
You are unable to definitely identify the skeleton


08-23-2013, 06:50 PM

This place looked like it was a sanctuary for the broken. Those wolves who came up with an illusion to escape the fear of the great blackness. Though the thought of it, Oddity was more interested in what kind of things could have happened here. The great ends of each point, free of any rugged surfaces. The smoothness of them was like a scientific break down for a wolf whose logic was in surviving alone. Oddity's bi colored eyes moved about as he watched his reflection across the ice. There was no signs of animals here, not that he was hungry anyway. Yet he was interested in these small things of ice and then the larger ones pointing away at the sun.
Oddity stuck out his tongue and pressed it against one of the pillars of ice. Though much to his dismay he got stuck in that spot. Oddity pressed his paws against the ground and pulled back, but he was unable to remove his tongue from that spot. A deep whine started in his throat. All this talk about survival and he could waste away here simply because his tongue got stuck? How stupid, he growled and pulled tugging painfully on his tongue. Finally giving up he sat there for a few minutes. "Hecklp" He called out, much like a small pup.



08-27-2013, 12:15 AM

He had to be out of his mind to be in such an area of the land, the north. Normally his kind stuck to the warmer regions, rainforests, playing and chilling in the trees, lounging in the sun. Perhaps this was one of many things that set him aside from the others, he liked to explore, get to know the land around him, learn about as much stuff as his brain could take. Oh how he hated it sometimes, unable to break free from this urge of his. The male would sigh heavily, his whole body trembling from a chill that ran down his back.

Zabu was hanging around in tree, saving his paws once again from freezing on the cold, hardened earth below. Sitting there rubbing his feet, even blowing his warm breath on them, his tail wrapped around him when he suddenly heard something. Ears would twitch, swiveling to the side when he heard a voice, muffled, speaking oddly. Curiosity instantly began to form as he lifted his head and scanned the area, falling upon a wolf not too far away... its tongue seemingly stuck to one of many ice shards aiming for the sky.

He wanted to point and laugh at the four legged beast, roll onto his back, his lungs aching for air. He wouldn't do that though, he knew these animals could be dangerous, even on their own.
"You have got to be one of few animals I've seen besides humans that has done such a thing, my friend." He said in a humorous tone, friendly, with a light chuckle. The lemur would unwrap his tail from his body, hopping to a new tree and climbing along the branch near where the man was stuck to the ice shard. "I'm guessing you need help, yes." He would stand up on his legs, hands on hi hips as he looked down at the animal.


Awesome table by WolfEyez <3


08-27-2013, 06:46 PM

Oddity pulled back again after he heard a creature coming. Yet when he came into view, it was a strange, monkey like creature he'd never seen before. Great, another non wolf. Sometimes they were better company than wolves though, he had to admit. As he looked up at the animal, with bi colored orbs. He set his feet equally apart trying to pull back one more time but failed to do so. "Yeksh, pleash." He muttered twitching his tail back and forth. He really didn't care who he was, right now all he was caring about was getting off of this ice-cycle.
Oddity looked at the creature and made a heavy sigh. He probably wouldn't help him though. It wasn't like the giant wolf was top priority. Plus he could pretty much eat the creature if he wanted. Oddity would rather know what he was though, he didn't want to eat anything that would give him some weird disease after all. His favorite food was fish, he'd take fish over anything else any day.



08-29-2013, 12:11 AM

Zabu couldn't help but chuckle as he watched the wolf try to pull his tongue off the ice, why did some feel the need to do that? It would only hurt their tongue and wouldn't help at all. The male did say yes though so the lemur dropped his hands to the branch, made his way down the small tree and quickly bounded over to the wolf. He stood back up on his hind legs, moving close so he could see how much of the tongue was tuck on the ice.
"This fix is easy peazy, just don't pull or you will hurt yourself." He said with a nod of his head, getting close to where he was just about brushing fur with the wolf. "Don't get any funny ideas either, I'm not into guys or animals not of my kind." He would saw before getting his face close to the wolf's muzzle. With a deep breath he would part his jaws, breathing his warm breath on the part of his tongue stuck to the ice. His breath would warm the ice, make it melt enough that the tongue would come right off within seconds.


Awesome table by WolfEyez <3


08-30-2013, 02:38 PM

Hardly. Oddity had no interest in men nor non wolves as well. So they were in the same boat on that end. He lifted his gums in a snarl fashion as the animal started to give his tongue a warm breath on. Until the piece of ice was warm enough water falling over his tongue he tugged one more time and went flying backwards. He rolled once, but then got up to recover, licking his muzzle to get the feeling back in his tongue. Great, now he had to thank this guy. "Thanks" He stated simply and flicked his black tail. Well this had been an interesting adventure, that was something he wouldn't be doing again. At least it hadn't been a glaciem female who caught him there, that would have been the most embarrassing thing in his life.
"My name is Oddity. Who and what are you?" Oddity asked as he tilted his head in thought. He had never seen a monkey type creature like this before. He sat down on his rump looking at the creature. He could use his front paws to grab things, that was an odd feature. All oddity had was these claws and stubby toes that couldn't grab onto anything unless climbing or fighting with other wolves.



09-01-2013, 03:33 AM

It wouldn't take long of breathing on the spot where the tongue was before it would melt. He could see it happen, the frozen ice start to slowly melt, water sliding down the ice shard. Then bam, he was free. But when the wolf had pulled away he went flying back. Zebu could not help but laugh a bit as the wolf went flying back, doing a single roll before he could catch himself and pull himself together. It had to of been the most action he had seen in days, it wasn't much but it would do. He stood there on his hind legs, head tilting as the wolf thanked him then proceeded to ask who and what he was. Of course. He would lift a hand and rub the back of his head with a smirk.
"The names Zonoomafoo, but most call me Zabu for short." He would start, giving a small nod of his head. "As to what I am, humans would call me a ring tailed lemur. Kind of like a monkey but I don't use my tail as much as they do." Perhaps he was already talking too much, if he was then oh well, the lemur didn't really care. It wasn't often he stopped to chat with others.


Awesome table by WolfEyez <3


09-02-2013, 08:17 PM

Oddity watched the creature, so it could move it's front legs like that. It amazed him, differently from his stubby little paws that he had. The wolf looked at them, the claws and toes, and then back to Zabu. It was a cool name, different just like Oddity's. Humans, there was that word again, Oddity tilted his head. So he was sort of like a monkey but a lemur? Alright but he wanted to know more about humans, and about the lands that he came from. Oddity stood up wiggling his hind quarters along with his tail with his curiosity growing. "What are humans like? I have never met any." He asked.
Things about others were far more interesting than anything else besides killing. Specially when it came to survival. Oddity used all of his information in order to survive the longest he could. It was information take in, otherwise he would be beaten down just as his father had done to him to get this scar. Oddity had gotten the upper hand in the end, but it was only natural after he had turned far more stronger than the black male with gray eyes. The world worked in strange ways.



09-08-2013, 05:39 PM

The male would watch the wolf with a smirk, a hand moving from his hip to grab his tail, hooking it around his wrist then letting ti wave back in place behind him. By now the wolf stood up, asking him what humans were like, and that he never meant any. Well of course he wouldn't have ever met one, they were long gone. And even though he wasn't a psychic, Zabu for sure knew this kid was young,he was nowhere near born around the time they left.
"Well, it's a bit hard to explain since your young and all." He began, tapping a finger on his chin, supporting that arm on his other that crossed over his chest. "They walked like I am, on their back legs. No fur except on the top of their head, a small line of hair over their eyes and sometimes the males would have hair on their face." He would use both of his small hands to make an imaginary line of hair down the sides of his jaws, along his bottom jaw and over the top but below his nose. "As for their behavior, I can't really say. They do a lot of stuff, no two were the same."


Awesome table by WolfEyez <3


09-08-2013, 05:59 PM

Oddity tilted his head, no fur except the tops of their head. A funny picture built up on the top of his head. Though if they could create such things as he had seen, he wouldn't be entirely surprised. In the end, he'd never be able to see a human so his curiosity was wasted anyway. Oddity straightened himself and gave a large sigh. It was a bit disappointment after all. "Would you consider them gone a good or bad thing now Zabu?" Maybe it was better for his survival that they were now gone. He had never met any wolves over the years of seven yet. Since not being a very social wolf in the first place due to his fathers teachings.
"I feel like a pup, learning new things since I was locked up for my entire life apart from being taught to kill and live as much as I could. Meeting new wolves has changed me in ways I didn't think were possible." Oddity said looking at the ice sticking out of the ground. "Yet I still can't find myself feeling bad for others if I do them wrong." He scratched behind her ear. Perhaps there was a wolf like him, who couldn't feel remorse like him. Perhaps they had less emotions than he had. One day Oddity wish to meet that wolf, and they would probably clash in head on fight. The world worked that way, Oddity had become that smart to know.



09-08-2013, 06:19 PM

From his sigh the lemur could guess the wolf was disappointed by his answer, going ahead and asking if he considered it to be a good or bad thing that they were gone. That was a really good question, one most would think about for ages. He knew animals who had thought about it for years, and even became worried once the humans were finally gone. Was it good or bad?

Before he could answer though Oddity continued talking, saying how he felt like a pup and was learning new things since being locked up apart from being taught how to kill and survive. Ah, so he was one of those creatures. He wouldn't say anything about it, just continue listening as he added how meeting new wolves has changed him in ways he didn't think was possible.
"Yet I still can't find myself feeling bad for others if I do them wrong."

"Like the humans we are all different, some feel guilt for their actions that hurt others, and some don't. We are all programmed differently." Zabu would turn around to look at the giant ice shard for a moment before turning and leaping up onto the trunk of a nearby tree, scaling it within seconds and sitting on a branch. "As for your earlier question, I think it is a bit good that the humans are gone. The air is cleaner, you don't gag on the filth they would shove into it. Mother nature is taking back the land meant for animals, covering the humans trash. But it could also be bad, animal populations will jump, food will run out, animals will die from lack of resources." He would give a shrug of his shoulders, scratching at the branch.


Awesome table by WolfEyez <3