
One request of the nest


08-23-2013, 10:30 AM
Aqua blue eyes scanned the area as the brute hobble-walked along the borders. He was making his daily rounds again now that his leg was feeling a bit better. It wasn't fully healed but he yearned to patrol the borders and find someone who would be wandering on the opposite side as well. He loved his rank because he enjoyed meeting other wolves and seeing what they were like. Maybe soon enough he would be able to travel to the battlefield Insee which wolves would want themselves to be claimed. With a huff he walked even though if it began to grow tiring. Thane felt old and he felt a bit lonely. His daughter and son hadn't been around lately and the same for their mother. He worried along with his one remaining son who stuck close by. Thane knew the boy worried along with him die to the similar face he had on. Brows furrowed, eyes looking around as if lost. White lines ears pinned slightly back. Yet Thane knew his beloved would return sometime...but what of their two children that had gone off? The man wanted to keep his one remaining child as odd as ever now...and he knew Ryker was turning out more and more like him with each passing day. Autumn was just around the corner an he would be a yearling, a young man.

An eagle's cry rang throughout the sky as Cyril flew down alongside the wolf. The eagle glided beside him and perched itself on Thane's shoulder.







With a sigh the man continued walking with his companion perched on his shoulder.

"Don't fret master Thane, one of the young masters is still out and about. It was today that I saw Ryker wandering throughout the territory...I think he has plans to search for Mistress Ookami. I worry for your boy Master Thane...he's following where his laws take him just as you did. And boy did that get you into trouble sometimes."

"They led me to theses did and led me to Ookami...I'm sure he's fine. But he is like me and his mother so I have been thinking about something...what of when I die...he is the one I trust to continue whatever I do." he said before raising his inky lips towards the sky and parting them in a beckoning howl.

Thane called for Lady Chrysanthe and he called in a beckoning howl. Stirring on his haunches did he close his eyes for a moment and take a deep breath. With a sigh he opened his aqua blue eyes and look straight forward. He was getting old and was half way there to old age. Yet he believed his nephew when he said he was in his prime...perhaps he was.



08-29-2013, 04:28 PM
There were quite a few teenagers in Valhalla, ones that their parents were starting to depend on to take their places. Chrysanthe only hoped that all of them were capable and willing to learn - and that they wanted what their parents wanted to give them. Ranks were traditionally not handed down through families, but she trusted the judgement of those in charge to properly train their successors. The alpha would speak with them separately once she had the chance, but for now it was interesting - Valhalla seemed to be fully embracing its youth.

Hearing Thane summon for her she howled back, quickly making her way toward the brute. She trusted her delta, he was a good adviser and peace maker and she definitely didn't regret giving him the job. It didn't tell her how he was doing though - Ookami had been scarce if she wasn't missing all together, and his children were growing, and quickly. "Thane - good evening." She spoke once he was within eye shot, offering the brute a small smile. It was time they had a good chat - she didn't see enough of the dark male. "Is everything alright?" She would ask, her gaze flicking over him to make sure that he wasn't hurt - when things seemed to check out, she looked back to him, waiting for him to tell her what was on his mind.