
Fall into the depths of my arms


08-23-2013, 02:27 PM (This post was last modified: 08-23-2013, 02:28 PM by Kairos.)

[Image: WiAPRcg.jpg]

Black ears lay back as the young brute paced back and forth across the land. It was his birthday month and he was considered a yearling now. In fact Kairos could care less, he always felt older than he was. Maybe it was the fact that he and his brothers had to be the men of the family. Without a father they went to replace that empty slot in their mother's life. Even though if it would never really be replaced he felt as if there was no slot at all. Kairos knew the story...well part of it actually. All that he knew was that the wolf he would have called father forced himself upon his mother. At first Kairos hated the man but then he longed for him. And only then did he get to see him for the first time...and the last. He saw his old man die at the paws of an orange dame...he wasn't sure what and how to feel about it.

Even now the young man was confused. He could feel himself wanting to be like that brute but he doesn't want to. Does he....could he? Remembering that his mother had always taught him and his brothers to be kind he had been until he grew older. How long would it take until his inner true self finally and completely claimed him? The brute's purple gaze could only look at his white toed black paws as he paced. He even looked like him, his father. Perhaps with and without some features. But Kairos knew he was a pleasant sight to see now. His head fit his ears and muscle had filled out his figure. His shoulders were broad, lean, and strong now as he had even gained height.

This made the young man wonder what his brother's looked like now. The only ones who actually took mostly after his mother's side of the family. It was too bad he reminded his mother of their father. But how could he know, he hadn't seen neither of his siblings in a while. What was he to do? Wander around the cove straying away from others? Was he really so afraid to turn into the man his father was? Maybe it wasn't a bad thing after all

With a huff the brute paced back and forth as he swayed his black tail back and forth in lashes. He would spend the rest of his day like this, pacing. In fact maybe he could do this forever....unlikely. But Kai would still pace and wait as he didnt even know what he was waiting for....but still waiting for life to throw something else at him.

I talk,
I think,
you speak"


08-25-2013, 01:12 AM

Indifference shone in broken eyes, shattered by a soul crushing lost. Yet madness crept deep inside as they turned the world from truth to illusion. The fog, it clouded, molded, and shaped all that she new, all that she loved, and found purchase on the wandering soul of a forgotten child. She swayed back and forth as she watched him. Like a phantom, pacing, pining, for what? She wanted to reach out and touch him. To feel that fur against her skin and feel his bites sink into her. A shudder rose along her spine, brining her elation and confusion all wrapped into one. Her ears twitched as she held herself back, panting, waiting, praying, Dear Cerberus, the words were lost along her thoughts. Did she dare walk with phantoms and love what was meant to be left in ashes and ruins?

Could she call to him? If she said his name would he look at her? She was so torn. So sick with grief it road her body into oblivion and brought her to the underworld to bring his soul home. She blinked but the colors were the same. The smell was slightly off, why? She didn?t care all she wanted was to touch him. To make sure he was real and not a ghost playing with her mind. She moved slowly, watching, waiting, she was the shadow and he was her king. Her tail danced behind her with her impatience. She wanted to know. ?Kaios? the words were barley audible. Lost in her throat but still she coughed them free. She wanted him. Needed him. She couldn?t stand by and wait for the illusion to shatter and her heart to go with it.

She moved closer, inch-by-inch, drawing the distance but ever so quietly. She could almost touch that soft ebony fur. Feel his breath on her neck. Feel his teeth eager for her body. She shuddered with her need, it was almost overwhelming and soon enough she touched him just enough to know he was real. ?Does the dead walk with roses from the grave at which I buried you? Were my tears lost for nothing and here you stand alive and open for me to claim?? she questioned, her voice shaking with her desire to touch him again. If she just kept touching him he would be real. Just a little bit longer.



08-25-2013, 10:01 AM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2013, 10:03 AM by Kairos.)

[Image: WiAPRcg.jpg]

The brute paced back and forth with his brows still furrowed. His tail still lashed out but yet he stopped. In his tracks did Kairos stop and contemplate what he should do next. He saw her as clear as day but was confused...she approached him quietly and with what looked like longing. She was pretty...but...who was she? Maybe she was the run of the mill loon. Or maybe she was just troubled....or slightly disturbed. Kai watched as she advanced slowly and touched him. His purple gaze set on her softly as she spoke. She asked if the dead walked with roses or something like that. She spoke of him as if she had buried him. Next she asked if her tears were wasted for him to be here. Confusion swarmed in the young man's mind. He did not pull away in the thought that she may throw a fit or break. Such a fragile thing at the he pitied her.

With a sigh he leaned towards her so her fur would meet his own. Then he spoke...

"The dead do not walk but how should I know...but they do not bring roses... Your tears were not wasted and your pain was not lost; for I am not the one of who you speak. And no one stands before you to claim besides I, Kairos Menapache." he said in a gentle voice careful not to disturb.

The male wondered what was wrong with this pretty vixen...then he remembered what he had saw as a pup. Yes yes, he had seen her on the battlefield not too far from where his father had died. Hah, he spat at that word. His biological father was no father at all but yet he leaned towards him craving him as he had missed him so. Odd. He had never missed his father. Hate did he feel towards the bastard! Yet Kairos felt as if he was turning into that man, taking after him. The male's purple gaze looked at the fea before him. She seemed out of sorts...then again he felt out of sorts himself. Kairos felt like a true adult now but he was just a yearling.

"I have seen you before...on the battlefield. I was there to see my biological bastard of a father for the first and the last time. I saw him be struck down by the paws of the orange dame. At first I hated him because he left my brothers and I fatherless...but now I feel myself becoming more and more like him. Then again, you must be the pretty vixen who he finally settle down with. Incan see why he would fall for a dame such as you." he said with a wink of a purple eye.

Kairos stood before her as he waited for her reply. How would she react to all of this news? What would she do? What actions would she take? Kairos himself didn't know what to do next either...yet his actions were coming instinctively and naturally. This was odd yet nice, perhaps he would Ed up enjoying this encounter.

I talk,
I think,
you speak"


08-25-2013, 10:31 AM

Words were spoken on defiant ears. Her violet gaze was lost to the similarities between the dead and the living. She wanted to touch every part of him. Study the way he moved, the way he spoke, such elegancy and yet not the slurs and vulgar tones of the one she had called her love. Confusion filled her gaze as her mind swam round and round. She could feel the distant wiggle of the unknown touching her core, reaching for control, she couldn?t allow herself to fall victim to the powers that be. No, she would push away its advances, she knew it meant well but she needed this moment, if only for her to feel something other then emptiness.

Her tail swayed behind her as he spoke of his father. She had never questioned the background. Never known where he had come from. She had only lived in the here and now. Who had given birth to him? Where they dead now? Questions that would never have answers and she allowed the pain of it to slip from her and into the ground below. She envisioned the energy of it, pouring into the ground and releasing its melancholy hold on her. ?Speaking with a dead mans faces can make a soul yearn.? She said softly, her ears fell back as the reality pooled into her and the grief seemed to swallow her whole. She felt herself buckle, her legs giving out beneath her, as she looked up at him with disappointment. Just one touch.

Her body was awfully heavy. The weight of it fall pulling her down and she could feel it all crushing her. Her ears twitched as he spoke of the battle. Pain sliced into her head as she remembered his gaze. That one last look, saying everything and nothing. She felt tears prickling her cheeks and she blinked them away. She was never meant to love. Only to serve. Yet she had become everything fable had said she was unable. She had fallen in love with them all. Every face that looked to her for guidance and every heart that had given her their loyalty, it had all molded her into something more then just a pawn. She would never be who she was again.

?Eyes like stars, yet all they ever saw was what they wanted. Who is darkness and who is gray? Lust compulsions were in his nature and the fault was in those that allowed him to love with expectations. His reputation was known and for those to feel resentment for a soul who kept true to himself is in wasted efforts.? She said with a laugh, she had never thought he?d be involved in their children?s life. She had accepted it and would take both roles to care for her children and yet he had proved her wrong. He had come to her, claimed her, and made her his and only his.

?Yet, children, they know nothing but what they desire. What they think is truth and yet veils cover their eyes. Others give influence and yet they know nothing. Death stole that option from you. Stole the chance to understand and to close the hatred that filled your heart.? She almost sobbed the words. It confused her so that so many wanted him gone. Why change? Why be something better when others wanted him dead. Stole him from her. Stole him from his children. It hurt more then she understood and her heart felt like it would shatter clean out of her chest. ?Just one moment, I had hoped, that you could kiss me and I would taste him.? She said with a sad little smile. Was he here? Did he travel the lost roads? Searching for something to speak to those that he left behind?


08-25-2013, 12:12 PM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2013, 12:20 PM by Kairos.)

[Image: WiAPRcg.jpg]

Everything seemed to go downhill as much as Kai tried to hold it up. Things were happening fast as the dame opened her lips once more. What came out were words of sorrow; they dripped from her tongue like a sad song of words. Speaking with a dead man's face can make a soul yearn. she said before her legs gave out beneath her. Kairos was startled by her sudden movement and thought she had become ill at the sudden moment. He leaned forward as swiftly as he could and tried to cushion her buckle to the ground. When he realized she didn't collapse of sickness but of pain of the heart he perked up his black ears waiting for another symphony.

She spoke lust and decisions, Kai was thinking she was referring to his so called father. But that wasn't the story she was telling...she wasn't right. No! None of that was true! His mother didn't allow him to love her! Lies! His lips curled back but a snarl never came out. Why should he snarl at this dame for being wrong? She wasn't so bad...but bringing up what happened to his mother angered him most!

"You're wrong! She did not love him! He did not love her! He raped my mother! He took advantage of her. None of what you say is true in my mother's field. She is the kindest wolf I've ever know. And yet! With three children who were given to her from that horrid night she loved them and raised them still! How do you think it feels?!?! How it feels to look like te one who hurt her? She loved me yes but looks at me with fear sometimes!" he said as he held in his own tears.

And did the intermission to her symphony end as it continued. She was speaking if so many things...wise words. But then she said death stole him and about hatred. Kairos swiftly turned his head away as he bared his teeth at he ground in anger. His purple gaze swerved back to meet hers as he leaned in closer towards her so he could get the point through. His face was ever so close to hers, almost touching.

"Listen" he said gruffly before calming down a bit.

"At first I hated the bastard who I would have called father. If you truly understood what it's like to be different than the other pups, having to be the man of the family. My brothers and I, we pitied our mother! We love her and I know my brother even felt as if it was his fault! My birth-father brought pain to my family even though we stuck together. I never said I hated him as you say now. I wanted to meet him and have him teach me honestly. I'm almost a spitting image of him and I can feel myself growing up to be like him. I don't know what to do...I don't want to give in... It's either try to be who I'm told to be or be who I really am inside... he said before his voice grew softer and softer.

Kairos seemed aloof but he never moved his face. Taken into his thoughts about everything he was brought back by her voice. She spoke of how for a moment she wished to kiss him and taste the man who Kairos would call father. Brows furrowed as he thought. Pity groped his heart even though he knew he shouldn't. His purple gaze met her own before be replied in almost a whisper.

"I may not be my father but like father like son...After all, look at me, there's no question in that. And maybe...maybe you can taste me...." he said before he closed the gap and kissed the pretty vixen.

It took only a moment before it was done and he slowly drew back. Kairos looked at her with curiosity and interest. The brute wondered kf he had done the right or wrong thing...but odd enough he found that he could care less.

I talk,
I think,
you speak"


08-25-2013, 01:59 PM

Rage, it twisted down her back, like tiny marching ants that filled her blood with hunger. She closed her eyes to it for a moment. Allowed her mouth to part to taste it. Roll it around her tongue and savor the flavor of it. She was panting with the desire to feel that rage spill into her. Feel his fangs break her skin and make her understand with more then words. Her violet eyes opened as she listened to his story. The loathing was evident in his words. How could so much hatred be fueled by one act of desire? It was a natural thing. Males were driven by the smell of heat and some of the impulses were indeed over whelming. Rape happened. Perhaps her indifference to things had made her acceptant of certain behavior that their kind displayed. One moment of passion was another wolfs nightmare.

She could feel her body reacting to him. Reacting to the desire to make her understand. The rage that needed release and the uncertainty that seemed to pool off his body in waves. She blinked dark lashes at him as she watched the passion flow from him. Her ears were parted with her neutral disposition and when her words left her mouth, she seemed to blush, yet when those eyes rose up to meet his he had broken the distance between them and sealed her request with a soft kiss.

Fire, it awoke inside her. He tasted slightly similar and yet different. She wondered how he would love. Would he be so demanding or would he be softer more unsure. He was a youth, unpracticed, unsure of everything. Maybe she could show him? Maybe she could bring it all to light and he could be hers? Her violet eyes shinned with so much emotion from that one kiss. It had sent her body on fire and she yearned to feel the touch of a male again. The night of passion with Zara had been wonderful but the feel of a male above her. Pushing his hunger into her and sealing it with his seed was beyond compared.

?I?m sorry.? She whispered, all the other words. Can you love me? Kiss me again but maybe just as yourself? Taste me? I want to feel your skin on mine. all the thoughts danced together like some mismatch waltz of hormones and sorrow. She wanted him but she just met him. She felt embarrassed by the thought. So rather then speak the desire that seemed to rise off her body like a sweet fog she spoke her regrets.
?The world is different in all our eyes. Each part painted in different lights. What?s wrong, what?s right, all depends on whose committing the act. Rape is a thing that happens. You have yet to feel the burn of desire from a female in heat. To know she could be ready by just one simple touch.? She said with more hunger then she meant. Her voice was husky and deep. Desire still tingling in her body. Her violet eyes seemed to sparkle, an unspoken invitation, yet her words said other things.
?I do not know your mother but I am sorry for her strife. I cannot imagine looking at my children with fear. But I don?t fear you.? She said just barley above a whisper.


08-25-2013, 03:10 PM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2013, 03:14 PM by Kairos.)

[Image: WiAPRcg.jpg]

The brute wondered what he was doing suddenly; so caught up in the conversation with this woman and a kiss, he remembered his family back at the Cove. Brows furrowed as he thought about them. His brothers had dissapeared or left while he was the only child left. No, he wasn't a child anymore...he was a man. Straightening his shoulders Kairos came to a verdict. He rather liked this dame and the spark he felt when he kissed her. Mabe it was just a first time thing but he didn't care. The brute could see it in her eyes, she wanted more. And what did he want? Did he want more? Maybe he did...maybe he did. But look at each other did they do as she seemed to think deeply about something. During that he stood before her still and looked at her and patiently waited for her to speak again.

Surprisingly next the dame apologized, then continued to look at him. It wasn't long before she opened her pretty mouth again and spoke of rape and impulses a brute can get. The vixen finished of how he had yet to experience it as she described it rather not with a soft tone but of a hint of want.

Kairos' purple gaze looked into her violet ones. It looked like she wanted him but her words confused him. Lastly she spoke and said she was sorry for his mother and mentioned the feeling of if she looked at her own children with fear. Black ears ppressed against the young man's skull for a moment as he looked away. Kairos felt ashamed of who he was, a monster of a monster. But he wasn't a monster....yet. Kai resented that feeling of shame whenever he went back tot he Cove. How his mother sometimes looked at she would stare at him and he could see it in her eyes. The make even pitied his mother, only being left with the son she didn't like the most. She probably loves him but his image probably brings up bad memories and thoughts. Then again he knew she worried for him...worries that he'll turn into the man who had helped create him. And still her worrying was not going to waste...she should worry...because everything she had predicted so far was coming true.

The bastard of a bastard perked up his ears slightly as he listened to the dame's final words that were almost inaudible. She threw in that she didn't fear him. And it all clicked...she accepted him for who he was. She wouldn't look at him like his family did. But the only other one who didn't look at him that was was cousin Cross, actually Uncle Cross. Kairos was at the edge, he had to jump.

Sighing he took in the moment as he replayed the sentence the female had spoken.

"If you don't fear me...then in my terms you accept me for who I am....Amd what else do I see in your eyes as you sit there? Look into mine and you will see the same thing." he said in a whisper again.

The brute leaned forward so he would gently brush his muzzle against her own. Kai could care less now, there was no going back.

"Your name...tell me your name. So with your name I may know the name of the wolf that has taken my heart. Who has taken it." he said before pulling away in a taunting manner of touch.

The man stood there with his purple eyes fixated on her. He didn't want to go home, he didn't want to be the innocent yearling...he wanted to be who he really was inside. The scar on his muzzle showed who he really was...only in the dark it is visible and in the dark he would be. The yearling let it out now...he wasn't going to be nice nor exactly like his father...but similar. A mix of opposites as they both collide. Inside him was a torrent of storms and high stormy waves. Unpredictable, mysterious, mischevious...what more was there in him? Only he would know. He would surprise many and would start from here.

Kairos didn't look for an invitation as not did he care. Taking his forepaws up he would attempt to push the dame onto her back. If she let him push her then he would hover over her, his body aligned with hers perfectly. He would lower his head and kiss her once more before asking again.

"Your name?" he asked in a soothing tone

If she did not end up on her back he would cover up the intention with a sudden kiss before asking the same question again.
I talk,
I think,
you speak"


08-25-2013, 04:18 PM

Those eyes, reflections of a past that burned her to the core. She wanted to sooth those eyes. Look what she had become. Look! Her father would be astounded to know that the once broken minded bitch had been a queen and still was at heart. She would find her kingdom, bring them home, and be what she was meant to be. Those dark eyes, mocking her, she wanted to rip them from the sockets of her phantom memories eyes. How could he feel this too? Knowing he was disliked but tolerated. It was as if they were one in that moment. Her mind had been her down fall, her sister had told her so. She had been a disgrace once their father had died. She was an oddity, torn between femininity and masculinity, walking on both sides and her sibling had been disgusted by her. So part of her knew those eyes, that look, the understanding of feeling unwanted and neglected and yet wanted at the same time.

Her ears fell back as she felt him push her down. Her paws pushed gently into her chest as she left one to touch him. She asked her for her name. He told her of his feelings, of his heart being stolen, had it only taken one moment? Perhaps that was all it had taken with Kaios so why not with his son? She closed her eyes for a moment and pulled in the air around her. Allowed all the aromas to touch her nostrils as she opened her violet eyes and looked back to him.
?Newt? she said simply, remembered how Kaios had spoken her name. She wanted to remember so badly and wanted to feel again. To understand that devotion she had felt before and allow someone else to have it. you mean like Zara? the sane part of her yelled. Demanding she remember her emotions for her master. Remember that breath taking night of love and admission but that tiny voice, screaming into her sub conscious was drowned out by her illusions and she pushed into the world of past and present of ghost and living.

?If your heart is mine then take mine.? She said softly, yet she needed more. Love was only one part of her needs and Zara seemed to fill them all but could he? Could her hurt her the way she needed, the way Zara could, or the way kaios could? Was he capable of it? it wasn?t wrong if she wanted it.
?Could you bite me?? she asked, suggesting gently into her world of desire. She would guide him. Show him what she wanted and let nature or his inner nature shine threw and bloom with her darker fantasies.


08-25-2013, 06:23 PM

[Image: arC7pCx.jpg]

Moments passed before the dame spoke her name. Newt, Newt was her name.

"Newt" he said while testing her name and saying it for the first time.

Kairos let a small smile or smirk appear on his face as his purple eyes scanned her face.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Newt, my heart taker."

Not long after she told him that if his heart is hers then he take hers. Black ears remained perked up as Kairos contemplated this. It was almost as if it was a hint but he knew he wanted hers. She wanted him too, he could feel it. The brute didn't know where his life was going but it was making a turn here. Enveloped by darkness in his mind the scar was visible as it always was. The man even remembered how he had gotten it. Not a bad deed but a good one; trying to defend Cross and the she-wolf who was keeping watch of the pups such as them. Then that strange wolf came in and knocked her out. It wasn't long before the young Kairos stupidly stood up to the big brute. It didn't work, he got thrown against a tree. But that meant something to him....he didn't like that, being pushed around.

The male snarled as he even thought about it and felt as if he was taking a dip down. He listened to her ask him to bite her. His snarls ceased but Kai wasnt thinking. All he did was what she asked of him, Newt, the pretty vixen. What would it be like to bite such a dame? To draw her blood? Should he be cautious or have a bit of fun? Raise the hairs on her pelt a bit?

"As you wish." he said in an almost sickening tone yet it would be music to her ears he hoped.

Baring his fangs Kairos leaned down towards her neck and bit her. He pushed harder and harder into her skin with his fangs. His puppy teeth gone with new adult teeth, and not dull at all with age. He hoped his new set of fangs would please her needs. He pushed harder into her skin until he felt her skin break beneath the pressure. He felt a trickle of coppery tasting blood flow into his tongue. All the while he made sure not to bite too deep and scar her or harm her more than he should. He was careful but let his teeth still bring pain. The male even took to shaking his head a bit to upset the wound making it even more painful. If she wanted pain she would get it.

The young man then released his grip and watched the blood trickle from the wound. Kairos eyed it as he leaned down once more to lap up the red liquid. He gently licked it up with his tongue before averting his purple gaze to Newt's.

"I try, but none of that talk, it is done. I hope I have pleased you. And if I should take your heart, what would you say to that?"

"Newt, I want you to be mine; and me to be yours. What do you say pretty vixen?" he said as he swayed his tail back and forth in the air.

Kai knew she would say yes, if she didn't then he would still be here pacing when she leaves. But she was his...and he hers. What will he do now? Would he go with her? Sure he would. Kairos would follow, he would go. What would happen to his family, his mother, his friend? His mother would probably be glad he left then again saddened that the last one has left the nest. At least he won't be around to frighten her anymore. She would be to start again. She had done her deed and had raised he and his brothers well. It was time to let the last one go and watch the outcome. Oh there would be an outcome...he would make sure of it.

Licking his lips and his fangs the man looked the dame up and down. This was his future now, unwraveling. He would probably face some good things and along with good things comes shit. But he was alright with shit...because shit happens.

I talk,
I think,
you speak"


08-25-2013, 06:39 PM

She moved through the north with the slow moving confidence of a continent, head low and shoulders rolling easily so massive paws kissed the ground as softly as possible. Nose quivered, she was on a mission, following Newt?s scent as she had been since their last encounter. In Newt?s current state Zara didn?t trust her off on her own with her thoughts, only if Champion was with her would Zara let her out of range. But today Champion was not with her. Zara had only briefly met the large beta of the pack a few times but she had given off a good aura and Newt had seemed to have liked her right off the bat. Though Zara?s opinion of Newt?s taste had changed drastically when she had brought the rapist and murderer of Taiyae home with her to rule beside her. But that was all behind them now, Kaios was dead and off rotting in a hole somewhere probably, Newt was all hers. But still the giant woman?s mental state worried Zara, it seemed that they needed each other to achieve any sort of clarity.

Newt?s scent drifted towards her like a delicate perfume on the winds and her massive skull lifted, inhaling deeply. Though what joined it was not what she had expected or wanted to smell and immediately her lips curled back into a snarl. There was a male with Newt and though she didn?t recognize the scent as one of Kaios?s bastard children she didn?t need it to let the rage swell within her. It hadn?t been long since she and Newt had last met and already she was running off to find the company of another wolf? A man none the less? And a young one it seemed? Rage engulfed her and hackles flew up making the beast seemingly double in size. Her pace was quicker now but head was lowered and defenses were set before she even approached the scene. There would be a fight, there was no doubt about that.

She didn?t know about what they were doing but all she heard were their voices and that was more than enough for her. Teeth snapped through the air threateningly. The blind female walked slowly, not speeding up as she let her appearance dawn upon the male, her massive size mixed with the countless scars was often enough to intimidate opponents. Especially ones as young as this. Teeth would snarl and snap again, torn and frayed ears pinned to her skull as white eyes narrowed at the male. "Well I say, back the fuck away from my woman?" Words were a hiss, a threat coiled within them as she came to Newt?s side. Disappointment and even a bit of hurt radiated off the war torn woman. They would talk later but Zara was getting fed up with this. She was getting sick of fighting off other wolves that newt was willingly giving herself to.

She had stood by idly with Kaios but this was it. This was enough. If it didn?t end soon then Zara was ready to leave, she didn?t want to be chasing after someone who didn?t want her. "Child you?re not even old enough to claim a mate. But you are old enough to be claimed. For speaking to my mate I challenge you to a fight for your freedom.? She wasn?t afraid to beat the kid into a pulp and then drag him around with her just to teach him not to hit on women the way he was. Even if they were asking for it she was ready to make him never want to look at a woman again. Of course if she ever found out who his father was that desire to punish him would only increase.

She didn?t want for him to respond, instead threw a bark over her shoulder at Newt with clear instruction. Back up. Stance widened as the mammoth of a woman settled herself in to brace for just about anything. Head came down parallel with her spine and then chin tipped down to further protect her neck. Eyelids would flutter closed and ears would pin to her skull. Since visibility wasn?t an issue for the woman anyways she did everything to protect her eyes anyways. She didn?t especially want to lose one. Praecox had only had one eye and Zara had always thought that it was creepier then it was cool. Plus for her style of fighting she didn?t especially need sight anyways. She would break him? Crooked tail was lowered but still behind her slightly for balance. She was ready, waiting for this punk kid to make his move, lips curled back into a snarl. He had started expecting to claim a woman and now Zara would make him fight for his very freedom.

"Talk here."

Zara vs. Kai ? round 0 of ?? for dominance

Defenses: paws spread to keep her weight even and ready to move or brace. head parallel to her back and chin tipped down to protect her throat. eyes closed and ears back to minimize things to grab onto. tail behind her for balance.

Attacks: none yet

Injuries: first round
ooc;; edited to add fight form, as per usual challengee chooses the rounds :)


08-25-2013, 07:33 PM

White heat surged from the bite and broke her body into life. She shuddered against him as she felt the rip of flesh from his teeth. A gasp escaped her mouth as she gently pushed her paws into his chest. Her ears were tucked neatly into her skull as she moaned with pleasure. Oh Kaios. She thought, she missed his bite and his hold on her but with this youth came more. Hesitant at first but she could feel his eagerness to please and to grab a feel for who he was. She could help him. Bring him into his skin and be by his side. He released her and she all but whined her protest but she listened as the words fell from his lips. He wanted her, wanted to be her mate, could he be?

Rage, like thick sludge rubbing her fur the wrong way all but choked her before she could respond to what the youth had asked. Her head tilted ever so slightly to view Zara in her sight. Something seemed to blossom inside her chest as she heard the possessive words explode from Zaras throat. She had never had the chance to intercept Kaios?s claim on her but now she had come with a vengeance. Her tail flicked behind her but she was torn. She wanted to protect her possible lover boy. Snap at Zara for interfering in their moment. She was so close to touching him. So close to feeling those fangs if she really tried. She had stopped it and it had angered her but only a little.

She could sense the hurt in Zara and instinctually she wanted to reach out and reassure her and yet the insanity was still clinging to her mind. One moment she saw kairos and the next she saw kaios. It was like a light switch that kept being flicked up and down. She could feel the youth above her and she wanted to tell him to back off, to get behind her and she would face Zara head on, however, if he truly wanted her then he needed to prove himself. Prove she was worth fighting for just as Zara did.

The order didn?t even make sure flinch. Zara was in her rights to fight for her. Her heart was full and the hurt she seen would be addressed regardless of who won this fight. If Zara won then she would intercept her claim for Kairos and claim him herself but with restrictions. He would belong to her, not Zara, but she wouldn?t allow that to interfere with their relationship. She cared for Zara and her madness was becoming an issue. She couldn?t keep her mind sane. Not without purpose but the pups and their plans would help bring her back. She knew it. She was simply relapsing a bit without her structure to keep her together. She moved away from the male, giving Zara room for attack or him to go for her. Her violet eyes were indifferent as she waited to see what the outcome would bring.


08-25-2013, 08:11 PM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2013, 08:13 PM by Kairos.)

[Image: arC7pCx.jpg]

It seemed the pretty vixen had enjoyed the bite but disliked him ceasing it. And then before she could answer a new soulf came onto the scene. A large lady came bursting through the bushes. She was quite big in Kairos' opinion or view. She looked quite menacing and a bit pissed. As fast as she ha appeared did the words come shooting from her mouth. She told him to back away from her woman. Kairos wasnt sure what to think of this encounter and what was about to happen. At first yes he was a bit startled by the sudden newcomer but now he viewed it as the shot he just thought about. As soon as he thinks about it shit flings itself a few seconds after....great, just what he needed, shit.

Next the dame said he wasn't old enough to claim but was old enough to be claimed. A smirk made its way across the Nan's face. He wouldn't be anyone's slave! She almost made him laugh, hardy har har! She continued though about him speaking to her mate. Kai didn't see a problem, why not enjoy the extra company? So then she came to saying she would challenge him for his freedom. The male could only keep himself from rolling his eyes, but he resisted the urge to.

This female started getting her knickers in a knot even more and was serious. She wanted to fight him, he knew that. Of course Kairos knew that he had never fought before, he is after all just a yearling. The only thing that he had encountered was being thrown against a tree. It soundedike this dame was going to do the same but worse. So be it, she was starting to get on his nerves though. Why should he take shit from her? His purple gaze looked back towards Newt who hadnt ten up and went to the side. If this is how it was going to go down; it had to be done.

"I don't see the problem lady, why not add me in and call it a threesome." he said in a sarcastic tone with a smirk of a smile.

"It's almost unfair, fighting a young man with no experience. But I guess everybody has gotta learn, so be it." he said with a shrug.

Kairos could feel his blood start to boil, this last was being way too pissy. She needed to cool down a bit, probably after she would maybe bash his head in. So Kai went along with it blindly, he was going to wing it and lose, or at least it's what he predicted. Looking up at her he tried to copy her and lowered his head and tucked in his chin to cover his vital veins and crap in his neck. His ears lay flat against his skull as he straightened out his paws and stuck out his tail for balance. At the same time he was ready to jump or whatever he would do if she attacked him. Wha else was he forgetting? Was that all he had to do? But all the while he bared his teeth and let out a snarl. His sharp fangs showed as his fur seemed to rise on end. She was a dame, he would give her that but he was smaller than her and possibly a bit faster. With rumes emitting from his throat the male stood his ground and waited for her to come to him!

Zara vs. Kai-round 0 of 4

Defenses: Head and chin tucked in and lowered to protect neck and vital stuff and whatnot in it. Paws put for balance along with tail. Ears pushed back against head.

Attacks: none yet

Injuries: first round

OOC: edited to fix spacing in attack/defense and stuff chart :3

I talk,
I think,
you speak"



08-25-2013, 10:47 PM

. . .

Collecting the scattered remains of his family was never easy. Cross was not the sort to whimper on and on about his feelings. He wasn?t as cuddly and open and bouncy as he once was. Any shreds of the pup in him was gone. He had had to grow up fast in a world that, quite frankly, scared him half to death. But he?d never complained. With the birth of Mercianne?s litter, and of Ocena?s, Cross had received more family, more charges, more wolves who knew nothing of the darkness the world contained. It made them more vunerable, certainly, but it meant that they wouldn?t spend their first seasons unable to sleep ? quivering in silence at every sound and movement until pure, painful exhaustion took over and they passed out. No one deserved a childhood flecked with those sort of memories.

Cross showed a grimace of a growl as he walked on. He didn?t like thinking about the past. The only thing that kept him sane and unsoiled was the simple mantra that echoed through his head keep moving forward. Keep moving forward. His ever moving paws provided a drumbeat to say it to. He had already lost a lot in his life, but so what? It set him up for reality. He was going to lose a lot more. All he had was the moment and those that he was lucky enough to still have around him.

He didn?t know it, but the way his face set and eyes shone when he thought such things was so akin to that of his mother?s that it could?ve made a body believe in reincarnation. A fitting observation, for today seemed to have a theme of history's curse to repeat itself.

Cross caught along to a fresher strain of Kairos's scent. Along with that of two other wolves. And worse - blood. The twistings and knottings of a snarl suddenly imprinted the bridge of the boy's nose. In a heart beat his black paws were tearing up the ground. Coming upon the scene though, his eyes widened from slits back into their normal almond shape - for Cross, the equivlent of his jaw hitting the floor. What in heaven's name had his cousin gotten himself into this time? Two giants - both large enough to rival Gargoyle's size - were standing before the black youth. Cross was a quick one for observation, and couldn't help but notice the wound on the grey fae's neck... and the blood on the tip of Kairos's muzzle.

"--But you are old enough to be claimed. For speaking to my mate I challenge you to a fight for your freedom"

Had Cross entered upon the scene at any other point, he probably would've been willing to beat the kid up himself. But the way things were shaping up now didn't look good. Whatever Kairos had done - the grey lady seemed, surprisingly, unattached. She had a decent looking cut on her neck, but she didn't look threatened or frightened (in fact size wise she could've crushed Kairos herself) if anything she looked uncertain and perhaps even a bit irritated with the brown one.

Cross also heard the rather cocksure reply of his cousin. He prayed the first part was truly as sarcastic as it sounded - but he approved of the second. Left without a real option to run, he was facing whatever fate brought him. -- Well he wouldn't be facing it alone.

With head hung low in a prowler's pose and tail dragging limply behind him, a steady, firm step but Cross into the scene. He came in near Kairos's left, but was quickly angling to put himself in a better position to face the possible onslaught. His growl was low and simple - a little too low too bland for a yearling: "No ones allowed to beat Kai up but me." Kairos had jumped foolishly into danger for Cross's sake once; It was high time the alabaster youth return the favor. If this brown stranger insisted on a fight, he'd be facing two wolves. Neither of the youngsters was anywhere near a full warrior - but they both had a warrior's inheritance, and Cross had had the priveledge of traveling all up and down Ala. He'd swum channels, paced a desert, fought a bull, and even visited the Battlefield. Whatever he was, it sure as he-- wasn't green. And besides, the boys didn't have to take hte other one down - just give him enough trouble to slow him down and then get out.

But Cross, no matter how hard-wired his mind might've been towards fighting, didn't see it as the only option. He looked to the grey lady. He saw those eyes. A suspicion was growing in his mind that he knew who she was. "Ma'am, I apologize for whatever my cousin may have done, but, there is no need for further bloodshed or pain. Kairos might be a rogue but he was strong wolves who care about him; There's no need for any enemies to be made today." As the male spoke to the one wolf, he kept his ears trained upon the other - knowing that the main threat was there. The brown creature could chose to strike at any time, but if it came to that Cross was ready - with paws spread and head low - ears back and shoulder's stiffened to protect his neck; None of it was anything new that he'd adopted since coming into the arena. It was simply his way of carrying himself. Cross was born with the instincts to fight and kill, but unlike some, he could control them.

(ooc: yeah, Cross is assuming Zara is a guy)

. . .


09-02-2013, 08:33 PM

Reflective embers burned in multi color auras around the duo as they faced one another. torn by love, lust, and mourning the fair queen slayer felt her heart race to see who the victor was. Yet it seemed a new champion came to the battlegrounds to stake his claim on what he believed as his. Violet eyes narrowed with anger as she quickly approached the new comer and lodged herself between him and Zara, take away his advantage and give he youth a fair chance to stake his claim as he saw fit. Her violet eyes burned with her aggravation as she looked towards the youth cross and growled,

?Regardless of your honor to protect those that you deem family it is with in his rights to fight for someone he deems worthy as his mate. Yes, Zara is indeed correct my heart blinds my desires to a face that represents a love since passed but even still he should hold the right to a fair duel. Getting in the way would be considered disrespectful and I am sure your cousin would not appreciate the help. Should my master tear him apart then I indeed would step in to claim her. Though she is mine and I am hers, I am still queen and will claim what I desire if he so desires it.? she said simply. She had hoped he would listen to reason. Even though his protective heart spoke to fight along side his cousin this was no matter of his.

?He confesses his love, his heart is mine, and he wishes to fight for mine then let the lad fight.? She said at last, yet a hint of a warning was added to her words. Should he progress to attack Zara then he would in fact be facing her himself. She would challenge him as well to a dominance fight and take the lot home with her. Indeed there was no need for enemies on this evening. It was merely a fight for a heart that two lovers desired.