


08-18-2013, 12:49 AM
OOC Name: Dione
How did you get here?: Lu pooped me out like the rest of us
Age: 21

Character's Name: Taiga
Age: 4 years
Season of birth: Summer
Size: 24 inches
Appearance description: The lady asked me to describe myself to you so here it goes.
Starting with my base pelt I'm nothing spectacular, a simple pallid colour scheme dominated mostly by whites and creams that came in handy in my homeland but not so much here. Most of my body is a soft cream, just a shade off white but then my guard hairs are mostly white, noticeable around my nose, ear tips, feet, scruff, tail and joints. Most say it gives me a frost bitten appearance though I don't understand the statement. I've gotten frostbite before and it's not a pleasant feeling... But anyways, this is just a description and seeing as that is how many describe me I'll use it to my advantage. It's not as though I spend a lot of my time gazing at my reflection after all. I grew up a pup sitter, taking that role almost immediately from birth, trying to chase down my siblings as soon as I found my legs.

But we?re not here to talk about my past?

My eyes are maybe the only thing that stands out about me, my left eye being blue-green and my right being a strange purple with a reddish tinge. They seem to change colors depending on the light source and my mood though I?ve been known to always be a rather even fellow. In bright lights my eyes seem blue and red where as in darker lights they show the green and purple. As I said, these are probably the only interesting aspects of myself. Though some consider my markings rather unique I have seen many wolves with very stunning markings and find mine to be rather mundane. But nonetheless they are a part of me and I am required to describe them. I do try to fancy myself up on occasion as well, mashing up blueberries and marking markings on my coat to make myself seem even more tribal. My father always told me I was an elder before I hit the age of 1? Though he teased me as I grew up, I never grew to the heights of my parents or siblings, maturing to the height of 24 inches and a mere 75 pounds.

But onto those markings I had mentioned.

Black circles outline both of my eyes, they are thick and have points that face outwards. The black circle has a larger red circle outlining it also with points so the points almost meet at the middle of my face. There are three lines on my muzzle, the top and bottom ones are black where the middle one it sed. Around my nose and muzzle is red as well, making it almost seem like I had dipped my nose in blood. Red lines zig zag from the base of my ears on each side of my neck to meet a red dorsal stripe that runs from between my shoulder blades to the tip of my tail. Around each paw those three stripes circle my ankles, black on the top and bottom with red in the middle. On by chest, over my heart there is a perfectly shaped wolf paw in black. On my shoulders and flanks on each side there are those red and black lines again, both sides of me perfectly symmetrical except that black wolf paw.
Duty: He's already an avenger

NOTE: Markings and such already paid for via advertising contest and such in old Ala


08-18-2013, 06:10 PM

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