



6 Years
09-05-2013, 11:16 AM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2013, 11:17 AM by Azalea.)

Azalea reached the range just the sun was beginning to kiss the horizon, sharp orange light piecing the land and casting long shadows. The young female traveled through an outlying field, unaccustomed to such things. She really didn't know what to expect of Seracia, she had never been here before. Epiphron lived here now and by now had surely given birth to a litter of pups that would be her cousins.

The auburn headed female stopped at the scent markers, looking around firs to check if anyone was in sight. She was out of luck, no one was present for easy access into the pack. Even though she knew she was welcome here, Azalea felt a flutter in her stomach as nerves began to surface. Lifting her black now to the sky she howled shortly. Of course she manly wanted her aunt to be the one who responded but beggars could not be choosers, she would get whoever came first and then after.


09-05-2013, 12:44 PM

like no king was before

It was just about the time he really ought to be heading back to the den - preferably with something for his wife to eat and his children to drool over. The kids were close to being weaned, and he knew that more and more food would be required to sate both the four of them and his wife. Arian had added to the logistics of the whole parenting situation, but Maverick had quickly grown fond of the girl, and as far as he was concerned she was just as much a daughter to him as Amalia was. A smile festered on his lips as he decided to make one more sweep - hoping to find a rabbit or otherwise to bring to his family's table. However, what he discovered was not the scent of hare, but of wolf. The scent was familiar, and unmistakably Valhallan. The smile bloomed as he carried himself closer, tail flagging upward ever so slightly. Dominance wasn't extremely necessary with the Valhallans, but there was a chance this stranger might not know he was King. As he sashayed forth, he noted the incredible resemblance to his own wife, and instantly knew this woman was family. With a dip of his head he would slow his pace to a halt only a few feet away. "I'd know you anywhere," he said with a smile. "An Adravendi, right?" His tail curled neatly around the contour of his right hind leg. "Welcome to Seracia, please do come in." He would gesture with his muzzle to ensure her she was welcome to come in if she wanted.

{Table coded by Lu}



6 Years
09-05-2013, 01:37 PM

It didn't take long at all before a wolf came into sight. It was Maverick, the red male was unmistakable and it wasn't like they were strangers. Well, perhaps largely so but still she had seen him at the wedding and he was family to her now. Given the nature of things, it was hard to call him a stranger, even if they wanted it that way.

He came with a hellish aura, his demeanor changing entirely at the sight of her. It shouldn't surprise her that she was familiar to him, she looked much like Epiphron's sister who Maverick probably saw quite frequently, least more frequently than her. He lazied his way up to her, stopping at a polite distance before speaking with a smile that curled his lips. "I'd know you anywhere," His smile was infectious and she found herself smiling back at him. "An Adravendi, right?"

Now Azalea dipped her head, showing him he was correct. "Azalea, specifically." She noted. Surely he didn't know her by name. "Welcome to Seracia, please do come in." He motioned with his head, a beckoning motion. His words were warm and inviting, she really did feel as though she were entering a second home.

"I figured," She started as she stepped over the invisible line and stopped beside Maverick, waiting for him to give her some direction or clue of what to do next, "that it was about time I came to see my aunt in her new home. How is she... and there are puppies now, I assume?" Her tone was inquisitive, eyes watching him with mild caution. Everything about the way she was acting now spoke of the protective nature she held toward her aunt and would hold with any other family member she was close with. Azalea wanted to know that Epiphron was thriving here in this new home and that she had given birth without any complications.

Her health was of the utmost importance to the near two-year-old.


09-05-2013, 04:02 PM

like no king was before

The dame introduced herself as Azalea, someone he knew to be Epiphron's Niece, daughter of Collision and Soleil. The smile remained on his face as she began her phrase, stepping across the invisible - but well known - borderline and into the Kingdom. "We are pleased to have you, I do hope you will stay a while.." Maverick did love guests, particularly those that were family to him. This woman he scarcely knew, but he'd seen her face before at the wedding and subsequent events. Perhaps this would be the opportune time to know more than just her name. "Four children, three of blood, one by adoption. Congratulations, Azalea, you have two new male and two female cousins." He would turn his bodice parallel to her own, angling ever so slightly toward the closest route to the family's den. It was rather secluded, but he was more than eager to take Azalea to her Aunt. "Come with me, I am certain Epiphron will be thrilled to see you." She had been pleased to see Collision, and he knew she would feel the same about Azalea. Not to mention the children would be excited to meet yet another member of their ever-so-extended family. Maverick was beginning to think he'd never be through introducing them to new wolves. He began pacing slowly toward the den site, keeping his pace moderate so as to not tire out Azalea any more than she may already be. Valhalla was a good distance from the kingdom, and while she was young she was bound to be tired after her travels. "Epiphron tells me you have new siblings, I trust they are growing like weeds?" His children certainly were. It was growing more taxing on him to keep them all fed, but he enjoyed every moment of it. Soon enough they would be grown, he had to enjoy it while he could.

{Table coded by Lu}



6 Years
09-05-2013, 09:13 PM

"We are pleased to have you, I do hope you will stay a while.." He stated. To this Azalea gave no response, yet to decide just how long she would stay. She needed to talk with Epiphron and Chrysanthe both, she was just a little less intimidated by the idea of talking with Epiphron than Chryanthe. What exactly was the difference? Once was he current leader and the other was not.

"Four children, three of blood, one by adoption. Congratulations, Azalea, you have two new male and two female cousins." At first her eyes bugged out at his words, somehow not remembering the ability to adopt and instead thinking that he meant some other male had managed a quicky with his wife, and her aunt, to produce one child not of the red lord's blood. She sighed with relief, mentally attacking herself as he noted the one was adopted. "Wonderful, all healthy I hope? Where did the adopted one come from?"

"Come with me, I am certain Epiphron will be thrilled to see you." Maverick took the lead the now, keeping his pace in check. Azalea fell in step behind him. "Epiphron tells me you have new siblings, I trust they are growing like weeds?" She smiled lightly, her mind thoughtful. It was something her mother would say, and had said before. She related Gael's growth to that of weeds, for her brother was quite large. "Something like that. My father thought he had his paws full with me but I think he will consider me the golden child as they get older." Her tone was light and teasing, making conversation.

She didn't know exactly how her sisters would behave as they got older but she had to wonder if the two of them combined wouldn't manage to cause more trouble than she did.


09-06-2013, 10:51 AM

like no king was before

"All healthy," he would note as they carried on pacing toward the den site. Lucky enough for Azalea, it wasn't much further. "The adopted daughter, Arian, was the child of Natsu.. perhaps you knew him? Anyway, he was killed and the mother brought her here because Natsu spoke so highly of Epiphron. The mother died on the borders, my wife tells me she was in horrible condition. We buried her and have since taken the child in. She's only a bit older than our own pups - so it hasn't been much of a change." Incredibly enough, the girl even looked like their own children. Funny how that worked out. He would chuckle as she spoke of her two new siblings, who she seemed to think would be troublemakers. "I have a feeling my four will give me a run for my money as well, especially the girls." The girls were by far more adventurous than the boys, though Quintus wasn't far behind them on the adventuring scale. Cassius was rather a breeze, except for when he got lost and terrified - which was often. Maverick hoped he would grow more confident as he aged, but he had a feeling the young boy would always be a bit skittish. As they came into the grove of trees and shrubbery that concealed their den, Maverick would let out an "Ahoof," sound to alert his wife and children that he had returned. The kids had gotten used to coming out of the den more often, though he and Epiphron still watched them closely. "Epiphron, come and see who I've found.." he crooned with affection. The love for her he had once had had only multiplied by four times since the birth of their children. He tilted his head toward Azalea. "The den's just ahead, but we'll let them come to us - it's a bit tight in there." He could scarcely imagine how much renovation it would need in the coming weeks as the children continued to grow like hungry wildfires.

{Table coded by Lu}



6 Years
09-06-2013, 11:51 AM

His words set her at ease and she felt herself relax. Was that why she had been nervous? Had she feared the worst for her aunt? Azalea mentally cringed at the entire idea of Epiphron, or any wolf, giving birth. It was a grotesque process.

Maverick seemed to be pacing himself, but not for his benefit but hers. Sure, she was a bit worked from the long travel but Azalea was accustomed to going all over Alacritia. Adventure was in her blood and her many travels had given her a rather high level of endurance. "The adopted daughter, Arian, was the child of Natsu.. perhaps you knew him? Anyway, he was killed and the mother brought her here because Natsu spoke so highly of Epiphron. The mother died on the borders, my wife tells me she was in horrible condition. We buried her and have since taken the child in. She's only a bit older than our own pups - so it hasn't been much of a change." Natsu? She wasn't sure if she knew a Natsu but there were many wolves that she didn't know, and just as many that she knew by face and not name.

Azalea was frowning now, the story quite horrible in deed. She wondered if the child would have any recollection of the events as she grew. Minds tended to block out such traumatic events so it was entirely possible she would never know what happened to her blood family without Maverick and Epiphron telling her. If she were in their shoes, she didn't know if it would be ultimately better to tell her or not. With a little more thought, Azalea decided she probably wouldn't tell her.

Arian... Azalea wanted to meet the child now. "I have a feeling my four will give me a run for my money as well, especially the girls." She chortled quietly behind him. "Just remember not to hold them too tightly, then you risk them never coming back when you finally let them go." Azalea was glad of the freedom she had grown up with, it had allowed her to discover the world and make decisions on her own, she liked to think that ultimately she was a better wolf for it, or at least on her way to being a better wolf.

They were stopping now, trees springing up before them in a patch of heavily concealed ground. The king woofed and Azalea knew they had arrived even if she coudldn't see the den. Her nose went to town, taking in the scents that hung heavily in the air. Epiphron, Maverick, milk, puppies. "Epiphron, come and see who I've found.." She smiled warmly at the back of Maverick's head. She could hear the overwhelming affection in his voice and it filled her with warm fuzzies to know that her aunt had found someone who truly loved her. It was a love like her parents had, a love like everyone should have.

"The den's just ahead, but we'll let them come to us - it's a bit tight in there." She nodded, "That's fine, plus I rather dislike being underground." She involuntarily shivered.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-10-2013, 04:26 PM (This post was last modified: 09-10-2013, 04:27 PM by Epiphron.)

It was not at all unexpected to hear her husband's gentle tones signalling his arrival, but the scent that accompanied his own certainly took her by surprise. 'Epiphron, come and see who I've found..' he spoke, voice laced with affection. She was a lucky woman, and she did not forget that for even a second. Slowly she wriggled free from the grasp of her children, moving to push herself onto all fours slowly. Gently she offered a bark in response, though needed a moment to stretch her body and compose herself. There was no need to awaken her children, though if they happened to come to consciousness themselves there would be no use fighting it.

With a wary glance cast toward the sleeping children, who were now over three months old, she padded toward the den's entrance. Slowly she would peer from the depths of her safe haven, eyes dancing over her husband and finding Azalea. Immediately a smile lit up her features, blue eyes dancing with joy. Her niece had come to visit her! She hadn't seen her quite awhile now -- before she had even given birth. Over a season! "Azalea!" she exclaimed happily, slipping forward to embrace her gently, nuzzling into her neck. "It has been too long," she noted, pulling back and observing her niece. It seemed she had been small just months ago -- but she, too, felt sometimes like childhood had ended just yesterday. It was funny to stand here and see her niece as a woman, not just a child. She wondered how life had been treating her; how it was to deal with new siblings. "We have much to catch up on." With a grin she leaned back toward Maverick, nosing the side of his face tenderly.



6 Years
09-10-2013, 06:25 PM

A bark sounded in response to Maverick's call, noting that she had heard them and was coming. It did take a long minute but there she was. Azalea had the decency to feel ashamed of herself for first and foremost noticing her body's condition from nurses. Not to say that she was underweight but her belly was... well not in is natural state.

"Azalea!" Happiness overcame her like a waves, especially when she saw how excited her aunt was to see her. The auburn headed lass was pulled into a tight embrace and Azalea found herself found herself returning the physical affection. "It has been too long," Epiphron said as she backed away and gave her husband some attention.

The she-wolf nodded at her aunt, ears tipping forward. "I agree." Her words came in response to Pip's final words, that they had much to catch up on. She didn't know where to start or if she should meet her cousins first, so instead she stood there looking a bit lost and confused, waiting for direction.


09-12-2013, 12:13 PM

like no king was before

He noted the shiver and her emphasis on not being thrilled with the underground world. Idly he wondered if something had frightened her in the past that made her feel this way - but as they didn't know each other extremely well he decided it best not to ask. He watched as Epiphron slipped from the den, her eyes lighting up upon seeing her sister at his side. There was such joy there, such excitement. The two women embraced affectionately, ending with Epiphron mentioning that they had much to catch up on. Maverick wondered if he ought to leave them be, but curiosity about Azalea would prevent him from going just yet. "I suspect you'll want to meet your new cousins." He would slither from Epiphron's side, dolling out a kiss as he did so, and slip into the den. In efforts to rouse his children the sire would dip his head to each of them and nuzzle them gently - feeling their warm bodies recoil from the touch of his cold nose. "Come children, your cousin is here to meet you." Maverick nudged them all one last time, knowing that some of them may not get up at all. There was only so much he could do, and the new father wasn't about to drag his children out if they truly wished to sleep instead of meet someone new.

{Table coded by Lu}

Cassius 1


3 Years
09-12-2013, 06:43 PM

but i never let it get me down

He would awaken as his mother left the den, her warmth going with her - but this was not an unusual event, and so the child quickly drifted back off to dreamland. However, as his father's persistent nudging and voice permeated his slumber, he had no choice but to blink his eyes dreamily and wonder who it was they were meeting now. Slightly begrudgingly, the boy would follow in his father's large paw steps, blinking like mad when the bright light of the sun hit his bi-colored eyes. He needed a moment to adjust before he could go forth. When that moment had passed he trotted out clumsily to where his mother was, noting the large female wolf with her who also had a touch of red on her face - more than his mother had. He nuzzled his twotone face into his mother's side for comfort before turning his gaze upon the woman once more. "I'm C-cassius." He didn't know what else to say, and quite truthfully he wasn't an eloquent speaker like his father. This being said, the boy would remain silent unless spoken to.

{Table coded by Lu}



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-19-2013, 11:28 AM

She had spent some time, before coming here, wondering whether this was the right decision for her. Was it worth leaving her family behind to be with Maverick? In the end, she had obviously chosen the latter, and didn't regret her decision -- but it didn't stop her from missing her family quite painfully at times, and wishing that she lived closer to them. But the feeling seemed much easier to deal with when her family visited her periodically.

As she moved from Maverick's embrace, her attention shifted to Azalea. She seemed somewhat taken aback, but with good reason -- she looked far from the child she had been merely a year ago. Having given birth merely so recently, her belly looked somewhat strange, and her body was still recovering from the exhaustion of caring for not just three, but four children now. It seemed Azalea was not eager to slip into their den, and with good reason -- it would be rather cramped will all of them in their.

Cassius was the first to emerge. The boy seemed like he was always full of surprises, and she was content that he was finally coming out of his shell. Still he stuttered, but she had learned not to pressure her children to do anything they didn't want. The memory of Neo's rebellion against their family had scarred her, and she could never imagine her children feeling so much hate towards her. Perhaps the boy would grow out of the nervous tick, but if not; oh well. In her eyes, he was still perfect. A smile danced on her features, and she crept forward to nuzzle him gently before leaning back towards the den. She heard the quiet rustling of children, and hoped they would want to meet their family member as well.

"Tell me, Azalea," she started as she turned to face her, reclining to her hindquarters calmly. "What has been going on in Valhalla?" It was strange being so out of the loop, and she often worried about the family and friends she had left behind. News did not always travel quickly, especially when both packs had so much going on in their own borders; it was often hard to keep everyone informed.