
A kingdom of blood and past [amenti/tor/newwolves]


08-24-2013, 02:35 AM

Home, it was what she thought when she walked into the borders of her once allied pack. She looked around and took a deep breath. Well, it wasn?t the home they had started out in but it was a home nonetheless. Regardless of her desire to rip her throne back from Medusa she needed to think of the wolves that depended on her. Those that needed her needed a place to call home. Those that looked to her for the answers would know she had made the choice for them, to give them something to call theirs again. Her lips curled upright at the thought and this was the best way to obtain the war she wanted. With a New home, new wolves, a new start, and planning for the war to commence. Her tail flicked behind her with anticipation as she sat inside what was once Tortugas throne room. The smell of the past caressed her nostrils. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath.

Her eyes were alight with determination. It would be a struggled. Intermingling with an old pack and a new one. She could do it. She could know them all and try to bring what they all desired to the table. She wouldn?t fail them a second time. She lifted her velvet muzzled heavenwards and let out her song. It was revived with her purpose and she called to her old wolves, those of amenti, those still loyal to her. She called to those of Tortuga, her allies, she would care for them and they would prevail. She would find morphine and bring her home. Find all those that felt lost or forgotten and bring them back to salvation just as her wolves had brought her back from the ashes of her emotions.

The youth would have a home, her older children would have something to grasp on to and the pain and sorry would be by far easier to deal with now. She knew it was only temporary before damnation befell them but they would prevail and they would train. Champion and herself would train them and themselves to steal back their honor and put one wolf?s head on a spike for destroying what they had all built together. Now it was time for rebirth and retribution. It was time to come home.


08-24-2013, 04:19 AM
Quote:Never far behind her love the battle worn woman trailed now that Kaios was gone. There was no love to fight for, not attention to pine for, it was all hers now. It seemed that a smile was permanently place across scarred and frayed lips, blind eyes staring up at the mountain pass Newt had climbed so recently to see if Tortuga was still around. Zara would follow if her loved called to her or Newt would come back down eventually but either way it was just time for the woman to wait. But it was a claiming call that thrummed through the woman?s skull. Was Tortuga no more? She didn?t question it as she lifted herself, shaking dirt and debris from her tattered coat before starting up the path hesitantly. It wouldn?t be a fun climb for the old woman and honestly, she figured that once she was up there, there was a slim chance anyone would ever be able to get her down. She needed a home, somewhere where she could live out the rest of her days in peace and quiet. Reclaiming another pack wasn?t exactly her favorite idea but she would follow Newt for the time being and see how the whole pack thing played out this time.

The walk wasn?t as bad as she had originally thought it would be, she had kept her head low and been careful where she stepped. Because of that she had made it up the mountain without incident and she started confidently towards her love. Blind eyes would focus on the direction that Newt was located just as her torn audits flittered to remember which way the howl had come from. She wasn?t far, Newt was never far. Zara approached in silence, a small smile pulling up the already crumpled side of her face as she nodded to Newt. ?The brave and powerful queen of the giants is back to claim a new pack?? It wasn?t mocking, well? maybe a little but she was pleased to see Newt so happy. The large woman moved to Newt?s side, giving her an affectionate nip on the shoulder before seating herself beside Newt to wait. Come what may but nothing would be strong enough to pull them apart now. She would be as loyal to Newt as the woman was to her.

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
08-24-2013, 09:17 AM (This post was last modified: 08-21-2015, 07:41 AM by Tealah.)
Sleep. It was a part of the day that Basilisk craved; it was the only time when he felt truly at ease, when the demons stopped chattering in his mind and he could simply let it all go. But today he was jolted awake rather abruptly by a call that was all to familiar to him. Any child, after not seeing their mother for over a season, would've been overjoyed to hear the call that signified she was not only alive, but well. Instead, Basilisk felt a sense of dread begin to form inside his hollow chest. He was not the boy that she had known so many months ago; he had grown rather drastically, standing almost as tall as she. The massive yearling slowly pulled himself onto all fours from his position reclined on the dirt, where he'd found shelter under a fallen oak, groaning slightly as he shook himself awake. He had begun to lose the puppyish look he'd once possessed, and looked very much like a man now, no longer a child.

Not only had he changed physically, but mentally too. He had been all but abandoned by his family and anyone who had ever loved him; part of him blamed his parents for everything that had happened. He had trusted them, and they both had failed -- his father giving up his life, and his mother, their home. A sneer curled his upper lip as his ears perked, figuring the direction from which the call came. North, towards the mountains. Slowly he would begin his journey their, his gait showing a clear hesitance. He was a torn boy, full of malice and envy and yet his heart was cold as ice. Everything he had loved had been taken from him, and it simply was not fair.

The journey was not as long as he had anticipated. The familiar scent of family washed over him and he lowered his muzzle to the ground, purple eyes half-lidded as he considered. A plan of his own had begun to form in his mind. He had met Jupiter's daughter, and though he did not yet have her trust, he did indeed have her interest ... he pushed all thoughts that had begun to flourish in his mind away, knowing it was not the time for such things. He had wanted so badly to fill her mind with misguided knowledge, telling the young girl that her mother was a killer, had slain his father ... but he knew that would've been pushed away rather quickly on her return home. Silence became him as he approached the small gathering.

It was not hard to see his mother from a distance, and yet as he drew near he saw Zara close by her side. She had been off parading with this blind bitch while he was wondering, lost, confused? Something like hate would flash in his eyes as he eyed her, slinking near the group but remaining silent. He had nothing to say. He would listen to her, see what she was planning -- it certainly seemed like she wanted to claim this place as her own. But if he was willing to stay, that was something he had yet to decide.


08-24-2013, 09:41 AM

Karma. It was something that reached to grasp at everyone and everything, punishing the bad and rewarding the good. It was everywhere and more importantly, it was in Tortuga.

The unfamiliar call fell on welcome ears. It came to Seraphim in the rock garden, his home, and it elicited a smirk from the brute. Karma had finally come for Morphine it seemed, and the male was determined to see its form. He had risen and made his way quickly to the mountain that had been switching hands ever since he learned of it. How many rulers had claimed Tortuga now? Too many for his taste. He was sure that his sister still ruled back home - tradition was held high in his pack, and his family had led since the beginning. Things were obviously much different here.

After leaving home, Seraphim had had no interest in being a part of something again. He had wanted his own life, but something had shifted. He found himself wanting to be nearer to his children, and had joined Tortuga solely for that purpose. As is "reward from karma" perhaps, he had found one to call his own. And now the pack he had only recently pledged hi allegiance to was no more. Something else was to stand in its place, and the decision to be a part of this new kingdom was something he was more than sure of.

Here, before the massive blackish female, he would bow slightly in her honor. He would seat himself before her, far enough away to be respectful, and he would speak in powerful tones. My name is Seraphim, he began in his usual neutral voice. I do not know who you are, but I admire your ambition, queen. I am curious - what is your plan for Tortuga now?

Morphine was sure to continue with her plot to own Tortuga forever, and she was sure to continue to use her children to do so. Seraphim wanted to be around for that. He wished to deny her what he had agreed to help her attain so many months ago. He would ensure that karma would continue to punish her as long as she lived.

talk, think


Jupiter I


7 Years
08-24-2013, 04:06 PM (This post was last modified: 08-24-2013, 04:09 PM by Jupiter I.)
Pack Claim Rejected
Newt is ineligible for claiming a pack at this time, for she has not made 20 IC posts since losing Amenti as the rules state is required. This thread will be locked until further notice, and can be requested to be unlocked when Newt has filled the requirements stated in the guidebook. Should another claim Tortuga before then, she will still not be eligible to contest the claim until she meets the requirements to do so.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.

Aislyn I


Extra large
08-26-2013, 11:55 AM
Pack Claim Reopened!
Newt reached the 20 post requirement, gems have already been taken from her account, and this topic was reopened. Feel free to post here again!


08-26-2013, 01:26 PM

She spent most of her time with Seraphim, her new found father figure. She still wasn't sure about what to call him yet. Today was no different, as an unfamiliar call rang around, two toned eyes turned to Seraphim in question. He moved toward the source and she followed, keeping at his heels the best she could. The pair often stayed within the Rock Garden, but today she found them moving back into Tortuga. She could only hope that they wouldn't run into his children, she hadn't yet met their mother and was in no hurry to change that. It was uncertain how long she had been staying with them, but slowly she started to gain weight under Seraphims watchful care. Her coat got its shine back, she was growing into her awkward puppy frame. Rapidly growing, her pelt got thicker, her markings becoming more defined. She no longer clumsily ran about, but rather had some grace with her movements. She was beginning to learn to hunt.

Unfamiliar scents began to fill her nostrils as they got closer. The call sounded different, she didn't know how, but there was different. At 6 months old, and without much pack knowledge she was still learning. Long legs carried her beside the pallid brute, her stature not yet as tall as his. She remained silent, eyes set on the sight unfolding before her. Wolves she didn't know had gathered within the borders, one female in particular caught her attention. She was massive, towering over everyone, with an intimidating build. Casting a sidelong glance at Seraphim, audits stood at attention, listening to her father speak, before turning her attention to the new Queen, crowning tilting a fraction to the left, gaze intent, interested.

Talk like this


08-26-2013, 05:34 PM

Emotions of inexplicable rage and utmost sorrow intermingled at the recognition of failure, intensified by the fact that she had vowed for a victorious reign but instead had allowed the reigns of authority to slip from her domineering grasp and into the paws of whichever ambitious outsider decided to pick up her slack. Distress had forced its way into the banshee?s core and she had been reduced to the pitiful sham of a once-competent Amazonian, ribcage protruding slightly from her abdomen and porcelain visage now sallow and lack of the infamous smirk it typically possessed, evidently affected negatively by her loss although she had intended upon passing the crown along in the upcoming seasons. Since the pack?s disbandment, she had strayed just once from the domain that had previously been under her regime to relocate her small family to the springs where she had once encountered Vi, but had been drawn back to the looming mountain where Tortuga had lurked on a solo journey as if she was bound by invisible shackles that refused to relinquish their grip upon her. The urge to witness first-hand what was to become of the pack she had grown so attached to was strong within her, and although she had failed to redeem the name of Tortuga, her hopes for the future sovereign ? whoever that may be ? was dwindling. Severe doubt plagued the wraith that the pack would flourish as it had upon its first generation, especially under the rule of another canine whose given moniker was not Morphine.

Perched atop the rugged face of a boulder within the premises of Tortuga?s domain, poised as a queen although the title failed to brand her any longer, the serpentine babe was likely the first to recognize the regal summon of a presumably unfamiliar creature that was eager to claim the pack the witch had lost, ears flicking forward as she registered the gruff beckon. Disgust settled within the pit of her stomach, and despite the fact that she desired to view the newfound imperial, she refused to budge from her perch, muscles tensing as she contemplated how to handle the impending situation. After a few minutes of internal struggle, the wench heaved her mass upon all four sturdy limbs, leaping from her makeshift throne and heading off in the direction of the amphitheater where many meetings had been held before, rolling back her shoulders and settling into her defenses as she maneuvered with the posture of a seasoned juggernaut, the summon obviously fueling the witch with remarkable confidence. As she approached the small gathering of canines that had presented themselves in favor of the new queen, irritation surged within her, failing to physically manifest upon her countenance, instead, allowing a contrasting expression to consume her visage. A small smile graced her inky lips as her metallic eyes digested the scene before her, pupils automatically locating the source of the call and widening accordingly as she registered the face as familiar: this was the behemoth that Medusa had defeated and the former ally of Tortuga. Conflicting emotions breached the witch, but still she offered the gargantuan woman a curt incline of her muzzle, gaze dancing between the figures that dotted the familiar landscape. Pupils lingered upon the all-too ecstatic form of her chosen sire, causing the wench to halt in her step in disbelief, rage steadily bubbling within her chest cavity as his vocalizations flooded the air. A hollow smile etched its way across her visage as she realized that the male was so willingly pledging his allegiance to a woman he hardly even knew, curiosity enveloping her as she wondered about his motives for such a decision. It was betrayal in the eyes of the ice queen, and although she desired to confront the male, she instead pushed onward, her stance atypically friendly as she brushed against the right side of the chosen male, fine strands of pallid fur grazing his own as she seated herself beside him, hardly stealing a glance to the sable babe adjacent to him, unaware that the child was her fallen ally?s own. ?What. The fuck. Do you think you?re doing?? the wench hissed between clenched jaws, vocals hardly audible even to her own ears, meant only for the brute beside her. Through her venomous speech, her gaze never once strayed from the ringleader nor did the small smile ever falter from her velveteen lips, desiring to maintain the friendly fa?ade although, internally, she felt nothing akin to joy.


08-27-2013, 06:04 PM

Defiance was her first respond. Where the fuck had she been? Rage swelled in the depths of her stomach as she sat at the edge of the new home her mother wished to claim. Tortuga had been their ally once, she had been promised to marry the leaders son, yet her engagement had been broken upon her mothers defeat with Medusa. Her ears twitched as she sat on her legs, unsure what to do, the aroma of Zara perked her attention and she allowed all the doubt to spill out in one long sigh. There was still unfinished business and with the death of her father she wanted retribution. Jupitor would pay, she would make sure to that, even if she had to rip her mother into battle it would happen.

She followed the calling. Her violet eyes scanning over those that were coming forth. So far only a bare few she recognized. Zara was beside her mother, like always, but where was champion? The aroma of fresh milk caught her attention and her violet eyes narrowed. Had their mother birthed another litter without telling them and where the hell was Salamander? Her gaze had found Bas but her desire to touch him was far away. She was too far into her rage to care about her odd desires and needs. What did her mother plan for this pack? Would they accept her or leave? Newt had always been a great alpha, one who cared for her wolves, but that didn?t help her lose the rage that still ate at her stomach.

She closed her eyes for a moment and tried desperately to pretend. Pretended he was sitting beside her. Waiting for her to begin the meeting and supporting her on the sidelines but when she opened her eyes all she could see was Zara. Her lips twitched with resentment for their old aunt. She had always wanted their father dead, she had seen it in her eyes and she was unsure if she would remain here with her mother if her brother did not. Only time would tell.



08-28-2013, 05:25 PM

Beauty was a fleeting things, something that was not contained, and something that the king had come to play little demand to. His nose would wrinkle, his skin would crawl, and powerful muscles would lurch forward in defiance when they should have been stilled. The wrinkled proboscis of the man would be the first to careen over the liquored green hills, and his dominance raised tail would be the last to follow. Green eyes devoured, deliciously, the landscape as it deteriorated, as it became more and more infested with lifelessness and broken divinity. The mountains, the winding hills, they belonged to a new monarchess, and how he came forth to meet her.

Acid. Acid. Acid. She breathed vehemence and he curled his lips into a wicked smile as he neared the isabelline woman, Morphine. His head moving to touch her back haunch, curling over her minuscule physique, daring to touch her poisonous existence, "You're a pretty little spitfire," his words were cloaked in lightning and complete emotionless guise encumbered him, "But listening to the new maman may be best," the curl of his sneer was without flaw, the danger that he surmised was beautiful, and it was with couth control that he turned his virulent gaze onto her; Newt, "Ma ch?re, might I be of service?"


09-02-2013, 01:11 PM

[Image: arC7pCx.jpg]

The young man would follow the pretty vixen and her call. His obsidian audits took in her howl as he closed his purple gaze for a moment relishing the sound. Kairos had sat in the brush for a while waiting and watching until she settled as well for the big dame who he came to know as Zara. The brute sneered as he looked at the lady, big lady, big attitude. Yet he was smart and kept his distance so as not to piss her off. Only until quite an amount of wolves had came and showed up did he wait to come out of hiding. Kai let his eyes fall upon Newt's children, his half brother and sister. Then came in a few wolves who just wished to follow and those who seemed enraged. Well, one particular dame anyway who didn't seem too happy.Of course most of these wolves seemed like a pretty odd bunch; then again so was he.

Deciding that it was more safe than before to completely show himself the man stood up on all fours. His purple gaze scanned the crowd as his face remained plain and with no emotion. As he walked by a few wolves Kairos wondered where he should sit. Should he sit in the back and seem aloof? Or sit in the middle of the collection of wolves and seem social? Should he sit on the edge and seem mysterious? Or should he sit closer to Newt and seem like a dick? It was only a moment until Kairos realized he had been standing still looking like an idiot. With a small smile and a shrug the yearling made his decision. He could care less now. Making his was through the crowd the brute winked at Zara then Newt before walking over and closer to Newt. He did not sit beside her nor close but a mere yard closer than the rest, other than Zara. The yearling had come to an understanding that the big dame didn't really like him. It took all of his willpower not to mouth some provocative sentence to the female from where he sat. So wait did he do for the pretty vixen to speak. He watched her with a small smile. So the bastard of the bastard sat on his haunches while he watched her take what she deserved.

Now that he was in a comfortable position the bastard thought of what his actions had done. Now his mother was free of him, free of the lingering reminder of her rape. She had no one to take care of now, she was free. His brothers were gone so now was the time he followed in their footsteps. Maybe, just maybe, he was following his father's. But who could tell or care? He sure didn't! Kairos was going on his own path now. But this didn't mean he was entirely separated from his family. Sure he could still meet up with Cross and have a nice chat right? But what would he think of his actions? Would he mind? Falling for a pretty vixen who had a certain dark heir to her? Of course Kairos didn't mind,it just made him love the pretty vixen even more!

The yearling then shifted as he thought of his family members, and cousins. They surely wouldn't really mind his absence but what about his grandma Crusade? Uncle Gargoyle? But his mother was right....she had been right all along. She had a be scared. The yearling knew what he was turning into now, a monster! It showed! if you looked at the scar on his muzzle all you saw was an evil grin. Only in the dark you could see that unless if you focused in the light....he was a freak, a monster...yet Kairos was proud.

I talk,
I think,
you speak"


09-05-2013, 02:19 PM

Faces wandered in from oblivion. Past and future mingled into a small congregation. Her heart sank, as the voice of reason hadn?t come to stand by her. Where was champion? She pushed the emotions behind her. Now was not a time to show anything but power and confidence. Her eyes flickered towards Zara as she made her way beside her, where she belonged, and she smiled at her. Her eyes roved towards her elder children, eyeing with pain and resentment at her, which could be addressed another time if they stayed. Many faces came from the depths of Tortuga and offered her to stay. She smiled at them all and began her speech for them all to hear.

?I am Newt Saxe, the Once queen of Amenti. We were allied with your pack during my reign and with the unfortunate events pulling Tortuga apart I have decided to take that alliance a step further and take charge of Tortuga. My plans are to leave what was working alone and what was not to be fixed. I am open to all suggestions and this is not a demand but those that desire to stay my do so and those that desire to leave my do so as well with no repercussions. I know new leadership can be a tricky thing and feelings of resentment and betrayal are common for member?s of the previous reign to feel but I am here to make this better and to eventually retrieve what is mine. Ranks are up for grabs but Loyalty is what I need. I will not tolerate insubordination or treachery and I am not opposed to enslavement or death.? She said firmly. She cared for what the others desired but she would not be abused.

?I have learned from my previous dethroning the importance of practiced battle and I will ensure each of you uses your skills to the best of your abilities. If any of you would like to speak then please do so now.? she said finally. She cared for their input, what they wanted to salvage and what they wanted to be changed. She had high hopes for Tortuga and she hoped that eventually she could steal back her former kingdom and recrown a former Tortugan as the ruler in a later time.




09-05-2013, 02:38 PM

She didn't know what brought her to these lands. Her mind was unsure as to why her paws had carried her towards Tortuga. Maija had no idea that there was a pack there - a pack regrouping - until the many scents hit her nose. Her immediate reaction was her head snapping back from the sudden strike of numerous smells. Never before had she experienced the cocktail of wolves slightly sickened her. Like the first whiff of rubbing alcohol to a sensitive nose, Maija was caught offguard. After a few seconds of getting over it with tearing eyes from the strong combination, she blinked through those said tears and peeked through the nearby trees.
Many wolves were gathering, most of which were large and contained the same look in their eyes: Despise. Regret. Anger. Possibly...even hate? All of those words spoke to Maija's soul, to the heart that was covered by numerous layers of ice and stone. Curiosity, for the first time in awhile, peeked in her stony glare, and she propelled herself in the direction of the meeting.
Maija kept her guard up as she slunk towards the outer row of the semi-circle. She didn't let her gaze stay on any of the strangers for too long. That is, until she saw the gargantuan, violet female that appeared to be the ring leader. She began to speak, introducing herself as the Queen of Tortuga. Both pieces of the intro were unfamiliar to her, so they swept over her head and back like a tidal wave. The words she spoke were new to her ears. She had never heard a speech such as this, especially about 'ranks' and 'loyalty'. Such things were like pieces of happiness that were outside of Maija's reach. The only experiences she had of loyalty had been from Dragomir when he was in his normal personality. Now that he was gone, what parts of life made it worth living anymore?
Her trust issues were worse than ever, now that her husband was gone. Maija, of course, didn't show this to anyone. She burrowed herself deeper into the inner sanctum of her mind, curling up into a ball from the outside world. Yet, she stood there, watching Newt as she spoke. All she could do was watch. Words did not leave the golden temptress. Instead, her leaf green gaze remained icy, but a slight bit of interest shined in her bright orbs. She inhaled Newt's words, let them sink in, and wondered what she would do next.

speech here


09-07-2013, 10:06 AM

The supposed reign of the lands would arrive, her power emulating, but he would huff and a smile would form on his lips. She stood proud and tall, as though she was the biggest here. But non, no longer was she. While they were the same age, and she a female, he would note her power. Still, he didn't agree with it. Females were meant for brood. He would have his own here, and he would stand by her damnable law. But only until he saw better and otherwise. Eyes veered around and a snort in response rose from the depths of the behemoth's diaphragm. He would reside here, but not without purpose, "Perhaps you should show some courtesy and ask my name. After all, I'm so willing to dedicate myself to you," A slight wrinkle of the nose, and a deliberate furl of the lips and the multi-colored titan would square is eyes at the reigning demon queen, "Cepheus L?cuyer, ma ch?re. Assign me or dismiss me," she would be wise to choose the initial.