


09-02-2013, 04:48 PM

Hey guys! Chryseon is finally gonna do it and actually have babies, now I'm only putting one up for the moment because I can't catch Seren, but I know this is one I wanted in the litter, so feel free to start apping! the interesting thing with these guys is you get to choose the surname. they can be Adravendi or Mathias. Now, it's not /that/ easy. If they are Adravendi, they will swear to monogamy and if they are Mathias they will swear to polygamy. I've wanted to see the polygamist side of the Mathias grow and if you choose to play one, I think they should definitely end up with more than one wife. women are strictly monogamous anyways sooooorry!

SINCE there is a possibility he could be the valhallan heir we'll be picky :3

Pup 1: Eliezer (Mathias or Adravendi)

Personality: I expect you to mostly develop him through IC happenings, though I would like at least 150 words. (site minimum)

Appearance: 100 words.


09-03-2013, 08:44 PM
Trying out for Eliezer Mathias.

Personality: Eliezer has never been the most social of the wolves, he keeps around other wolves but doesn't speak all that much. He isn't shy, he just prefers to say only what needs to be said. Being the son of the alphas and watching they're behaviour, he has learnt some about being kind-hearted to one and all but also knowing when to draw the line and keep them in line. Eliezer is very caring and intelligent, knowing how to work out nearly every situation that is thrown his way. Eliezer will always follow whatever command he is given, for what he believes is a command is a command and you have to do what you are told. Eliezer is very, very loyal and will always stand by who he trusts. It is hard to gain his trust, but it is very easy to lose. However, if you do lose his trust, he is cautious but quick to forgive.

Appearance: Eliezer has blue orbs that stand out from a long distance. They aren't dark nor light, but in between the two. He has red the runs in between his eyes down to his nose, and his main body color is brown. Theres a bit of white on the sides of his muzzle, as well as down the hidden part of the inner legs and on the stomach stopping just between the front legs. The underneath of Elizers tail is also coded white white and the spot where his eyebrows should be are also white. Eliezer is a medium sized wolf standing at about 34 inched. His legs are long, as well as his tail.

Oberon I


3 Years
09-04-2013, 01:57 PM
hey guys, i've decided that i'm going to withdraw my application, sorry! I'm just not sure I would have the muse for him if I got him and i wouldn't enjoy playing him as much as i had thought i would, so i'd rather let other people have more of a chance? if that makes sense? idk man but yeah please disregard this app!

okay okay i know i have a lot of characters and i'm fairly busy so that should be taken into consideration, but I honestly find the concept of playing a polygamist character really interesting and yes this attracts me okay .

Name: Eliezer Mathias

Fiercely proud of his family and of Valhalla, Eliezer will not tolerate any insults towards either of these things. As a pup, his best solution is to simply brawl with any who dare make any disparaging comments about either of those subjects, but as he grows, it's likely that he will continue to take such insults seriously. He may simply be affronted or he may come to take things to extremes and fight those who insult Valhalla or its leadership. Interestingly enough, he cares little about insults directed towards himself; they simply roll off him like water on a duck. It's just his family and his pack that he will get offended over. Otherwise, he'll largely tune insults out.

He's not kind, but he's not cruel. Perhaps callous would be the best way to describe him. Though he rarely goes out of his way to hurt or offend others, his words are often harsher than he intends them to be. This does mean that Eliezer is consistently truthful, especially as youngster that hardly comprehends what a lie is, and he doesn't believe in sugercoating things. He's blunt. That much, at least, is easy to see. Ask this young pup what he thinks, and he will tell you exactly what he thinks, with no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

Generally a regal youngster, even when he's tiny, Eliezer is more selfcontained than many pups. He will never be the pup who talks the ear off of any nearby, and he will always have a pretty healthy dose of selfconfidence. He will walk with pride as he grows older, and comes to understand what it means to be a son of the Alphas of Valhalla.

Appearance: As a pup, he will be awkwardly put together, like all pups. His limbs haven't caught up with his torso, and all of his proportions will be just a little off. As time passes and his body begins to even out, however, Eliezer will reveal himself to be a decently sized, decently proportioned wolf. Standing at 35 inches when full grown, he will easily dwarf some wolves and be dwarfed by others in turn. He is a medium sized wolf, with a lean frame beneath his fur. He is not particularly bulky, but he is also not particularly skinny. Instead, Eliezer's body falls easily somewhere in the middle.

His fur is a loose mixture of browns and blacks and tans, with no particular pattern to this variety. His face is masked in black, with a russet looking reddish brown that hails from his mother's side tracing its way up his muzzle and coming up between his eyes. White rims the underside of his muzzle and is dabbed above his eyes. Various shades of brown war for dominance across the rest of his fur; most of it is a solid medium shade of brown, but lighter and darker shades can also be spotted on his body, with no particular rhyme or reason.

Bold blue eyes stand out from their surrounding fur, rounding out his appearance with a sharp contrast.



09-06-2013, 03:13 PM (This post was last modified: 09-06-2013, 03:21 PM by Chrysanthe.)
A few designs if anyone wants to make a sibling to Eliezer. There will be up to two depending on if I find time for one~

You're also free to design your own, as long as they resemble their parents (or grandparents hinthint)

Traditional or greek names would be proffered - I can look up some if anyone has any trouble.

[Image: J5dtQzL.png]

[Image: Vr2XejT.png]

[Image: YeeGQe8.png]


09-08-2013, 02:27 AM
Oh :o
I'd love to apply for pup design #3 as a sibling :3 And I know you guys know i have like a billion charries, but you should also know I can handle ALL of them very well and they are never neglected ;)

Design: #3
Name: Pegasus (Maybe, might change might need help on this XD not greek savvy lol)

Personality: Pegasus is not one to slander or demean another life. He is highly respectful of others, especially authority. Let it be said, however, that this only holds true for those he knows are good of heart. If you're evil, he will not hesitate to sink tooth and claw into your throat and rip it out. Little regard does he have for such kinds, and so he will tease and taunt on the field, provocation his strong suit. He aims to be a great fighter, taking after his mother and father. Rarely is he judgmental save for the occasional circumstance. If an action was unjustly done by another, he won't hesitate to pass judgment in the fairest of ways, be it finding the offender not guilty or by penalty of death. Loyalty is another factor in his life. He will remain forever faithful and loyal to Valhalla, and he is sure that is where he will stay. Unless of course, love directs him elsewhere. He holds his faith and values to a high degree, he believes that everyone should be good and just. And those who don't follow such rules should be eliminated.

He is not afraid to stain his claws with the blood of an enemy, as long as its for a just cause. Though his loyalty to his family will drive him to fight alongside his pack in times of war, be they against his morals or not. He holds his parents in high regard, wanting to some day be the great leaders that they are. He knows its a far off dream, but one he is willing to wait as long as it takes to achieve. Instilled with determination, bravery, deep loyalty, respect for others, honor, and faithfulness among other things, he is a force to be reckoned with.

Not sure if i'm supposed to add an appearance, its design #3 but let me know and i'll edit this. :x

If I get him then I will add more to his persona in the profile.


10-10-2013, 06:34 PM
ooc: wasn't sure if this was still open :P But I hope so!

Pup 1: Eliezer Mathias

Personality: The young man will grow up with an air of confidence and a natural ability for leadership. Unfortunately, for his first few years of life this will mean he will have the arrogance of a young man who thinks he knows everything. He will skip class and get himself and his friends into more trouble than conceivably possible. However, one day his arrogance will cause great trouble for someone he cares deeply about, and it will undoubtably be his fault. For the first time in his short years Eliezer will slow down and listen to others. He will take their advice into consideration and not just blow it off because he knows best. This will make him into a great leader if he is given the chance to be one.

Choosing polygamy was a choice of ease rather than selfishness. The young wolf will see the turmoil of the women around him for thinking of themselves as lesser than other women. This being said he will decide to care for any woman who will choose to love him. He will tell her that she is beautiful and adore her as she should be adored. Eliezer also realizes this will be good for the kingdom for it will provide him with many children. Though, he may come to regret this decision when his wives choose not to get along. Not one for drama, the poor boy will have no idea how to handle the cat fights of his wives and will undoubtably make mistake after mistake. Of course he will TRY to understand what they are bickering about this time, but undoubtably he will make the incorrect choice of who is right and who started the whole mess. His wives will undoubtably love him for the one on one time he spends with them, not his ability to solve conflict. Eliezer's advisors will also see the side affects of his polygamy because while trying to conduct foreign policy with arguing nations Eliezer will most likely compare each and every foreign fight to a fight between his wives.

Appearance: The man will have a coat of burnt orange and browns, adequately displaying the brilliance of his personality. Red will darken over his face, but lighten as it hits his brows and cheeks. Bright blue eyes will burn as hot as blue flame and capture many that they land upon. The red of his face will also appear on the second half of his tail, but then go to a creamy white at the tip of his tail. This cream color will also appear on all four paws and go as high as his knees and hocks. It will blaze across his stomach and rest in a tuxedo upon the man's chest. The cream will also be blow his chin and meet with the red and orange on his face. White cream will also tip his ears. His body will be a a mixture of orange an brown, but will become more brown along his back and then fad down to orange as it meets his stomach of cream. The man will reach 40" in height when he is finished growing. (Yupp, decided to pay for that if I get him :))