


08-21-2013, 11:00 PM

His meeting with Azalea had been cut short by a skinny male who had professed his love for her, he had felt it was in all their best interests for him to leave the meeting rather then escalate it and so he had. But as he returned to pack lands he was left wondering if it had been the best idea. He regretted it almost instantly, wishing he had stayed to see who the male was to the pretty girl he had rescued from the ice. But now what could he do? He had to return to Glaciem and return to his duties but he felt like he needed to talk. He had only met Argent once but the beta had been the closest thing he had to a mother figure. She was strong and seemed to have everything sorted out, she looked like she could actually take care of herself and she didn't go out looking for trouble. Then again most of the women here seemed like that. As he came back to the pack lands he headed to a grove or trees slightly sheltered from the rest of the area and tipped his head back, his howl for Argent was short, a simple request for her presence rather then a demand. He knew nothing of the goings on with Valhalla or anything else that was going on so he didn't know if she was busy or not. If she was then he didn't want to take her away from them just to trouble her with his silly adolescent problems...
