


08-14-2013, 01:10 PM

I'm sitting pretty on the throne,
there's nothing more I want,
except to be alone

Her lungs burned, her legs shook, and her heart felt like it was going to burst in her chest. She had practically sprinted from the North to the West, because she knew that if she stopped for even a moment, the phantom would capture her and eat her whole. He was after her, she was sure of it, so she knew she couldn't stop. The whole way she scolded herself harshly as her mother would have. Aislyn would have banished her to a den for months if she was still alive. Liberty had been careless, and because of it she had ended up with the wrong company, and now that company was out to get her. She couldn't stop the warm tears that streamed down her cheeks. It blurred her vision, and more than a few times she had to dodge an upcoming tree, but she did not stop. At one point she wanted to stop and allow her breakfast to come back up, but she kept going.

Finally after what seemed like days, but was only an hour or so, she could scent the borders a mile or so away. She wanted to slow her pace, and she did slightly, but not drastically. She needed to get across those borders and she would be home free for now. Her vision started to blur and she feared she would pass out if she didn't stop soon. The scents of her pack members tickled her senses and drew a smile to her face. She was so happy to be home. Just a few more steps and.. finally. As she crossed over the borders she greatly slowed her pace, and after a few more gallops further into Valhalla she collapsed. She lay on the earth panting heavily, everything burned within her body, and for a few moments she feared she would never calm down. She wasted no time, and through her pants and gasps for air she howled the best that she could. It was broken and rather weak, but anyone patrolling the borders would hear it, and they needed to come fast. She was running out of time.



08-14-2013, 01:52 PM

Where was Liberty?

The male had awoken this morning to find that his daughter had no been curled up at his back like she normally was. Immediately a fear of dread had settled over him, much the sad as he had felt when the flood had come though and he had found Liberty struggling on her own. Immediately he had risen himself, one of the first days he had actually left the den since his mates death. But there would be no sitting at home and waiting for her. Hours were spent looking, a few wolves had tried to speak to him but the male had simply carried on. He moved at a brisk trot, ears up and eyes sweeping back and forth in an almost panicked expression. Had she left the packlands? She knew it wasn't safe out there! Friction had become borderline over protective of his daughter since his mates death. Spending most of his time at home trying to sleep but still he had always wanted her to tell him where she was going before she went anywhere and how long she was gone. Normally she had complied but today? She had slipped out without a word and that terrified him. What if she was hurt? How could he find her if he didn't know where she was?

He had searched Valhalla and after a short time had found Liberty's trail heading from Valhalla and towards the north. There was no point tracking her out there, it had been a few hours sine she had left and her scent was already almost non existent in here never mind out there were so many other wolves scents would intercept hers. So now all he could do was wait for her to return, pray to whatever god thought it was funny to drown two if his mates that she would come back. And so he did. He paced the entire length of the Valhallrn board along the north side, eyes turned towards the mountains that towered far to the north. He had always loved the mountains. Having grown up in the shadow of them the male had always felt a particular pull towards them once again. Maybe one day he could take Liberty to see them.

He didn't know how long he had been patrolling before a familiar and heart warming howl reached him. Liberty was back! A grin split his features, so overjoyed that he didn't notice the fatigue or the fear that laced her voice. Immediately he was losing towards her, ears tipped forward and tail high. It wasn't until he saw his daughters form collapsed against the ground his pace went from exuberant to concerned, stride lengthening and ears pinning to his skull. "Liberty? Liberty!" he called, coming to a swift halt at her side. "What happened?!?" He was almost as out of breath as she way. Head tipped back immediately, stronger more urgent call lifting to howl specifically for the alpha's. They needed to be here for this. Had something happened to his daughter that they would need to know? Even if they didn't need to know he felt more comfortable if they were there. They would get to the bottom of this. He leaned his skull down, nose brushing against her shoulder easily. They would talk about her leaving pack lands without tell him later, for now he was just glad she was home...



08-17-2013, 01:44 PM
The borders had been steadily active, the standard call and response to those that wanted entrance into the pack or to see the alphas for other reasons. It was the reason that she had frozen at the sound of Liberty's howl, before breaking into a run to find the girl. What had happened, what had scared her? The alpha cursed silently, she needed to call the pack together to warn them of the dangers Alacritia had been sporting as of late. Rayne had already been attacked, she wanted younger wolves and those inexperienced with battle to either learn to protect themselves or travel in pairs.

But all that would be placed on the backburner as she sprinted toward the young female. Valhalla's beta to be was a strong one, yet she seemed to be struggling to keep herself together. The woman did her best not to get angry at who or whatever had done this to the other, and forced herself to remain as calm as she could be. The alpha had not been the only one to respond to Liberty's howl, she would be beaten by the girl's own father. She only knew because the other's call would ring throughout the territory, requesting the assistance of she or Gideon.

Chrysanthe would howl back while closing the distance, gaining ground quickly as she made her way toward the others. When she got there, she pulled herself to a screeching halt, huffing lightly as she glanced at Friction. "Is she alright? Is she hurt?" She attempted to rephrase her question - because clearly she wasn't alright, but she couldn't initially tell if the girl had been injured. "Liberty, you're alright, Friction and I are here." The younger female would be given the chance to try and catch her breath before explaining what had her so frazzled. The alpha would stand guard over the both of them, standing between them and the borders. Should anyone be following the girl, they would have to go through her first.


08-17-2013, 11:33 PM

I'm sitting pretty on the throne,
there's nothing more I want,
except to be alone

She wanted to black out. If she did fall into darkness, all the worries would fade away and she would be able to rest a ease; but it wouldn't keep the ghost away forever. So she fought the darkness until her father arrived. His words were barley heard, but she managed to get the general meaning of what he said. He wanted to know what had happened, and his howl was summoning a greater wolf, most likely an alpha. She was practically numb, so when he rubbed her shoulder she barley felt a thing. Soon enough another wolf came into view. It was Chrysanthe, her alpha. She had come rather quickly, and because of her exhaustion she hadn't gotten a word out yet to her father, which was fine anyways. Now she could explain the situation once to the both of them.

"I-I made a mistake. I ended up spending time with the wrong company." Her words were broken, and the tears that swelled up in her eyes streamed down her cheeks. She felt so helpless and frightened knowing a man was after her freedom. "I-i'm not hurt, at least not yet." Her hallowed gaze switched from her fathers to her alphas. She didn't want to see the look on his face when she told him what had happened. "There is a man I met, much older than myself. I-I was... acting a way a young lady shouldn't, and I guess he saw something he wanted. I tried to make a deal with him, a harmless one, and he laughed in my face- now he is coming for me. He wants me, and he will never stop until he has me. He will be here soon, and he will fight anyone who stands between us." This was when she completely broke down. Thoughts of her mothers death and her foolish actions plagued her mind, and it caused tears to pour from her eyes. She had never cried this much before, and for a few minutes she feared she would pass out from it. Her father was close by, and without hesitation she buried her face into his neck and sobbed. "Daddy I'm so sorry." She whined between helpless whines. She was nothing like her mother had raised her to be. She was weak and foolish.
