
Curiosity In Our Minds


09-06-2013, 05:53 PM

Confusion seeped into his mind, eyes casting about for some clue as to his whereabouts. But to no end was his sense of being lost. He had never been in these parts of Valhalla, and so he felt very stupid. His pride kept him from howling for help, from calling another one to aid him to find his way. Just what he be lost on his first day as a Valhallan. Perfect.

He sat down where he stood, looking around with raised brow and confusion plain on his face. Nope. No clue as to where the hell he could have much for exploring his new territories. Maybe he should have asked Seraphine to give him a tour...but he didn't want to seem like a newborn pup barely making its way into the world. How degrading would that be? Shaking his head, he stood and moved forward again. He couldn't really follow his own tracks back because the strange lands of Valhalla seemed to have erased them. He didn't quite understand this had so many strange wonders and mysteries to it.

At last after another hour of being lost, he would stop at the base of a large tree and look around nervously for the first time in his life. He had never felt nervous before, especially at being lost in strange lands. He supposed it was because he was alone for so long, and being lost in a strange territory instilled some type of fear in him. He hoped that someone would come and find him...otherwise, he would have to make the call...that oh so embarrassing call...


09-07-2013, 12:18 AM

It felt like it had been forever since she last saw the man named Sephiroth, and she had just found out that he had showed up at the borders and even accepted. This was great, she could hang out with him now! The girl would skip happily through the lands, following the scent of the man, leaving her new home behind. She didn't care though, she was older now, it would be expected that she would explore the lands outside of Valhalla. Closer and closer she got, the scent growing stronger with each step. She couldn't help but get excited, her head held high, stump tail wiggling behind her.

Finally she found him, resting at the base of a tree. "Sephiroth!" She barked excitedly, bounding forward, closing the distance between the two. "There you are! Its great to see ya!" She would bark some more, slowing down to a walk, until finally stopping just a few feet from him with a large grin.



09-13-2013, 01:12 AM

Silver toned features turned at the sound of his name, the scent washing past him just before he turned, causing a jump in his heart. Dual toned eyes fell on the one he had just thought of, wondering if it were some kind of miracle or coincidence that she be out here at this moment in time. "Seraphine? Well isn't this a surprise!" The man stood in one swift movement, shaking off the feeling of nervousness as it calmed to a more welcome feeling now that Seraphine had arrived. He didn't expect her to be out here, then again she knew a lot more about Valhallan lands then he did.

He walked the last remaining gap that parted the two, approaching her and leaning down to touch her nose. "If I didn't know better, I'd say your tracking skills have gotten better since last we met...and you've grown more too!" The realization hit him. How long had it been since he last saw her...couldn't have been to long right? Then again...she did get bigger. She was no longer the young pup he met that first day on wolfpaw lake. A smile would merge onto his lips, noting how remarkable her features were coming along. Though she was just a yearling, her scars had not deterred the beauty that was forming more and more.


09-17-2013, 11:34 PM

The girl would chuckle as the man finally noticed her, calling her name and making a silly comment about her appearance. Seraphine would smile as he touched her nose, giving him a small lick over the cheek with her stump tail wiggling behind her. She was super excited to see the man again, to know he was fine. It would show, the light in her eyes, the way her body couldn't seem to stay still, twitching and shifting the weight from one side of her body to the other. Ears, or at least, an ear and a half would perk up as he spoke again, complimenting her tracking skills and how she had grown.

With a smirk she would lift her head high, beaming with excitement, even lifting a paw off the ground and holding it to her chest. "I am a growing lady, of course they would improve." Of course she wasn't serious about it, just being silly. She would set her paw back down, not able to stop herself from grinning. "So..." She would begin, taking a step to the side, beginning to circle the man. "I saw you at the borders with a pack-mate of mine, you are now with us, yes?" She would ask with a raised brow, mismatched eyes not leaving him, now going in a complete circle around him and stopping in front of Sephiroth. Was he really part of Valhalla now?



09-18-2013, 10:41 PM

Sephiroth's tail wagged as Seraphine licked his muzzle, his heart feeling like a beat was skipped and a lighthearted chuckle would gently shake his chest. Ears perked with interest as she replied to his mentioning the tracking skills. His eyes smiled, a new feeling for him as well as another first. Was it that he was beginning to draw out of the coldness of his heart that was instilled into him from his previous pack? He often wondered. His last encounter with Angeal had definitely given Sephiroth a new perspective. The answer he had given to his former mentor seemed to have satisfied him, as well as given Sephiroth some thought and insight into how much he himself had changed. He could not leave behind the life of a warrior, instead he would use his skills for good as opposed to bad.
He watched as she began to circle him, her words sweet and playful in his ears. He sat tall, puffing his chest in a proud manner as he readied his reply. With an affirmative nod, he answered. "I am a member of your pack now. It would seem that I proved my worth to the one who accepted me, though I would like to soon ask the Alpha about proving myself to rank up. And well...I remember you told me to come visit you in Valhalla, so I just thought that I'd join and surprise you."
He knew that to be a half lie. For some reason, he just wanted to be around her. Nearby, to be able to protect her and help her. He was drawn to her, though not even he fully understood the feeling. Now that he was in a pack, he could ask a healer if what he was feeling was normal...or if he was getting sick.


09-20-2013, 07:45 PM
ooc: You should totally have him thread with Erani asking about those feleings. xD lol

She would grin when Sephiroth gave his answer, he was a member of Valhalla. Not only that but he wanted to speak to Chrysanthe to try and prove himself so he could rank up, that was great. Seraphine also wanted to speak to the alphess but at the same time she didn't want to, why, because she possibly caused the challenging of Gideon in the battlefield. She felt really bad for that, five were allowed to go, but instead of staying back like she should have the girl's curiosity caused her to do a stupid thing. Hopefully the beautiful woman wouldn't be angry with the girl.

She would shake that off though, try to focus on her friend sitting before her. He told her how he remembered her telling him to visit her here in Valhalla, and thought he would come by and surprise her. He definitely did that. "This makes me really happy." She would tell him with a smile, her mismatched eyes focused on his icy ones.

"Ya know... I was a bit worried when we separated at the lake." Her voice grew quiet, head lowering, looking down at her paws now. "I really wanted to help you look for your friends, I looked all over the lands around Valhalla and didn't catch a single scent out of the ordinary." Her brows would come together, a look of frustration coming to her face, even though he wouldn't be able to see it. She tried, and got nothing for days, and she didn't want to ask others because she wanted to be the one to find them, to make the man happy.

"I was worried you wouldn't visit me." She added, slowly lifting her head, the frustration leaving and being replaced with a gentle worried look but a bit relieved since he was now here. "That something might have happened to you ad I wasn't there to help..." Her voice would trail off, not quite able to meet his gaze.



09-29-2013, 10:17 PM

Dual toned eyes watched the girl quietly and with caring regard as she spoke. Silver ghostly audits leaned forward, his brows creasing as her voice would get quieter. He stared steadily at her, his eyes betraying nothing...just his usual emotionally hidden stare. He wasn't proud to say that he was able to hide his emotions all the time, he just didn't know how to show it. He knew the eyes were a window to the soul, but his...rarely if ever showed emotion for anything. But this time, they softened. So...she searched for them after all...She is a determined one. And she keeps to her word...that is very admirable.

He watched her look back up at him, his heart jumping strangely at seeing the look in her eyes. He could tell she was frustrated, and it made him feel...pained? She looked down again, and Sephiroth took this opportunity to move forward, touching the top of her head with his nose, then moving to lift her head with his muzzle. Once he got her to look at him, his eyes would show a type of compassion that was seldom be seen if ever. "Seraphine, the fact that you tried to aid me in finding my old comrades is very admirable. I thank you for that." He licked her nose affectionately, well...with more affection then he ever showed to anyone, as he then spoke again. "I had every intention to...erm...come see you. I never forgot about you after that morning at Wolfpaw lake. And now, here I am. I have decided to come to Valhalla, and...find you. I would not have allowed anything to happen to me before I got a chance to speak to you again. You have nothing to worry about, nothing and no one will bring me down and take me away." He told her with a clear and confident air. He left out that he was drawn to her, because not even he himself understood that just yet.


10-11-2013, 01:55 PM
ooc: FINALLY a post for you! xD We should have another once this is wrapped up.

He had been silent as she spoke, not uttering a single word. He was a good listener, and when she finished he did something she did not expect from somebody she barley knew. Sephiroth touched the top of her head, bring her gaze to lift and meet his as he lifted her head with his muzzle. There was something different about the look he was now giving her, not hiding emotions like he usually did, he was showing something she couldn't identify and it was starting to make her heart race. He thanked her for trying to aid him in finding his friends, saying how it was very admirable.

He was one of a few who said that to her now. Either complimenting her determination or how she was an admirable girl, it made her feel really good, to feel like she was special. She had goals she wanted to reach, people she wanted to protect and help. Would these skills she is learning about and gaining make people want to help her? She hoped so, Seraphine did not want to go alone.

Then he licked her nose. Had she no control over herself the girl would have gasped and fell back on her rump, but no, her eyes would widen the slightest, a warm feeling spreading from her heart and over her body. The way he did it, it felt so strange but so good.

She would quickly shake her head though, refocusing on the man as he spoke. He was talking about how he meant to come see her, never forgot about her at wolfpaw lake and he would not have let anything happen to him before he got a chance to see and talk to her again. She had nothing to worry about, no one would bring him down. Good, because Seraphine wanted to be the one to do so. Make the macho man drop to the ground before her paws.

The thought of bringing the man down would bring a sudden smirk to the girl's face, a glow in her eyes that meant trouble. She would move towards the man, slowly walking past him but gently brushing her side against his. She would suddenly nip at his tail before bounding off, running a few feet from the man before whipping around to face him, prepared for a push and nip he might give back.



10-26-2013, 06:04 AM

The man waited for a response from her. Waited for a flurry of words and curious questions like the day they had first met. But it seemed strange to him that she would remain silent...the only indication of a response of any type was the look he noticed in her eyes. He couldn't tell what it was, as Sephiroth had always tried to keep himself emotionally detached from everyone and everything. But since meeting Angeal, and then meeting youns Seraphine, it would seem his world would begin to evolve and change into things that in time, he would begin to understand. He knew not what it meant to love, nor what the emotions of having a "crush" towards someone felt like. He had never been taught about such things, simply just taught as a soldier for war. All he knew was fighting, nothing more. It was his life, his mentality...but deep down, a switch seemed to flicker on and his heart had finally begun to turn those rusty gears that had been stained for so long and held in place without hope of ever moving.

However, upon licking the scarred girls nose he saw her eyes widen. Afraid, he thought he had infiltrated her personal space and possibly somehow offended her. But when she shook her head, he would feel slightly guarded as he continued to speak but not as much as before. He hoped he hadn't offended her in any way, and if he had then he would apologize should she make it known to him. He was a man after all, what did he know about what women thought? Sephiroth's suspicions about having offended her quickly faded, however, as he noticed her trademark look of mischief. His ears fell back a little in scrutiny...just what was she up to? Dual toned eyes followed her form as she walked past him without a word, and confusion would become plain upon his face as he wondered why she hadn't said anything. Was she mad? Upset that he hadn't come sooner? Maybe angry with him for taking so long? Thoughts fled his mind as his body jumped with surprise as he felt her nip at his tail. His own eyes would widen then, full of surprise and wonder at her intentions were. She had run several feet away, turning back to look at him with her mischievous stare and that oh so cute smirk upon her face.

He would turn his body halfway, wondering what to do then. He didn't know what it was like to play, nor did he really understand the point in it. After all, he had never played as a puppy. It was against the code. His pack only bred mindless soldiers for war, and the more he thought the more he would see that that was no longer his life. But still, he didn't know how to do those things. But he would attempt. He would try for his sake and for hers. Glancing at her, his features would spread into a grin of mischief of his own, and he would burst forward to close the distance. Upon reaching her, he would tackle her. Though it wasn't a rough one, and to his surprise it would be a playful tackle as he sought to bring her down and nip at her ear. A new sensation would grip his body, and Sephiroth would look back at his tail as he saw his tail wagging! Confused, he wondered what it was that made him feel this way. The sudden closeness towards Seraphine made his body feel all fuzzy, and for the first time she was making him experience what happiness felt like.