
She's up all night for good fun


08-29-2013, 03:23 PM

The heat was unbearable. It pushed her farther north towards the cooler temperature. But it was only a mild relief. She had laid low all through the day, clinging to the shadows within the pass. As night fell, she rose from her hiding spot, power limbs propelling her towards the entrance of the pass. It was an eerie place, the mountain constantly groaning under its own weight. But the cool air that swept threw it was amazing. The silver woman was by no means stupid enough to linger within the pass. Making her exit, she lingered just at the entrance, getting a clue as to where she was exactly.

Coral pools swept the landscape, the moonlight illuminating everything. Very little surrounded the pass, which was fine with her, it meant she got to be alone for bit, enjoy some true peace and quiet. A yawn parted inky lips, a stretch ripping through her powerful frame, sleepy muscles coming to life. A brief shake of her pelt and she was ready for whatever decided to cross her path. Hopefully something exciting. There had been little excitement in her life since her little fight with the boy on the island. Mischief danced in her eyes as the memories flashed before her.

But now was not the time to focus on things of the path. She had spent enough time lingering about. Something needed to happen, there needed to be a change. Her brother was now a obedient little pup, leaving her on her own. In her moment of solitude, a thoughtful look slide over her features, coiled limps carrying her back and forth past the entrance to the pass. What could she do? Tortuga had fallen once again, but it was quickly reclaimed, or so she had heard. She longed for power. She had been so bored lately. It was driving her wild.

A musky scent swept across her nose, teasing her senses. Someone had interrupted her solitude. For a brief moment, gems narrowed, until she noted that the scent was male. Pausing in her pacing, crown lifted, seeking out the stranger. A slow curl of her lips brought a smile to her face. Just what she needed. Wanted. A new play toy. Haunches slide the ground as she waited for this unknown man to show himself, to grace her with his presence.

Out of nowhere a small feline appeared beside her. She hadn't the cat in a few days now, it hadn't concerned her, the feline did fine on her own. The pair cast a quick glance at eachother, neither saying a word. There was no need to, on some unknown level they shared a connection. How or where is came from was unknown, but the pair suited each other, simply enjoying the others company. From the corner of her eye, she saw Cena lift her head, tasting the air before allow a scoff to slide from between her tiny jaws. "I'll leave you alone then." A smirk tugged at the wolfs mouth, massive paws reaching out to affectionately swat the feline, earning her a half hearted hiss.

Neither would admit it, but their were good friends and cared for each other, brought a small amount of happiness to each other. They would catch up soon, but first, Cataleya had a brute to deal with. Two toned plume thumped the ground idly, no real emotion behind it. Except maybe boredom. She didn't like waiting, especially when she knew what her reward was. And right now she desperately wanted her reward. Pushing herself up once more, she resumed her pacing, Cena disappearing from her view, slinking off into the shadows. Paws kissed the earth with practiced silence, muscles rolling with quiet grace beneath her thick pelt. Waiting, waiting, waiting. Always waiting.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"



5 Years
Extra large
08-31-2013, 02:27 PM

It was a chill northern night, frosty breezes moving through the landscape, bringing along a horde of new scents. Taurig was out exploring that night, having gotten bored with his nightly patrol. He had told himself that he was going to explore all the lands in the north and he had been doing pretty well so far. He was half way through them, or at least he thought he was. The landscape was much more foreboding during the night, the iridescent moonlight giving the snow dotted ground a eerie feeling. Rogue breezes blew in towards the knight's face, attacking his senses with a strange scent. Female. Rogue. And very close to his home. What was a woman doing out so late and wandering so close to a pack territory?

Curious as to who this woman was, Taurig sped on forward, powerful limbs pulling the titan over obstacles as he moved through the quiet landscape, icy gaze searching for the figure responsible for the scent. A break through the trees and the Knight was able to spot a silvery figure illuminated by the moonlight, pacing back and forth, as if waiting for someone. The titan pulled up at a distance from the silvery woman, frame tense with unease. What was this woman up to? He cleared his throat, hoping to catch her attention.

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09-03-2013, 09:01 AM

Finally. Coral gaze turned upon the brute as he made his entrance, clearing his throat to announce his presence. Unease rolled off him. She fought a smirk that threatened to tug at her lips. "Hello stranger." Lyrics sweet as honey spilled from dark jaws. Powerful limbs pushed her closer, stopping only a few feet from him. She couldn't help but let her gaze roamed his impressive frame, uncaring as to whether or not he noticed. Dark hues mingled with silver, the moonlight playing tricks with the colors, illuminating him.

For the moment she stayed put, not wanting to scare him off just yet. "What brings you way out here?" She offered an innocent tilt of her crown. Audits stood at attention, her body relaxed, tail swaying idly at her feet. He smelled clearly of a pack. Particularly the one nearby. What was he doing venturing out so late at night? The woman stood quietly, assessing him, waiting for his answer, waiting for his next move. Hopefully the tension would ease away from his muscles that lay hidden beneath his pelt.

Her paws itched to move closer, to rub against his side, mixing her scent with his. Nostrils twitched as his masculine scent teased her senses. She ignored the stench of pack that clung to him and burned her lungs. She was tempted to sit, to force herself to stay in her place, but no, she could be patient. She could wait. After all, good things come to those who wait.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"



5 Years
Extra large
09-06-2013, 03:48 PM

His clearing of the throat would work, catching the silver woman's attention as she would turn, coral gaze meeting icy one. Hello stranger. He could fear the honey sweetened words as they dripped from her inky jowls, a smirk threatening to crease her jaws as she moved closer to him, stopping only when there was a few feet between them. The steel like muscles beneath his grey-blue coat would stiffen, bulging beneath the surface, ears flattening against his skull. There was something dangerous about this woman, he could feel it, and he didn't like it. Not one bit.

What brings you way out here? There was a false air about her, about the way she tilted her head and the way she spoke. He let his icy gaze take inventory of her body. She was clearly smaller than him, as most wolves tended to be, but he could see the subtle hint of power that was hidden beneath her silver pelt and woven in with her feminine curves. Her markings across her face were interesting and her coral eyes reminded him of his father's similar colored eyes. She was a pretty female, he would give her that, but he could feel that her intentions didn't exactly match her looks. I was out patrolling and caught your scent. You're very close to packlands, are you aware? Came his low rumble.

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09-06-2013, 04:05 PM

She saw the bunch of his muscles, the tension that creased his features, the flattening on his ears. Surely she wasn't that threatening. She pulled herself together. Elegant frame relaxed, any movement fluid and lazy as though she was best friends with him. She let any words that dripped from her muzzle fall naturally, almost whimsically, genuinely sweet sounding. She made it appear as though she had been wary of him and was slowly relaxing. It was all a game. A game she was good at, and he clearly was not.

Patrolling. He confirmed her thoughts. He was part of a pack, the one that resided nearby. "Do I look like a fool?" Tones were spoken with good humor, a hint of smile tugging at lips, soft laughter bubbling in her throat. "Of course I know there's a pack nearby."

Moving with small steps, each movement deliberate, she inches closer. Her expression thoughtful. "What pack are you from?" Idle chit chat. Something she hated, but was good at. She would set his worries to rest. Coral pools met his before looking in the direction in which he came, were his pack undoubtedly resided. Once she was closer, haunches slide to the earth, two toned plume curling around. She sat intently, watching the young male, waiting for any sign that he was relaxing in her presence.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"



5 Years
Extra large
09-06-2013, 04:21 PM

He could see her physically relax, her body loosening, movements becoming fluid and graceful even. There was something seriously off about this particular woman, but he just couldn't put his paw on it. It was like the time he'd met the crazy yellow eyed woman on the large landform. He'd been able to tell what was wrong with her right away but with this was extremely hard to tell if she was really putting on an act or if she was truly genuine. His gut was telling him to be cautious, not allow his guard to come fully down and he would heed his gut feeling. He wasn't looking forward to being ambushed or anything or the sort tonight.

Do I look like a fool? Of course I know there's a pack nearby. At her laughter his icy eyes would narrow, plume flicking uneasily behind powerful haunches, the stiffness of his frame ever present as the woman inched closer, a thoughtful expression creasing her features as she questioned what pack he was from. Her gaze would meet his only to flicker away to glance behind him, back the way he came, her smaller frame settling before his. Glaciem. He rumbled, nostrils flaring as a tantalizing scent tickled his nostrils. What was that?

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09-06-2013, 04:32 PM

He wasn't entirely buying her act. It was for times like this that she was thankful to have enough self control to be patient. Apparently he took offense to her laughter from the narrowing of his eyes. He was going to be a tough cookie to crack. Glaciem. His words where clipped and to the point. The pack name sounded vaguely familiar but she didn't really care. She had little interest in knowing anything personal about him. She just wanted him.

"I don't think I've heard of Glaciem before." It was a subtle cued that she wanted him to give a few details about his home. It was from her experience that the more one talked the more they relaxed, especially when it came to themselves. Sharp eyes casually watched him, looking attentive.

He was smart. She would give him that much. Something was telling him to be wary of her, as he should be. But lucky for him she had no interest in killing tonight, her desires far more primal. The silver woman watched at his nostrils flared as though he smelled something. She couldn't pinpoint what though. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Audits twitched casually, listening, before returning to attention.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"



5 Years
Extra large
09-06-2013, 04:49 PM

I don't think I've heard of Glaciem before. That was the first remotely sincere thing he'd heard come from her lips since having come upon her. He wasn't all that surprised that she hadn't heard of Glaciem. They were a relatively new pack, still gaining new members each day, but if his father started going around and challenging all the packs in Alacritis for their females, he had a feeling that Glaciem would soon become a house-hold name. We're a relatively new pack, having just settled a few seasons ago. My father Isardis is the king of Glaciem. We're located just a few miles from here, up in the Sparse Pines, if you've ever heard of that place. He wasn't exactly sure what she wanted to know abut Glaciem, so he only provided the basic details. If she wanted to know more, all she had to do was ask and he would easily comply.

As he waited to see if there were anymore questions, he couldn't help but notice the strange scent that seemed to waft from the silver woman. It was familiar somewhat and he could swear that he'd smelt it before, but he just couldn't put his paw on it. But it certainly caught his attention, stirring heat in his nether regions that had otherwise never happened before. He remained stoic even as the heat began to circulate his frame, distracting him from the fact that this woman wasn't what she appeared to be. Taurig's features were unreadable as he gazed down at the woman, trying his best to ignore the need that had begun to arise. He was a warrior. He didn't have time for needs like this.

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09-06-2013, 05:00 PM

He explained the basics of his pack but it all went in one ear and out the other. New pack. Sparse pines. Blah blah blah. She was getting restless. She was growing tired of waiting. But not one did her outer features waiver. Never did she give any clue as to the desire that began to build, its nagging growing more and more insistent. "What's it like?" Damn this idle conversation! Her inner demons raged. The only thing distracting her was the cool wind from the pass that rustled her pelt, kept her flesh cooled against the fire that was building inside her.

Not one did his expression change. In fact it was more of a carefully placed mask. As though he was trying to hide something from. Not that that was a foreign concept to her. She did it all the time. He met her gazing unwaveringly. His posture didn't change. Nothing. Forcing down the agitation, she gave herself a mental shake, forcing herself to stay calm. But it was getting ridiculous.

"Where do you stand within the pack?" A minor distraction. It was testing her patiences having to sit around and wait for this long. Perhaps he was to smart for his own good. Taking a breath, she calmed herself. Quieting her demons. Stoic. She held it in place with practiced ease. Without so much as a second thought. She would wait a little longer to see if he relax, if he would move closer. If he would just do something for god sake!

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"



5 Years
Extra large
09-21-2013, 08:00 PM

Every moment that he continued to stand before the silver woman was another notch that the fire stirring in his hips began to burn hotter. He didn't understand why this was happening. He didn't even know why his body was reacting the way that it was. He had never had this reaction before in his life. So why now? The woman continued to pretend that she was interested in what he was saying, asking what glaciem was like. Taurig answered her questions in an effort to keep himself distracted from the weird reaction his body was producing. We're somewhat of a peaceful pack, if you consider my father going and challenging for pack females peaceful. Our pack mostly consists of females, though there a few males, although they are only there to serve as protectors to the females. It probably wasn't the best explanation, but he wasn't really trying to make his pack sound like it was the greatest one around because it wasn't. Not from his perspective anyway.

Where do you stand within the pack? Did it really matter? He would go along with her charade of interest. I am overseer. One of the highest ranking wolves in my pack aside from my father and his queen. Not that it was anything to be impressed by. The need was growing worse and he found himself needing to give in. But he didn't want to. He was a warrior. Not a breeder like his father. The titan stayed locked in place, battling with his inner demons. He couldn't give in. He couldn't.

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09-22-2013, 09:10 PM

She heard him speaking but the words meant little. She was beginng to notice the tension that rattled his frame, the bunched muscle that struggled to keep him glued to his spot. It was what she had been waiting for. With careful precision she rose, muscles working beneath her silvery pelt. Slow steps carried her closer, each movement carefully calculated, showing her intent to move closer. Nostrils flared taking in his intoxicating masculine scent.

She could only imagine that war that was taking place in his mind. Instincts versus his duty as a warrior. It was time to bring an end to that war. Pushing forward, she bump her shoulder into his, mingling the colors of their pelts. "Why don't you take a little break from those tiresome duties." Sensual tones rolled off her tongue in ways almost certain to tease his ears, her voice soft, hushed. She pressed herself against him, tail flicking at her heels. Coral pools turned to meet his gaze, her desire reaching it's breaking point.

OOC- phone post... And I hope you don't mind the little pp, gotta get this going somewhere XD

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"



5 Years
Extra large
09-25-2013, 03:21 PM

He was usually pretty about keeping things under control, but for some reason the silver woman before him was beginning to chip away at his control. Taurig had never taken a mate, nor did he plan on doing so anytime in the near future, so why was his body reacting like this? He didn't mate with just any female like his father. He wasn't that type of man. But his body was screaming at him to take the vixen before him, to claim her with his body and fill her with his seed. And it seemed that she had the same intentions as she slithered forward, bumping her shoulder against his as she told him to take a break from his duties. I...shouldn't... came his low, hesitant rumble, as his hungry icy gaze traveled down the length of her body to meet her equally hungry coral one. He stared down at her, half of him wanting to take her while the other half wanted to reject her. He was acutely aware of the pulsing between his thighs and if she moved even just an inch more, his self control would crumble and he would have her.

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09-25-2013, 08:13 PM

I shouldn't. Soft words rumbled from his jaws, his hesitation evident. All he needed was one little to shattered the rest of his self control. Silvery crown turned to place a gentle nip on his shoulder that was quickly soothed by a kiss. She pressed herself against him hard, a low growl rumbling in her throat. She needed this burning desire sated now. She couldn't wait any longer. "You can." Maw tilted up to murmur words directly into his ear, tongue appearing to sweep across the triangular audit.

She circled around him, keeping her body pressed against him, absorbing with warmth and the feel of his skin against hers. But she craved more. She wanted to feel him pressed against her back, claiming her. He would be given no chance to reject her, his will to do so was fading fast. Pressing onward she would have her way. A placed another nip upon his flesh, not caring where it landed, and as before it was soothed by a kiss of her tongue. "What name will I be screaming to the heavens tonight?" Husky tones fell from inky lips.

She could feel his hungry gaze roaming her body before meeting hers. She could practically watch his self control slip away as he gave into his carnal desires for once. For the first time? She didn't know and didn't care.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"



5 Years
Extra large
09-26-2013, 12:16 AM

He was better than this; he knew it. the silver woman pressed against him, her heated flesh melting against his own heated flesh a foreign thought crossed his mind. He was always doing the right thing, always trying to be the good warrior, the respectable one, the moral one. But who would it kill if he just dropped that for a moment and actually allowed himself to live for once? He was always wound up so tight. He wasn't living life. And then...there was Argent. The silver duchess had poisoned him, unintentionally perhaps, but for the first time in his life the cobalt man had allowed himself to feel something for someone. He had felt something of a kindred spirit with the duchess, and as the time he spent around her increased, so did the feelings he gave permission to appear. But how wrong he had been. He should've never let them in. Feelings were for those without responsibility. He was a warrior through and through and nothing would change that.

But in this moment, with the silver woman with the coral gaze, he wasn't a warrior. He was a man who was suddenly aware of his body's needs. He was shutting out the hurt, shutting out the responsibility, shutting everything out that wasn't his need or the vixen pressed against him. The woman would turn towards him, her teeth seeking purchase at his shoulder, nipping at the skin, a tinge of pain flaring up only to be soothed by a kiss a moment later, encouragement in her words. He could. He could do it. I can... He murmured as he craned his neck towards her, a shiver running down the length of his spine at the kiss to his ear. Now as he gaze down at the silver serpent beside him, he saw just how appealing she really was. Any other male whom would've been presented with the opportunity to claim her wouldn't have hesitated. So why should he? She moved around him, not breaking the contact and titan would follow her with his eyes until she came around to his right side, asking him for his name. His name. Such a trivial thing.

Taurig....and yours? He would rumble huskily, crown dipping towards the vixen to nibble just behind her ear, his resolve finally having cracked. He was done trying to resist. He just wanted to feel her and forget about everything else.

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09-26-2013, 12:58 AM

Success! It was hers! I can. His resolve had cracked. He watched her every step as she made her way around him, never loosing contract. His crown dipped down and she felt his fangs ever so lightly behind her ear, nibbling at the tender flesh there. A low rumble of pleasure shook her vocal cords as she leaned into his touch. Taurig. His name graced the sensitive canal of her ears, whisper silence promises of what was to come. "Cataleya." Her own name rolled off her tongue in a sweet caress, dripping like honey from dark jaws.

Never would she know or understand why he was so uptight and unwilling to give into his desires, why he had fought her so much in the beginning. After this, she'd give him a taste he'd never forget. A taste he would crave. Finding her way under his chin, she dragged her body along his chest before letting her tail gently swat the underside of his jaws as she scooted a few steps from him, tossing him a glance over her shoulder that screamed 'take me now'.

The male that stood before was a warrior. That much she knew. But herself, she was a woman who thrived on her desires. Thrived on the lust that flowed freely through her veins. Thrived on the cries of others. She lived for it all. There was no feeling of needing to be responsible for some duties within a pack. She was wild, untamable. A fire that left chaos in her tracks. The total opposite of the brute that currently wanted her. There was no feeling of love in her icy heart, only raw desire for the wickedest of things. And yet this warrior, this protector of his people, had no idea. Had no idea of who stood so close to his home.
"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"



5 Years
Extra large
09-26-2013, 01:06 AM

He didn't know who this woman was or why she was so close to the borders of Glaciem, and frankly at this point in time he didn't care. He didn't want to care about anything. He wanted to shut out everything that made him the warrior that he had been born to be and just let himself be a wolf for once in his damn life. Wolves mated, though usually in mated pairs, but it wasn't strange for them to mate with complete strangers. And that's what he was doing, for the first time in his life. When this was all over he would probably regret it, but he wasn't thinking about the after effect. He was thinking of the here and now and how much he wanted to take this woman. Cataleya. would come her honeyed purr, velvety in its texture as it filled his ears. What a fitting name for such an attractive woman.

Cataleya would move before him, arching her figure against his spine, allowing her tail to grail against his lower jaw, stoking a fire in his loins that burned white hot. She moved off a few steps, glancing back at him with a look that commanded him to take her. He would be damned if he didn't listen. Taurig would step forward, a throaty growl rumbling in his massive chest as he approached her, skimming his muzzle against her rump, daggers nipping at the flesh, salmon tongue swiping out to soothe each nip as she had done to him. He wanted her now, but she wasn't ready yet. She hadn't presented herself and he hoped with a little encouragement that she would.

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09-26-2013, 07:00 PM

A throaty rumble was the only noise he gave. He followed in her steps approaching her when she stopped moving. Again she felt the light nips he gave her, a quiet demand. With that her tail moved aside as she presented herself to the dark brute. She leaned into his touch, a low rumbling once again slipping from her jaws. Things were going right where she wanted them to go. Instinctually her paws slide out, widening her stance by a few inches. He was a sizable wolf. White hot desire burned her entire body, thrumming with the rapid beat of her heart. She was ready.

She was ready for him to claim her for the night. Ready to feel his flesh against hers. Ready to experience him. It had seemed like forever since she had last found herself in the grasp of a man. If she remembered correctly, it had been her brother. But this was a different man, completely different. A shiver of anticipation ran down her spine. His every touch soothed the fire that was raging within. A noise of impatient need crinkled her maw as she looked at him over her shoulder. There wasn't an ounce of hesitation or feeling as though she may regret it. She took a small step back, pushing herself against his chest

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"



5 Years
Extra large
10-01-2013, 10:13 PM

He could feel Cataleya widening her stance before him, readying her smaller frame to brace against his larger mass once he decided to mount her. And that was only seconds away from happening. She would toss her tail to the side, revealing the sweet prize beneath. The member between his hips began to throb at an unbearable heat, screaming at him to take her now. With a toss of her head and bump of her rump against her chest, Taurig was done waiting. With a throaty snarl, the titan would raise himself onto his hind legs, forelimbs reaching out and forward to wrap around Cataleya's hips, forcefully pulling her towards him, filling her with one long thrust. A groan of pleasure slipped from his lips as he finally let himself go and live for once.


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10-01-2013, 10:17 PM

The waiting had come to an end. She heard his deep snarl, felt it vibrate in his chest as he heaved his massive frame onto hind legs. A low groan turned into a snarl of pleasure as his forelimbs wrapped around her, pulling her forcing back against him, filling in one thrust. Her world exploded around her, her back bowing only slightly under his weight. With legs locked into place, she let her mind slip away, leaving behind only her body and the pleasure that rattled her to her core.


"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"