
Morning in the woods that drowned


08-23-2013, 08:49 PM

Strange, this was. The tops of the tree's that floated just about the water. As he starred at it. Wondering what the story was behind that, a trapped valley maybe? Over the years anyway now he was on the shore, looking at it wondering what it would look like during the winter months. Oddity flicked his tail as he lowered his head and took in a long drink of the cool water feeling it down his throat into his stomach. He gave out a little bark of happiness wagging his tail back and forth before raising his head and watching a bird land on one of the large tree's sticking out of the water. It chirped and sang it's song as Oddity showed off his scar before sitting down. Sometimes he really wished he understood what other animals were thinking. It was easy when he came across one's like Cana and Silverback, but other than that he was clueless to their culture and language.
The early morning made it a nice trip to be sitting here and just learning what he could. After all there was not one moment where training could be wasted. It was learning to survive every day he was alive. Every theme that was pushed out onto his head. Maybe even today he could say look dad I am above you and I can do whatever I want. Oddity already killed his dad so he would never get that chance. He had already proven he was better after all. That was all that there was to it. Oddity gave in a deep sigh, and starred at the lake as the bird flew off.
