


08-15-2013, 11:53 PM

Tentative was the porcelain juvenile, stealing a glance of subsided terror in the direction of the brutish sibling located adjacent to her, lapsing into anxious thought as they breached beyond the borders of their mother?s vast kingdom and into unfamiliar turf. They were rebelling against her given demand that they remain within the boundaries of Tortuga?s domain, but the child could not help but wonder whether or not their motives for such disobedience would be justified should their mentor learn of their destination. Perhaps the voyage was dangerous to vulnerable whelps such as the viper and her brother and the possibility of her mother?s doubled loss plausible, but their curiosities combined outweighed their fear of death or mother?s wrath, so rebellion was imminent. After all, the battle-starved children could not resist the temptation of the infamous coliseum where multiple wounds had been inflicted and corpses dropped to provide macabre d?cor to the arena floor.

Minuscule and serpentine form twisted to intercept her sibling?s own as they traversed through the dense underbrush of the island, maneuvering swiftly in the general direction of the battlegrounds, shoulder brushing gently against the male?s immaculate fur to indicate the pull she felt towards him, the relentless urge to comfort him in any way, shape, or form. Mismatched gaze refrained from embracing his lavender, instead fixated on the landscape before them, pupils ever examining the area for potential threats while the babe navigated at an easy pace to conserve her energy should the need to flee arise. Silence consumed the atmosphere surrounding the pair but it was lack of tension, simply soothing to the especially quiet wench, but vocalizations were need not necessary when they had tacitly agreed to this dangerous endeavor. Not even the slightest expression to portray the excitement brewing within her petite form had manifested upon her countenance, as vague as it had always been and was destined to be even as they strode nearer and nearer to their targeted destination. Hastily, pupils flickered towards her sibling as the metallic aroma of blood writhed through her flared nostrils, tail descending from its elevated position to lick at her heals as they made their approach. Thankfully, the arena was lack of spectators or combatants, leaving a deserted amphitheater that invited the children with the promise of thrill and an increase in adrenaline. Abandoning all sense of hesitance, the girl tore away from the touch of her sibling, bolting towards the bloodied clearing while a devious chortle cascaded from her parted lips, daring the male to come follow her into the pit.

Ares 1


08-18-2013, 03:36 PM

It felt quite odd to purposefully ignore his mother's command to them. Stay put. They could enjoy the territory as they wished, but beyond the borders was completely off limits. If it was such a terrible place, why did it feel so good to be on it. Displeasing the serpent that gave him birth was one thing he wished not to experience. This place though, it just felt right to be there. He felt at home. He pushed his side into the soft touch of his sister's, his gaze not finding her eyes but rather taking in the new environment they had stumbled into. A battlefield of great proportion where great wolves were either made or killed.
Suddenly her comforting touch was gone, only her slight chuckle ringing behind him. Finally the excitement would burst from him. His bleached paws following behind her. A real battle would ensue. Sibling versus sibling in a battle to... not quite the death. He wasn't ready to go that far. Especially not with Artemis. A delightedly disturbed smile was placed on his maw as he attempted to catch the wry she pup. His jaws snapped into empty air as he aimed for her flying tail. Yes, they would battle valiantly.



08-28-2013, 05:48 PM
extremely delayed post -- my apologies! <3 you can decide upon how many rounds this can have and whether or not we will have this judged; doesn't matter to me! c:

Skull whipped around in the direction of her abandoned sibling as she continued to propel her developing form towards the center of the tainted arena, mismatched amethyst and mercury gaze searching for the male, expecting him to have remained rooted to the sidelines out of wariness. Pupils, however, located him rather quickly, widening accordingly as they observed his unhinged jaws motioning vehemently towards her billowing tail. A brief squeal vacated her gaping jaws as she hopped to avoid his trap, tail defensively curling between her hinds to press against her vulnerable underbelly and to further prevent injury to her tail. Successful in buffering his attempted attack, her toes greeted the compacted earth once more to regain her footing, limbs pumping swiftly to hasten her pace and elongate the gap between her body and her current opponent?s so that she may provide herself with the opportunity to turn and face him head-on so that a true battle may commence. Should the ardent tyke permit her the opportunity for escape, the babe would pivot her minuscule form in towards his own, lowering her skull in orientation with her spinal column as she had observed of her Amazonian mother while her tail would unfurl to lick loosely at her ankles. Triangular ears would careen back to paste against her pallid crown to avoid penetration by his gluttonous incisors once more, having obtained the knowledge that having the thin flesh upon her ear pierced was unpleasant first-hand by the very brute that stood before her. Having minimal defenses secured, her porcelain visage would display a taunting smirk, beckoning for him to make the first move so that dominance could be established between them.

Ares 1


09-01-2013, 01:51 AM

She would turn to face him properly and as she aligned her body he would mirror her actions, an excited smirk playing dangerously across his visage. He let his head sit higher than her own as they squared off, with their noses only inches apart he could feel the excitement jumping between them. His joints would bend slightly, and his tail would sweep lightly around his ankles. A sound made of the union of laugh and growl would leave his throat, his mouth opening, revealing his pearly canines.
With no more waring than that he would spring from his stance, his chest would dip low and his jaws would angle up to capture the muzzle of his smaller sister. With his ears pinned back he would push himself up with force as the small distance between he and the she pup would vanish.

Ares vs Artemis for Practice/Dominace?

Round 1/3
Attack: An attempt to obtain control over his sister's muzzle

Defense: ears pinned back

injury: n/a

.ooc. I don't know if i want this judged or not lol



09-02-2013, 03:44 PM

Digits would individually flex in preparation for the impending brawl, the slight simper that tainted her porcelain countenance elongating across her velveteen lips as it developed into a malevolent smirk, fueled only by the cacophony of taunting snickers and growls that spewed from her sibling?s slackened jaws. Gluttonous incisors would click together as she mirrored the brutish tyke?s aggressive display, mismatched amethyst and mercury gaze refusing to stray from the premises of his physique in anticipation for the initiative maneuver. Her adversary would not test her patience and her pupils would dilate as she observed the tensing of his muscles as he launched the entirety of his mass towards her, forcing quick retaliation upon the pallid babe. Knees would bend slightly to lower her chest cavity towards the tainted arena floor so as to shift the course of her sibling?s attack, hind limbs unfurling as the viper lurched forward in an attempt to greet her sibling?s frontal assault with her own, intending to strike the center of her chest against the bottom-center of his own to force him slightly upwards, hoping her shorter apex and lowered breast would aid her in this motion.

Her sibling?s teeth would penetrate the flesh upon the babe?s right brow (Artemis? POV) rather than the entirety of her muzzle due to the lowering of her own body, earning a faint snarl from the juvenile as she registered the pain, frustration ignited within her as a thin strand of blood cascaded down the side of her face. Slavering jaws would unhinge and her skull would cock away from her sibling?s jaws so as to angle her muzzle in towards his flesh, extending in the direction of the curvature of the male?s neck where the left side of his neck connected with his mandible, intending to seize the tender flesh there to ensue relentless pain within the child. This was no longer about the adrenaline or the experience, but rather to establish dominance and to prove herself a worthy combatant against her larger brother, so victory was imperative. Although she was entirely new to the field of battle, minimal defenses would remain secured throughout her assail ? both ears plastered furiously against her crown and spinal column aligned to the best of the wench?s ability, praying to appear a little competent to any bystanders the brawling tykes may attract; especially if their mother decided to make an appearance and chide them on their mistakes that Artemis intended to keep at a bare minimum.




round number

one ? two ? three

Ares 1


09-05-2013, 03:35 PM

He found his jaws around the side of her bleached face, the taste of her blood became faint upon his tongue. A twisted grin would distort his features as the realization of taking first blood it would only increase his fervor. Jaws could clam down harder on onto his hold, as she pulled herself free from his grasp, only to take a hold of his skin. A whine would escape his open jaws as her pearly teeth grasped the rather tender area of his lower cheek. He could feel the incisors pinch his delicate membrane, she was going all out and he knew it would only be seconds before she broke the skin.
His own gaping jaws would in turn want try to burry themselves at the base of her own neck. Her ears would slightly be in his way but he did his best to maneuver through with his own pain. He wanted desperately to catch old of that almighty spot behind her head and between her ears. He would bend his knees once again, an effort in gaining extra momentum into his attack. He could feel her teeth puncture his skin as he quickly pulled away to ready his leap, his own blood now joining hers on the battlefield. He would push with all his might, hoping to free himself and to catch the extra height needed to get a decent grip on her skull.
His ears were pulled back as far as he could handle, his spine would twist slightly to allow his the reach he so wished. His tail was curled back in the position of a dominate wolf, flag flying proudly. He tried to remember to breath as seconds passed by as hours. He wished to claim authority over the she wolf, he craved the satisfaction of being superior to his sibling. He wanted the most high praise from their viper mother. He would deserve it.

Round 2/3 Attack: An attempt to obtain a tight hold upon the base of Artemis' neck.

Defense: ears pinned back even breathing

injury: puncture wounds to his lower jaw/cheek



09-08-2013, 02:42 PM
so i'm pretty stupid and got kind of confused as to where ares was attempting to attack, but what i got out of it was that he was aiming around the occiput area, as shown here, and so that is what he has right now. if i'm wrong then i'm sorry ;c but that's what it sounded like when you said between the ears but on her neck.

A satisfied rumble, muffled by the seized flesh of her sibling held captive between her ruthless jaws, would reverberate from her larynx as the metallic tang of blood trickled along eager taste buds, the pained whine her incisors had extracted from her opponent filling her to the brim with undeniable ecstasy despite the pang that still fluctuated from her injured brow. Their underdeveloped bodies would collide with one another and light bruising would blossom from the bottom of her chest where she had impacted his own, finding that his teeth had vacated the premises of her flesh to leave open puncture wounds in their absence that bled minimally. The viper would feel the lingering touch of her sibling start to leave her chest, and so she would attempt to unite her mandible with her top jaw to strengthen the grip she had attained upon the left side of his face as he yanked himself free of her grasp, intending to complicate his maneuver and force him to lacerate his own cheek as he tore himself away from her bite. The brutish tyke would backpedal just barely and the babe would anticipate counteraction, bracing herself as she lowered her body to the earth, skull receding to fall back in orientation with her spinal column before he lurched forward once more, elevating himself slightly above her as he did so, jaws slackened with the need for her own flesh.

His actions would be swift and the viper?s porcelain countenance would contort with a wince as his teeth pierced the flesh just beyond the base of her skull and above her nape, his front shoved against her own to force her backwards slightly. Panic would reach the prodigy and her gaping jaws would target the first area her pupils had settled upon, muzzle snaking forth rapidly in an attempt to ensnare the sinewy muscle that lined her sibling?s right shoulder, weight barreling forward to her chest as she attempted to return the shove he had given her to the right of his own chest as well as aid her jaws in finding their target sooner. Ears would remain plastered against her crown and body would remain relatively close to the earth as she carried out her actions, hoping that she would inflict enough damage to her sibling to cause him to relinquish his successful grasp to the back of her neck and force another yelp to escape the confines of his throat.




round number

one ? two ? three

Ares 1


09-17-2013, 12:55 PM

.ooc. This took me ages I'm sorry <3 -such a procrastinator-

His gaping jaws had indeed found their mark, gripping well enough to inflict pain he felt his sister's reaction. Her jaws wrapped themselves around his shoulder as her weight was thrown into the bite. He could feel the pressure of her teeth become intensified as the pain blossomed, originating from her pearly teeth. He felt himself pushed back, angry for not thinking to steady his weight. A growl was released from his throat as he turned his stumble into a side step retreat, becoming more parallel with his sister. He couldn't tell if her teeth still were still latched to his flesh, the pain in shoulder was quite distracting.
With the steps he took he let his feet gain their traction once again, his claws pushing themselves into the earth for a better grip. His jaws would open again as one more he aimed for her muzzle, as his back legs would swing his hips around in at attempt to slam into her abdomen, using as much might as he could.
Ares v. Artemis for Dominance

Round III of III

Attack: Another attempt as taking control of her muzzle while attempting to for her to the ground by way of force with a swing from his hips.

Defense: Front paws planted firmly to the ground.

Injury: Painful puncture woulds to chest and probable bruising around the area.



09-17-2013, 05:44 PM
i got kinda confused again cause i didn't understand how he would bump her with his hips while he was facing her and attempting to grab her muzzle but i went with it xD THIS IS JUST PRACTICE SO YEAH. this was a lot of fun<3 and i hope you don't mind im actually going to get this judged cause i want feedback although i failed to mention the usual defenses i would include for an adult cause artemis is just a wee lad xD

Incisors would pierce the sinewy muscle adorning her sibling?s right shoulder as she obtained a decent grasp to it, successful in forcing his body backwards as well as causing his balance to falter due to her vehement shove. Before the tyke could manage to cause her current adversary to lose his footing entirely, he recovered from his stumble and adjusted his positioning until he was nearly adjacent to her, forcing the pallid babe to relinquish her grip to his flesh because of the awkward angle her skull would have to tilt at in order to maintain it. Although she had involuntarily relieved him of her teeth, her jaws would remain unhinged in preparation for his suspected counteraction, ears fixated against her crown and spinal column aligned to the best of her own ability when his own teeth were still lodged just beyond her cranium.

He released her flesh from his grasp then, leaving thin strands of blood to cascade down her neck, and the babe backpedaled just barely in order to place his body in her line of vision, skull tipping back slightly until her pupils could witness his assault and gauge the impending maneuver. His gaping jaws inched towards her own, eager to penetrate the flesh there, but the phantom child would not allow it without a retaliation of her own. Slackened jaws would snake towards his own, angled downward in the direction of his mandible with the intentions of seizing it betwixt hers, thus attempting to force their jaws to interlock so that the male would clamp down upon her upper jaw rather than the entirety of her muzzle. Should her counteraction prove a success, she would apply as much pressure to his mandible as her own would allow, desiring to bend the male to her will and force him to plead for release. Although the babe was prepared for the frontal assault made towards her muzzle, surprise would breach her as her sibling?s hips managed to bump into her abdomen, aiding her in the motion of aligning her body with his own as she used the force from the shove to pivot more towards him rather than hindering her attacks or injuring her as she expected he had assumed.




round number

one ? two ? three

The Judge


09-18-2013, 09:13 PM

Artemis vs. Ares

Round 1

CLARITY: 9 / 10
Fairly clear, would have liked more detail in what angle he was coming from in his attack.

No powerplaying found.

DEFENSES: 1 / 10

Pinned ears.

ATTACK: 2 / 10

Single move attack, bite at her muzzle.

INJURIES: 10 / 10

First round. No injuries.

Round one Ares Total: 32 / 50


CLARITY: 9 / 10

Post was fairly clear, would have liked to know a few more details on the directions of her dodges and attacks.


Took one point for assuming that his attack missed completely and hit above her eye instead

DEFENSES: 2 / 10

Pinned ears, aligned spine.

ATTACK: 7 / 10

Multiple move attack, attempting to knock his chest up with hers, is making a move to bite his throat/cheek

INJURIES: 10/ 10

Shallow bite above her right eye.

Round one Artemis Total: 38 / 50

Round 2


CLARITY: 6 / 10
This seemed a little muddled to me. It didn?t seem clear as to what he was doing with the leap and I had a hard time figuring out not only where exactly he was trying to attack, but how he was doing it with Artemis attached to his cheek. Also, nothing was mentioned in your post in regards to Artemis attempting to hit his chest with hers.

Took a point off for ignoring her move to hit her chest against his.

DEFENSES: 1 / 10

Pinned ears. (Didn?t see how even breathing was a defense, so I didn?t count it as one.)

ATTACK: 4 / 10

One move attack, leaping and twisting to bite at the base of her neck.

INJURIES: 7 / 10

Bite to the left side of his neck/cheek.

Round two Ares Total: 28 / 50


CLARITY: 6 / 10

I had several problems reading this post. I needed to see some more direction in where she was attacking, when she released him, ect. Really just some more clearly stated things would have helped.


No power playing found.

DEFENSES: 2 / 10

Ears pinned, lowered to the ground.

ATTACK: 3 / 10

Single move, biting at his shoulder while trying to hit his chest with hers.


Light bruise on her chest, bite right behind her skull.

Round two Artemis Total: 28 / 50

Round 3


CLARITY: 7 / 10

Fairly clear post. But, I was a bit confused by how he was bumping her with his hips, the angle of everything wasn?t very clear.

It seems like you?re assuming that she releases his shoulder from the angle I?m picturing him attacking from, but I only took off one point since you didn?t blatantly say it.

DEFENSES: 1 / 10

Front paws planted firmly

ATTACK: 4 / 10

Multi-move attack, bumping her with his hip and biting at her muzzle

INJURIES: 8 / 10

Biting to shoulder/chest

Round three Ares Total: 29 / 50


CLARITY: 9 / 10
Your post was much more clear this time, still just a few directional issues for me.

No power playing found.

DEFENSES: 2 / 10

Ears pinned, spine aligned

ATTACK: 4 / 10

Single move attack, attempting to bite down on the lower half of his jaw, possibly interlocking their jaws

INJURIES: 10/ 10

No new injuries

Round three Artemis Total: 35 / 50


Ares: 89/150

Artemis: 101 /150

And the winner is...

Artemis! Ares must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Ares - Has a fairly deep bite to the left side of his face/neck and also a deep bite to his shoulder that could impede his walking a bit.

Artemis- A shallow bite above her right eye and a deeper bite to the area behind her skull

Aly: I love how descriptive your writing style is, but sometimes it?s really distracting when I?m trying to read it and I keep having to look up words (no offence meant, your vocabulary is impressive.) Also, I would suggest pointing some of that descriptive power of yours toward the actual attacks and add some more to angles and directions and the like.
Kat: My only suggestion is to keep more realistic fighting angles in mind. It was hard for me to picture what you were saying in Ares?s body position, especially in your last post. So just be very specific in the angles. Other than that, good writing.

- Shelbs

Ares 1


09-20-2013, 10:05 PM

He felt their jaws unite and it became one of the most painful experiences he had ever encountered. Her jaws would clamp down menacingly onto his lower jaws and he could hardly imagine the pain. He could not even use any force of his own on her jaw, Ow! Artemis stop that hurts! But what it really came out sounding like was "Ow Armith thop tha hurths!" followed by a pitiful whine.
He had been able to withstand the puncture wounds that littered his body but the clamp upon his jaw had been too much. Maybe it was because of teething or he just happened to be sensitive in his mouth but he knew he was in agony as soon as their jaws became entwined. He would find a seat with his rump, not willing to stand while she held him.



09-20-2013, 10:40 PM

Inexplicable pain breached the babe as her jaws interlocked with her sibling?s own, finding the male?s incisors carving into the tender roof of her mouth and snout and her own incisors penetrating just beneath his chin to ensnare his mandible as initially planned. Both her own blood and her sibling?s intertwined to flood her oral cavity with a metallic tang that the babe relished in, ecstasy fueling her to maintain the grip upon his jaw despite the severe pain that fluctuated throughout her muzzle. Abrupt vibrations emanating from Ares? throat would alert the phantom child to his vocalizations before the muffled sound ever could, causing her previously flattened ears to careen forward to register his speech as it vacated his jaws and entered hers. A wicked grin cracked across her countenance at his pleas, the realization of victory striking her in the most pleasant of manners and forcing a sense of ruthlessness to invade her diseased mind. ?Beg,? she commanded, normally soft tones a low rumble, jaws clenching in the slightest to make her threat evident. Should he choose not to comply with her demands, the babe would only intensify her grip until she could force the words to caress her eager auditory system; she urged for his submission to fuel her own self-satisfaction.

Ares 1


09-23-2013, 07:26 PM

He was torn from his defeat the pale wench taking his jaw as captive as he had demanded her to let him loose. What he had not expected was her retort and her grasp that still would remain, she would also do the exact opposite of what he had requested. What did you say? He would ask as a growl rumbled in his chest, he had an impressive guess as to what she had demanded of him, but he would use the excuse of his jaws being in her mouth to explain away his awful hearing.
Could she have really just told him that? How could Artemis tell him to beg for release? Surely he had heard her all wrong. The pain in his lower jaws was becoming more intense as his pale gaze found her own and a whine would fall from his clamped lip. Artemis, I beg of you let my jaw go. he could hear the venom coming from his own words, disgusted that he made them.



09-28-2013, 08:23 PM
wow this was delayed, i for sure thought it was your turn to post xDD surry! <3

Her astonished sibling would retort in disbelief, potent venom dripping from the muffled vocals that reverberated from his forcibly-clenched jaws, his inquiry still easily registered by the juvenile hellion. A simper crossed her features although the brute could not view it, aware to the fact that her command had been issued without stutter and that the male knew he hadn?t misunderstood her. Power teemed within her systems as a defeated whine graced her partially-pinned ears, bitter words of chagrin following suit as he emitted his demanded plea, secured in her memory for all of eternity. Her jaws slackened and the babe widened the distance between their injured bodies as she took small strides backwards, granting herself enough room to dodge should he retaliate and to assess the damage that had been dealt to both parties. Pain coursed throughout her body and blood still trickled from the puncture wounds upon her snout and the back of her neck, but the viper disregarded the unpleasant sensation as her gaze darted back towards her sibling. The proud smirk vanished from her countenance and a softened expression touched her features, paws instinctively carrying her closer towards Ares as her muzzle extended towards his own, jaws parting only to allow her oral appendage leeway to lap at the wounds to his mandible if only he would permit it.

Ares 1


09-29-2013, 03:06 PM

He would feel the release, and just as his pallid sister had suspected he wished to snap at her jaws as she pulled away. Of course he was incapable of collecting the sensitive flesh and a soured expression would take hold of his features. He couldn't lose, it was impossible. He would sigh and shake his head in defeat, how had he let her best him? He let his lavender eyes catch those mismatched ones of Artemis and already he could see her face draining of the proud look he would have expected. Thankfully it seemed she would not torture him by rubbing the win in his face.
Instead her salmon tongue would sneak from behind her lips, offering the comfort of licking his wounds. He would allow her the service, and would attempt the same for her. She had proved herself above him, and he would accept her role as his superior, for now. His own tongue would appear, nursing the wounds he had caused the pale she wolf.



09-30-2013, 09:44 PM

The fiend seemed to have predicted the maleficent nature of her chagrined sibling, metallic and violet eyes flashing as his jaws made to clamp down upon her muzzle after her release, only managing to grasp the midnight air between his teeth courtesy of her anticipation. She would not chide him on this action nor would she chortle at his failed attempt, desiring not to degrade him any more than she already had in a desperate attempt to maintain the tranquility and level of adoration that was upheld between the two siblings. Instead, she would commit to strengthening their bond, allowing her crimson-tinted tongue to trail over and cleanse the puncture wounds he had received to his mandible as well as permit that the brute do the same unto her injuries, pulling away from his touch only once she was certain that the blood would cease its flow. Pupils were directed towards his wounds and an intrigued gleam danced across her eyes as she observed in silent admiration, jaws only parting to emit a single and dark compliment. ?You look strong now,? she admitted as her gaze darted among his wounds, skull bobbing as if to confirm the words she had spoken. After a prolonged moment of silence from the pallid wraith, she maneuvered towards the outskirts of the arena, halting only to turn her skull in the direction of her brother, waiting for him to accompany her on their long journey home.

exeunt artemis.