
Give up the career


08-23-2013, 11:03 PM

He was getting closer to the warmer areas now. Apart from the cove, this place was nearly like a jungle. With the noise with the waterfall as well. He rather enjoyed that. Oddity was beginning to gather more and more information, even as he lived this was the most he had done ever in his life of two years so far. Oddity sat on the edge of the water with a duck in his mouth, hunting, one of the worlds pleasure's when he was hungry. Ripping into feathers and flesh Oddity finished the meal quickly so that no one would steal it from him. Cleaning off his paws he drank into the stream watching the waterfall with his perked ears. What was the one thing he didn't like is he couldn't hear any other animals unless he scented them. Hopefully he'd be able to scent any danger before he could hear it though.
Oddity looked around for a small while until he looked up at the top of the waterfall. That was a rather big drop, any wolf could take their own life. Though sometimes Oddity wondered why they wanted to get rid of something that they could never get back. He wasn't them though and he would never be able to dig into another's head. He was not a super powered mind reader. Something like that was impossible in this world. Maybe another one, but not this one. Oddity moved around to the other side of the waterfall so that the flicks of water were hitting him. So then he waited for some sort of entertainment to come to him.
