
Time for a Chit-Chat


09-29-2013, 11:29 AM

The little spectral had been interesting, the fight between a Rogue and a alpha for their pack. Surprisingly the Rogue had won, now it was time to set things in motion, perhaps join even. Stopping at the new boarder, the french lady lifted that maw giving a call for the new leader of the pack. Shutting it close, growling lightly as she waited for the new leader to make an appearance. If she did join, she didn't want to be stuck within the lower rankings of the pack and have no power what so ever. but perhaps, just in the middle or near the end of the winter Morgana planned on challenging for a pack her self. One that was small and weak and had yet to see better days, there was likely one or two around that had neglected finding suitable members, or even challenging for members of their pack. Siting that rump on the ground, the frosted eye'd fea waited silently and patiently for her to show up; that tail proving to curl around the left side and just settle over those ashen paws of hers. There, she awaited the arrival of the challenger.



09-29-2013, 11:55 AM
She was a leader, a matriarch, the mother goose, the Empress. Canttina's ego was inflated to much. A smirk was permanent upon her scarred lips. The bitch was happy, filled with confidence. She walked with a limp, her front left paw was wounded bad. She trotted awkwardly to her home and soon to be pack territory. Blood was caked onto her horrible shoulders where Alena bit down and ravaged her skin. Her hind leg was also a bit messed up but she walked on it despite the pain. A semi-familiar scent flowed into her nostrils. Canttina tilted her head, a spectator? She knew the scent was one of those at the battlefield that glorious day. She limped up the exposed deck to see the dark colored fae sitting there. Maybe a bitch waiting for acceptance? The mahogany dappled daemon slithered up with her limp and nodded. "And who waits for Canttina?" She spoke oddly, yet the meaning was clear.


09-29-2013, 12:02 PM

The sweet metallic scent hit her nose before the injured challenger showed her face, with a slight smirk. This would be easy, perhaps. But the fea trained those frosted eyes upon the weakened challengers form. "Morgana, and that was quite the stunt you pulled back there; impressive." A little praise went a long way, standing Morgana would move towards the fea and shift to the left, circling around her once to get a look at those wounds. "Seems you need some help." The fea stated quite simply, moving to the right Morgana would allow Canttina to lean against her for better support as they walked forward, why not offer a smug of help? "You show promise as a leader, Canttina. You can say I am interested in joining; with my skills however a lower rank quite won't do." Rather then beat around the bush Morgana got straight to the point as they headed deeper into Canttina's new home; she would offer some help by the use of herbs and what she could use to tend to those wounds. Well, Morgana picked up a few things while traveling and healing happened to be one of them.



09-29-2013, 01:14 PM
Morgana was her name. She nodded again as the compliment was heard. The mahogany dappled beast laughed softly, "There are more to come, little dove." She winked and laughed a little more. She was weak in the midst of a strong woman. She tried to make up for her weakness with humor. It was a tool she used a lot in these situations. The bony beauty then slithered to Canttina and began to help her walk. They wobbled slowly into the main room, wobbling and limping. As they walked in the smell of rot and death would smack them. The den was covered by bones and skins. The smell of multiple woman was also lined into the den as well. She then spoke some more, french tones filling the beasts ears. Morgana wished to join, but requested a rank. Hmmm, maybe she would due as a soldier or even the council? She would have to prove herself. "Tell me of your talents. I do not give out ranks. If I give you any rank you must hold your own, no excuse."


09-29-2013, 06:58 PM

The ashen fea helped Canttina along as they got closer to her den, that muzzle wrinkled at the smell that seemed to slam into them yet Morgana said nothing of it. She had smelled it many times before, even dealt killing blows to many her self. The spoke of there being many more, more that wished to join or more surprises? "Assassin by trade, but I can equally hunt, fight or heal just as my fangs and claws can kill. Holding my own, it's what I do best." Answered the fea, perhaps sounding a bit too sure of her self but she could afford it for the moment. Once by the entrance Morgana stepped aside. "Lay here." Giving an instruction as Morgana turned and headed off, browsing the area as she looked for what could be useful. Ah poppy seeds, she gathered a few and returned setting them on a leaf before the fea. "They will help with the pain." Leaving her side once again, before finding a few other herbs that could be grinded into paste and put on the wounds, along with a stick wrapped in cobwebs. Once setting those aside, Morgana proceeded to lick the bloodied wounds clean, until they slowed their flow. After she'd chew the herbs together and then place it over the wounds, the cobweb was easy to spread and place over the wound. Sure it may sting a bit, but it would insure she didn't die of infection.



09-29-2013, 08:32 PM
They walked side by side into the den as Morgana spoke of her trade. Another Assassin. She remember Alena saying she was an assassin but obviously she was lacking. The mahogany woman continued to listen, so the woman was a bit of everything? It did perk her interest quite a lot. Though, was this bitch good enough to be a member of the council? Was she tough enough to deal with Karmen, the Empress, Ozz, and the others only the daily basis? "Your offer does perk my interest. You sound capable and look of it. Do you do well with other woman? This is a pack of very dark and glorious bitches. Are you ready to deal with them on the daily basis? They are fun but strong personalities." She spoke the truth. Canttina was obviously just mad, Ozz thought she was contracted to a demon, Karmen was just a sexy bitch, and Raven was just to die for. They were all dark and lovely, but it was hard to keep them all in one place.

As they entered the den Morgana told Canttina to lay on the pallet of skins and the black wool that she already had there. The woman laid upon her lovely bed and waited as the darker being fled the scene. As Morg came back the earthy toned fae smirked as she spoke. "Pain I can deal with, weakness I cannot." She spoke the truth, there was no doubt. She ate the seeds and looked to the ebony woman before her. "You help a random bitch for what reason? Rank? Do tell. It is working, love."


09-29-2013, 08:43 PM

"Other women are easy enough to deal with, boys, they always manage to stir up some kind of trouble or another. But I have little problem with killing either, if I must." Morgana spoke calmly despite speaking of killing and death it wasn't a topic most easily stomached to say the least. Applying the last of the paste Morgana stepped aside as she finished, merely watching the fea as she listened to see what she had to say. Chuckling as she spoke of weakness, it indeed was the bane of their existence; they all a weakness some where - they just had to hide it and very well from the naked eye.

Turning the head to the side, spitting out what was left of the paste in her mouth as she listened. Rolling those shoulders of hers before Morgana decided to speak. "For a rank yes, but for a pack as well. I don't plan on spending the freezing winter on my own; did that once and it wasn't a ideal experience." A simple truth with that of course. "I do however, plan on challenging for my own pack when the time is right; or perhaps starting my own if the fancy strikes me." Well, she had little reason not to speak of such things, much less at a time like this.



09-30-2013, 03:10 PM

Canttina laid upon the black wool as her pain began to lessen slowly. The seeds worked well. The french tones of Morgana filled her ears rapidly and the mahogany bitch giggled. "As much as I love death, you cannot kill these woman. These woman are special, they are strong. You know why I love bitches so much? They obey, they are easily controlled, they are lovely to look at, and they are ruthless. There is no greater warrior then a pissed off bitch, now is there?" She spoke the truth. There was no doubt that men were lovely warriors, but woman she favored to work for her.

She watched the ebony fae with interest as more rapid words were let forth. Canttina listened closely before she let forth her own tones. "I will give you the rank Soldier for now. Show me you are good enough for a promotion and at the first meeting I will give you the rank of a council member. Sound fair?" She tilted her head and stared at the demonic being before her with sultry eyes. Though, as Morgana spoke more Canttina grinned, "As long as that power you create is not pointed towards my kingdom it sounds like a plan. We will go places, Morgana. Every woman within these ranks has a chance to move rank, just show me you are strong enough to be one of my trusted."


09-30-2013, 04:36 PM

A simple ashy brow as rose as she proved to speak to her yet again, much less about the women and killing them. "If they prove to get stir the wrong side of me, they shall lose something precious to them." A simple statement, taking a eye, a tail, a paw, part of their tongue. Something that would force them to lose a part of them selves, however small was quite indeed more then satisfactory for her.

A ear flicked as she spoke once again, an upper lip twitched slightly despite what she had been given. "Don't be surprised if I challenge for the rank, Canttina." A early warning for the new leader of this pack, of which she wasn't too sure of yet, she would have to give it time. Just as she turned to leave the french women paused as she glanced back at Canttina. "Packs thrive on competition, do not be surprised if things turn tense between us. As for war or being enemies, when the time comes and depending on your choices..we shall see what the future holds." Perhaps another early warning, but with that The Pendragon exited the den, her intentions clear to the fea before she quite left for now. Canttina needed her rest and Morgana, she needed to do some planning.

Morg exits.