
Like the first time



4 Years
08-20-2013, 09:18 PM

Little pines seemed to brush the sky, reaching as if to snag a passing cloud just out of reach. Narsha was content in what seemed a long while. Her belly had been filled within the past few days, her hunger sated upon one of the younger elk who had returned to their gazing grounds with the return of the summer weather. A salmon tongue would lash across her muzzle at the memory. Paws brushed through the sparse grass, it rose up higher than what she had mostly been used to. Now however she was greatly accustomed to her new lands. The scent that permeated the air here was familiar but not wholly comforting. Narsha did not doubt the possibility of something arising from the new Glaciem but so far she had not seen anything suggesting they would be the empire their silvery king had suggested. Mostly they were too busy bickering amongst themselves. Time would only tell if they could be whipped into shape.
These thoughts had been on her mind a lot lately, but today she would drive them away. Today she was actually and truly in a good mood and would fight to keep it that way. In a particularly sunny area of the plains she lowered upon her haunches. With careful precise movement she began to preen herself. Both tongue and teeth running over luxurious multi-colored fur, pulling any and all knots, her routine was clearly thought out. Narsha would pause briefly, muzzle tilted to the warm summer sun she let the warmth wash over her, a smile cracking across her visage.

Thank you Shelby!



08-21-2013, 08:27 PM

In the past months the mottled woman would have stood out like a sore thumb against the ice-laden tundra?s of Glaciem, her brilliant deep russets and paler peaches contrasting so heavily with the pallid landscapes they had grown to know and appreciate as their home, their kingdom. Though as The Pale King watched the delicate woman saunter, seeming to be somewhat aimless in her endeavours, she would blend rather splendidly with the emerald world that had recently unfolded; rather now, it was her King that would be so easily distinguishable against their temples.

The albino angel would waltz with that ever-famous ease he had so grown to rely on, such a beauty coming both naturally and forced; for his mind was well aware of his audience, and it were only to be expected that a King should always look the part, walk the part. Pallid tresses would bounce about coral heels upon his advance, ruby gaze so fixated upon his little brood, his ?Narsha?. He had had minimal encounters with the appealing woman, though that wasn?t to say he hadn?t been watching her. ?Fine morning within fine walls, is it not pretty dove?? as per usual the graceful king would find little reason to keep his distance, instead approaching with controlled haste until he stood less than a meter from the charcoal tip of her flared nostrils.



4 Years
08-28-2013, 08:26 PM

Narsha knew of her king?s approach, just as he could no doubt scent her she could smell him, his sweet scent drifting lazily towards her on a summer breeze. Lids would lazily slide open and she turned her head to watch him. He was a specter, floating towards her across a colorful landscape. The gold band around his leg glinting nicely in the late summer sun, ruby orbs drawing amber ones to them. As he grew ever closer she slowly eased herself up onto her paws. Gracefully she would lower herself, bodice tilting down into a bow, one leg extended, the other tucked neatly to her chest. It was a courtesy that she offered no one else. Not even her king?s duchess was recipient to a bow from her. She rose up just as smoothly and settled once more upon her haunches.
Narsha found herself overwhelmed by his scent for the second time since joining his little empire. It sent the same thrill of excitement through her as it did the first time. This time however she was pleased that they he was not going to pull away so soon. The Vixen smiled sweetly at his words, the worry that flashed through her at the mention of walls hidden behind a mask. ? A very fine day.? She parroted. She had to wonder at the walls, were they there to keep them in or keep other out? With a small shake of her head she let it go.
?It won?t be long now?? She let the words hang there, unfinished. It wouldn?t be long now that summer would be over, it wouldn?t be long now that Argent would have whipped them into the best warriors she could. With an innocent smile, a cock of her head and the raising of a brow did she make her intention clear. It wouldn?t be long before she would be able to serve her purpose. With the end of summer would come her turn to bear his pups. Oh how eager she was, how ready for summer to be over.

Thank you Shelby!