? Maybe a question for later.

Next he asked her a question -- the vagueness made her mind whirl for a moment, wondering what he might be wondering. "I'm all ears," she said gently, shifting so she was a bit closer to him. He had kept her and Maverick's secret confidential, so she would do the same. It was only fair... but her curiosity was sparked now, and she watched him with glimmering blue eyes, filled with wonder.



09-19-2013, 01:22 AM

He watched the way she moved, the way she batted her eyelashes, the way she breathed. Women were so tempting weren't they? He would never try anything out of respect for Maverick, but he couldn't help but admire beauty when it was before him. He nodded to both her statements, giving her the same friendly smile he had moments ago. "Someday I hope I will be a good father. I've always wanted a family." He said softly, looking down at his paws for a moment. What if he did have children, and he wasn't a good father? What if they didn't like him? All typical pre-father questions swarmed in his mind. Why though? He had never touched a woman intimately before, so he didn't need to worry about children anytime soon. His peachy gaze looked back up to meet her own. So, she was ready to listen eh? He hoped she meant it. "To say it simply, I met someone. It was a few seasons ago, but needless to say she imprinted on me. Our meeting was brief, but during that hour or so I really enjoyed her company. She gave me nothing more than her name, not even a trail to follow to find her. As you know I rarely leave Seracia, so I was maybe wondering if... if you might recognize the name. I know you came from another pack after all." His words were soft spoken, and every one was heartfelt. He really wanted to see her again, at least make sure she was alright and all. A lot of things could happen in a few seasons, including major changes.

Italian Accent Speech

OOC: shit post, forgive me



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-24-2013, 10:56 AM

It had been some time since she had conversed with anyone who was not immediately family -- though, this male was related to Maverick in some way. It was refreshing, and she found herself leaning a bit closer to him. She was certain if she hadn't settled down with her husband relatively early, she would have become quite the flirt; it was in her nature. And yet she had learned to contain herself, not merely out of respect for Maverick, but because she truly did love him. Behind her, her tail waved happily, brushing aside fallen leaves and pine needles.

"Well, you certainly shouldn't rush yourself," she said, nodding slowly as she watched him. He was quite the looker -- and a gentleman to. Anyone would be crazy for not wanting to be with him.

Themisto began to speak about what seemed to be plaguing his mind, and she listened carefully. He'd met someone! But... didn't know how to follow her. "Yes, I grew up in Valhalla," she said, her voice laced with undeniable pride. "I might know her. No promises though. What's her name, Themisto?" Epiphron was curious, and a bit hopeful. How interesting would it be if he had met a fellow Valhallan? Already they had secured their alliance to Seracia in royal marriage, and she could only imagine that such a union might strengthen them even further.

(Pfft, not shit at all!)



10-08-2013, 01:06 PM

"Well, you certainly shouldn't rush yourself," He would chuckle at her comment, peach colored orbs rolling over her face as he took in her feautures. Once again he was whisked away by her beauty. Why did Maverick have to be so lucky? He had gotten the woman of his dreams despite the drama between the packs. Maybe if he did the same, Chrysanthe could be his? He hoped so, oh the things he would do just to have her at his side. "Don't worry, I don't want to rush into anything. I just want to know more about her." He would say softly, tail flicking slightly behind him. "I might know her. No promises though. What's her name, Themisto?" The lump in his throat wouldn't cease despite his swallow. He knew this was the moment of truth, if she knew who she was then she could help him, if not then the trail would be lost again. This may be his last chance to find her again, after all he didn't know many other wolves. Surely the queen had made her rounds through Alacritis, and would at least have a clue for him? "Her name... Her name is Chrysanthe. I don't know the sire name." He would say with a halfhearted smile. Hopefully that was enough information for her, and hopefully she knew her. He would wait anxiously, eyes stuck on her features as he waited for a reaction,




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-11-2013, 06:31 AM

The Queen waited with a fair bit of curiosity, wondering who it was that had sparked his interest so thoroughly. His slight nervousness did not go unnoticed, and it was all she could do to flash him a soft, reassuring smile.

But it still surprised her when he spoke her name -- Chrysanthe. Her initial reaction was to laugh; the world was so damn small, it seemed. "My sister," she stated with a flick of her tail, eyes brimming with adoration at the mere mention of her name. "Chrysanthe Adravendi. Alpha female of Valhalla." Did he not know? He'd been searching, but the answer had been so obvious -- too obvious. She laughed softly, a sweet sound that was not at all mocking. "She is quite interesting, no? Seems to leave an impression on everyone she meets." And with good reason; her sister was strong and lovely and everything an Adravendi should be.

But would it be worth breaking his heart to mention that her heart was claimed? No, not at all; and she didn't particularly care for Gideon. Didn't trust him. So she would avoid the topic. "I'd recommend talking to her soon. She's busy, but I'm sure she can make time." It'd be better than having to let Themisto down herself. And maybe a strong friendship could even come of it.

But her attention swayed, to the colorful plants he seemed to have been tending to before she got there. "Now tell me," she began, considering. "What are those there?" Epiphron wasn't suspicious, merely curious -- she'd never seen an herb quite so colorful or strange before.