
Diamonds are a girls best friend


08-29-2013, 09:16 PM
Well, well, well what do we have here? Another plot page to add to the crazy mix of the already awesome plot pages we see here! Anywho, and anyhow where should we start at touching upon the lovely Celestia? I think I know!

Celestia is currently two years old, a huge flirt and has just recently left her home pack in search of something different. The proverbial 'the grass is greener on the other side' obviously applies to her. She grew up in a strict pack, a pack made up of hard workers and ridged sets of laws and rules to be followed. Leaving little to no room for fun or games, or even failure for that matter. It also doesn't help the matter that she is the alpha pairs only offspring, and not exactly what they expected. They did dot on her, and yes they pampered her, but they also taught her to be tough. HOWEVER, due to her oddball way of thinking and her personality which somehow managed to deviate from what the parents were wanting has left her at odds with her own families way of thinking. She has never taken well to authority, which could be traced to the fact that she was always forced to be the way she is, and she has rebelled against it. Along with her fickle and always flitting mind and emotions, she will happily do something for maybe a few minutes then get bored and want something else to do, whilst leaving the first thing for a 'later' time.

So right now she is gonna need the works, friends, enemies, and lovers.

For friends she is quite sociable and enjoys good company, not one to outright start confrontation she will however speak her mind. If this leads to it than so be it, she will stand up for herself. HOWEVER, be warned if she feels that someone she cares about is threatened she will gladly come out to help them if she feels the need is justified. She is also a good listener so she makes an awesome person to vent to if someone just needs a shoulder to cry on.

For enemies, she can use them; but mind you she won't go out of her way to make them. I can see these people being the opposite in personality of her or others she has ticked off in some way or another.

For Lovers, now this is interesting. The girl is a HUGE flirt IF the male is strong and holds some form of power or sway within a pack or group setting. Heck, even if they aren't she might flirt with them just for the heck of it. But, do not expect her to be willing to commit because even though she enjoys flirting she won't willingly hand her body over for anyone. So this could lead to some interesting plots, because she can be flirting one minute and then pretend she never noticed the guy in her life before when they meet again. SO potential creepy stalkers or even obsessions and crushes could be made to plot here!

If anyones interested I am more than willing to strike up some plot bunnies!