
Desicions, Desicions



2 Years
08-19-2013, 04:20 PM
I guess that I forgot I had a choice

I let you push me post the breaking point

Why did momma leave me? She never done it before, and its been days. Maybe she didn't want me. None of them wanted me. Avery was in the middle of a valley, in a clearing surrounded by tall grass. She didn't know how she got there, or how long she had been there. She only knew that she was alone. A whimper left her puppy maw as she thought about hee home. No'one had loved me, or really cared about her. She only got the scraps of food, and was constantly bullied by her siblings. Mamma had left her in a forest, but didn't come back. The little pup sat on the middle of the clearing, whimpering her heart out.

I stood for nothing, so I fell for everything"Avery"


08-19-2013, 05:10 PM

The mammoth feline strode confidently through the tall vegetation, his movements causing no more noise than the rustle of the blades against themselves. He was prowling. The thought of a good turkey had filled his thoughts for days. In deep undergrowth was a good place to find the giant birds, thankfully they would not be able to fly any further than he could leap. His future meal was just as easy as simply finding the prey he so heavily craved.
Their calls were audible throughout the dense brush, their movement causing as much ruckus as their vocalizations. He would have one in his grasp within moments. In fact, one was nice enough to come to him. The giant bird stepped brazenly into his path, and with one quick motion of his incredible paw the turkey was out. Never even knowing what had hit it.
Vask took its neck into his jaws, ready to carry his prize up an adequate tree. His legs started to carry him away, but before he could go very far the sound of a distressed animal made him stop. His eyebrows pulled up in curiosity, he would need to check this out, it could quite possibly end in his next next meal. What he actually came across was much different than he expected. A tiny pup was whimpering in the very middle of the grassy forest. There was hardly a scent on her tiny form, it seemed she was left abandoned.
The turkey was dropped at her feet as he lowered his mammoth body to the ground. Vould you like some turkey tiny pup? he plucked some feather on a particularly tender spot and pushed the carcass to her with his golden nose. He'd come to enjoy the company of wolves, they seemed to be plentiful enough in the lands.




2 Years
08-21-2013, 04:37 PM
I guess that I forgot I had a choice

I let you push me post the breaking point

A 'THWUMP!' pulled Avery awake again. A massive turkey had been put in front of her was she dreaming? Was she dead? A very real voice confirmed that it wasn't a dream, and she was still alive. A sleek voice asked Avery, Would you like some turkey, tiny pup? Avery looked up further, to see a big cat looking down at her. Avery nodded shyly at the beautiful cat. It had spots all over its body. Wow. What is that thing? E-Excuse m-m-m-e? Who a-are you? Avery said in a small shot voice. What she really wanted to know was 'What are you?' But it would be impolite to ask, she thought. Avery found her eyes drifting to the turkey every now-and-then. The juicy, succulent meat calling to her forever empty belly.

I stood for nothing, so I fell for everything"Avery"


08-22-2013, 01:25 PM
Aqua blue eyes with an emerald green fleck in each scanned the thickets. The boy had wandered out of the pack borders with only one thought of it beforehand. He wanted to try to find his mother; even if no one else was looking for her he would himself then. He wouldn't call for her but would stop every moment and lift his nose to the air trying to catch a familiar scent. With each time that he came back unsuccessful the frustration in the young Man'sind would grow. What if she came back soon? What would she say? Would she still love him, his siblings, and their father? She must! Ryker had started to give up hope; yet he still had a glimmer of it somewhere. Maybe he should go fun his brother and sister and start a search party. But them again he hadnt seem any of them recently either. And in the time their mother had been missing the boy had sprouted up like a flower. His head finally fit his white lined ears and his markings stood out more clearly. The one he favored was the dark grey star underneath his right eye; it reminded him of his mother. Yet she had the white star on her forehead. What wouldnshensay if she saw him now, how bit and strong he looks now? How proud she would be?

Ryker considered himself as a perfect mix though of his parents. His brother looked more like their mother while his sister had those pretty spots on her black fur. But as he grew he began to feel more and more like his father. In a way he didn't want to, he wanted to be a mix still. Or his own, Ryker wanted to be unique, was he? White lines ears perked up as he finally caught a scent, but it wasn't familiar. There were two scents though...

Cautiously and quietly the young brute approached the two. The boy wondered what kind of wolves they would be, and if they were nice or not. Would they be scary? Ryker straightened up his strong shoulders as he walked to try and reassure himself they would think he was older. Besides, his birthday month was around the corner. He would be a yearling so and hoped he would look like one if he ran into trouble. But as the boy rounded the corner of the thicket his aqua blue eyes with an emerald green fleck in each landed on a small pup who didn't look much younger than him...and some sort of other animal. At first his heart stopped in his chest as he watched the creature. He felt like leaping over to the pup to try and help it but then realization came in. The thing was helping the pup, not harming it.

"Hello?" he called out as he stood there awkwardly.

Ryker offered the pup a friendly smile before giving a curt nod to the strange creature. He had never seen anything like this before. What was it? It certainly wasn't a wolf...could it be a wolf? Ryker knew nothing at all...he was kind of confused as his heart beat a mile a minute. Trying to calm down white lines ears perked up as he looked back at the pup. Who would speak first in return, her or the strange creature?

OOC:ignore phone post errors.


08-23-2013, 10:36 PM

we're burning down the highway skyline on the back of a hurricane

Exploring by herself had never been Claire's favorite thing, but the summer day had been impossible to pass up. It was just so pretty out that Claire had begun to wander without paying much attention to borders. When she had picked up a scent trail of a pup, Claire had adjusted her path without really noticing it, padding along quietly, ears swivelling to pick up every noise that she could. And as she walked, she basked in the silence, enjoying the peace that had stolen over these lands.

It was only when she heard the voices of other animals that Claire began to truly pay attention. She had listened, but she hadn't really been hearing things, not until the voices hit her ears and then, Claire perked up, adjusting her path to approach. She had almost certainly heard the high pitched voice of a pup; those were pretty hard to miss. And so Claire was curious about what pups were doing out here, in the middle of the wilderness.

The scene that she discovered was stranger than anything Claire might have expected; two pups and . . . a cat? How odd. "Hello, everyone." Claire spoke brightly, masking her confusion with a flick of her tail, "What brings the three of you out here?" Why were there two young wolves in the company of this . . . creature? At least one of them seemed to smell of Valhalla, though Claire hadn't seen the wolf around before then, and he seemed to be ready to protect the smaller wolf. What was going on here? Claire didn't want to jump to any conclusions, but this looked a little . . . odd. To say the least.



08-24-2013, 01:38 AM

Her eyes would light up in wonder as she found his presence in her sight. He could see the ravenous hunger that lurked beneath her gaze. E-Excuse m-m-m-e? Who a-are you? She managed to let stammer from her little lips. She was quite adorable, with her fluffy fur and minuscule features incredibly endearing. He'd never really taken a friendliness to wolves until he found himself in these lands. The cats were the dominate species where he came from. Here it was all canine. Vell, my dear you may call me...
Before he could let his name come from his lips the presence of two more of the wolves found them. Speaking of being numerous... He had not scented them in the area earlier, it seemed that had been drawn by the two of them. His crown would ascend to its natural height, able to talk to the fully adult she wolf who had found herself there. He nodded to the smaller of the two newcomers. Greetings, volflings. I vas taking dinner home vhen i happened upon this vee tyke. She looked to be needing a meal. A smile was playing across his features as the tiny she pup practically drooled over the meat. Dig in little one, it's all for you. He looked back to her and purred encouragingly.




2 Years
08-26-2013, 03:22 PM
I guess that I forgot I had a choice

I let you push me post the breaking point

The big thing was about to say his name when a wolf entered the clearing. Avery' s tiny heart thudded leader her chest as firms surrounded her. The wolf looked like her father. She continued to shake, more of fear now than hunger. Everything was starting to get too much for the little pup and her smells and sighed and touched started to merge together into one blur. The pup recognized another wolf, a girl this time. Something about her soothed the pup and her senses started to normalize again.

Hello everyone. What brings you three out here? Avery looked at the Brown wolf. The spotty thing said. Greetings volflings. I was taking dinner home when I happened to come across this vee tyke. She looked to be needing a meal. Dig in little one, it's all for you. Avery's small mouth started nibbling at the turkey as best she could. The feathers and skin was tough but eventually she got past it to nibble at the tasty flesh.

I stood for nothing, so I fell for everything"Avery"


08-30-2013, 11:41 AM
As soon as the brute appeared come did another soul. Her scent was familiar, she must be a lady from his pack even though Ryker had never seen her before. Oh yes yes, he had, at a meeting. The young man had forgotten her name but she was of relation to Erani. He stood there quite stiffly as his aqua blue and green gaze looked back and forth between the creature and the other wolf. She then asked what brought all of them out here. No one had answered yet besides the creature who said something about dinner time. The boy's worry ceased as the animal explained he had stumbled upon the pup. Next the male watched as the thing let the pup have his meal. A small smile formed on Ryker's maw; maybe this creature wasn't so bad after all. Then realizing it may be his turn to speak the boy perked up his white lined ears before opening his mouth.

"I-I was looking for my mother and possible my siblings, but mostly my mother. You see, she has dissapeared along with my brother and sister...but she has been gone longer..." he said as his ears lay flat against his skull.

The boy looked up sheepishly after he had honestly spoken. Ryker wasnt a yearling quite yet so he wondered if this lady would tell on him. What would his father say if he found out? Would he mind? After all, his old man had been a but immobile for a while from his bum leg. This frustrated Ryker, he didn't know why everything had to go wrong at the same time! With a twitch of his ear the young man calmed down and looked back at the pup.

Surprise struck him as the pup almost seemed unsettled by his presence, did he do something wrong? Even so, he squirmed a bit and felt a little bad for the girl. As he looked closely she almost reminded him of his sister, well, only the spots did. The pup's base coat was brown while his sister's was black. And Ryker knew Resnera had more dots on her pelt that made her look like she had stars in her pelt, or snow when it was winter. Even though if he unsettled the pup a bit she did the complete opposite to him.

Watch her did he do as she began to eat the turkey the big thing had given her. Turning back to the others did he remember he didn't know anyone's name.

"My name's Ryker, Ryker Tsarev." he said to everyone there, hoping they would do the same.


08-31-2013, 09:43 PM

we'll only hit the ground running

Claire listened silently to the spotted creature's words, ears pricking in the direction of the strange thing as she tried to dissect his accent. It took her a few moments to puzzle through his meaning, but once she had, she relaxed instantly. He didn't seem to mean either of the youngsters any harm. "Well, that is very kind of you." Claire spoke, directing her words towards the spotted predator with a slight inclination of her head, before her attention wandered elsewhere. The pup seemed content to inhale the meat that had been placed before her, and was in no immediate danger, for the moment.

It was the other pup's words that drew Claire's attention next, and she closed her eyes for a moment, warding off the thought that he reminded her of her brothers. Young and lost, just like they had been after the death of their foster parents, and seeking a lost parent, just like they had. "I'm sorry, little one. That's terrible." Claire spoke softly, shaking her head slightly. She wished him luck in finding his family, for she knew how rewarding it could be to rediscover a lost family member, but Claire figured it wouldn't be easy if his search was anything like hers, which had ended in her near death.

The young male's introduction rang out then, distracting Claire from her thoughts. Ryker, She thought, committing the name to memory. "My name is Claire Aobhinne. I am a member of Valhalla." She introduced herself lightly, examining the others as she waited for the other introductions - she was especially curious about what the spotted creature would call itself.



09-02-2013, 02:09 PM

It took hardly any amount of time for the small she wolf to dig into her meal, her tiny mouth would happily disassemble the creatures carcass. He couldn't help but smile at her voracity, he was glad to be of assistance to the little girl She needed the food much more than he did. The young man would answer Claire's question as well, he had been in the area for a much different reason than he. The she wolf would commend his knightish behavior, commenting on his kindness and giving condolences to the young Ryker.
She she trailed off, telling of her name and homeland Vask would bring himself to his full height. Being the regal cat that he was, he had to give his introduction properly. A deep breath would be inhaled into his gargantuan chest as the words flowed freely from his Siberian lips, My title is Prince Vask Ivanov of the Siberian Empire ruled by Yury Ivanov. You may just call me Vask though. A smile would touch at the corners of his lips. And vhat would bring you out here, my dear?




2 Years
09-15-2013, 02:17 PM
I guess that I forgot I had a choice

I let you push me post the breaking point

The yumminess of the turkey was overwhelming for Avery' s puppy jaws. It took her minutes to tear through a piece of meat, and longer to swallow the rich meat. Although it was tough it was the most nourishing meal Avery ever had. Always deprived of a proper meal at home, bullied by her siblings for the scraps she did get. Absorbed in the meal, Avery only lifted her head when she heard the male, the one who looked like her dad stated his name. Ryker. The kind-looking woman said that her name was Claire. Finally the big spotty thing said he was Prince Vask. Wow a prince. The small pup had only heard of Prince's in stories that her parents told her siblings, whike she sat at the side. She hadn't thought they were real. Looking from each of the people around her, Avery' s pastel blue eyes looked larger and larger.

I stood for nothing, so I fell for everything"Avery"


09-17-2013, 10:56 AM (This post was last modified: 09-17-2013, 10:57 AM by Ryker.)
The lady Claire was from Valhalla too; so his nose was right at the scent of their pack. Ryker wasn't sure if he liked standing around for too long, he was now yearning to return home. Boredom began to grow in his mind, Ryker wondered if anything exciting would happen. Soon enough something did, the creature spoke up as a prince Vask or Siberia! White lined ears perked up at the mention of the place and title.

"Сибирь России?!?! Мой отец оттуда, он тоже, но князь его батарея полностью разряжена. Но он называет мою сестру своей маленькой принцессы. Ваш пакет все еще жив? Th eonly оставшиеся вещи моего отца Его Королевское родословной.." he said to Vask

Maybe if his father was a prince he was a prince too? Ryker would have to ask about what really happened. He was always so secretive or never seemed quite comfortable talking about it. Soon enough the boy realized he didn't even know if Vask spoke the tongue of the mother nation. Ryker also thought his sister was always the best student; she always spoke fluently with father.Maybe this Vask could tell Ryker about Russia! The boy has always wanted to return to the mother country but he knew his father would have him here and only here. Well...if he did only his actions would make his father sad to see him go. Perhaps he should go with him?

Confused Ryker slightly shook his head at himself. Looking at himself he felt ashamed for wanting to leave these lands, his home. The lands he was conceived in, born in, and raised in. Even though he wasn't a pure Russian like father the boy still had a longing in his heart for the lands. Maybe he could go with cousin Augustus? Cousin Auggie is the odd one out for sure, part of his father's pack and the pack that killed them. With a shiver down his back Ryker remembered the story. He soon was grateful he wasn't Auggie. It would be hard to know your own grandparents of each side killed off one another. Such an odd way to be created, something so god coming from opposites...

Ryker then looked back at the pup and offering a friendly smile. What was he doing, thinking this much. Ryker feared he was becoming a replica of his father, he sure looked like his father but with a bit of his mother mixed in. The boy needed to talk to the man who gave him life...words were to be exchanged later.

So now all he could do was sit and wait for an answer from Vask; and hopefully a smile back from the pup.


09-23-2013, 11:40 AM

everything that drowns me makes me want to fly

Perhaps Claire would have been more impressed if this Princeling had been a wolf. As it was, he was simply a large, rather spotted cat. Nothing particularly interesting in Claie's honest opinion. However, the younger Valhallan member seemed to disagree with that statement; words that were entirely foreign rolled off his tongue as he responded to the cat excitedly. She took a moment, allowing Ryker to complete his comment before Claire addressed the cat politely, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Prince Vask." She wasn't sure what the proper way to address a creature that considered itself a prince to be.

Claire had discovered many things during her travels, but a prince was not one of them. To the female, this was an entirely foreign concept. In any case, most of her attention was focused on the tiny scrap of fur that the cat had so kindly fed. "Has she introduced herself yet?" Claire inquired lightly, aware that she had not been the first arrival on the scene and rather curious about the fate of the pup that stood before them. What was she doing out here in the company of such a motley crew? It hardly seemed to be the place for such a young pup.

A frown crossed Claire's features, but she seemed largely unbothered, and merely vaguely curious.



09-29-2013, 03:56 PM

The small pup would take him in with wonder, it seemed she was unable of speech she was so excited. He was glad to be able to give the small girl the meal she needed. He was caught off guard by the sound of his native language, one he heard said not very often in these lands. The young boy would allow the words from his throat, and Vask would gladly answer. Да, Россия. Мой отец был великий царь у кошек. У меня мало знаний о царстве хоть волком. He would smile at the wolf, unsure if he could tell him much about their heritage.
His attention was once again brought to the she wolf who had found herself in their presence, her words addressing him first. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Prince Vask." He would nod respectfully to her as she continued, "Has she introduced herself yet?" His eyes once again would find the girl who Claire spoke of, the pup was hardly old enough to defend herself, where had her parents gotten to? Vhat is your name young one? his deep voice would resonate from his big chest, its sound oddly soft as he spoke to the young girl. Do you know where your parents are?

1.Yes, Russia. My father was a great king of the cats. I have little knowledge of the wolf kingdom though.




2 Years
09-30-2013, 08:43 AM
I guess that I forgot I had a choice

I let you push me past the breaking point

The wolf who looked like her father spoke in a weird way. Avery couldn't understand it. Shaking her head, she returned to her meal, only lifting it again when she heard the lady say, Has she insisted herself yet. Terror flooded through Avery. Was she in trouble? Shrinking down she looked up into Claire's eyes. Her little blood stained muzzle wobbled feebly. When no-one moved to hurt her, Avery stood back up. What was happening? Whenever she made a mistake at home she would be beaten, or starved.
She only truly calmed down when Vask asked her. Vhat is your name young one? Do you know where your parents are? Avery shook her head. I don't know where my parents are. Mama left me h-here and told me to stay. She didn't come back. I do know m-my name is Avery, though. She had been named last at birth, reluctantly so. Hey parents thought she would die.

I stood for nothing, so I fell for everything"Avery"


10-20-2013, 06:06 PM
OOC:crappy exit thread

Aqua blue eyes would brim over the pair of wolves and whatever animal Vask was. The pup became known as Avery though, and told them of what had happened. Ryker's gaze would soften before his white lined ears would perk up. something was wrong, something didn't feel right now. A pit formed in the boy's stomach. He had to go home, he had to go home.

I-I'm sorry...but I have to go home, I have to go now. Bye" he said over his shoulder as the boy started to run home.

-Exit Ryker]-