
Curiosity Killed the Cat, but Not the Wolf



09-04-2013, 08:34 PM
The rolling hills were a fantastic playground to the young wolf. Her feet raced over and the new ground and each peak held a different view. She was emphatic with the discoveries at every turn! Leaving home even after her father's explicit warning was such a blessing in disguise! To keep such a spirit locked up in pack life was torture, pure torture! She needed to run and leap and learn about the world, not just about that which happens in her small home.

A pink tongue cascaded out of her mouth. Resnera's bright blue eyes sparkled with the thrill she was having in exploration. It bewildered her that anyone could stay at home and not see what the world had to hold. The black of her coat stood out like a sore thumb in this brown grass and it would not be long until she was discovered. Whoever found her though, she would cross that bridge when she came to it.

Her eyes danced across the plains as she rounded the top of the next hill. Sucking in a big breathe she saw something she had never seen before. There were creates as large as ten of her in a group to her left down the valley. With her ears perked with interest she ran towards them on the top of one of the knolls. She was a magnificent figure up there. Her body was all stretched out as she ran at break neck speed. If anyone were there to watch, she would have probably taken there breathe away.

When Resnera got closer to the unsuspecting animals she ran sideways, crossing her front and back legs over to the right. Coming to a halt her eyes were trained on the figures below. Eyes wide as she watched them, she threw her head back to howl. Little did she know that if she went through with this action a stampede would ensue.

Knight Cloud

09-11-2013, 04:18 AM

Jungle green gaze swept the landscape. The breeze gently tugged at his fur, beckoning him into the world. It had been already near a year since Knight had arrived in Ala and so far he still had yet to find a pack. He was in no rush, however. Simply seeking out his place in the world...and he wondered where it might be. The wolf Mercianne...she was very pretty. But at the same time, she had cubs of her own already. Young ones. He didn't mind was the fact that she had a mate, and there was still the possibility that he would come back. The young male took a breath, tasting the scent of buffalo upon the wind. Casting a downwards glance he would see them, and the brute would lie down as he kept a cool gaze on them. He was hungry, but not nearly enough to risk trying to go for one of the beasts alone. He didn't hunt with others, unless of course it was a packmate.

Paws would cross one another as he basked in his resting spot. Eyes began to drift slowly closed before something would rip the silent sound barrier, causing him to turn and find the source of the noise. On the other side of the sloping hill, he spotted a creature somewhat smaller then he. A wolf, howling its lungs out. Ears would cock back, the sound...why was she howling? He glanced at the herd below, and seemingly they already began to band together and would soon take their charge. What the hell is that kid doing? It's dangerous to be doing that out here! He thought with annoyance. He kept his gaze on her, wondering if she knew that it was potentially dangers for her to do such a thing. Little did he know that he was about to have a close encounter with the the herd moved its way towards their direction.




09-11-2013, 02:22 PM

The howl left her lips and its clear note made her giggle. She loved doing that! Turning her eyes back to the mysterious beasts she gave them a toothy smile and wagged her tail. But then she saw the wild looks of their eyes staring right back at her. Resnera cocked her head, what was the matter with them? Didn't they like friends? Then their braying started. The noise scared her half to death and she jumped up to her full height.

Terrified she watched as the animals gathered together and started running right at her. "Oh no, oh no oh no oh no." Spinning on her haunches she ran as fast as her legs to carry her across the top of the knoll. Her eyes were trained behind her though, scared out of her silly little mind. Then her face rammed right into something soft. Tripping over her own limbs, she hit the ground and then rolled right to her feet.

When she stood she was a bit dazed and had to shake out her head to find what, or whom, she had run into. Soon her eyes focused on the handsome male wolf that had obviously been the obstruction in her path."Oh no! I'm so sorry." Her big blue eyes turned on him with concern. Slowly she padded over to him, too trusting for her young age, and cocked her head. "My name is Resnera, who are you?" Just as the words left her lips the strange creatures she had completely forgotten about rounded the hill, "Oh no, come...come we gotta run!" She scampered backwards for a bit before turning around and sprinting in the opposite direction. Resnera could only hope that the male had followed her, but she wasn't looking behind her this time! Stretching her limbs out as far as they could go she booked it away from those odd, odd, creatures.

i talk.
i think.
you talk."

Awesome image by Canttina <3

Knight Cloud

09-27-2013, 02:55 AM

The warrior watched with increasing wariness as the young creature closed her mouth. Cutting off the howl that echoed throughout the valley. With a sigh, he buried his head beneath his paws, unable to watch the foolishness of the wolf any longer. Little did he know that she and the beasts were headed his way. Ears pinned back, blocking out the dull echoes of hooves upon the ground as the beasts charged their way across the slopes. As soon as he had decided he should peek to see where the girl was, he felt something hit hard into his side. The movement nearly made him roll over, but he managed to keep his position as he looked to see what it was. His head turned quickly towards the girl who called herself Resnera, as she apologized then. Knight was about to reply, then he saw the panic stricken look in her eyes as she quickly said something and turned to flee. Confused, Knight looked the other way and then his forest green eyes would widen with panic as the beasts made their way towards him at an alarmingly fast pace.

In a flash he was on his feet and running after the girl, the pounding hooves close behind, echoing in his ears and thundering up his legs. He was fast, though he wasn't so sure about the smaller wolf. Startled or angry buffalo could move quickly, and were often upon the threat when they really wanted to be. Gathering his muscles, he launched himself forward to catch up with her, and as soon as it seemed he would pass, he scooped her up in his teeth and decided that he would carry her before the buffalo decided to do so on their horns...else they trample her into the earth. The girl wasn't as heavy as he thought she would be, his forelegs would bump her bottom a few times, however, as he ran across the grass. With a single motion, he swung his head to the side, swinging the girl onto his back. "Hang on!" was all he could manage to say. He had no idea where they could escape and hide from the rampaging herd, but there had to be somewhere. He hoped that the girl knew, and could point him out. Otherwise, he would be running for a while...and ones stamina could only last so long on sloped grounds.


ooc//I do hope that's okay, and if not lemme know and I can edit <3



10-04-2013, 07:07 PM

Though she was fast the young she-wolf was still too small to outrun these humungous beasts. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth with the exertion and her muscles ached, but she would push herself, she had to. Teeth closed around her scruff then and she was suddenly off of her feet! A yip flew from her mouth, and his forelegs bumped at her behind. No, no no, that was so not allowed! When she squirmed a bit from the uncomfortable contact, he threw her over his shoulder so she landed on the other wolf's back. Wide eyed she almost lost her balance trying to make this all feel less promiscuous to her. His order of "Hang on!" brought her back to reality though and she tightened her legs around his barrel. Her face was red hot from a flush no one could see under her fur.

Resnera knew there was a small patch of trees somewhere off to her right that, if they ran straight through and doubled back, they would lose the beast in. The trees were too close for the creatures to move at any sort of speed. "Over to the right! There's a group of trees that they can't run through and we can get ahead!" She hoped he didn't mind being told what to do by such a young wolf. Then she lowered her head into his shoulder and tightened her grip around his middle, just there for the ride.


Knight Cloud

11-03-2013, 06:39 AM

The drumming of hooves and the pounding of his own heart would spur the warrior forward. He didn't want to get trampled on, and he certainly didn't want the girl upon his back to meet that fate either. His adrenaline pumped him forward, senses alert and frantic as he tried to figure out what to do. He couldn't run forever, even with his stamina from his excelled tracking jobs, he too had a limit. Especially on hills where the ground sloped and rose. His legs burned with the exertion of trying to keep them ahead, and at time he swore he felt hot breath upon his tail but he dared not look back. A cry from his back alerted him, and he briefly flicked his ears back to catch the girls words, his head turning slightly to glance at the speaker before turning forward again.

His tongue hung out, his body feeling heated from the energy spent in running. He glanced towards his right where the girl told him about the trees, and sure enough there was a cluster of trees that would provide some cover. He redirected himself, keeping at an angle so as not to run directly in the path of the oncoming stampede that drew near. His legs would move faster as he pumped himself harder to get into the trees and get some leeway between him and the herd. He hoped they would continue straight on, but as it was they seemed to want to get rid of the threat that had panicked them in the first place, and so they too would alter their course and follow him. Running headlong into the trees, he would swerve past the ones standing in his way, careful not to move too abruptly for fear of the girl falling off his back.

He searched desperately for an escape, a plan, an idea to get something in between him and the raging herd. He moved swiftly, looking back to see the herd slowing some and somewhat scattering, but they still seemed determined to keep on his trail. Glancing around, he saw a hollow log and so he would change his course again. Swiftly, he would lower his body and dive into the log, careful not to smack his passenger into the log and leave her outside. That would not sit well for either party. He crouched, his body lowered as much as he could so she could have room to get off or move, though his body language told her to be quiet in the mean time. Outside, he saw hooves and many pairs of legs raging and racing outside, some of the herd moving ahead while others, the bulls he guessed, were circling and trying to find their predatory prey. He held his breath, hoping that they wouldn't make an attempt to investigate the log with sharpened horns...and to his relief, they would give up their search and move on. The echoing of their hooves moving off in the distance.

Releasing a breath, he would remain where he was. Happy that he was alive and forgetting for a moment about his rescued passenger. "That was close..." he breathed, placing his head on his paws to catch his breath as his chest heaved with the effort of running and holding his breath. His lungs burned, his legs burned, and just about everything in his core burned...never had he run so fast, and he was sure that it wouldn't be the last time.
