
My Secret Garden



08-28-2013, 11:34 PM
The thundering of the fall coursed through her body, a drumming steady beat. Tiny paws of the pale cream female leaped from one lush clump of growth to another, sending birds fluttering into the air. The air was warm, sunlight dappling the forest floor below. Two toned gaze lifted, trying to see the top of the falls. This place was so invigorating yet calming too. The petite wolf slowly emerged to the edge of the pooling base of the falls. Mist hung in the air around her, making the scents of plants much stronger. With her own sweet perfume of herbs and fresh mountain air.

With a sigh she sat down, tail wrapping around her paws. So much had happened in her life. Her sister Song had left after a fight with their mother, she had taken the role of a Healer, Howl seemed to close off more so from others, Anthem still had no cure, and now she was searching for a cure for Anthem?s problem and told her sister was somewhere in these lands. She believed a cure was out there for her brother, refusing to think he was born the way he was. Plus at the same time she had met others in her skills who taught her more valuable knowledge. She would not regret this journey, it had opened a whole new world for her. And yet her was secretly afraid, afraid of what reuniting with her sister would be like, what it might mean. She feared the changes her life would under go. And also what she might be missing out on life.



6 Years
08-30-2013, 07:55 PM

The pounding of the falls was echoing around inside his skull, giving him a head ache. It was not the biggest water fall he had ever seen but it was certainly bigger than most, just big enough for the sound of the tumbling water to be too loud. For him at least. It had been part of what had stopped him from visiting waterfalls, he loved watching the dance of falling water, not so much he noise. The pool at the bottom of the falls was nice enough. The lush vegetation that surrounded him was surprising for him, considering what he had seen of the North right now. Even in summer it was rather wintery. He heard the rustle of many birds taking flight somewhere ahead of him.
He emerged from the brush to see the pool itself, dark green orbs lifted to watch the falls for a moment, his imagination still captured by the water?s pattern as it tumbled. Then he lowered his gaze and saw the little ivory woman sitting at the edge of the pool. He took a step towards her, the cool mist of the fall hitting him in the face and the crashing growing louder. He approached her, circling slightly so as not to be coming up upon her from behind her. A few paw steps away he stopped. ?Good day Miss.? His voice was raised some so as to be heard above the falls. He settled upon his haunches, dipping his head slightly in greeting.




08-31-2013, 11:25 AM
The thundering of the falls was so loud, but she welcomed it. It drowned out her thoughts and all around her. Her head tucked in slightly as she closed her eyes. Her fur started to cling to her form from the mist rolling off the falls. This place was beautiful. And by scent she could tell many herbs grew around here. Not ones she had been used to, but others she had learned of. Why couldnt her sister live here? Eyes opened to stare up at the falls, unaware of someone approaching. She wondered if there were any caves behind the falls. Just as she was about to stand she felt like someone was there, and soon after a voice sounded off to her side.

Two toned gaze shifted to the russet male. She looked right into his forest green eyes, noting his slight dip of the head in greeting. She smiled softly and bowed her own head. "Greetings to you as well Sir. Might i ask what brings you here?" She replied back loud enough to be hear. Her voice like silk, warm and welcoming.



6 Years
09-04-2013, 09:25 PM

As she turned to look at him he got his first real look at her, and he smiled despite himself. Despite it all, the pounding in his head and the chill of the mist he could still admire a pretty woman. He noted her pelt color, like that of freshly fallen snow. Then forest green orbs traveled down her body, sliding over the gentle slope of her back then up the curve of her rump. His tail wagged slightly. Lastly he cast a quick glance at her eyes, one pale yellow, and the other blue. It was interesting enough, but he had seen two different eye colors before and so only noted it some and moved on.
The woman was a dove, tiny and delicate looking. She also appeared to be his age. She was indeed a pretty woman, certainly not the first he had seen and more than certainly not the last one. Her voice was silken, brushing pleasantly at his ears. Once more he smiled. ?I?m rather a fan of Waterfalls, so when I heard of this one upon my travels, I decided to pay it a visit.? he winced some as the pounding flared momentarily but then forced another smile, determined to remain as charming as possible for the pretty woman. ?I am Gitan Gringoire.? He gave a flourish of his paw and bowed his head again as he introduced himself.




09-09-2013, 02:22 AM
Eyes traveled over the male's frame. He was ordinary in looks but non-the-less handsome. His appearance was soft to the eyes, making her feel relaxed. Nothing stood out to make her weary of him. His green orbs roaming over her did not go unnoticed. At once she felt flushed and hot. Not many males had looked at her like that, or at least none she knew of. She could not help but like the russet tone of his fur. It seemed she was attracted to that color in males.Eyes blinked a few times as she realized her thoughts. She would need to clear those thoughts or she was sure he would be able to scent her peak of interest. She did not have time to flirt with males. But yet, she wished she could spend more time with others opposite of her gender. She was young yes but mature enough to be interested in males.

And yet she had to force herself in refusing. She had a task at hand to take care of. Nothing could stand in the way of that. Internally she sighed heavily. He replied back and she smiled. But his wincing did not go unnoticed by her sharp eyes.But before she could ask he told her his name with a grand bow. Again she felt that waves of heat rush over her. "Waterfalls are very beauiful indeed." She paused to look up at the falls for a moment before looking back at him. "I am Symphony Destruction." She added then tail wrapped around her while one foreleg reached out, the other tucked under her as she bowed gracefully back. A smile lit her features as she straightened back up. "May I something bothering you? I could not help but notice you wince..." She explained as she stood up to move closer. Slowly she reach her muzzle forwards to sniff him. He seemed well enough, healthy actually.



6 Years
09-20-2013, 11:38 PM

Gitan noted her reaction to his gaze and a small smirk pulled at the corners of his mouth. Her gaze was not lost on him, neither was the slight shift in her attitude. The smile turned to a more encouraging smile almost willing her thoughts to visibly return to where they had just been. He would not however push her, some other males might have allowed their disappointment at losing a woman?s interest to color their actions but Gitan was in more control than that. He was determined to remain a gentleman? even if that meant he couldn?t always do as he pleased.
She would give him an affirmative of his previous statement and then offered her name in return. He chuckled a bit. Symphony Destruction It is a nice enough name. It seemed she had picked up on his discomfort. He titled his head to the side, and grinned. ?It seems you?ve caught me.? His tone was light. ?I love waterfalls but? frankly they give me headaches.? He tried to play it off but he winced again. He did however have to smile as she reached toward him, and it took all his control not to close the gap or lick her muzzle? it was just asking for it. Instead he reached forwards slightly and brushed his muzzle across the side of hers before sitting back with a grin to gauge her reaction.




09-24-2013, 09:53 PM (This post was last modified: 09-27-2013, 10:01 PM by Symphony.)
His soft chuckle had her feel warm all over again. She couldnt remember being this flushed with a male around. His soft grin and tilt of the head made him all the more appealing. But his words and the concern for his discomfort took over her mind. She couldn't help it. It was simply just part of her being to help those in discomfort or ill. His words would give insight as too just what was wrong. As she leaned forwards to sniff him, his muzzle ran along hers. Dual toned eyes widened with shock. If a wolf could catch fire from blushing for much, she would swear her fur was sizzling.

For a long moment she stared at him, mind blank and surprized. Though she would not deny that she liked the connact."I..uh...umm..i can help.." She scambled for words. Jaws snapped shut to keep from embarrassing herself. With a blink, a new focus lit her eyes as her nose gently ran along his forehead. She sensed no heat and smiled. A smiple headache then. That she could easily cure."I'll be right back with something to help. Promise." She said softly. Standing up she was about to turn to leave but smirked. Tongue would dart out to lick him softly between the eyes before she turned away.

She wondered what he thought of her little kiss to his head. Tail waved behind her as she trotted into the brush. Jaws parted to pick up a certain scent. With the waterfall, it would not be hard to find the tangy scent of Feverfew. The white flowers hide themselves under a thick bush and she carefully picked a few. She trotted back with the plant held in her jaws. She placed them down at Gitan's paw."This is Feverfew. It looks like diasies but has soft leaves and a sharp tangy scent. It can be used to reduce body temperature for those with fever or chills. And also heals aches and pains, especially good for headaches. Just chew a few of them and you'll be good. They can be found often around water sources." She explained happily as she sat down in front of him



6 Years
09-27-2013, 10:19 PM

She appeared flustered, and Gitan found it very endearing. The male had been around his fair share of woman since his arrival here and more than a few of them had been receptive to his flirting but each of them had shown they were not innocent, clearly used to the advances of males, not that Gitan minded at all. Symphony however acted as though she knew not how to respond. Was is possible he had been the first to flirt with her so? The idea intrigued him. It made him wonder? after all she was a pretty little thing, not at all hard on the eyes. It was hard to imagine he had been the first to approach her this way. Maybe then, she was just shy?
Whatever her reasoning for her reaction he found it very entertaining, especially as she fumbled through a response. Dull green orbs followed her as she reached towards him, eyes snapping closed as she brushed her nose across his forehead. He nodded at her words, lids sliding up again as she rose. He noted her smirk but not quick enough. He felt her tongue brush between his eyes, his grin dropping into a slightly shocked expression before turning into a little smile. He chuckled.
He watched her leave, pondering her little kiss. It was sweet, and it made Gitan want to reply in kind. She returned not to long after, a few white flowers in her mouth. She dropped them at his paws and explained what they were. He glanced up at her. A healer eh? He thought to himself before lowering his muzzle to lap up the plants, crunching them between his teeth. ?Tank yuh? He managed through his mouthful, the pain ebbing slightly. He knew it would take a while before the pain went away entirely. Swallowing he leaned forwards to run his tongue across her cheek.




09-29-2013, 09:36 PM

She watched him chew up the plants and smiled with satisfaction when he was done. Her eyes could not help but keep roaming over his body. The varying shades of russet, grey, and creams. He was handsome and well not the first she had found interesting. But he was the first she had taking the time to talk to and even flirt alil, if that was what her kiss could be called. All of this was so new to her. She had one never felt like stopping to take time to be interested in males. But now well, what else did she have to do but look for her sister with her two brother?

As he swallowed the last bit he leaned forwards and licked her cheek. She didnt see it coming with her mind wrapped up in her thoughts. As he had leaned forwards she drew in his scent, now mixed with the feverfew. The combined scent was soothing, relaxing her. A scent she knew mixed with a very intriging male was alluring. Before he would pull away she nuzzled into his neck. Eyes suddenly snapped open and she jerked back. Head ducked down and turned to the side embarrassed. Her ears felt like they were on fire as she kept her gaze away from him. She wanted to asked him questions but her tongue seemed to have run away. She would clear her throat a few times before speaking." where are you from? Do you have any family?" She asked softly, still keeping her gaze averted.




6 Years
10-01-2013, 09:53 PM

The man took a deep breath drawing in her scent as she buried herself deeper into his neck fur, he angled his head slightly and had been about to lick her ear when she suddenly pulled away. The sudden loss of her proximity was felt everywhere. He took a deep breath calming his jumping nerves. She turned away from him and he frowned. Was there something wrong? He was going to speak but she was clearing her throat so he bit his words back, waiting for her voice. He chuckled some at her question, a small smile playing at his lips. He nodded.
?Well my dear, I am from a place far off, though I know not its name. I was never one for pack life and so can?t offer you a name there either. I don?t tend to stay in one place for too long, the world is all the home I need. As for family,? he chuckled again, ?Yes I have siblings, four that I know of, but I probably have half siblings that I am unaware of.? He shifted some, attempting to catch her eye. ?And what of you??




10-01-2013, 10:52 PM

Though she had moved away from him on her own accord, she missed his warmth. She wanted to be closer to him but feared growing attached. Plus what would his intentions be? Inwardly she was whining and howling to feel his fur against her's. She had no idea what to do, nor how to even ask him about it. The best her brain could come up with was to ask him about his life.Her heart hammered in her chest as she tried to scramble on a plan, a method. But this was an area not yet explored in her life.

She would keep casting glances at him as he spoke. It seemed he too came from for away from here and had a decent number of family. She would smile softly at the similar connections they had. His chuckle had her ears twitching. It was so hard to not just keep looking at him. But his question and attemps to get her eye won. She could not help but look at one who addressed her. She smiled softly at him." I came from far away too in a pack called Ahlon. I have another sister and two brother my age. Then i have four younger siblings. I came her with my brothers to find my sister Song. Things..that took place when we were young forced her away and now we are trying to reconnect." She answered and could not help the sigh that slipped from her.

It was killing her to not be touching him. To at least just brush fur would be enough for her. This was the first male she had connected with. Since Howl and Anthem were always around her back home, none of the other males approached her. Ears laid back as she gazed at him softly before reaching forwards and bury her muzzle in his neck again."I..just cant keep away.." She whispered softly.




6 Years
10-07-2013, 01:25 AM

He wanted to close the gap, wanted to press into her, woo her, and win her. But he would respect her wishes, even as his body ached for hers, but he was gentleman, at all costs; this cost was great. He watched her watching him, trying his best to read her. Trying to guess her angle, trying to decypher her intentions. He noted that she seemed to have a hard time holding eye contact and took that for a good sign. Smiling some as he finally managed to catch her gaze. He nodded, watching her as she spoke. So she had a good sized family of her own, though it seemed she was much more connected than he was.
Gitan frowned, as she sighed, noting it. What exactly had happened between them to keep their sister away as well as annoy this otherwise pleasant woman so? He narrowed his eyes some, not in an unfriendly way, simply trying to figure her out. What was she thinking?
She pulled her ears back and moved towards him again, burying her face in his neck, her words mumbled softly into his skin. He chuckled, and laid his head on top of hers. An idea forming, amusement bubbling up inside of him. He pulled back just enough to brush his tongue along the top of her head, once, twice before speaking. ?How about we go for a bit of a dip??




10-09-2013, 09:50 PM

She sighed softly, contently as his tongue brushed her head twice. The caress so sweet and comforting. This felt right, like it was ment to be. Could it be poissble he was the male for her? It was to soon to tell, after all she had just met him. But it was nice to take comfort from another that was not family. To be herself without having to put on a certain face like she did for her brothers. His voice would tickle the hairs in her ear, sending a hot wave of soothing silk down her spine. She looked up at him with a questioning gaze before looking back over her shoulder.

A smile lit her face when she turned back to Gitan. "Thats sounds wonderful.." She replied before getting to her paws. With a smirk she lightly nipped at his cheek before swiftly spinning on her toes. She pranced into the water till it came up to her chest. The splashing of entering the lurk warm water had soaked her, adding tiny beads of water gems hanging to her fur. She turned to look at him, tail raised and waving in the air as she waited for him to join her.




6 Years
10-17-2013, 12:44 AM

She was pretty, that was certain, and a healer to boot. Gitan was weighing the possibility of spending more time with her. He was torn, wanting both to slow time, just spend as much time as possible in her company and to move on. He had been in positions like this with a few women already, but it had always ended with them both leaving, which he had no qualms with. There was something different here? sure he wanted her in a physical sense but there was something more emotional that he wanted from her. He shook his head slightly so as not to disturb her. He would figure that out later.

He mirrored her smile, giving a little wink at her words. He watched her rise to her paws, before playfully nipping his cheek. He grinned at her, reaching forwards as she was spinning away, snapping his jaws shut just a little ways away from her rump. He sat for a moment longer admiring the way the water condensed upon her pelt, refracting the sunlight. He chuckled and slowly rose to his paws, stretching and taking his sweet time. Gitan finally approached the pool, slipping smoothly into the water. He circled around her, coming to stand at her right shoulder, grinning at her. With a sudden quick movement he dipped his muzzle under the water and brought it rushing towards the surface arcing a small wave of water in her direction.




10-19-2013, 08:24 PM

She stood there as she watched him slowly follow after her. Her bio coloredorbs were mismerized by the way he moved. The smooth roll of his shoulders, the way the sun caught the different fiber of hair within his coat. But most of all was his green graze. She was stuck in them like some kind of trap, unable to look away. Her heart began to race faster with each step he took. His slow movements were killing her. She nearly leapt forwards to just be close to him again. But she held back, she wanted to watch him, admire him. He was a fine male, handsome, gentle, well mannered. She wished she could live in his moment forever. But would he feel the same? Or was she just some female to him?

She closed her eyes as he circled around her, sending a shiver of longing down her spine. As he reached her right side her eyes opened up to look at him. Before she knew it he was sending a wave of water at her. She squealed and tried to shy away to no aveil. She looked back at him soaked before launching herself at him to place her paws over his back. If he didnt duck away she would gently tug at his scruff. He made her feel so alive, worry free. Her body longed for more physical contact while her mind desire something far more. She didnt know what, couldnt comprend. All she knew was that she was slowly starting to fall for this man but yet was afraid she would never see him again. She couldnt, would place her heart out there just yet."I wish this day would never end.." She said after a moment.




6 Years
11-04-2013, 12:33 AM

Gitan smirked as she squealed, a laugh escaping him as she tried to dodge. He grinned at her as she leapt towards him not quite moving quick enough to avoid her. She lay across his back, paws dangling at his side, her jaw working gently at his scruff. He laughed again and growled playfully, twisting some so that he could look at her. He nipped at her paws playfully before stopping as she spoke. He was quite for a moment, watching her with a contented look. Finally he allowed a small smile and reached for her, his muzzle just barley brushing across her neck. ?I?d wish for a million more days like this.? He whispered into her neck.
They stayed like that a moment longer before he drew back and gave her a mischievous grin and ducked below the water. It was cool, turning every nerve within his body into a live wire and if she hadn?t been quick enough Symphony would have been dunked with him. He pushed towards the surface breaching with a gasp, water clinging to his thick pelt.




11-08-2013, 02:58 AM

She growled playfully back at the handsome male below her at her nipped at her paws. After she spoke he had stopped to listen. For a moment he did nothing. It might have just been a few seconds but her heart began to hammer quickly. Had she said the wrong thing? Was she about to scare him away? Ears twisted back slightly, now unsure of herself and the situation. But then he smiled and she let out the breath she had been holding. He nuzzling to her neck made her whine softly, pleased and thrilled. His sweet whisper made her smile, hearing he too felt the same.

Before much else would happen Gitan had this look in his eyes. She frowned at him slightly wondering what he was thinking. She would soon find out as he ducked down, taking her down with him. The cool water engulfed her entire body. Paws struck out as she swam up to the surface. Jaws parted with a surprised gasp and head shook to dislodge water from her ears.Hey! Now i got water in my ears. She said before wadding out of the water. She gave her body a good shake, sending water everywhere. Eyes turned to look back at him as she sat down on the shore to the little lake. Was it ever so possible to just randomly meet the one? She wished she had a female to talk about these things with. She had no clue what to do now....Shall we dry off now? She asked softly. She could not help the blush that colored her face and she had to look away.
