
Under the Cypress Trees



7 Years
08-20-2013, 03:27 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Late afternoon sunlight fell warmly across the she-wolf as she sat upon the empty shoreline, enjoying the feel of the sand beneath her paws while it would last. The tide had finally receded to expose the beach for exploration, and having waited for this moment Tahlia wasted no time in finding herself a good place to relax. Unfortunately, it was only a temporary arrangement. The tide was a fickle thing, always changing, always receding only to return, and so her time was limited. Of course, it was also limited by the responsibilities she had toward her pack, the kingdom of Seracia that neighbored this marine location, but thoughts brought up by the home she had chosen were not of a particularly pleasant manner.

It was those thoughts that still plagued her even here, causing the brow upon her face to lower itself into a troubled frown while her golden eyes stared out across the waters, listening to the waves as they rolled lazily upon the shore and wishing they were loud enough to prevent further thought. The sour taste still lingered inside her mouth at the reflections she made, a bittersweet mixture of happy and sad. She had been willing to admit to herself that she had taken a liking to Bane very soon after meeting him, finding his rugged appearance and matching personality to be surprisingly appealing to her. But she could still hear his promises to her, followed by the promises he had made to another. Her breath rushed out of her lungs in a heavy, sharp exhale, still offended that he had thought it right to pledge himself to her and then announcing not all of his time would be her own. Temporary or not, she was too proud to not take that as a slight, and so she was still left waiting, wanting, alone when she might have finally found herself the beginnings of a new life.

Suddenly the shoreline was simply not stimulating enough. The waters were too quiet, the surf too gentle; none of it was proving to be distracting enough to keep those troublesome thoughts at bay. Pulling herself from her reverie, the russet and black she-wolf rose swiftly to her paws and turned on her heel, head low as she padded up the empty shoreline and closer to the cypress trees that grew there. If she could not find solace here upon the beach, the place she often went when she needed some time to herself, she would find somewhere else to wander and keep her thoughts preoccupied.



08-20-2013, 05:05 PM

The man was in his usual spot while lounging- the tree tops. His left back leg hung lazily off the branch, and his right paw was swung over the side so he could place his chin on it. He was awfully bored, but the vast ocean before him was rather intriguing. He had only seen the ocean a few times before, and since he was a jungle cat, he actually enjoyed water. At this moment he was busy watching the waves, and the creature that was sitting at the shore. He had seen a lot of those dogs in these lands, and a few of them he had actually met, and they seemed to be alright. Especially the ladies. He had pretty much given up the idea of meeting another feline, let alone a female feline. So, he would take advantage of what he did have, and that was these wolves.

His tail swayed lazily as he continued to watch the wolf. It had been sitting there for a long time, and he was starting to wonder if it would ever get up; but finally it did. The lords ears perked forward and his head rose to get a better look. It was walking straight toward the forest, and the tree he was perched in. How interesting. He was pretty bored, so why not have some fun? He waited for the dog to come closer, and once it was almost beneath his tree, he quickly leaped down, landing right in front of the wolf. It was a female wolf, a beautiful one too. "?Por qu? ?por qu? debe ser un perro?" (Why oh why must you be a mutt?) He would question out loud as his iced gaze trailed the outline of her body. She was enticing nevertheless. "Leaving so soon, Se?orita?"




7 Years
08-20-2013, 05:37 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

In her desperation to clear her mind, Tahlia had set her sights skimming across the sandy ground beneath the cypress trees as she walked beneath their shadows, her steps purposeful with their stride but aimless in their path. Absently she glanced to a tree at her side, watching the way the bark set around its trunk and the roots stretched downward, seeming to hold the structure upright just above the ground's level. An adaptation, she presumed, for the watery world that it lived in, currently absent from the sea's touch because of the low tide. But eventually it would return and the trees would take from it what they could. The strange way in which the tree sat above the ground, the curious reach of its thick root system holding it in place, drew a little more of her attention in passing, and so she missed the movement of the body above, the effortless leap it gave, and only became aware of the unrecognizable scent just as it landed before her.

Panic was at the forefront of her mind. Here was something huge, languid with a predatory grace, and it had just taken a considerable leap to find itself square in her path. Frantic feet backpedaled to give herself space from the large, black spotted creature, her own golden eyes fixing on its mesmerizing blue ones. Instinct kicked in not a moment too soon, and as the hair at the back of her neck rose a growl rumbled within her throat, body incredibly tense as she faced the massive feline. Never before had she felt so small, so terribly insignificant in comparison to another. It seemed there was a first for everything.

Over the sound of her own growl, she could hear words trail with a heavy accent from the creature's lips, letting her head lower protectively over her neck as she managed another slow step back. More words followed the first, these drawled in a dialect that at least she could recognize, and just a little she quieted her growl. "That depends," she stated, her breath somewhat rushed from the scare he had and was currently giving her, "do you plan on chasing me?" Very much she wished to run, to fly away from the cat and seek safety inside the borders of her familiar home, but if he had been able to take a leap down from the tree the way he had with no ill effects to his body, who was to say that she could even get away with him so close? Tense, still strongly defensive, Tahlia surveyed the cat, quietly evaluating her chances for survival from the encounter.



08-20-2013, 06:08 PM

Instantly the woman started to back-peddle, but he remained still, not wanting to make any forward advancements and scare her away. He could already see the fear in her eyes as she gazed up at him. It almost brought a smile to his face. "?No entienden a Espa?ol? Qu? desilusi?n." (You do not understand Spanish? What a disappointment.) His lips curled into a snarl as her snarl tickled his ears. How cute. "Si vas a gru?ir, hacer bien ni?a." (If you are going to growl, do it right little girl.") His right leg came forward, but his body did not follow to make a complete step. "I only chase those who run, little temptress." He cooed, a purr building within his chest. Would she run? He sure hoped not, because if she did, she would trigger his predatory instincts- and she definitely didn't want that. "Because you see, those who run, become prey." His words would end with a devilish chuckle that rumbled from his very core. She was so frightened, and for some reason, he always had the most fun with the scared animals. "No me gustar?a aplastar el cr?neo entre las mand?bulas." (I would hate to crush your skull between my jaws.)




7 Years
08-20-2013, 06:38 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

So used to being the predator, so used to being around those who were equal to herself, it came as quite a shock to be face to face with the jaguar. All the comfort she had had regarding her skills, from being part of the reigning predatory group in the lands, fled before him. Now she felt like nothing but a newborn fawn. Weak. Wobbly. Easy pickings. She could imagine how swiftly everything would be over. All it would take was one leap, a quick bite, and she would be ended. It was so simple, a flawless execution set out on a platter before him.

Which begged the question: why did he not advance? Instead of getting things over and done with, he only stared, eyes of a predator shining with a bit of...amusement? His indiscernible words tumbled from his inky black lips, their strange lilt and roll sounding like gibberish to her untrained ears. But the snarl that followed, the rumbling noise that started deep within him and reverberated outward at an incredibly low tone, drew an unwarranted shiver to crawl down her spine, her ears just slightly beginning to angle themselves toward their sides, a sudden expression of the fear that she felt building within.

More words followed the first, still unintelligible to her. What is he saying? Her eyes shifted hurriedly from his the second she saw his powerful foreleg move, a slow gesture that made her take another quick step in retreat though he had failed to advance with it. Once again he spoke in a manner that she could understand, as if only picking what he wished her to know and reverting back to his other dialect for secrecy. This was a warning, an explanation of what would happen if she tried to get away. And it was an explanation she knew well. It was the same sort of instincts that sent her after hares and foxes when she found them from a distance, the same instinct that lived in each predator. Only this time she was the prey.

Running was out of the question. It was far too dangerous, far too risky for her to even remotely shift where she stood in case that small movement might trigger the beast to charge her. But just because she had decided to stay put, it was still a far cry from being completely and wholly safe. Ignoring the phrases that she could not comprehend, Tahlia posed another question, the brow over her eyes lowering as a little challenging glint entered her eyes. "And how am I to trust that you will not attack me, even if I do not move?" Her growls had silenced, but her defensive, tense posture still remained, unable and unwilling to let her guard down just yet.



08-20-2013, 06:55 PM

Oh how she toyed with his predatory cravings. He wanted to badly to advance forward, swing his paw toward her side, sink his claws into her ribs, pull her close, and pierce his fangs through the soft spot in her skull. Why? Because she was starting to retreat. Ebony pupils widened as she took a step back. In fact, they grew so wide the blue almost disappeared from his eyes. Instinctively his left leg came forward, and along with it came his body. His left leg reached out again with deadly precision, but his body did not follow this time. It put them in the same position before. "Perrito, por qu? se retiran? ?Quieres morir?" (Little doggie, why do you retreat? Do you want to die?) He said as his salmon colored tongue caressed his inky lips. Claws gripped the earth below him as he craved to sink them into something other than her. Why did she have to be so delectable? "That my darling, is up to you- though I do warn you, retreating from my embrace is by far the worst thing to do." He hated speaking in English, he felt like it sounded jumbled and rusty, but he had to for this gal because it was apparent she did not know Spanish.




7 Years
08-20-2013, 07:51 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had made a mistake. She could tell the moment the eyes of the creature before her dilated to a dangerous level, the first step he had taken quickly being followed by another. His strides, as slow and calculated as they might have been, were still lengthier than her own, drawing him somewhat closer to her than he had been just a second before. Such a dangerous game, she wondered nervously. If her life had not been at stake, it might have been intriguing, even exciting, but with her very being on the line it was impossible for Tahlia to take any sense of pleasure from their interaction.

It irked her not being able to understand him as well, to know whether he purred threats her way or more warnings. Asking what it was he said sounded too chummy a move, and considering he had just practically followed instinct to make a charge at her the circumstances hardly felt right for that sort of conversation. Instead she focused on what she could understand, the blatant warning still slithering beneath the surface of his words. She needed to get herself calmed down somewhere, needed to quit reacting so noticeably to every little move he made. But how she did do that when she was still sure that at any moment he would make a leap and everything would be over?

"Very well." Carefully, though her still tense body resisted, she folded her legs, seating herself there before the feline beast to show the both of them that she would not run. She very well couldn't now; he would have her before she had even gotten to her paws again. "I will not run," she stated clearly to him, trying to retain at least a little of her dignity as she minutely shifted her chin upward, the gesture almost defiant of the big cat and the ease with which he startled her. And now that she had resigned herself to her fate here within the invisible clutches of the feral cat, she dared to ask another question, tone low but with a hint at underlying curiosity, "If you do not intend to kill me, why did you stop me?"



08-22-2013, 10:41 AM



He could see the inner turmoil she felt within her eyes. She was contemplating what to do, and if she were a smart mutt, she would remain where she was. Salmon tongue swiped his lips as he watched her hungrily. His instincts dared her to flee, but temptation for something more hoped she would be still- and she was. Instead of fleeing she sat down and folded her legs before her. "Good." He thought to himself as he watched her practically submit beneath his power. He loved putting others into submission, especially when he didn't even have to physically touch them. True power comes from the mind, and if he could put this mutt into submission by taking a few steps, who knows what else he could do.

"Chucho decisi?n inteligente." (smart decision mutt) He almost purred as he took another step toward her. She was sitting down, and he hadn't gotten a full 360 look at her, so he took it upon himself to do so. With deathly sly movements the man made his way around the female slowly. He wanted to see what she had to offer, drink her perfume, and taste the moisture that dripped from her pores. He wanted her all. "How could I not stop you?" By this time he had come around her right side and was emerging from her left- but instead of coming forward to meet her face to face her stopped. Dangerous intentions would flow from his maw as he dared to come closer, wanting to push his nose into her shoulder so he could inhale her deeply. "Eres muy deseable, Paloma."(you are very desirable, little dove)

talk, think

Tagged: name | Word Count: ---



7 Years
08-22-2013, 09:43 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

No wonder mere eye contact sent rabbits skittering for cover even when she had no intent of following. If the gaze she gave them was anything like the one she was receiving from the feline before her, it made absolute sense. Everything within her urged her to flee, to take cover, to seek help from someone else, to at least try and reach the borders of Seracia before this beast could catch her.

But it was too late. It was well past the point of running. In fact, Tahlia was not so sure anymore that she had ever been safe. He had been so close from the start, always only a leap away, and he very well could have ended their game the moment he decided to slip off of his perch above her. There was nothing more she could do except perhaps play along and pray that he might take pity on her or, less likely she wagered by the looks he had so far given, find little interest in her.

She hated the feeling he gave her as his hungry eyes roamed across her frame, causing her heart beat to speed uselessly inside her chest. Each muscle in her frame felt tense, ready to defend itself should he make a move, as hopeless as it might have been. And because there was so little she could actually do, because her fate was completely and utterly out of her hands, Tahlia got mad. It was no help that he continued to speak to her in his foreign tongue, each of those words going right over her head, or that he chose then, when she still fought the urge to fidget and cringe from his very presence, to circle slowly around her, as if assessing a prime kill for the perfect place to begin the feast.

As much as she wanted to follow him with her eyes as he began that circle, she held still with a glower set upon her face, letting his words float over her first understandably and then not. She bristled slightly as he once again reverted to that language she could not comprehend, and did so more noticeably with an added growl, teeth bared, as he dared to inch closer as if to touch her left shoulder. "I do not even let males of my species touch me unless I approve of it," she stated with empty warning through the rumble of her own growl, the hairs upon the back of her neck raised once again as she made a minute turn of her shoulders, as if to draw it slightly away from the cat's heavily whiskered muzzle.



08-23-2013, 04:45 PM

His nose failed to meet her shoulder, and instead of being granted respect, she turned on him. Teeth bared, growl rumbled, and her hair stood on end as he inched closer, but with this reaction, he pulled his head away. He might have wanted her, but he wasn't stupid enough to let this mutt ruin his devilish looks. She drew inches away from him, and he did not follow- instead jaws parted, lips curled, and a thunderous roar broke the silence around them. How dare she be so defiant? No one defied a king, not even a whore. "Foolish girl, you dare defy a king?" His words were almost masked by the low growl that bubbled within his chest. Perro est?pido, arder?s para mi touch, me asegurar? de. (Stupid mutt, you will burn for my touch, I will make sure of it.) He muttered in the tongue she did not understand. How could she already not desire him? He was a rarity, he was a king.




7 Years
08-23-2013, 05:17 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It seemed obvious to her that the cat had not in the least expected her reaction as he drew back from her bared teeth and growl, as pitiful as they were in comparison to the might he possessed. It was all for show, just a last ditch effort in keeping her personal space hers though she knew nothing was hers anymore. The second he had joined her presence, she had lost all authority, all power, and everything that had once been hers was now his. It was futile, what she did, and a little voice in the back of her mind warned that it was surely going to be mistake number two. But she was desperate. She had had to at least try and see what would happen.

Of course, his reaction was less than ideal. Fangs bared and jaws opening with a feral display, he roared loudly at her, the sound loud enough to cause her ears to pin against her head and for her body, still too close to the angry creature's for comfort, to flinch in an almost violent manner, shrinking a little in place as the last little bit of defiance she had slipped away. This was not her. Tahlia was greater than this. She did not cower, she did not submit, she did not allow another to dictate what she did. And particularly not a cat.

But to defy the cat was death. To resist was to make herself a victim to even worse than if she merely allowed him to do whatever it was that he intended in stopping her, whatever it was to make the unsettling look in his eyes vanish. She bit her tongue to keep herself from retorting to his taunt, closing her eyes as she continued to sit, half hunched over and with her ears still pinned, trying to imagine that there was no huge jaguar standing at her side, that he did not want to rub his muzzle against her shoulder. But she dared not risk thinking that she had anymore control in the situation than she did, fearful that even a flinch or another growl would lead to her death. She was completely at the mercy of the cat.

Opening her eyes with a shaken effort, Tahlia forced herself to meet his pale eyes, keeping him in her sights and trying visibly to keep herself as still and unresponsive to him as she could.



08-23-2013, 05:49 PM



The broad seemed to lack intelligence, but finally she had done something right. Instead of continuing her defiant nature she stopped and submitted to him. It was almost better than the intentions he had originally had for her, which was a sensual encounter- but it was obvious she wanted no such thing. The man may have cravings, but he was above forced intercourse. She was terrified and the idea of losing her life was replaying in her mind. He was sure of it. Jaws clicked as they closed, and his eyes rolled over her bodice. She was so sexy practically bowed down to him, waiting for his next command- though he would not give her one. Her submission had curved his cravings for now, so he would release her to go do the pity things mutts do. With a graceful swing of his bodice he came to stand before her, eyes head on, but his body at an angle, putting them at an L position. "Y pensar que tuvo el privilegio de un rey de placer." (and to think you had the privilege to pleasure a king) He almost purred, but the anger he felt within stopped any signs of pleasure. How dare she be so lucky to have met him, she should have been grateful to pleasure a king. What a disappointment. "Fly, little dove. I will not clip your wings today- but who knows what the future will hold. His lips curled into a devilish smile. If not today, his persuasion would affect her another day. He would have her. With graceful movements the man nodded his head to her, signaling her to take her leave. Would she run? Walk? Trot? He was interested to see how truly frightened she was.

talk, think

Tagged: name | Word Count: ---



7 Years
08-24-2013, 09:07 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Tahlia could hear the telltale click of the beast's jaws as he closed them, those frightfully sharp teeth meeting audibly against one another. It did little to make her feel any better, having been seconds away from fearing the feel of those same long fangs ready to sink into her neck. His roar had been ferocious to say the least, a clear show of his power and the short fuse that attached to his temper, and the russet and black she-wolf had no further intentions of tempting those fires to life again. One clear warning was more than enough.

She continued to watch the jaguar closely as he stepped around her again, stopping once he stood just to the side of where she did, and from her hunched over position she listened as he taunted her more with his incomprehensible gibberish. Her jaw clenched at the sound of those foreign words as they rolled with a sound that was reminiscent of a growl, the muscles within her legs tensing as she half expected him to lash out at her by the unpleasant look about his face. She knew she had worn her welcome thin, and there was really only a matter of time before something must have been done about it. It was anyone's guess what that might have been, but her own could only land upon options most unwanted for her and fatally threatening to her life.

But rather than attempt to cage her there longer, he instead told her to leave, to run while she could though the smile about his lips spoke differently. It was not a smile she could trust. As much as she wanted to heed his advice, to race away to Seracia and remain within the pack's territories for a whole month without setting a single hair outside of their borders, the look about his face reminded her too much of the way he had lurched toward her just a little while before, the feral, instinctive nature to chase a fleeing animal that had nearly consumed him. "I do not trust that you will let me leave unharmed," she answered in a low voice, trying not to let her tone fluctuate with impatience and worry or her body to fidget or shift from its submissive position. "How do I know you will not follow instinct and give in to the chase?"