



6 Years
08-26-2013, 11:35 AM (This post was last modified: 09-19-2013, 10:32 AM by Alamea.)
I think it?s time that Alamea?s brother be brought into Ala.

Alamea has a twin brother named Kyubey, both of them were raised by an abusive father, and while he never laid a paw on them he constantly hit their mother. Kyubey learned to take after their father. Taking his anger out on Alamea. Eventually his sister left, but he hated losing power over her and followed her. Finally finding his way to Alacritis.

Apperance: Kyubey MUST have either Alamea?s coat color or her eye color, however due to some rule changes he may not have both. Below are two different design possibilites, if you do not want to use them you do not have to.


user posted image

Predetermined info:
Gender: Male
Age: 1 year
Birth Season: Winter
Size: Large

The Form:
OOC Name:
Name: If Changing from Kyubey.
Design? Post with the design number if using one
Apperance: Must fill out if design not used.
Rp sample:

There is currently no dead line, so go for it!



6 Years
09-08-2013, 10:23 PM
OOC Name:trynx

Name: Kyuboku

Personality: Kyu is a very moody character, always walking around (or rather almost always) with a cloud over his head. This large male is passive aggressive and can tend to be abusive to his family. Nature v. nurture it is hard to say if he picked up his behavior genetically or if he got it through watching his father constantly beat down his mother. Perhaps the most twisted part is that he has convinced himself that he is not like his father, that he is better. This dangerous male is not much for conversing and the simplest things cause negative reactions in him. He is sneaky and sly, not to be trusted. When he is trying, he can be good with words and quite the trickster. Kyu is certainly not perfect and deep inside he is just a child robbed of a happy life. His sister has become a crutch in the most wicked of ways, being an outlet for the intense anger that rages in him.

Design? numbah two with moderate changes

Apperance: Kyuboku is a rather large wolf standing thirty-five inches to the shoulder, perhaps a little over. He is built like a tank, an animal not meant for speed but capable of great brutality. Heavy in weight, the most defined and delicate aspect of Kyu are his teeth. Chiseled to points that are designed to kill. This male has a dark coat, nearly black (more of an inky tone) with a couple splashes of off-white (on his face and his chest). His eyes are a rich pink color. It is clear by looking at him that in his quest to Alacritia (or perhaps in his quest across it) he either got in a fight or was attacked. The details are unknown as he refuses to talk about it but he has scars across his right eye, one connecting with his upper lip on that side, drawing it up in a grotesque smile. He only has partial vision in that eye now, evident in the way it is clouding over. --> click

Rp sample: A twisted half smile clung to his face as the male moved across the grounds. Long had he traveled, following his beloved sibling from their motherland and into this strange new place. It seemed his sister had inked out a new life here, leaving their family behind like yesterday's news. It enraged him, Alamea thinking she could so easily discard him from her life. He simply would not accept it. There was no rest for the wicked and no comfort for those plagued by the wicked.

His paws brought him to a halt along a heavily marked scent line. So, his sister had run to a pack? What, did she think that they would be able to save her from the wrath of him? Kyubuko had to admit that he was impressed by his sibling. By the markers, this pack was quite large, that meant many eyes and many sets of fangs to protect her. They just had to see him as innocent, all he needed was one chance, one shot to make his sister hurt. To make her feel the terrible pain that ate at his heart.

In his mind he saw his father, towering over his mother who cowered and begged for him to have mercy, that the children were watching. He struck out and suddenly the pretty mother wolf had blood gushing down her pretty little face. Pink eyes narrowed, seating himself on the border. He was young enough to not be feared but perhaps a front was needed? He looked down at his chest and legs before getting up and moving away. Far enough away from the border for a pack wolf to notice the scuff marks, he rolled in the dirt, rubbing himself ragged before lowering his head, a single canine pressing to his leg. With one swift lash he cut himself open. He did not stop there, he made one other, so it looked as though another's canines had scraped across his limb and not his own. On his left leg he left numerous small punctures, literally biting himself to the point of bleeding.

The pain seared him and with each motion he flinched, incapable of controlling himself. It also made the scars across his right eye tingle, reminders of the pain he had felt on that dismal day. He rolled in the dirt once more, to smudge or taint the bloody wounds he had inflicted upon himself before strolling back to the border and letting out a short howl. The young male sat hunched over, eyes gazing up through his lashes to watch for approaching wolves.

Perhaps Alamea herself would come to him? Her dearest brother had found her, surely she would rejoice? The pale she-wolf was his darling sister, he loved her to his very core and clearly was willing to do just about anything to be reunited with her again.



6 Years
09-16-2013, 09:02 PM (This post was last modified: 09-16-2013, 09:04 PM by Alamea.)
Trynx is the winner. (for obvious reasons. :P) You may begin creating Kyuboku at your discretion.