
Much has Changed



9 Years
Extra large
08-16-2013, 09:56 PM
ooc: crappy first post.

It seemed like it had been awhile since she last saw the Glaciem wolves, having their home taken over by another, moved to a new home only to move once again. The beast did not mean to leave them, she just sort of lost track of their movements and so just went on with her life. Sitting here though, violet orbs looking up to the darkening sky, the woman sighed heavily. Her life had been moving slow when she was with Lunaire, but after they became separated it seemed as though everything sped up. The world opened up to her and Zanire had been liking it.


Awesome image by Canttina <3


08-16-2013, 10:08 PM

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Galileo had come to her den in a panic, saying that there was a bear outside, a bear that could very well injure or harm his new siblings. The tiny balls of fluff were quite adorable, but Galileo was right, they were entirely vulnerable to a bear attack. However, Gargoyle would not have let a bear get close to the Snow Rogues if it was dangerous, especially when there were two litters of pups currently under his guard. It was that thought that had kept Ocena reasonable as she sniffed Galileo's fur, picking out the bear's scent easily, and when she recognized it, Ocena relaxed immediately. She had explained to her son that it was Zanire, a bear that Glaciem had once welcomed onto its land, and had instructed him with watching her children, and alerting her immediately to any sort of change.

She was loathe to leave them alone for more than a few seconds, but Zanire had been a good friend of Glaciem, guarding its deposed Chief when he was injured and bleeding out in the wandering labyrinth of caves that he had fled to after losing his challenge against the usurper. Ocena would not allow the bear to simply sit there when she had done so much for all of Glaciem, and especially Ocena. The bear had looked after Gargoyle when he'd been injured, and had made sure that he was not injured any more than he had already been.

Shaking herself, Ocena allowed herself one last glance over her shoulder, and breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of Galileo watching over them so calmly before she forced herself to set off in search of the massive bear. It wasn't hard to miss; Zanire was an impressive figure, dwarfing the wolves in the area. And so, Ocena made her approach, inclining her head respectfully in the direction of the creature. "Hello, Zanire. Do you happen to remember me?" Ocena inquired as she approached, tail wagging easily in the air behind her.

To some, it might have seemed strange to see the tiny wolf so comfortable in the presence of the massive bear, but to Ocena, Zanire was an old friend. They might not have ever talked; they might not have ever actually seen each other, in all honesty, but Ocena would never forget the day that Glaciem had been torn away from them and the truest evil of all had almost been realized; Gargoyle had almost died. Melodramatic, perhaps, but that was how Ocena felt about her life with Gargoyle. And Zanire had helped ensure that she would never lose that happiness. Ocena would always adore the bear for that.

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9 Years
Extra large
08-16-2013, 10:20 PM

Zanire had been in her own little world, thinking about the things that has happened in her life within the last two seasons when something caught her attention. An ear flicked at a soft feminine voice, causing the beast to turn her head, violet orbs falling upon a black and white wolf. At first she would have brushed it off as a stranger but the moment she saw those blue and red eyes the woman realized who this wolf was, a woman she met briefly the day Gargoyle had fallen, losing his home. "Hello, Zanire. Do you happen to remember me?" Yes, the woman who entered the cave, she was Gargoyle's mate.

With a light hum the beast turned her body a bit so she could fully see the tiny shewolf, giving a slow nod of her head. "Yes, I remember." Her voice was low, friendly, possibly relieved to see that the shewolf was fine. "You and Gargoyle fine now? No more trouble from udder wolves?" She asked curiously. Zanire really did want to know how they were doing, wanted to see if the massive ex-Chief was doing fine after the events that had happened to him and his family.


Awesome image by Canttina <3


08-20-2013, 08:42 AM

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Ocena blinked adoringly up at the massive bear, her tail wagging happily at the sight of the bear that had protected Gargoyle. She had never really known the bear that had taken shelter on Glaciem's territory, but when the bear had been the one to guard Gargoyle, well, Ocena had decided that she adored this bear. She had looked after Gargoyle, after all, which meant that she would always adore the bear.

Her tail wagged happily as Ocena settled back on her haunches, tilting her head up to gaze at the bear's massive figure. "We're fine now, yes. How have you been?" Ocena questioned the bear, ears pricked attentively in the direction of the massive creature. The bear would have easily dwarfed any wolf, but she especially dwarfed Ocena, and she adored the creature anyways. "We haven't had any trouble from other wolves... But we did try to settle different lands that we had to leave because there was a volcano on the lands." Would the bear care? Ocena wasn't sure. But she had asked. And Ocena wanted to tell her.

What else did the bear not know about? Why, her lovely, darling pups, of course. "I just had a litter of pups, too. Mercianne, if you remember her, just had a litter as well." Ocena added with a flick of her ears, before settling back, tilting her head back up a little further to examine the figure carefully, trying to make sure that the bear was in good shape.

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9 Years
Extra large
08-21-2013, 02:38 PM

She couldn't help but grin at the little black and white shewolf before her, the look in her eyes, the wag of her tail. She seemed to be doing fine since they last seen each other, and even voiced it, asking how she was. Zanire would turn her head away for a brief moment to look out at the water, a gentle smile upon her dark lips. "I be fine, walk around a lot. Just wandering." She said in a low yet gentle voice, turning back to look at the woman. Even if the wold did not really care about the beast and was asking just because it was the right thing to do, Zanire liked it, it made her feel a bit good that somebody cared enough to ask. Made her feel less lonely.

Ears twitched when Ocena spoke up again, answering the bear's question on whether they were being bother by wolves or not. Perhaps she should have asked if anything was bothering them, seeing as the issue she helped them deal with wasn't their kind, and was in fact her own species. The wolf said they had no problems, that they tried settling down but couldn't because the place was on a volcano. That was unfortunate, and a terrible place to be if the place decided to blow.

But the next news the wolf gave seemed to push aside the bad, the woman had a litter, and so did another wolf, Mercianne. Lips pulled back to reveal an awkward toothy grin, her body moving forward to lay down so the wolf didn't have to hurt her neck just to look at her. "Pups, that is wonderful. How many are there?" She asked curiously, pups were always a wonderful thing, even if they were the result of a mistake made by a woman or forced upon her.


Awesome image by Canttina <3


08-26-2013, 03:21 PM

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Ocena wagged her tail as the bear spoke, grinning happily up at the creature. "Well, you know you're always welcome to wander with us. We do a lot of wandering now that we're on our own." Ocena hesitated, glancing back towards her den, "But I don't think we'll be moving on for a while. Not with youngsters." Which meant Ocena had plenty of time to get used to this place, to fall in love with this place and her children. Galileo and Orica seemed to adore their newest siblings already, but she wanted Avalon to meet them as well, and she wanted her family to be happy.

Her eyes seemed to glow with joy as Ocena responded to Zanire, delighted to talk about her children. "I had three wonderful pups..." Ocena trailed off, glancing at Zanire, "How many cubs does a bear usually have?" A little random to be sure, but Ocena didn't know much about bears. She did hope, however, that Zanire realized that she was being serious about offering to allow the bear to stay with them. Ocena would feel a good deal safer if she had both her mate and a bear looking after her young, and she knew that Zanire was a trustworthy creature. She had guarded Gargoyle, after all.

ooc: sorry this is so bad azzy ;n; next post will be better i promise

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9 Years
Extra large
08-26-2013, 07:07 PM
ooc: That's fine, don't worry. ^_^

It was nice to hear the shewolf welcomed the beast to join her family in her wanderings, it was a very kind offer, one she might take up. Of course that was when they could move around again, since right now they had pups to take care of. And with the mention of that Ocena informed Zanire that she had three pups, then asking how many her kind usually had. "I would like to wander with you when you do again.... Three pups for you good number." She said with a nod of her head, but it then turned to the side, brows coming together as she thought about the woman's question.

By herself Zanire would not know how many cubs her kind usually had, seeing as she never had any. She would need to go through her memories, remember the times she had with her mother, the stories she would tell her about her mother, grandmother, great grandmother and so on. Tolay would tell many stories about the humans, mostly told to her from her mother whose family interacted with the creatures numerous times, one even living in something called a zoo. "Me no know, but mother would tell me stories." She began, voice, slightly raspy. "In time of humans, I had cousin who live in something called zoo. My mother tell me these naked animals would keep different animals in dere to look at. My family dere say our kind have two cubs mostly, three every now an den, four be very rare."


Awesome image by Canttina <3

Gargoyle I


08-29-2013, 07:15 PM

. . .

Gargoyle's first instincts, upon scenting bear, was to howl for the warriors, bear his fangs and stalk forward to seek out the danger. But he had not taken three steps before he realized that that particular scent was familiar. Zanire? Could it be? Despite his distrust for other predators in general, Gargoyle rather liked Zanire. She had asked for permission in his kingdom and in return, had not only left them in peace, but had helped them. She'd saved the lives of his warriors when they faced the black giant on the slopes of the Glaciem mountains, and again, when he'd been nearly killed after the challenge, Ocena had told him that Zanire had been there to guard the cave. (He personally had little memory - having lost enough blood to feed a flock of vampire bats)

Now though he was destined to see the blonde grizzly again - stepping past the local flora to see none other than his mate standing before him! And there was the bear, looking as tame and sweet as anything, actually lying down at Ocena's paws. It was quite a sight. The chief had to hold himself back from shaking his head in admiration.

As impressive was the sight of the bear though, it took him a moment to focus on her. He couldn't bring his eyes away from the sight of that pretty she-wolf. The way the sunlight glinted off her black top coat... The way her ears swiveled about when she spoke curiously... With the plumpness of pups gone, she was once more her tiny, sleek self, and Gargoyle couldn't help but be distracted by such beauty. He was within noticing distance now though and he flicked his gaze over to the bear and saluted her with a twitch of his tattered ear. "Zanire! Good to see you're still around! I was worried we'd seen the last of you!" She was a good soul and a worthy ally, and beyond that, she was one of them. In a way she was Glaciem and he had such few shreds of that left now.

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08-30-2013, 08:49 PM

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my world it turns to see your smile

Ocena smiled at Zanire, her tail wagging enthusiastically as the female spoke. "Good. It hasn't been the same without you!" That much was entirely true. Ocena had never been a big fan of bears before Zanire, but she had come to trust the bear implicitly when she had helped Glaciem fight against the other bear, and when Zanire had guarded Gargoyle, well, that had ensured that Ocena would adore Zanire for the rest of her life. She would never forget what Zanire had done for Glaciem.

It seemed that this bear had a true ability to draw smiles from Ocena, because she was grinning a lupine grin at the bear's next words. "Both of our litters have been three pups." Ocena said happily, seeming pleased by the number. It was a good, solid number. Enough that her pups would not be alone and not so many that Ocena would be going crazy trying to keep an eye on all of them. For now, at least, they wouldn't be doing much, and Galileo had an eye on them, but later on... Having as many as children as Mercianne would likely drive her crazy.

Ears pricked attentively in the bear's direction, Ocena gazed at the creature, head tilted slightly as the answer to her question arrived. "A zoo?" She tested the word out on her maw, and then laughed a little at how it sounded. "It seems like it would be a very weird place." The female shrugged slightly, turning her attention towards the more interesting parts of that statement, "Two is a good number too," Ocena nodded firmly at that, tail wagging contentedly against the earth.

It was only then that she noticed Gargoyle's approach. The female stirred, her head swinging towards her mate, and then she was on her paws, pressing her muzzle against his chest, inhaling deeply as she breathed in his scent. "Gargoyle," Her greeting was slightly breathy as she drew back, tail wagging happily. She had missed him. They hadn't been apart for long, of course, but she had missed him anyhow.

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9 Years
Extra large
09-01-2013, 03:48 AM

To most it would seem like the two weren't really saying much, and that they looked like a strange pair. To Zanire however, they were having a nice and long conversation, having a relaxing moment, catching up on how things were going. Ocean would say how it was nice to have the beast back, that it wouldn't be the same without here. She couldn't help but make a low humming sound at this, it made her feel good, that these wolves enjoyed her company. The wolf would also say how her and the other woman had three pups both, that was very good. Ten she commented one hat Zanire said about a zoo, a weird place. From what the bear heard she would agree, they were very strange places. She thought two was a good number for bears.

And then Gargoyle's made an appearance. Zanire would turn her head, violet orbs settling on the large man as he approached. She dipped her head to him, smile turning to an awkward toothy grin. "Same here friend. But just like you, you can't get rid of me that easily." She would joke, looking to Ocena then back to the man. "How you be Gargoyle, pups good so far?" She would ask curiously.


Awesome image by Canttina <3