
Walk on Water



6 Years
09-01-2013, 02:19 PM

?I will not forget this night. And I hope you won?t either.?

A shiver ran down Azalea's spine as she woke up, her dreams rushing her into reality. Amber eyes looked around in alarm, hoping no one had seen her sleeping. Her reaction suggested that someone might see something private, might peek into her mind to that most recent night spent in a hole in the ground.

Her lips curled up in raw pleasure as she stood up then slunk back to the ground, stretching her body out long and luxuriously. She was near the river, which ran low this late in summer. Autumn was nearly on top of them and many trees were already shedding leaves. So early in the day, it was already stuffy out and soon the heat would be on top of her.

Azalea slipped down the bank, sinking in the mud as she neared the water, and lapped up the cool liquid. She lifted her head, shaking it to remove the sleep that still clung to her. With a final yawn Azalea lifted her nose to the sky and let loose a howl that was light and long. She wasn't calling anyone in particular but she wanted company, to share her great mood with everyone else.

For once she was content to be in Valhalla, none of her usual anxiousness filling her.


09-04-2013, 05:04 PM

Breath quickened, heart pounded, legs twitched, hair stuck up on end. Her mothers ivory pelt was sinking fast, and as hard as she tried, she could't beat the current. A sucking sensation pulled her from what seemed like an abyss, and before she knew it teeth were digging into her scruff. Her father was pulling it out, but it seemed as if she was heavier than a redwood. The tugging never ceased, but she continued to sink deeper and deeper into the waters depths. Her vision was fading, her jaws were clenching, and her lungs were burning as she tried to keep her last breath hidden. Salty tears mixed with the fresh water, and all at once, everything went black.

Then it materialized. Body rose abruptly as she forced herself up, mouth gaped open as she started to pant harder. She was alive, well, and tucked deep within a den on high grounds- but in her mind, she was still drowning. "it's just a dream... just a dream..." She repeated the saying in her mind over and over as she tried to calm herself down. It usually took a while for her to do so, especially when she was alone. Her father was gone again, for how long she did not know, but she was used to this. She was used to be abandoned. She was used to being alone.

Legs seemed to be built with jello, because when she attempted to rise she almost fell right back down. Nightmares were a hell of a scare, especially when they were of her mother- which they always were. Paws kissed the earth with an awkward symphony as she made her way toward the outside world. She needed some company. She needed a friend. She was just about to make her way toward the heart of the pack when a familiar voice broke the mornings silence. It was.. what was her name again? The fiery heir who had the body of ivory, but the face of dulled crimson? She couldn't put her paw on it. All she could remember was that she was around her age, and that was a good enough reason to go see her.

Charcoal draped bodice slithered across the lands as she made her way toward what she hoped would be a good encounter. Maybe they could become friends? If she remembered right her mother had been fairly interested in this girl. As she came closer she could smell the mud and fresh water mixed in with her scent. Her mind flashed back toward the flood, and for a moment she reconsidered showing up- but no. She needed friends, she needed some good company. When she was a good yard or two away from the water, and Azalea, she let out a weak bark. She couldn't remember her name, but she wanted her to know she had come to her call, because she too needed some company.




6 Years
09-05-2013, 07:00 AM

Company came fleet as a fox and just as silent. Azalea's auburn head turned at the tiny bark, an instant reaction to see who or what was there though the bark was enough to tell her it was another wolf and a friend.

She was surprised to see just who it was though. Liberty. She was the one all the fuss was over lately. Having wandered off and gotten mixed up with Isardis. At the meeting she had explained herself and the darker side of Azalea wondered if the gal didn't deserve what she had coming to her. Tempting fate with a stranger. The more morally inclined parts of her mind were quick to chastise her and remind her very firmly that it could just as easily have been her.

Azalea was a sucker for words and how close had she come to letting a smooth talking stranger have her? Multiple strangers for that matter. Thankfully her better half won out and Liberty managed to avoid getting a judgmental leer as Azalea came to realize who had come to her call. Instead she smiled weakly and nodded as if to accept Liberty into her space. The grey-toned she-wolf was free to join her.

Another thing suddenly struck Azalea, piercing her heart in a deep and wicked way: Liberty had lost her mother. Aislyn had been lost to the flooding just as easily as the others could have. Azalea had feared for the life of her own mother, who was heavily pregnant at the time, but it was still a horrible reality she was facing in knowing that her mother could have actually died. Of course there was worry but ultimately, she hadn't worried enough to look for her, instead she had done what? Worried more about Sarak.

Just his name made her heart leap into her throat and her paws tingle. She couldn't help but wonder if Liberty was seeing this change in some small way. Azalea's face had always been a rather open book and when it came to emotions, she was not good at fighting them. Azalea cleared her throat, "Hello." Her tone was still upbeat but there was a hesitation in the word.

Licking her lips the heir pulled back her ears, "This probably isn't how you want to start your morning, but I have to tell you that I'm so sorry. About your mother." For once Azalea had no problem being sincere, usually struggling to sympathize with the pain of others. Perhaps it was that she had know Aislyn, had seen her regularly, or maybe it was just knowing that it could have been her mother.


09-06-2013, 06:01 PM

Pools of vibrant blue washed over the young woman as she turned to meet her. She had such striking features, the purest of ivory body and a reddish colored head and face. A white stripe on her nose, and another spot on her forehead, Azalea was one hell of a looker. In fact, if Liberty were to admit it, she was pretty jealous of her looks. She was only shitty tones of grey, while this woman held striking features. It must be nice being an Adravendi and having that natural beauty. "Hello." She said back simply, her tone as neutral as she could possible get it. Azalea was one of the only females around her age in Valhalla, and if she wanted a friend, she would need to be on her best behavior. After all, she was already on everyone's bad side in the pack.

What she said next honestly hadn't been expected. Besides her father, and briefly Chrysanthe, no one had ever actually told her they were sorry. Right ear tipped back as she swallowed hard, but the lump in her throat wouldn't cease. "oh, don't cry now Liberty. Don't chase a friend away." She thought in her head. She didn't want to cry anymore, but it was hard not to. "It's.... alright." No, it wasn't alright, but what else was she supposed to say? "I try not to dwell on it anymore." Lies. It was all she thought about anymore. "How are you Azalea? I find it funny that we are around the same age, but have never formally met."




6 Years
09-06-2013, 08:03 PM

"Hello." Liberty greeted her back. Azalea was a bit disappointed, expecting something more. It was a tragic thing, how limited the responses of Valhallans were. Family usually greeting her by scolding her for something or other and the rest usually didn't know how to proceed.

Her heart felt apology got a response much better avoided and Azalea lowered her head, ears pulling back. Liberty was clearly struggling to keep it together, "It's.... alright." Her words were choked and the gal felt her stomach knot up. Thankfully, Liberty powered through a potentially awkward moment and Azalea could feel her body loosing the tension it had begun to acquire. "How are you Azalea? I find it funny that we are around the same age, but have never formally met." Azalea shrugged now, her words coming easily in response. "I am well. Yeah, I tend to wander, I suppose." She smiled, mischievous.

"You seem to have wandered once or twice yourself. I'm not judging you, Isardis seems like quite the smooth talker and I've been in a few situations myself." She stopped before she could tell her more than she should. Azalea wasn't used to have friends, she didn't know anything outside of keeping secrets. There were things even Sarak could not know so clearly she wasn't about to go spewing out private information to Liberty.

"Have you gone many places? I've been all over Alacritia myself. I always come back, of course, but I love to learn the lands." Okay, so maybe she was chattering blindly, they needed something to talk about that didn't involve Isardis or her dead mother though didn't they?


09-09-2013, 02:29 PM

She watched Azalea carefully, examining her every motion, her every word, her every move. After her run in with Isardis she caught herself being rather observant of everyone. After all, she couldn't be wrong for doing so. She didn't exactly know Azalea very well, and the attitude she put off was rather odd. She seemed like a mischievous wolf, one you could trust, but not completely. She wouldn't doubt it if she constantly had a trick up her sleeve, because she seemed like the woman who would. "Isardis is nothing like you think he is." Azalea spoke of him as if she knew him, or had met him before. Had he really gotten around that fast? Did he really pick up on every yearling he came across? She couldn't help but roll her eyes. He was a jackass, she couldn't believe she had actually given him the time of day. "I've been to a few places. Since my mother died, my training stopped, so I actually had time to leave." She said with a bit of an attitude. For some reason she wasn't getting the greatest vibe from Azalea. Was coming to meet her a good idea after all? Or would this encounter cause them to hate each other? She sure hoped not, because the rest of Valhalla already hated her.




6 Years
09-09-2013, 04:31 PM (This post was last modified: 09-09-2013, 04:33 PM by Azalea.)

"Isardis is nothing like you think he is." Azalea seemed taken back by her words, her mouth fixing in an uneasy line. "I suppose I don't really know the guy, but he seems like an ass." She was short and to the point, her eyes looking away as Libtery rolled her eyes. She was confused on what Liberty was saying to her. Was she saying that Isardis was a monster or was she trying to say that he was not a bad guy at all?

"I've been to a few places. Since my mother died, my training stopped, so I actually had time to leave." The female was snippy now and her head shot around so that her eye could find the grey toned she-wolf. Her ears had pulled back and her amber eyes stared at the other gal as if she were trying to say something. She was, though, saying that Azalea knew nothing. She lacked the training. She flexed her toes, trying to keep her cool. No need to lose her head here. "I see." She wanted to proceed, to go on, to say more but the words wouldn't come to her and before she go into a needless and wordy explanation she bit her tongue.

She exhaled slowly, getting up. Well, she had been happy. Just as the thought overcame her, so did a smile and she couldn't help a little laugh. She moved away from the waters edge finally, sitting down on more solid ground. "I'm sorry." She apologized for herself, prepared for the repercussions of appearing to have laughed at Liberty.


09-09-2013, 04:45 PM

""I suppose I don't really know the guy, but he seems like an ass." If only she really knew. She had gotten part of it right, Isardis was a smooth talker, but he was much more than that. Creep or not he was a king, and kings must be respected. As much as she disliked him, she knew she had thrown her fate in the air, and when he caught it, she had no right to be surprised. So maybe, after some time, she could learn to like the ghost. After all, she had liked him at first, until he laughed in her face. "If you want to know the truth, I wanted to go with him until I discovered I would practically be imprisoned within his kingdom." It was true. She had played the games, and when he decided to make his move she ran like a coward, and now Valhalla as a whole would pay for it. She couldn't help but sigh. She was pretty good at making messes wasn't she?

Gaze caught sight of her changed facial expression, and the way her body language slightly changed. Had she taken what she said the wrong way? She hoped not, even though Azalea seemed to have an attitude herself. They were both teenage girls figuring themselves out, so wasn't it to be expected? An attitude toward other gals was turning into a natural thing to them. Azalea rose, and Liberty's eyes followed her every movement. Then she laughed. Why in the hell was she laughing? Right ear tipped back as she tilted her head slightly. "Something funny?" She said simply, this time no attitude in her tone. It was neutral, she was simply curious as to what made her laugh. Was it her?




6 Years
09-10-2013, 01:10 PM

"If you want to know the truth, I wanted to go with him until I discovered I would practically be imprisoned within his kingdom." Azalea pulled back her an ear and stared in silence at the female. Her mind considered the words and a part of her warmed. "Granted he was no king... I met a wolf named Greed and had it not been for Cromalin I surely would have given myself up to the male. He could have had me very easily... but Cromalin had followed me that day and spoke sense when I could find none in myself. None of us are perfect, though some do a damn good job at hiding it. Anyone who blames you for this is wrong, we all make mistakes, especially when we are young." It was one of those moments where she became oddly philosophical.

Blue eyes followed her retreat up the bank, her laugh getting a reaction from the other female. Mostly confused, "Something funny?" She asked. Azalea cleared her throat, she would not be so foolish as to think the two were friends and thus would not give away anything that could get her in a sticky situation. "Nothing I can say out loud." Now there was a devious half smile on her face, eyes glittering at she glanced to Liberty. "You see, I seem to be very good at getting in trouble and so there are many things I must keep to myself. Never know who might sing like a songbird."

She rolled her shoulders in a light shrug, "Not to say that you're that type of wolf." She felt the need to clarify that, before Liberty could think she was accusing her to be the boy who cried wolf.


09-19-2013, 04:54 PM

The same neutral expression plagued the woman's face as she listened. She nodded when she was done, confirming her belief in making mistakes when young. Everyone makes mistakes, so why was she being punished so harshly about it? "Boys are tempting creatures, aren't they?" She said with a laugh as she looked up at Azalea, trying to make eye contact. If only they could be born with a man deflector until they were ready for them. She heard the woman clear her throat, and her ears naturally swung forward to hear what she would say. So, she had secrets hidden behind those eyes huh? She would have never guessed. Azalea seemed to reserved and regal, but now that she actually met her, she could tell that was all a front. Most wolves with high ranks held fronts anyways, and she was just as guilty as much as she wanted to deny it. "I prefer not to sing." She said simply. It was true, they weren't her secrets to tell, so if Azalea were to open up to her, it would stay between them.


OOC: shit post I'm sorry >.> forgive me



6 Years
09-19-2013, 09:44 PM

Liberty seemed to finally realize that Azalea was not trying to provoke her. "Boys are tempting creatures, aren't they?" Liberty laughed and Azalea's rib cage jumped as a rush of air left her nose. A suppressed laugh of her own, her head shaking lightly. "Far too much so." She mused, eyes glancing over in time to make eye contact with her.

Her smile faded as their eyes met, Azalea realizing that this was probably the first time she had actually spent time with another female that wasn't part of her family. A smile lit up her face again, eyes darting away as her tail began to wave happily. "I prefer not to sing." The multi-shaded wolf said and Azalea nodded, looking to her again.

She turned her head away so that Liberty could only see a profile, taking into consideration that things that had come to pass between the two. She licked her licks, "Well I like a Glaciem wolf. Also, I... spent the night with Sarak." Her tone changed multiple times as she spoke the words. She started out to the point then she became more cryptic with her wording but the way she said it made it clear just what she had done. Azalea was not ashamed of what had happened, it was obvious by the way she spoke.

She smiled a bit weakly now, amber eyes meeting the icy blue ones. "I'm not as good as everyone thinks I should be... thinks I have to be."


09-27-2013, 04:28 PM (This post was last modified: 09-27-2013, 04:28 PM by Liberty.)

Her lips would crease into a smile as Azalea laughed, and she too giggled a bit. Boys were tempting, sometimes she wondered if they had been sent to drag girls down from their goals. Her eyes would not move as they made eye contact. Her mother had always taught her that eye contact was key in a conversation, so she tried to keep it as much as possible with anyone. She enjoyed watching emotions changed in their eyes. Azalea would turn her head, giving Liberty only a profile to look at, so she too would turn to take in the scenery around them. Hopefully no one was around listening, but the two were about to spill some dirty secrets.

Azalea started to speak, and Liberty listened. She nodded her head slowly so that if she was looking at her she would know she was listening, then she spoke. "I haven't met anyone from Glaciem yet besides Isardis, but I hope none of them are like him. I have seen Sarak before, isn't he a bit older?" She would ask before she continued. "I like older men as opposed to boys our age. They aren't experienced enough." She would say with a flick of her tail. She was debating on telling Azalea her story about the night in the cavern. Might as well. "I too had a night with a man. It was amazing to say the least. It was right after Isardis had come for me, I made a decision to dirty myself before he got a chance to do it. So I went into these caverns, and there was this man... I never actually saw him, it was too dark to see. It felt like a dream to me, but I know it was real. The pain reminded me it was real." She would say, her tongue peaking out to caress her lips. She was a kinky woman, cursed with the temptation of her mother and the determination of her father. She was starting to realize she liked pain.

"I'm not as good as everyone thinks I should be... thinks I have to be." Her head would turn back toward Azalea, eyes urging to meet her gaze. She knew exactly how that felt, she too had high expectations that her mother had placed on her. "Me neither." She would say simply, but it was all she needed to say. She was supposed to become the beta someday, and Azalea the heir. She knew how it felt to have that weight on her shoulders.




6 Years
10-01-2013, 10:14 AM

The two laughed over boys being tempting. Perhaps it was foolish of them to do so. They should be working to make themselves stand stronger against the woos of attracted males. Azalea liked the attention she got, though, and she could tell that Liberty did too.

It was nice to feel pretty and wanted.

As she gave the quick version of her digression with males, Libtery nodded in what Azalea perceived as understanding. "I haven't met anyone from Glaciem yet besides Isardis, but I hope none of them are like him. I have seen Sarak before, isn't he a bit older?" Her eyes trained on the female was she spoke, Azalea thinking of how Vixe had been the two times she had met him. He was a wall of a wolf, attractive and nice enough. He was the forbidden fruit, even more so now that his ties to Glaciem were known. "I like older men as opposed to boys our age. They aren't experienced enough." Azalea's lips curled into a dark smile.

"Hey now, when it came down to it, Sarak knew well enough what he was doing!" She laughed lightly, remembering the way he had made her wait, making her body buck with every touch. "Vixe is nothing like Isardis... he just failed to mention that he was from Glaciem. Of course, we met before you even met Isardis though so I guess I had no reason to wonder where in the north he came from. And yes, Sarak is a bit only. Only about a year." She didn't really like to think of them at the same time. It seemed cruel. Dark blue eyes would grow thoughtful, Azalea letting herself glance away to leave Liberty to her thoughts.

"I too had a night with a man. It was amazing to say the least. It was right after Isardis had come for me, I made a decision to dirty myself before he got a chance to do it. So I went into these caverns, and there was this man... I never actually saw him, it was too dark to see. It felt like a dream to me, but I know it was real. The pain reminded me it was real." Her words came out straightforward enough, every line having its own weight. Azalea gave the shadow of a smile as Liberty fessed up to how it had made her feel. She gave a deft nod of agreement. Never before that night had Azalea every wanted something so bad. Her level of enjoyment had been sinful.

After she had finished talking, Azalea sighed heavily, casting her eyes dramatically skyward. "Good lot of smart, ruly, homely girls we are, huh?" There was a heavy sarcasm to her tone. "I had a close run in with an older male, looked to be around five, but Cormalin appeared and knocked some sense into me. I'm sure it would have been good though," Her tone was wistful, seeing no need to hide things from Liberty anymore. They were being open, bearing all the way they could do with no one else.

"Your run in sounds delightful. For as much as I hate a man treating me as inferior, I love being taken control of." Her words came out a little heavy, mean thinking to the many close encounters she had had as well the one real time.

As Azalea spoke again, Liberty turned to look at her. Azalea didn't keep those blue eyes waiting, meeting them evenly. "Me neither." Azalea couldn't be certain but she felt an edge to Liberty's words. A wicked smile found her lips, "Hey somebody has to keep people on their toes." She paused for a moment, "Give 'em hell, right?"


10-12-2013, 12:31 PM

""Hey now, when it came down to it, Sarak knew well enough what he was doing!" She couldn't help but laugh, her eyes shutting as she nearly rolled over onto her back. For some reason that was really funny to her, it was funny that they were so young and discussing the first boys they had slept with. She wondered if their mothers had done the same with their first friend? Her eyes opened, and she started to look over the girl before her. She was getting the vibe that this encounter wouldn't get the last, she could feel a connection already forming between them. Had she finally found a true friend? She hoped so. "I don't know how old my male was- I don't know much about him in general actually." She would say as she snickered. She was a naughty girl wasn't she? "I like it better that way. Please me then leave so I can continue my journey to greatness." She would say as her right eye closed in a wink. Men were just play things for them at this age, she had no intentions of settling down just yet.

Eyes would remain on the brunette and white temptress as she spoke. "I had a close run in with an older male, looked to be around five, but Cormalin appeared and knocked some sense into me. I'm sure it would have been good though," "Typical daddy figures coming to ruin our fun. If we aren't in season what's the harm besides the label? Which I don't mind having." And by label of course she meant being called a whore. She didn't care what others thought, all she cared about was how she saw herself- and she did not see herself as a whore. "Luckily for me, my father is never around to ruin my fun. I don't know where he is half the time. Since my mother died I've been on my own despite living in Valhalla." She would say, at first her lips creasing into a smirk but then turning into a slight frown. It bothered her that her father was never around, but she was growing used to it. Soon enough she would be numb again.

"Keeping em on their toes is what we do best. Without us, who else would keep interest in Valhalla. We are the future after all." She would add, her mind leaving her father as her lips curled into a devious smirk again. It was weird how she could quickly change her emotions based on what was going through her head. "And if Isardis ever takes me I will be his hell on a gold chain. He may have my body, but he will never tame my soul." She would rise, her tail flicking eagerly behind her. "And if you ever dig yourself a grave I will come lay in it with you. From this moment on you will be my number one friend Azalea. I hope you feel the same." She needed to make a move, she needed to establish some sort of relationship between them. She wanted a best friend, and a decent applicant was sitting before her. Why not take her?