
Im on my knees


09-06-2013, 11:57 AM

She was a rather thin and lanky creature, with her muscles that once were hidden with the lack of nourishment. It wasn't a thing that the youth thought to hide, nor would she even have the effort to either. She was like a river, consistently moving to finds its destination. Poppy would sigh, letting it stray away from the blood kissed lips as a scent would swipe the nose, she had stepped into borders. It sent her heart racing, skipping a beet and dancing, her head would start to become dizzy and all the autumn dame wanted to do was curl away into the shadows; alone. Her limbs would feel as though they where stiffening down onto the spot, before slowly backing away to stand mere inches away from the territory. It would be true to say she didn't know what was happing or what would happen. The youth didn't know whether to flee or stay put, she was a simple object in this world, lifeless and numb to the surroundings and threats, or that's how it felt in this moment in time. She was hungry, tired and felt defeated after fighting for all these months, her ribcage would show through the skin, almost escaping from her structure. The icy blue hues would glue onto a spot, the borderline. No words would assess through the brain, dumbfounded. A few months ago Poppy showed potential for the future, strong and adventurous with the satisfying sense to kill. The girl had her whole life set and secured. To only be driven out a mere few weeks later after her father was found dead upon a battle field, he died to protect his family, his friends and pack. But because of that, poppy still lives- clinging onto that thought as a type of comfort. Not the man that died trying, falling lifeless upon the ground in front of his baby girl, no. He still lives on, in thoughts, memory's.. and even his soul.



09-09-2013, 01:24 AM

Beaten, broken, tattered, and torn those forsaken find haven where giants find reality and broken worlds are a thing of normalcy. What was it about those that needed something much more muchier? What was it that sang the song of insanity and turned it into a thing of comfort? Whatever path they chose it seemed they would find her and she would find them. Perhaps along similar paths or roads less traveled, what ever it was, it was indeed something but what that something was, it had yet to be understood.

Ashes mingled with rotting memories. Those that once held virtue and life now lay limp and forgotten. Paws of iron brushed the lives of those once full as if they had never existed. Their songs had faded as their color turned gray and their life dulled with the breath of winter stirring everything into their temporary slumbers. Everything was still fresh, still unknown, she longed for the towering sentinels that watched above her, watched and alerted if theirs were amiss. Now it was odd wandering burned and flourishing lands as if the world had caught fire then allowed its flames to die and rebirth.

Hormones had enraptured the female from the moment the world grew silent and her soul had split to birth new lives. Her appearance screamed mother as she followed the aroma of a strange youth that had caught her attention from her morning patrol. Her mind wandered on her elder children, what they were doing, and soon enough the form of a cowering youth came into focus. Malnourished was the youth that stood between the lines of fight or flee. She could see the sanity cracking around the edges in her gaze. She stood where she was and eyed the youth carefully; her voice was as soft as liquid chocolate, ?Lost are we.? She questioned, yet no animosity or hostility was laced in her voice, only concern. When it came to the young she was a softy at heart and her concern was sincere as she waited for the youth to respond.



09-09-2013, 02:02 PM

the giant would depart from the shadows and enter into opening light, her frame huge and something the youth has never seen/witnessed before. The lower jaw would slacken in amazement before shaking the tiara to look towards the woman ahead. She moved to the earths rhythm in a graceful speed, her mood seeming gentle and kind. It gave Poppy the satisfaction to not worry about getting her throat torn out any time soon. The distance would slowly close and the dame was still lost for words.

Silence would remain, her frame stiffening before raising the cranium higher, the wispy tail straying in between the two hind legs. The lips would finally part sending out her sultry chords, a little pithy. " Lost? Well... um you could say that miss, ive never ventured around these parts before and I was just minding my own business... Honest!" The eyes would dart side to side, only briefly making eye contact with the queen. " look, look! Im not yet over the border lines I mean.. pft how stupid could someone be." Dipping the head low she'd fall silent.

Backing away she'd cause no harm, her thoughts racing circles around the brain. " Please don't send me away- ive got know where or no one to go to. Ill serve you well I promise, the names Poppy pleasure to meet you!" A smile would curl upon the lips, her huge, bright glistening eyes drinking the woman in with her innocent look.

image by Yumpy, code by KIMM



3 Years
Extra large
09-12-2013, 05:24 PM

Legs would push his tiny bodice as the little boy made his way toward his mothers scent. Her perfume was embedded into him, and like a bloodhound he followed it carefully and closely. She had slipped out while he was in the middle of a nap, and it wouldn't go unnoticed. He had a rather odd obsession with his mother, and when she was gone he felt a deep depression take over him. It was as if they were meant to be together. Was it possible that his love for her would someday swirl into something more? Or would there always be this odd feeling that he could never pursue? He was a mere child, but little did he know that as he grows older, he will turn into a monster. He will be the idolized version of his father with a hint of crazy from his mother. He will be built of hatred and revenge, and he will know nothing more than desire. He will be the devil himself, cast back to this earth not only hiding behind his spawns mask, but in his lovers arms as well.

He pushed on, little thoughts running wild in his head. Every blade of grass became a new feeling to him, every scent and whisper enticed his senses. He was so young, and despite the darkness he felt inside he couldn't help but smile at all the new things around him. Finally he could see her, the way her silver draped bodice stood out like a sore thumb could catch anyone's attention. "Ma." He called out to her, but hos voice was so light, so unheard, and so innocent. "Wha you doing out here wif out me?" He came to her, running his tiny bodice against her front right pastern. Athymest eyes rose to meet the woman before him. He had no idea who she was, and nor did he care. He just wanted to know why his mother had left without informing him.


OOC: Not sure how great this is, but I will get better with him over time ;3