
I gave you my heart, hold on let me sign it


09-07-2013, 12:42 PM

There was nearly almost a blazing fire in the back of her mind. The fairly sturdy female looked perfectly fit. If it weren't for the set of scars on her right eye, one longer and one shorter in the back corner, she could have been very naturally beautiful. This land had blood stained all over it, rocks scattered about the stench of battles that have been played out over the years and stuck with every wolf who has walked off here alive. So why was Ozz here? To join a pack, rather for a pack to claim her. She wanted to be impressed it was far too much effort to go look and decide for herself. Wherever she ended up she'd fit in perfectly as long as they didn't do anything to her. She was excellent at fighting, but she wasn't good with those who wanted to kill her. Not since her last home, over half the wolves even more dead because of the devils work. Though Ozz had nothing to say, she had a contract with a Demon. Though no one else could see or hear him, Kai stood right beside her with a black coat and red eyes looking over the land.
"You should notify someone that you're here. That way we aren't waiting forever Ozz" He rumbled showing off the row of sharp pointy teeth he had within his gums. This was what Ozz saw, from the post traumatic stress during her childhood, it had created a self conscious demon friend. As Ozz looked over at him for a moment she gave a nod of her head raising her voice as she let out a howl. A beacon for any wolves who wanted to come and claim her. she was of her own mind, but wouldn't mind if wolves fought over her, it'd be a nice thing to see after all.



11 Years
Athena I
09-07-2013, 02:13 PM

Alena padded through the familiar territory of the Battlefield, the thoughts of the past fights she had taken part in flicking through her memories. She was sure that somewhere on this field, among the many splotches of blood, was some stains of her own and her opponents. That wasn't her reason for coming here today, however. No, Amenti needed members. Their numbers had dropped drastically and Alena knew that two wolves, a huge bird, and six pups didn't make a pack. They needed members badly and if she was lucky there would be lost souls out here for the claiming.

Like clockwork, a howl cut through the air, summoning any and all. Alena smirked and turned to trot toward the source of the howl, seeing a lovely looking fea in the distance. As she got closer, she saw the scars that stretched across the fea's eye, but the marks didn't phase the ivory wolfess. Scars told stories, showed experiences. Alena had plenty of her own scars hidden under thick coat of white fur.

Alena slowed to a halt a few feet from the fea and dipped her head in greeting. "Hello there. I'm Alena, captain of Amenti. What brings you out to the battlefield?"



09-08-2013, 12:16 PM

Ozz didn't have to wait long for another wolf to show up. She was rather impressed, either that or some were just desperate to be contact with others. The world she grew up in, it was logical for wolves to go crazy because they wanted to interact with others. The girl stepped back and dipped her head one limb bent on the ground as if she was confronting a royal king. These were habits of the old days. She had lived in the den of a judge, every moment was hell when it came down to it. With so much blood that had been spilled in the trials of the demons. In the end she had succumbed to the hysteria and had a little demon of her own. In which Kai stood up next to her probably around four feet in height his red eyes narrowed down on Ozz. "No need to be so formal Ozz, this is not the land you grew up in. This is a new land with new wolves to meet, and new things to discover. Introduce yourself then." He said flicking his head towards Alen. Ozz only twisted her ear towards him but pretended he wasn't there knowing what the others could possibly think of her. As she raised herself she smiled.
"Hello Alena, my name is Ozz. I came in the hopes of finding a new home, someplace...better than where I was before." She seemed young, she was four years old. Though what she had witnessed could never be erased. Kai placed his head on the top of her shoulders with his same toothy grin. He was a demon after all. "You can handle the rest." He stated. As Ozz waited for Alena to respond. Her emerald eyes starring almost right through the girl.



09-12-2013, 09:19 PM

She wasn't sure what had brought her to the battlefield, only a strange mission she had taken to heart. Maybe there would be someone waiting for her to be there. It wouldn't have surprised her to find one of her other siblings there considering Novella had found her way here with out anyone knowing. Could she come across another member of Ahlon? It was unlikely but she had to try. So off she went to a place of unknown origin quite unaware of what she would find.
She was able to see a duo, one quite pale and the other more vibrant. She only caught the end of the pack less female's words, "Hello Alena, my name is Ozz. I came in the hopes of finding a new home, someplace...better than where I was before." Song would tilt her head to the side curiously as she found her way to where the women were standing. A smile would dance across her lips as she became close enough to speak to them. "Hello ladies." She would greet with a friendly tone to her voice. She felt that there was nothing to fear as she could smell the scent of Amenti upon the pale goddess. "Song Destruction, Borealis of Ludicael." She would nod her head politely to both parties. "I hear you're looking for a new home?" she would sing to Ozz hopefully.



09-12-2013, 09:40 PM

The scarred girl was confronted by more than one wolf. This came as a surprise to her. Although it would take one or the other to impress her. She didn't mind being fought over either, but either way a choice was a choice. Her tail flicked as Kai hissed with a hearty chuckle behind her. His red eyes glinted as he looked over the white females. One of each pack. Either one would be a friend or an enemy or neither. He was certain that they weren't like the wolves of Ozz's old home though. Ozz's old home was a large village of wolves who succumbed to a horrible mass hysteria. Even her father, who had given her those scars across her eye, had been the one who wanted to prevent her from making a deal with a demon. Even though he wasn't real. He was probably Ozz's most closest friend and always would be. Ozz dipped her head as her ears swerved around towards the girl.
"Looks like this is the most popular you'll be in ages." Ozz muffled a laugh as Kai crouched down next to her. His tail flicking back and forth as her emerald eyes fell over to song. "Yes, I am. It seems I'm rather popular." She smiled cheerfully tilting her head. "My name is Ozz, I come from a land far from here with thick dead woods near a old human settlement. Not a place that anyone would like to visit. It's long since lived through a plague, bringing me here." Ozz explained with a flick of her tail.

Kai Speech, Ozz Speech,



11 Years
Athena I
09-20-2013, 08:04 PM

Alena's amethyst gaze turned to land on the white fea that approached them, the scent of Ludicael clinging to her pelt. It amused the assassin a little that both of the feas that had come to speak with the wandering Ozz were near mirrors of each other, with the exception of their eye color. Merely a coincidence, but one that Alena noticed none of the less. The Captain dipped her head in a respectful greeting to the Borealis before looking back to the reason that the two leaders were here: Ozz.

The green-eyed fea spoke of her old home, of "humans" and plagues, something that was nearly beyond Alena's knowledge. Alena only knew of humans through vague rumors from the oldest of wolves and stories of the past and as far as plagues were concerned Alena hoped that she would never have to see one spread through Alacritis. All of this was of little interest to the Amenti however. What she got out of Ozz's history was the fact that the fea was strong and certainly determined. Or maybe just lucky. Either way, she seemed like the kind of fea that Alena would like to have in her pack.

"You have certainly come to the right place to find a new home," she commented. "There is packs of all shapes and sizes all across Alacritis. I'm sure there is at least one that would suit your fancy. Tell me, Ozz, what sort of pack are you looking for?"




09-20-2013, 09:14 PM

Song would listen politely as the two would each take their turn to speak, Ozz's interesting story spilled from her lips. The pale she wolf would become quite enthralled, it seemed the girl had experienced some trying times. Song's expression would become apologetic, saddened from hearing the awful things she had been put through. "You certainly have come to the right place." She'd smile adding to Alena's comments. "While I can't promise bad things wont happen, if you join she or I you will have a welcoming home." She had no idea of the details of the she wolf's life, but she had a soft spot in her heart for those who had experienced a rough time in their life.
Song would not have much more to add, she wanted to know the question Alena had spoken, so would have to wait for the wolf's answer. She was excited though, a potential new member standing before her ready.




09-21-2013, 12:22 PM

The woman heard the call of her woman. Ozz. The greatest woman Canttina had met yet. She was horribly in love. Her mouth watered at the thought of her mahogany fur and emerald orbs. Ozz believed in Canttina, she accepted her. That was the the major reason Canttina enjoyed such company. No one accepted Canttina. Even though her mind was broken for reasons beyond her control, people judged her. In other eyes the demon was a murderer, but the woman thought she was doing the world good. She thought she was ridding the earth of dumb beings. It was a good in her eyes, but in others she was evil. She knew she was different, she had no control of her emotions and feelings. Urges of lust and anger were ten times worse for her. She had zero control, which was often her downfall. Yet, her paws carried her to the battlefield. Her little Ozz looked for a pack, Canttina wished to observe and make sure she joins a good one. Really, she just wanted to see her lovely Ozz and Kai.

Canttina approached the scene. Her face covered by the blood soaked skull. Her nose and eyes peaked out perfectly. The woman looked horribly dark and it was excellent. She smirked and licked the teeth that were attached to the skull upon her head. She eyed her woman with a hungry gaze but she sat in the back of the group. She grunted before words left her lips, "Why hello my pretty little ladies, you are all looking ravishing." She spoke in a horribly fake regal tone before a maniacal laugh was let forth into the dry air. She looked around, in remembrance of the fights she had upon this turf. Yet, she looked back to the ladies in interest.



09-21-2013, 03:11 PM

Ozz was enjoying the interaction, that was until the decision had already been made for her when her mate entered the lands as she saw it. Kai made a sudden hissing noise and arched his back pulling up beside Ozz to put pressure upon her. Though the girl only smiled and gave a bit of a laugh. Her black tail tip flicked back and forth as she heard the other girls and tilted her head. What kind of home was she looking for, well one in which she would be accepted, but she was uncertain as to what Canttina would do with this. She doubted the woman would want to be in either of these packs. And Ozz only had met one of the leaders. The other was a simple member by the looks of it. And both the white woman hadn't entirely impressed her.
"Well ladies, I hope you don't mind. This one here is my lover. So, a decision is sort of out put. I'm looking for a place to be accepted. So far I am unimpressed, you'll have to outshine my mate. But we can still be friends if anything does happen." Ozz made a nod and a smile. Happy to be calling Canttina her lover. She wondered how the masked insane woman would take it. She'd wait a bit for their argument. But if nothing happened, she'd end up being with Canttina for who knew how long. Kai was rather amused himself.

Kai Speech, Ozz Speech,