
And a bargain must be made


08-23-2013, 02:54 PM

Standing in front of him was a large wall, made out of ice. Oddity knew he had convinced himself to venture through Alacritis, but he had no idea it had such places as these. It was interesting, and lucky he was used to the cold, and it was a bit warmer considering the summer months, or spring whichever one he forgot at the back of his brain. Walking along the edge he nearly thought it would never end. When he came across the carcass of a wolf. It looked old, and that the poor female had been splattered across the wall, her head at least. The sight of blood made him smile a bit. He couldn't feel bad, it was in his genetics. He stopped and sat down lowering his bi colored eyes and head to sniff it. It wasn't a pleasant smell, but he knew she would eventually decompose. She was now part of the great blackness and she would never return. He chuckled at the thought that someone either took her life out of joy, or they wanted to live another day. Oddity never understood wolves who wanted to amount one life to another after all.
After sitting there for a bit, Oddity decided to try and find the scent. He walked outside on the ice a bit and the snow folding over his paws until he found the body of a starving male. Well, he had guessed wrong. He guess that the male had tried to eat her head, and in a sad attempt to live he had only made it so far before dying. Such a pity, well no it wasn't really. Oddity was curious as to how they got into this state though. Was it a sad coincidence or what? Either way they wouldn't be getting their lives back ever again. So there was no hope for the lost souls that were now no longer in this cruel world.



09-06-2013, 11:35 PM

Now that Arkada was a part of Amenti, he had been fairly keen on the behavior of wolves. Perhaps they weren't so bad, and many did not know of the faction of birds. So that was why they perhaps didn't act as well as other creatures did when it came to their loyalty to birds. So exploring this place had brought many surprises to him. Specially one such as this. There was a male standing over a body, in which the bird was smart enough to tell had died from natural causes. Though it didn't make him look any better though. As the bird approached he was much taller and flapped his wings.
"If another wolf had found you they could have assumed you killed this wolf." He stated out the obvious warning to the scarred black wolf. Arkada was not afraid of him, after all the bird was bigger and lighter he could probably get away quickly if he really needed to. In the end he had the upper hand in a flight if Oddity decided to lunge at the bird.


09-07-2013, 02:09 AM

Oddity's head perked as soon as heard the birds claws clicking against the ice. His bi colored orbs looking at the giant thing with a smile on its beak. Interesting, but he was right. At least he hadn't judged him, after all the least he needed to be judged by was a giant bird. Though there didn't seem to be a threat from the giant beast. So why care, as he raised his body and flicked his tail. "You're right but you're not a wolf, so I guess I got lucky Didn't I?" Oddity answered with a dip of his head. He answered with the same banter yes? That would make things easier to break the ice between the two
"My name is Oddity, what's yours bird, you stink of Amenti." Oddity said scenting the pack on the bird. Had he joined a pack? He had heard of other animals joining packs, but never a giant bird. He was far too big to be prey. Oddity was certain he wouldn't even be worth the hunt if someone did try to hunt him. Maybe he was just lazy. If he had been this lazy before joining Glaciem, he probably wouldn't have survived, himself or his father period.



09-07-2013, 12:17 PM


Arkada raised an eyebrow at the male. Were all the wolves here so casual about being confronted by a giant bird. Though there had been other creatures who had made their home here, he wasn't too surprised by it. Though he didn't rather take 'stink' as a compliment. It was true he had joined a pack such as that, but there was no need to be insulted because of it. "Arkada, My lord wouldn't be very happy to hear of those words you speak son. Yes I am part of Amenti." Arkada said ruffling his feathers as he watched the dead body. The poor man had starved to death, though the stench of rotting wolf flesh wasn't very pleasant. Arkada could never be able to handle that smell for weeks if someone lived in such an environment. Turning back towards Oddity he crouched down so he wasn't outsizing the wolf as much.

"So why are you out here? Exploring dead bodies to your hearts desire?" Arkada asked and clicked his beak. Sounding like a hollow tree branch being hit by a stick. He didn't screech or make chirps like most other birds. His beak made most of the noises. Usually used in mating, but Arkada had lost the hope of a mate in these area's. So he figured it could be used for other things as well. He wasn't a normal bird after all.



09-07-2013, 12:27 PM

Oddity's ears twitched at the comment. Great a bird who didn't see the strict death count of the great blackness. Hidden by the illusion created in the mind. The wolf didn't comment though as he lowered his head and closed his eyes to take in the name. The question came quickly after as the bird crouched lower down Oddity sat down and curled his tail around his back paws. He took this manner more than often when it came to speaking to others. It was specially comfortable and kept from his tail being tugged at by unexpected assassins. Oddity tilted his head at the bird. "I am part of Glaciem, I'm exploring the north so I get a better knowing of its bearings. Hence why I was slightly cold to you before." He pulled his head back up. Why was he explaining this to a bird? Well probably because it really didn't matter either way. If they met on the battlefield Oddity would love to tease him. He nearly smiled at that thought. At the end of the day Oddity was a murderer under a wolfs skin. He was born and raised for it and nothing could ever change that.
"What about you, rather far from home." Oddity said with narrowing his eyes. His ghostly one reflecting the malice intent that was locked under his skin. Though he hoped it wouldn't affect their conversation. After all, the more you knew about your enemy, the easier it became to overthrow them. It was from the experience from stalking prey that he would kill. He probably wouldn't get to kill again for a long time, he should tell Isar about his urges, because it was a fact they wouldn't go away.



09-07-2013, 01:00 PM

Arkada chuckled at the wolf, cold? He was just being a wolf when it came down to it, there was nothing he had against nature. Though he wasn't entirely rude, so it was fine on that account. Arkada wished to preach and tell the world of his lord and savior, of how when you were a bird you were not bound by the bloody world to have obligations to everything. Freely living, flying, eating, and getting to know each other as you pleased. It was like his life mission to make everyone understand how the world worked in his eyes. How everything else they had ever known was either wrong or false. In the end it was up to him, to teach them of the birds.
"Probably the same as you, though my mission is more along the lines of converting. You see a wolf such yourself should want to be bird. If you behave you can be reincarnated as one my canine friend." Arkada explained moving his tail feathers from side to side. This was one thing that made the man happy, speaking about what he believed in, on the off chance the wolf would agree. Though there was always those who couldn't be saved. And refused to believe in such a thing. Leaving for them to get another chance when they are reincarnated as another animal such a tiger or otherwise minnow.


09-07-2013, 01:24 PM

Converting, that made him laugh a little bit. There wasn't a way to convert him, not to believe in something that just wasn't there to him. Reincarnated as a bird? Who wanted that, wolves had so many more devices, perhaps if he wanted he'd rather be reincarnated as a Lion or a larger beast to have a lot more fun ripping other creatures apart. Though he listened anyway until the bird was done. "I'm afraid even if I did believe in such a thing it is far too late for me." Oddity chuckled, let the bird think in his delusional ways after all. Oddity stood up and moved closer towards the bird.
"The only thing left for me is to die and when I do I will be dead, rotting in the ground with no longer life there." Oddity explained showing off his teeth. He could kill this bird in an instant, and then he would show him what would happen. Yet he was not worth it, plus he might anger Amenti which wouldn't be good for King Isar. After all, his loyalty was what strung him along.



09-08-2013, 05:25 PM

Arkada looked at the wolf with keen interest. Too late? So that meant he had already deeply sinned past being saved? Well he believed that, after all it was common for non believers to do such a thing. He would simply be reincarnated and could try again. In the end Arkada would't be able to convince this one he knew that, but it was better than nothing wasn't it. "Well, in you're next life you may be able to try again? Less you don't believe it matters no mind to what is real and what is not." Arkada noted. It looked like Oddity was threatening him. As he stood up he pulled out his wings and backed up promptly. No a few feet away his feet on the ice.
"By the looks of it I have overstayed my welcome here, I should be going but I would like to speak with you more. What is it about you wolves that makes you want to kill so badly. Has life hold no value to you, or is it just the fact your nasty instincts get in your way." Arkada mused towards him. Wondering if he would provoke the creature to attack him or not. A number of things could happen and a number could not.


09-11-2013, 11:49 AM

Oddity pulled back his ears in a smile. Lunging forward as the bird spoke. Well he was only interested in what he would look like bloody on the ground. After all curiosity could kill the most prestigious of wolves. His tail arched up as his bi colored orbs watched the bird. "No I won't kill you. I'm not as immoral to make enemies of another pack. That'd be bad for my king." Oddity calmed his composure and closed his eyes looked up at the bird. That was the right decision, but he did want to rip him apart. His loyalty with Isar conceded with that. Oddity flicked his tail and turned his head the other way.
"If such a thing as reincarnation did exist. Maybe I'll be able to feel the emotions I'm missing in that time." Oddity commented as he looked at the body that they had slowly inched away from. Though he could feel that the bird was itching to leave. So Oddity dipped his head and took his leave.
-exit oddity-
