
Let Them Eat Cake!


08-31-2013, 11:00 PM

Leaves fell from there little pointy sticks that poked out of huge trees. The ground changed from plain grassland to a leafy mess then back to a grassland. The woman looked out of the ordinary within the fall colors. Her mute of any color once so every body stood out like a sore paw. With each elegant step came a crunch of a leaf. She ignored it but in the back of her mind all she heard was; crunch .. crunch .. crunch. She sucked it a jagged breath and stared at the ground in utter hate. The delicate Dog despised leaves from that day on. She hated them all. Why must they crunch, she thought. Yet, the question would never be answered.

Soft pink eyes flicked around in complete awe of the beauty before her. It was a brisk morning. The warmer tempetures of summer were rolling in. The heat felt good on her fragile skin. She enjoyed it to the very end. The German Shepherd watched as the lake before her very being stood still as a rock. Unmoving at the surface, yet beneath she knew its secrets. A whole different way of life thrived under the surface of the blue blanket. Fish and other water creatures skipped about within their little hydrosphere. Yet, she stood upon the bank, watching the top of their homes remain still. But, she saw a very unlucky Fish. Antoinette was not one to bra- wait, yes she was one to brag. The woman was a hell of a fisher. She watched the bass flick around at the bank before it edged a little to close. A pristine white paw swooped in and swiped the slimy being from the lake. She looked to the sade as it seized in place. She laughed and pranced over to the Bass. A light paw came down and crushed its upper half into a boney mush. A gag was let forth and her head was turned. Repulsive. Yet, she looked back down at the meal and let her jaws dive down. She began to gently dine upon the Bass, unlike any canine would. She dined with elegance. Antoinette was a lady, of course.




5 Years
Extra large
08-31-2013, 11:33 PM (This post was last modified: 09-01-2013, 12:28 PM by Taurig.)

He was back west that day, but fortunately for him he had learned his lesson from the last time he'd come down. Deadman's scrap, as he had learned the place was called, was to be avoided at all cost. Even though he met his new friend Seraphine there, it wasn't the type of situation he would want to be in again. His coat wasn't meant for such extreme temperatures of heat. This new area was much safer to be in, definitely a lot more comfortable since it had a giant lake sitting smack in the middle of it, with the most interesting looking rock formation situated at the center. It was certainly much nicer here, with more foliage and greenery than the deadman's scrap. The cool morning was refreshing, the titan taking a huge gulp of fresh air, just glad that he was alive for another day. His breakfast of rabbit had been pretty delicious and his belly was sated for the time being, so the smell of blood and fish that tickled his nostrils didn't send his intestines protesting, but instead piqued his interesting. He pushed onwards, coming into full view of the lake, icy gaze finding the pale figure of what looked to be a wolf across the lake, delicately dinning on a fish. Isardis?

The Knight halted at the edge of the lake, nostrils flaring as he hunted for the wolf's scent. It was female, so definitely not his father. There was another albino wolf here in these lands that he didn't know of? Now definitely curious, Taurig stirred, powerful limbs pulling him around the lake as he slowly made his way to the other side, realizing as he got closer that the wolf was extremely small. She looked like a pup compared to his gargantuan frame. Then again, he was abnormally huge, but it was the same concept. He slowed to a walk, skull kept low, tail hanging between his hocks in an attempt to look non-threatening. Good morning miss. He called out softly, not wanting to alarm her, his gaze intent on her pale spine.

Talk like this


09-01-2013, 11:56 AM

Pristine white fangs nipped at the slimy sliver of Bass. She picked the light flesh from its tiny bones. She enjoyed the light taste of the fish. Clear claws punctured into the dirt with delight. Her fluffy tail wagged behind her, unlike a Wolf, she was a Dog after all. The visible excitement nearly radiated off of her. Her pale body stuck out within the natural colors of Summer. Yet, she did not care. The woman knew she was different. Other animals weren't pale and pink. Their skin wasn't exposed. Their noses were black. Though, all she had seen so far were traces of Wolves and other various critters. Deer, Squirrels, and such. She hasn't seen any others like her. The woman was a German Shepherd. Considered a Dog. But, of course she was much prettier then a dog. Her Albino body made her so much more elegant and delicate. The girl used it to her advantage. She knew she made the men flutter, yet she liked to think she was pure.

She heard pad falls behind her. They were a little further away. Her larger ears made it easy for her to hear much further away then some other Canines. She leaned up as the woman finished her breakfast. Her belly was calm with statusfaction. A voice filled those pale auds. It was a male. She turned around to face the male and she found a Wolf. A darker man, opposite of her. He was huge compared to the German Shepherd. A frail smile appeared on her fine lips. Pink orbs eyed the raven man as she let forth delicate vocals. "Greetings, sir!" The woman padded forward slowly until she stood a few feet away. A regal bow was shown from the little Princess. Her head dipped down and her tail wagged behind her rapidly. The small smile continued to reside upon her pristine lips. "I am Lady Antoinette." The name rolled off her tongue in a gentle French accent that flowed across some of her words.




5 Years
Extra large
09-01-2013, 12:49 PM

She was much tinier than wolf he'd seen ever see, which was really saying something because he'd seen wolves of all shapes and sizes and now all colors. But there was something off about the tiny woman. Her scent wasn't wolf, but then it was. It was canine he knew that much, but as far what she was that wasn't wolf he couldn't be sure. He had never encountered a canine like herself, but that wasn't going to deter him from talking to her. If anything, that made him want to talk to more, to try and figure out just what exactly she was if she wasn't a wolf.

Greetings, sir! To his surprise she called back to him, even daring as to pad forward until the gap between them had lessened. Clearly, this woman was a lot friendlier and more approachable then most wolves he'd met so far. She even went so far as to bow respectively towards him as she introduced herself as lady Antoinette. A gentle smile curled his ebony jowls, plume wagging gently. Good afternoon miss Antoinette, it's pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name is Taurig, the son of the king of Glaciem. He would return Antoinette's bow with his own, icy gems meeting her coral ones. I take if you're new here miss? He asked curiously, knowing he was right but wanting to see if she would provide some kind of explanation.

Talk like this


09-01-2013, 03:07 PM

She watched him with those empty eyes. They were ceramic orbs lacking any sort of color except a pale pink and grey. Her body was void of any other colors. She was empty with any sort of unique marking or cool coloration. Though, she was unique within her own way. She had never met anyone who looked like her. She came from a long line of pure German Shepherd's, yet she was cursed with a birth defect. She was not as strong or bulky as her brothers or sisters. But, the clan's elders stated that her unique disability was a blessing from the Gods and she was meant to rule. Therefore the bitch was placed as the heir due to the lack of males within their litter. She lived a pampered life until another pack came and massacred her entire family. She got away but was left alone in the cruel world with no servants or friends to help her.

Antoinette stared at him with a simple smile upon her fine lips. He reacted to her boy and speech with a charming smile of his own. The little girl had on her good girl act. Yet, she was a snob inside. Usually the woman was more rude to other females. She enjoys making them feel insecure. But, with men she enjoyed their company to much. She liked being taken care of and she knew good strong men could do that for her. Escpecially the one before her. Her eyes twinkled with a certain charm that could not be missed as his words flowed from his mouth. He was a heir? The Albino let her eyebrow raise. She was in the pressence of a Prince. The German Shepherd began to think of the possiblities and their destiny. Might have it been their destiny to meet? A fallen princess in distress and a strong hulking Prince? The woman let her smile increase as more baritone vocals filled the sweet air. Antoinette offered a light nod as an answer followed by luxurious words. "I am. I have come from my land in search of refuge. My clan was recently destroyed by this mangy bit of Wolves that call themselves a pack. My clan was a very strong group of German Shepherds like myself. Now we are none, but me. What is this Glaciem you speak of? Is there any of my breed within your ranks?"
