
I've been thinking about you all day baby


08-16-2013, 02:52 PM

It had taken every ounce of will power to push herself over the border. She wasn't going far, just outside the pack, home was just a brief run or call away. She sat at the edge of the lake, the cool water kissing her toes. It was still summer, bring with it never ending heat. And what made it worst, was it was her birth season, bringing her into heat every damn summer. The sweet perfume followed her like a cloud, never leaving, seemingly amplified by the heat that radiated off her. Being a healer had its advantages though, she knew just which herbs to ease her burning need.

She had come out here with the intention to gather a few herbs, but rather she found herself at the lake. Enjoying the cool breeze that rolled off the waters, ruffling her fur. Every sense was on high alert, she was set on edge. But she refused to be confined to her own home, to be a prisoner. Stilts slide forward, carrying her belly deep into the cool water. It felt amazing against her heated flesh. Crown dipped to lap up some of the clear liquid. The wind didn't favor her from this direction, blowing her perfume all over the place.

With no intention of lingering long, she turned to the exit the lake, ready to return home. Jaws parted, salmon ribbon lolling out of her mouth in an attempt to further cool off. She craved the coolness of her den right now. She shook off the thoughts of what else she craved. With a huff, ivory paws kissed the earth, plume swaying behind her. A brisk trot would carry her to the safety of Valhalla.


08-16-2013, 03:16 PM

He was trying to be better, to not be a monster anymore, all for Orica. He was making a big attempt to become a good man, one that could be seen at Orica's side one day, one that she could bring to meet her family and they wouldn't run the fear of him spilling their blood. But it was hard. Fuck, it was so hard. Being away from her killed him. It tore at his recently awakened heart. He couldn't sleep properly at night on his own, fitfully tossing and turning, some nights even unable to get a wink of sleep, sitting up wide awake, his thoughts always turning back to the marbled medic. He had never needed someone so much as he needed Orica. Not even his sister Cataleya, whom he had not seen for some time. Did she realize that he no longer needed her or was she just bitter because of how he'd protected Orica that fateful day? But he wasn't completely alone. The leopard, the one that had appeared that day when he'd almost killed the small black man, it had stuck to him, following him around everywhere. Demyan had never really paid the feline much attention, not caring if it followed him or not, but now that he was without Orica, he was starting to appreciate the cat's constant presence, despite not having exchanged much in terms of words besides their names. Nickolai, as the feline called himself, was quickly becoming a welcomed companion to the hellion.

It was another day without Orica. And Demyan hated it. Nickolai knew it too. He knew the large man padding beside him needed the little woman in order to change, because if it were up to him, the wolf would never let go of his murdering ways. Nickolai wasn't afraid of Demyan, not by far. Yes, he was much larger and perhaps a lot more powerful, but the agile leopard could easily move himself out of harms way, the trees his safety net. He had nothing to fear from the titan at his side. Which was why he was bold in his actions, trotting nearly fur to fur with the man as they moved to an unknown location. Summer was in full blast now and even in the cooling shade of the trees, the two companions could still feel the uncomfortable effects of the heat. Hardened cyan eyes danced across the unfamiliar landscape, searching for something that would serve to cool them off better than shade. And it appeared right before them; the lake. Powerful limbs propelled the large man forward, all others thoughts fleeing from his mind except one; get into the lake. His attention was focused entirely on getting to the water, relief becoming instantaneous as his paws breached the surface of the water, the cooling liquid lapping at his pelt. The brute waded in until the water reached his elbows, chin tilting down to lap at the refreshing water. Nickolai stayed in the shallower end of the water, his keen golden gaze dancing over to the other side of the lake, spotting an ivory figure beginning to retreat. Demyan. He called out, catching the attention of the large brute. Demyan turned to look at Nickolai, his gaze flickering to what the feline had noticed. Wolf. Female. And familiar.

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08-16-2013, 03:27 PM


The sounds of the water being disturbed put a stop in her trek. Two toned gaze turned back, looking for her shoulder, gems scanning the lake for the source of the sound. Her entire body frozen, eyes widening. He was familiar. To familiar. Audits pinned against her skull. It was as though she was frozen to the earth, unable to move. The brute had waded into the water on the opposite side of the lake, which didn't put much distance between them as she had been traveling along the waters edge. Behind in stood a strange feline, one she had never seen before. He had a partner now? Dread poisoned her blood, sending her heart pounding in her chest, threatening to burst through.

How did this happen? Had he been following her? Was he so determined to finish what he started? This would be her luck. The one day she decided to soothe her pain and venture out, she runs into the one wolf she never wanted to see again. There had been talk of the healers learning to defend themselves, but no training had yet begun, she was just as helpless as before. Never again would she be leaving Valhalla. Never ever.

She could run, she'd have enough of a head start that he couldn't catch her. But it was as though she had forgotten how to move. Everything inside her screamed to run, to get away but she was caught. Caught in those dangerous cyan pools that sought her out and had successfully found her. A growl started to rumble in her throat, lips twitching to reveal the points of fangs. She forced her to think, to remember how to move, how to propel herself forward. Her body just wouldn't listen.


08-16-2013, 04:04 PM

Nickolai watched the wolf across the lake with mild curiosity, topaz gaze unwavering, his elongated tail lashing gently behind spotted haunches, his attention dancing between Demyan and the white wolf. He tilted his head to one side in curiosity as the wolf froze in her tracks, fear evident in her posture even from this far. So she was scared of Demyan was she? A gentle smirk pulled at feline lips; now he was really interested in who this wolf was. I take it you two know each other? He spoke, stating the obvious. I tried killing her some time ago and the bitch got away because her noble packmates arrived to defend her. Came the rumbling growl in response, the events from that day replaying in the man's head. He had been so close to taking her when her bastard packmates had come and ruined his entire plan. But she was completely alone this time; no one was around for miles. Would he finish what he had started all that time ago?

His paws began to stir beneath him, moving underneath the water as he cut a path through it, cyan gaze intent on the ivory woman, Nickolai gliding beside him. Kill her, and finish what he started, or allow her to walk away with her life. If Orica was here, the obvious choice would be to allow her to walk away scott free, but his little medic wasn't here. And he was beginning to wrestle with the two choices. He could feel the familiar blood-lust singing through his veins, coaxing him to finish what he'd started, to taste her sweet blood and fill the air with her pathetic cries. But if he killed her, he would have to tell Orica. There was no way he would be able to keep something like that from her. If he killed her, would Orica go back on her word and abandon him forever? He wrestled with his inner demons, large frame coming to a halt in the water, only a few feet from where the woman stood on the earth, her lips pulled back against her daggers. Nickolai padded onto the shore, giving his spotted coat a quick shake before slinking forward, topaz gaze roaming the wolf's body as he circled her, tail lashing behind him. Demyan watched his companion circle the woman, his features appearing to be etched of stone as he fought his inner battle, gaze never wavering from her mismatched one.

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08-16-2013, 04:33 PM

Reality snapped her back as the brute began cutting through the water. Stopping within feet of her in just moments. Ivory pelt bristled, gaze darting between the feline and brute. The spotted cat circled her, his tail lashing behind him. She didn't know who to watch. Paws carried her backwards, cutting the felines circle in half, stopping him to her left. Lips curled back farther, tongue curling in a snarl. Tail began to lash angrily behind her, stirring up the scent of her heat with the summer air.

"What do you want?" Words were spat at him, venom lacing every word. She was isolated. No one knew she had left the territory. Gaze fixed on the brute as she carefully listened for any movements from the feline. She would not fall victim a second time. Her blood roared in her ears. What were the chances that someone would find them? She knew those chances were next to nothing.

She was stuck here. Stuck here as the herbs faded away, leaving a burning desire deep in her belly, settling in right next to fear. Neck scrunched up, chin tucked against her throat, keeping herself focused on the danger around her. Rigid posture remained defensive, she could all but feel his breath against her flesh, his stony expression watching her and his feline partner. How did that even manage to happen? Who in their right mind would befriend him?


08-16-2013, 06:14 PM

Nickolai wasn't thinking about harming the wolf, a woman now that he could properly scent her, her heat induced perfume hitting his nostrils full force. Golden lips pulled back against pearly daggers, salmon tongue hanging out as he tasted the perfume more in depth. Yup, definitely in heat. Not that he cared anyway, he was a cat after all and had absolutely no desire to be with a wolf. He was simply getting up close and personal for a better look. She wasn't very much to look at. Pure ivory coat, silver and azure gems. Very plain. Clearly the woman was no interested in getting a closer look at him as she cut his circle in half, retreating back several steps. Nickolai halted his pacing, watching the woman with unreadable topaz eyes before turning tail and padding back to the gargantuan's side, spotted haunches folding beneath him as he sat facing the woman, elongated tail curled around his hips, only the tip flicking every so often.

What do you want? She spat at him, her tone venomous. Such big words for such a small woman. It would be easy to kill her. Just a quick, vicious snap to her neck and she would be done for. He could already see it now, practically taste her blood...And then a new scent hit his nostrils, a passing breeze carrying it along; heat. The female was in heat. Cyan eyes lit up with the call of lust, but it was a dull call, much more muted than it had ever been. His body responded naturally, but he didn't feel the urge to attack her and fuck her brains out until she passed out. He didn't want her, he wanted Orica. His body definitely wanted the young medic in that way, but his mind wasn't sure. She was so innocent and pure and for him to corrupt her that way...He didn't think he could, as much as his body would want to. He stared quietly at the woman, having wrestled down the urge to kill her; for the most part. I don't want anything. He rumbled, acutely aware of how his body was reacting to the scent of her heat but doing very well in ignoring it.

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08-19-2013, 02:32 PM

I don't want anything. For a moment it stunned her. "Then why are you here?" She wasn't referring to this specific location, but as to why he stood before her, leaving her unharmed for the moment. Wide eyes looked up at him, the faintest flicker of curiosity hidden by uncertainty and defenses. He had barely given second thought the first time they met, determined to bring terrible harm to her, a total stranger, one who had no past with him. It was wolves like him that her mother had warned her against growing up. The ones with a pretty face, and a silver tongue. The ones who wouldn't care if they killed you or not.

The feline had taken his seat beside the wolf, obliviously having no interest in her, he sat there, just watching her with unreadable eyes. Slowly the angry twitch of her tail faded, having noticed the brightening of his eyes in the dangerous of way. He was very much aware of her heat. Her heart kick started into double time, pounding against her chest even harder it seemed. Adrenaline shot through her. Her only thoughts were that she was trapped in the sights of a predator. As helpless as the prey she could to feed herself.

OOC- *whispers* demy bebies


08-19-2013, 05:38 PM

Then why are you here? Nickolai turned back to glance at Demyan, who was now slowly padding out of the water, droplets of water clinging to his soaking pelt. Why was he here? Well for one there was a huge body of water behind him, so of course it made sense he would migrate towards the cooling liquid to relieve himself of the searing heat. But why was here with the ivory woman whom he had failed to kill the first time? That was a really good question. He had absolutely no idea. Perhaps a part of him still wanted to finish this woman off. Demyan wasn't one to let his prey go about unharmed, especially when they had escaped his clutches. Or at least he hadn't been. He hadn't killed another of his kind since having spent the night in the caverns with Orica. He was trying to be better, but this damn woman was tempting his demons again, coaxing them to come back out and play. But would he let them?

He wanted to give in, to end her pathetic life between his jaws with a single bite, to relish in the taste of her blood filling his jaws. But having Orica in his life meant more to him now than killing some woman who would only bring him momentary pleasure. He stood like a statue before the water, cyan gems intent on her figure. He could taste her fear; it was pungent in the air alongside her heat. He would not touch her. He wouldn't. For Orica. He was hers. And no one else's. He would never want another woman again if it wasn't Orica. I don't know. He answered simply, unable to come up with a better answer.

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08-22-2013, 03:08 PM

Moments of tense silence seemed like hours. It was a simple question, why wasn't he answering? His only movement was when he exited the water, droplets falling off his soaking pelt. What was holding him back? He had wasted no time in attacking her before, so why wasn't he now? Two toned pooled searched his face, desperate to understand and get answers.

I don't know. What? She was dumbfounded. It was no the answer she expected. "You don't know?" Each word was carefully spoke, making sure she had heard him right. Had she? He really didn't know why he stood here before her? She waited for more, but none came. The brute simply stood there, still as a statue, wrapped up in his own thoughts.

Anxiety spiked. She was on edge. Would he attack unexpectedly? Would that first meeting be finished? If only she knew where this chance encounter would go. Tension riddled her frame. She was a woman in heat, away from the safety of her home, standing before a man who had attacked her once before, and who seemed to be uncertain if he would again or not.


08-24-2013, 09:32 PM

I don't know...I can't kill you anymore... He repeated again, trying to make her understand. He probably should've apologized for having tried to kill her before, but he wasn't that far along in his recovery yet to where he felt the need to apologize. He knew he probably should have, but he didn't feel the need to do it. Besides, part of him wasn't really sorry that he'd tried to kill her, only that he hadn't succeeded in finishing the job in the first place. He could see the confusion on her face at his response and this newest response was only going to make it worse. Of course it made no sense. Last time he'd seen her he'd wanted to rip her to shreds but now he had absolutely no interest in touching her, even if she was in heat. Nickolai sat quietly between the two wolves, knowing that this meeting wasn't going to get anywhere at this rate.

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