
Turning Tables



4 Years
08-20-2013, 08:53 PM
The early morning was quickly broken by the sound of a limping female. Her skin stretching over her stomach in a unhealthy fashion as she carried a two month old pup within her jaws by the scruff. Arian was scared, she knew what was happening but she wished it wasn't. After her father, it was her siblings, and now her mother was determined to save her so she was using the last of her strength to bring her to the Seracia borders. Natsu spoke of the queen all the time, perhaps she would take their daughter. Or any female for that manner, it didn't matter as long as Arian was safe and survived. Starvation was not the way to die. So far her small stomach had been filled with mice and rats, but with her mother dwindling there would be nothing left to eat. Jaile collapse at the edge of the border, letting out the biggest howl she could in her entire life. An urgent dying call, as the crippled brown wolf wrapped her arms around the pup as protection.

"Mom." That was the only thing she could whisper out of her lips. Arian wasn't sure how to take it, she was upset, she was scared, but she didn't want to be. After what her father had said, her heart was keeping itself afloat by a couple of inches. The pup flicked her black tipped tail her white eye patch looking into the territory. Her mouth slightly open by the looks of the place. Was this the place father spoke about all the time. The one allied with his old home Valhalla? Mother had said they were going on a trip, but she hadn't expected it to be so depressing.
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-24-2013, 07:28 AM

It had been some time since Epiphron Adravendi-Mathias had wandered far from her den, and she was beginning to grow restless. Caring for her three newborns had been exhausting, and they were not yet ready to leave their den -- and though it was tiring, she was beginning to feel as though she ought to work on regaining her strength. Though it was difficult to leave her babes, she knew Maverick would enjoy spending alone time with the three children

For now, she would pace the borders at a lazy pace, enjoying the feeling of stretching her limbs, savoring the wind against her pelt. Soon she would need to take a more proactive role in the Kingdom, but for now she was hopefully excused by the members of Seracia for not being around much -- giving birth and taking care of children was more taxing than she had expected.

The figure of a stranger fell into her vision, followed by an alarming call. Increasing her pace ever so slightly, she padded closer, testing the lady's scent on the wind. She did not seem healthy, not at all. Worry was sparked in her brilliant blue gaze as she walked closer, wondering who this was -- and she then noted the child, a rather young girl. As she drew nearer, she noted the white patch over her eye. Natsu came to mind rather quickly, but she pushed these thoughts aside, not wanting her emotions to get the best of her. It seemed, even after having her children, that her emotions were still rather unstable still. "Greetings," she barked as she approached, her voice friendly. Eyes danced over the lady, noting she seemed starved; far too sick to be caring for a child. Compassion was visible in her gaze as she greeted the two, poised on all four paws as she stood before them, still within Seracia's borders. "Epiphron Adravendi-Mathias here, Queen of Seracia. Tell me, miss, do you or the child require a healer? I can call for one if you wish," she said -- nearly pleaded -- not sure who these two were, but desperately hoping they were okay.



4 Years
08-24-2013, 10:00 AM (This post was last modified: 08-24-2013, 10:00 AM by Arian.)

Arian couldn't believe this was happening. Her light crystal blue eyes filled with the fear she felt. As her mother dying gave a kind smile to the wolf who had confronted them. Epiphron the one that they had been searching, might as well been the childs salvation. Jaile shook her head for a few moment through her jagged breathing. "Epiphron of Seracia. I am Jaile, a crippled loner who was mated to Natsu Tokoto. This is Arian, his daughter. You see a male by the name of Oddity came and murdered Natsu.....and since I cannot feed myself I am on my last ropes. Natsu spoke about you with bright eyes whenever we asked. My other two children have already starved to death and now I know my time is quickly nearing. I please, ask of you to take Arian and raise her as your own. I know it is a lot to ask for. But I don't know what to do anymore. She seems almost exactly like her father, and those kind of qualities are hard to find these days. One life cannot amount to another. Consider this my last request. Please allow my and Natsu's daughter to live a full life." These words were rushed, and spread out. Arian could feel herself tearing up as Jaile turned towards her and smiled. The small pup shivered and lowered her head, she had to watch both her parents die now? One be torn apart by a black male, and the other to starve to death because the one she depended on was gone. Her siblings had starved, and her family had fallen apart. She didn't know what she was supposed to do. "Arian, remember what your father told you. And remember no matter how sad you get when you think of us. Think of how now you are the one who can carry our souls through the world. Be strong and faithful and don't let the words of those downing wolves get to you. I love you my daughter. I am glad I met you and Natsu. It made my life worthwhile." Jaile smiled and turned her head to Epiphron. She gave another smile before taking in her last breath when her heart finally gave out. She lied there unmoved. Arian pulled herself closer to her mother.
"No mom this isn't fair. Everyone is gone, brother, sister, dad. You can't go too. It's not fair." Arian knew the world wasn't fair. It didn't keep her from feeling this way though. As she cried sniffling and burying her head in Jaile's brownish fur much like her own. Arian turned to Epiphron and desperately looked her over for some kind of help with the situation. "Epiphron......what am I supposed to do now?" She asked. A young child didn't know everything about the world. Even if she was smart enough to know what it was about. There were things she had yet to learn, to hunt, to feel winter, all those things. Arian stood on her four little paws, her black tipped tail swinging back and forth.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-27-2013, 05:59 AM

Epiphron grew silent as the woman began to speak, telling her story as quickly as possibly. The young girl pressed against her mother, eyes brimming with confusion and fear. Jalie was her name -- Natsu's mate. So much had changed since she had left Valhalla! Her heart surged, wondering where he had gone himself. But instantly she felt the burden of truth laid upon her shoulders. Murdered Natsu. Grief crept into her heart suddenly, and she whimpered a soft reply, though continued listening. She pleaded with her to take this girl in -- Arian was her name, which Epiphron caught as the one named Jaile turned to speak to her daughter.

Everything was happening far too quickly. The woman collapsed, convulsing on the ground where she'd fallen for a moment before falling completely still. Not wanting the young girl to feel her own concern and fear, she stayed silent for a long moment, watching as Arian began to cry and nudge her mother. Finally the girl looked to her -- her tear-stained eyes and utterly confused and upset expression made her heart lurch painfully in her chest. "Arian..." she said softly, tail flicking once behind her. Natsu was dead; murdered. He'd been caring for this woman, and for his newborn children, and upon his death they had been unable to care for themselves. It had been his last wish to send them here. A sigh left her lips as she considered. She had three children to care for at home, and she didn't even know if Maverick would want a rogue child coming into their home. But no... he would not be so heartless to deny her.

Slowly, she stepped closer to the girl and instinctively licked the top of Arian's head, pulling her close to her chest. "You can come with me for now," she said, not wanting the child to feel alone or unwanted. Certainly she was scared, and terribly upset, but she wanted to do anything she could to dull the pain. "How does that sound? I have three children about the same age as you to keep you company.." She wasn't sure how permanent the arrangement would be, but she had no idea what else she could possibly do right now.



4 Years
08-27-2013, 07:33 AM

There was a sudden tinge in her heart, the pup felt like she should have been able to protect her family. Only if she had been older, been stronger like her father had been. Then she wouldn't have had to watch her brother and sister starve, and her mother as well. Arian felt it was the worst way to die possible. Arian felt a soft tongue on the top of her head though, being pulled forward. As she shivered, she lowered her head. For now? Did that mean she would be left alone again, no because this was a pack. The stories her father had told her of packs had been happy ones, things of protection and bravery. At least she was safe now and she wouldn't let her families death go in vain. She gave a small pup growl. "If you'll accept me. I don't want my family dying to be in vain. I want to live for their sake." Although the color black embedded in her head was a color she would fear for the rest of her life. At least now she was safe. From starving at least. She wagged her small tail with a black tip. Looking back over at her mother and lowering her ears pinned to her head. "We'll have to give her a proper burial you know. So that her soul can be at peace." She said mildly. Even at a young age, she had been taught things most parents wouldn't teach their children. Maybe that was what made her strong, she would use this knowledge. To build off of the things that she didn't know. There were so many mixed emotions right now, but Arian wasn't going to let herself fall victim to the cruel world and its ways.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-27-2013, 08:34 PM (This post was last modified: 08-27-2013, 08:35 PM by Epiphron.)
It didn't help that Epiphron still had pregnancy hormones raging in her body. Though they seemed to be mostly under control, she felt sudden confusion and slight anxiety well up inside her. Eyes drifted to the woman who had collapsed at the borders, wondering what the hell she was supposed to do now -- her heart ached for Arian, and she would uphold her silent promise to care for the girl until a better solution came alone. Surely Natsu had other family? She would figure something out. Hopefully Maverick was not upset with her for such a decision. But he couldn't be... she wasn't necessarily the most kindhearted woman in the world, not to strangers, but she couldn't leave a pup out here on her own. Her gaze averted to Arian, compassion welling in her blue eyes in the form of tears she refused to let fall.

"Of course," she said softly, pulling the girl tighter. Natsu must have told her stories of her, of her family, for her to trust her so readily. She was glad, for it would've been painful to watch the girl be afraid and uncertain about her. "Your father was a good friend of mine. You are more than welcome here, Arian..." she tested the name again, finding it pleasant to her tongue. Despite her age, she was already proving to be a rather smart girl.

"We will bury her," she agreed, nodding with visible certainty. "I don't want to put it off for long, but... I don't think it's a job the two of us can do." She was just beginning to fully recovering from giving birth to three children, but she wasn't sure that she wanted to burden the young girl with such things. "Come with me, and meet my husband, alright? I will have him bury your mother and you can accompany him if you wish. I just don't want to leave my children alone." Nor did she want Arian to be alone, either. And her children were far too young to witness death, so she refrained from calling the family here now. They would meet Maverick, and then he could take care of the body, and Arian could either stay or accompany him, whichever was more comfortable for her.. she nudged her gently, beginning to step in the direction of her family's den, hoping she would follow along.



4 Years
08-27-2013, 09:24 PM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2013, 06:04 PM by Arian.)

Arian looked at the woman with a tilt of her head, her crystal bright blue eyes starring at the vixen. Life really did have its different mysterious didn't it? The small pup understood that the woman was probably tired from something, she had her own litter of pups right? Arian didn't know what it was like, but she knew her mom had a hassle handling the three of them even though they were mostly well behaved. Arian stood on he paws, tears falling down her face as she took a deep breath and made a brave face as she puffed out her cheeks. She would be strong, and she would be faithful, that was the least she could do after all.
"Okay, let's go." Arian slumped forward. Nudging Epiphron as if yo comfort her a little. Arian tilted her head, and offered a smile and a small giggle. "Things will look up, for the both of us I'm sure. Tomorrow will be a sunny day, despite it being gloomy today." That was something her father would say whenever the family was having a bad day. It always seemed to cheer her up. Maybe this time it would make things better too, for Pip and her all together. Even though her heart was screaming at her.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-31-2013, 08:24 AM

It was funny how such a thing happened, the one day she decided to leave her children alone with Maverick for awhile and scout the borders. But she did not regret her decision. She felt upset, of course ... who wouldn't, upon watching an innocent woman die while her daughter watched? ... but it wasn't hard to hide her anxieties in the face of this optimistic girl. Natsu's daughter. Epiphron watched as the girl struggled to remain calm, and she leaned to lap gently at her cheeks, knowing how much she hated to cry herself -- and how good it felt to have someone there for her int he off chance she needed them.

The girl's words were oddly inspiration, and she smiled gently. "It will be, I promise." Lightly she nuzzled to top of Arian's head, before beginning to pad back towards her den. She did not want to leave the girl's mother's body for long, wanting to ensure she was buried intact and not taken by some animal... that would be no good for the young girl to see. The walk was not long, and as she crept near the entrance, she let out a gently bark for her husband to come to her. She ought to explain to him what was going on, and hope her children did not hear it all ... they were still too young to know much about sickness and death.


08-31-2013, 08:48 PM

like no king was before

It was rare that the King should be alone with his children on this day, but he had granted Epiphron some time to herself - something she well deserved. However, a perplexed but delighted smile crossed his lips as her bark resounded into the den. "Back already, my queen?" However, she didn't enter. It seemed she was summoning him out. With a quick glance to the slumbering children, he gingerly stepped over the three of them and into the Kingdom. However, as his eyes of virus green focused on her, he noted that she was not alone. A child lingered just beyond her heels, a child only perhaps a few weeks older than his own children whom were still sleeping in the den. "What have we here?" He came forward, offering Epiphron a gentle brush of his cheek against her own, before bringing himself to her side and facing the child. "Hello, little lady." Had Epiphron found this child out on her own? Seracia - as protected as it might be - was not safe for a youngster, and beyond the borders was even more brutal. A thought crossed his mind to waken the children and let them meet the newcomer, but something told him there was more to the story. There had been a reason for Epiphron calling him out rather than coming inside with the girl herself, and he intended to find out what that reason was. His haunches bent and kissed the earth as he relaxed into a seated position, ears swiveling as he awaited a response.

{Table coded by Lu}



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-03-2013, 03:58 PM

Epiphron Adravendi-Mathias couldn't have been more relieved when her husband appeared from within the den, with no children in tow. With a gently sigh, she returned the embrace with a gentle nuzzle. "This is Arian," she introduced gently, leaning down to watch the girl carefully. It was funny, she didn't look entirely unlike their own children in some ways...

Slowly she, too, came to recline on her hindquarters, her movements slow and deliberate so as not to startle the young girl. But she did seem to trust her, and feel comfortable around her, since Natsu had told his daughter of her, of Seracia; she was thankful to not have to deal with a child who was outright terrified, as well as having just lost her mother.

"She was brought here by her mother, Jaile. She was mated to Natsu, a friend of mine that I came to know shortly before our wedding." She paused, knowing it might be hard for Arian to listen to the story again, but it was something that had to be explained. Instinctively she leaned down again to place a gentle kiss on the top of her head, proud of the girl for being so strong still. "She told me that Natsu had been killed." The number of deaths recently had seemed rather larger, and she shifted, uncomfortable at the thought of her children ever venturing out into the world beyond the borders of Seracia. "She... was in awful condition. Natsu had spoken highly of me, and she wished that her daughter live her life in safety and comfort. She lies now on the border. She... did not make it." Another sigh left her lips; the topic was uncomfortable and upsetting, and she grew somewhat distraught, knowing what she had just seen... what Arian, too, had seen.


09-05-2013, 05:22 PM

like no king was before

The child appeared very much collected, though there was a glassiness to her eyes that could not be mistaken. A faint smile ghosted on his lips, seeking to quell the nerves of the child - though it didn't seem necessary. He listened as his wife gave the girl's name, and he would test it on his lips softly. "Arian." Then the explanation came, her mother brought her here. But where was this mother? Epiphron seemed to know more than she was letting on, but Maverick had an idea that she would tell him the whole story soon. Indeed she did. The child's father had been killed, but that still left no answer as to where the mother was. Then came the answer, the woman had been in bad shape - and she had died. Instinctively he would bring his bodice closer to his wife, allowing her a brief caress of warmth and comfort before he slipped into King mode. The woman needed to be buried, and the child could not do it. "Which border? I will go and see to her burial while you two relax and get something to eat. There's a rabbit in the den if the children haven't gnawed it to bones." His children seemed eager to try meat, but they weren't quite fully weaned yet - though they were getting close. If Epiphron wanted to join him he would not mind her company, Arian would be safe with the kids for a short while, but if she preferred to stay with the girl he would oblige her as well. It seemed the two had an unspoken bond.

{Table coded by Lu}



4 Years
09-05-2013, 06:05 PM
Arian watched Maverick for a small while and her heart lifted a little bit. If this was going to be her new home, she didn't mind too much. Despite all of her thoughts, and her fears. This place was a home she could make with. She gave a smile she shouldn't be sad after all her family was in a better place now and no longer in pain. It was sad, but she would have felt like the worst pup alive to have forced them to stay here. Her tail twitched as the king spoke. Then her expression turned to a bit of a grumpy anger one. She pouted and looked at Maverick with her bright crystal blue eyes. "Excuse me Maverick but I wanna go with you. I don't want to just wait here while someone else bury's my mother. After all she has to have the proper burial." Arian pulled herself up and pressed her head against one of the man's leg. Despite her size, this was a matter she wouldn't give up on.
"I know what's happening, and I know what I have to do. And I'll grow stronger so I can protect the weak. Right now I have a lot to learn and I know my mom and dad would want me to have the best." Arian smiled and tilted her head looking at the king. Her tail wagging back and forth. She really did have her father optimism. It was like her kind heart could glow through her heart.
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-09-2013, 07:38 PM (This post was last modified: 09-09-2013, 07:41 PM by Epiphron.)

A sigh left her lips as Maverick drew himself close to her, though the embrace was short-lived. The moment of respite was enough to calm her frazzled nerves, and even though it was only slightly, it felt like a considerable load had been lifted from her shoulders. "The northernmost border, my love," she murmured softly, not wanting Arian to have to relive the memory continuously.

Maverick considerately suggested that the two of them rest in their den. Almost immediately, Arian perked up and spoke in protest. Unsurprisingly, the girl wanted to be there when her mother was buried. She was a smart girl -- wise beyond the short time she had been on this earth. Epiphron smiled down at the girl, but her expression was a bit sad as well. Who should have to bury their child? Nobody at all. "Then you can go with him," she said matter-of-factly, her decision made clear. "You can meet our children when you two are done, as well as have a meal and a good afternoon nap. Deal?" Wanting approval from the youngster, she titled her head to the side, watching with intense curiosity.