
Such Overpowering Sadness...(S.O.S)


08-15-2013, 04:34 AM

Paws touched down on snow and ice, as the brute raced across the land. He had been running, but from what? He wasn't really sure...something in him told him to run, and to not stop. He had been running across the north lands for well over an hour, his paws ached and his breath came in short ragged gasps. He felt like his chest wanted to burst, his heart ready to explode. He slammed his eyes shut, ignoring the pleas that his body cried to him. Why was he running though? Was it from all the problems in his past? The words spewed at him from those he met? It could be almost anything...he wasn't exactly the type that had a lot of friends, he wasn't exactly the likeable type, or the type that had a place to call his own. No, it wasn't because he was mean or evil or despised was the fact that his horrific accident so many years ago plagued him, making him unapproachable by many. His appearance scared many many wolves away, thinking he was a hellhound that would rip them apart if they came within his sights. The only one he had ever really talked to, was a girl by the name of Aeil...and another named Udosa. Those were the only two he had ever met and talked to. All others? Mostly led to unneeded fights, which usually he ended up coming on top anyway. Not because he was vicious, it was because of his size and bulk.

Finally, the man came to a stop. His black legs led him to the edges of the water. When he looked up, weary eyes fell upon a structure that was jutting from the waters surface. Though he was curious as to what it was, he couldn't bring himself to move anymore. His legs shook underneath him, chest heaving painfully when he breathed, his entire body hurt and was slouched, ears drooped and tongue lolled out as he tried to catch his breath. At last, shaky pillars could no longer hold him. He collapsed to the ground, creating a depression in the snow beneath him as fine powder coated his blackened fur.

He lied there, panting and scared. He had never run like that before, much less with no reason. His thoughts began to scare him, pushing him to the edge. He didn't know how much longer he could keep sane on his own. Oh how he felt so terribly alone...his mind wandered to one thought, and one thought only...Aeil...I need you... He thought. Though he had just met the grey toned fae not too long ago in the spring, he felt like he couldn't stand to be without her. Of course, he hadn't confessed his feelings to her or anything...but inside, his mind told him that he needed her. And his heart too.

Speech, Thought, You

table by lu for use on alacritis



08-17-2013, 11:21 PM

The beast was within her den. She slept. Snores flowed through the air. Her legs twitched and ears flicked. The woman was a dormant behemoth waiting to be awoken. Light growls rumbled within her chest, inching toward their eruptions. The demon was a force and someone was going to feel it. Her ears swerved as her dream was paused. Her head flicked up, as she drifted out of her sleeping stage. Yellow orbs came into view like a helliish sunrise. She heard the padfalls of a being outside her so called den. Her body slowly rose as her limbs woke up. Her eyes were fuzzy with sleepy spots, but they soon faded. The demon moved to a hole in a wall, which was covered by clear material. The woman looked outside of it and spotted a figure just outside the formation. A sickening smile came into view as she slithered from the cabin and onto the deck which stuck up from the ice. She came tumbling down and slid onto the ice. Her eyes locked with the males as she trotted his way. A lumbering growl ripped through brisk air as a sign of dominance. This was her home and he would not take it from her!"Not any further!"

table by trigger


09-05-2013, 01:24 AM

Amber eyes would lift at the sound of a hideous snarl. Not far from him, a figure emerged from the contraption that rose from the water and ice. Eyes narrowed, he strained to see who or what it was. He could tell it was another wolf...and it didn't seem none too friendly. Not long before seeing it, its eyes locked onto his as an enraged voice called out to him. It didn't sound natural, didn't sound anything like what he had encountered before. This woman was...evil. He scrambled to his paws, heart racing at the possibilities of what might happen. Would he fight? Would he have to run? Were others with her, hiding in that vessel? Many and any of these were possibilities, but he kept his mind clear and his voice strong for his reply.

If intimidation was a factor that she would use, then he would bite back with equal force. He rose himself to his full 36 inches of muscle, amber eyes boring into her now as opposed to hers burning into his. He rose the fur on his neck and shoulders in a warning. Though he disliked to be hostile, this was one meeting that would probably end up with a violent outcome. "I am not trying to steal your territory, but be warned I will not be frightened away by you! If it's a fight you want, then I will not hesitate to retaliate. Sheathe your fangs and claws or regret the consequences of your actions." He threatened and warned her simultaneously. If she chose to fight, then he would end it as quickly as he could with as little damage as possible. He doubted that she could do too much damage to him, but even so it was something he would rather avoid.

Amber eyes burned with a fierce determination, telling her that his words rang true. He only hoped that she would change her mind before she got hurt.

Speech, Thought, You

table by lu for use on alacritis



09-16-2013, 12:21 PM

Her hackles raised and her eyes slit. The man scrambled to his paws and a thick growl was emitted from her. Canttina had no care in the world. She would fight. A fight of dominance. With a ripple howl she charged. Her lips curled, tail tucked, knees bent, and ears flat. The woman would curve around to hit him from the side. She would try to knock him down with brute force. The woman would also attempt to bite anywhere she could on the left side of his body. The attack was ruthless. A mere attempt to unbalance him and gain the advantage. But, it could turn for the worse. A look of complete rage filled her sunny orbs. Her muscles rippled and growls escaped her being. Canttina would not let some man prance on her territory without damage dealt.

one two three four five
defenses: Hackles raised, knees bent, eyes slit, lips curled, tail tucked, ears pinned.
attack: Canttina attempted to curve around and slam into Dragons left side. She would attempt to knock Dragon down or unbalance him while trying to bite wherever she could.
injuries: n/a
comments: <3

table by trigger


10-07-2013, 11:34 PM

The man had room for no more words as the woman instantly turned into a vile fiend. He expected as much from this dark creature and so immediately he would brace himself for her onslaught. Dragon was accustomed to this, having been ambushed and attacked without reason, he was always on guard. Raising his hackles, he spread his legs for equal balance, tail tucked for protection, head lowered to protect his throat, ears laid back flat against his skull and his eyes narrowed. He would bend his knees just slightly as his claws dug into the earth, readying his body for her charge so that he could move with ease. He saw her coming towards his left, and he was ready. He would charge at her as she came towards him, noting that her throat was unprotected. His body was packed with almost nothing but solid rock hard muscle, a sign of his strength and endurance. And if that didn't show it, then the many scars upon his body sure as hell did. He wrinkled his muzzle in a nightmarish grin, baring sharp canines as the distance became closed. As much as he disliked fighting women, the hell hound would now be unleashed full force upon her.

He would make an attempt to use his body weight to slam into her, the speed of both charges would leave no room for either one to move out of the way. If their bodies made contact, he would hope that his powerfully corded and rock solid muscles would bruise her something fierce as well as jar her back a little, thus avoiding the teeth that sought his flesh. If contact was made, then Dragon would move quickly and try to wrap his powerful jaws around her neck or the back of her neck and shake his head as much as he could to cause pain and possible tearing as his forelegs would then attempt to wrap around her shoulders to lock her in place or force her down. It was obvious now that he was larger then her, and he would not go down without leaving serious damage. He was a seasoned veteran in fighting after all, and this whelp would not walk away unscathed.

Round 1/4

Defense: Hackles raised, legs spread for balance, tail tucked, head lowered to protect throat, ears flat against his skull, eyes narrowed, knees bent, claws digging into the earth for traction, muzzle wrinkled to expose sharp teeth to protect himself against facial attack.

Attacks: He turned to meet her head on with a charge of his own, attempting to slam his weight into her to jar/knock her back and possibly bruise wherever he made contact. If contact was made, then he would attempt to wrap his jaws around her neck, or the back of neck and shake his head as much as he could to cause pain and possible tearing, and at the same time he would attempt to wrap his forelegs around her shoulders to try and lock her in place or force her down.

OOC Notes: I had no idea that you initiated a challenge, so I asked around and Ais said it was okay to respond since I didn't know about the challenge here. Also I asked several people about the charging head on, and they said realistically there wouldn't be room for dodging movements if both were charging at the rate of speed their going. (Just thought I'd put that there in case questions were asked bout PP). Also, I choose 4 rounds for this fight since I'm being challenged, good luck <3


The Judge


10-24-2013, 04:57 PM
Default to DRAGON

DRAGON wins the fight for dominance due to OOC request by CANTTINA.

CANTTINA must give up by either passing out, submitting, or running away.