
I come right back to you


10-04-2014, 11:50 PM

She would patrol the borders, reestablishing her scent markers that had been washed away by the rains. Dusk was settling in, the skies a pretty shade of pink and orange. But she paid it no mind. Her attention was focused ahead, her posture relaxed and at ease. Silver paws would press into the earth, cool autumn air caressing her sides. Nostrils would quiver, tasting the air every so often. Her mind mused freely, thinking about everything and nothing. She should check on Valentine, see how he was recovering. She needed to speak with Meinx. It would be nice to have some quality time with her daughter too.

His scent would hit her like a truck before she saw him. Immediately, she would tense, her senses kicking into overdrive. Blood mingled with his usual musky scent. Anger would flood her system. Some had dared to hurt her mate. Lips would curl back, hackles bristling as plans for revenge began to form in the dark confines of her mind. Picking up a trot, she would propel forward, rushing to his side. It would not take long for his shadowy figure to enter her line of vision. Worry flooded her features as she came to stand beside him. Her gaze would hungrily search his figure, taking a mental note of each wound.

After her assessment she would search his gaze. And she found nothing. Nothing at all. Brows would furrow in confusion and worry. "What happened?" Her words were low, unusually gentle. She would take a step closer, attempting to close any distance between them. Nostrils would flare, trying to catch a whiff of his scent. Where had he been? What had happened?



10-05-2014, 12:38 AM

He felt? Relaxed. Like he was floating. He walked with only a slight limp. Blood would trickle freely from multiple wounds and maybe it was the bloodless that was hitting him so heavily but he felt, it was hard to explain. He moved almost mechanically back towards home, moved back towards her. His one constant, his one love. He barely even noticed her patrolling the boarder, sense of scent clogged by the sickeningly sweet scent of fresh blood that trailed along with him. His step seemed exaggerated, leaning forward like he was going to face plant before finally a paw would slip forward and catch him from falling. He didn't even know what was happening until she arrived, sweeping in like a vision and halting him with her worry. In her eyes he saw honest concern but he couldn't bring himself to comfort her, could bring himself to feel anything. He felt numb, cold, detached. It was almost as though a different feeling part of him had slipped from the shell that was walking around now and was simply watching it all from a safe spot. The goddess would be so proud.

He wouldn't, couldn't even focus in on her until she spoke. Her voice reached towards him like a thread and he would latch onto it and pull himself back down to earth, back into himself. All at once he would drop. Knees would falter, heavy mass hitting the ground like a sack of potatoes. The ground tilted and tottered around him as he forced his mass to his right. It was less damaged. Acidic gaze would close as a sigh slipped from his lips. "Lay with me?" His words were a soft rumble, barely a sigh as he every so delicately attempted to prop himself up on his elbows she she could lay into is side as they normally slept. Pack territory was so close but? He wasn't ready. He didn't want to risk seeing Basanti yet, didn't want her to see her father like this. Weak.



10-05-2014, 12:55 AM

Uncertainty wavered in her coral gaze. This was so unlike him. His gaze didn't brighten when she approached, his posture was relaxed though entire different from his usually gait. He had always been stoic, but this was something entirely different. And then suddenly he would crumble at her feet. Eyes would widen, her breath leaving her lips in a startled gasp. His body struck the earth with a loud thud and that seemed to snap him back into reality. A request would left his lips on a breath. For a moment she didn't move, all she could do what stare at him.

He would shift onto his right side, creating a place for her to lay. Mechanically her legs would fold beneath her so that she could tuck herself into his side. "Kylar." His name was a silent plea. Something was terribly wrong. Her brows would smooth as she carefully slide a mask into place, leaving her face blank. Worry sent her heart into a frenzied race. Never in their entire time together had he been so detached. Even when they first met, she had never seen this side of him.

Worry would send a wave of tension through her frame. Even though she melted into his side, every muscle was rigid. She would peer up at him, eyes wide with concern despite the mask that she struggled to hold in place. Audits fell loosely against her skull, emotions overwhelming her. Anger towards whoever did this. Fear for what had happened. Worry for his well being. They all washed over her like a tidal wave.



10-05-2014, 01:45 AM

"She's dead?"The words were a horse whisper, leaving his throat before Catalaya even folded into his side. Massive skull would stretch forward to drop atop forelimbs that had been splayed haphazardly before him in a simple way to prop himself up. For a moment his eyes would close and he would focus on his breathing. He felt? Tired? He didn't know how to explain. What to say. Why was this effecting him so much? They had to die, Rune even had to die. He had to appease the goddess, had to keep Catalaya and Basanti safe. Despite the calm, detached demeanour he wore his mind was a storm of emotions and thoughts, revelations and clues ping ponged through his skull violently as everything slowly began to settle in around him. The last of the adrenaline began to work its way out of his system and he felt everything. A shiver would run this his body, muscles tensing against the feel before going slack once more, eyes opening again and straining in their sockets to look back at her."My son was murdered here? Some time ago. Killed by the original inhabitants of this land. My daughter? She was sick. So sick. They could have saved her and they chose not to." His voice was more level now, but still it lacked anything really. It was flat, emotionless and completely detached.

For a moment he would lay there, eyes sliding away from her or her direction considering he hadn't moved his head from its forward facing direction. Another shiver would slither through his frame but this time it would not cease, shiver turning into a tremble. Muscles would clench as shoulders rolled froward. He was feeling again, rage beginning to overwhelm him. He wanted them all to burn, he wanted to burn this whole fucking place to the ground. He would make them pay, that whole god damn family, he would make their lives a living hell until he found the culprits, until he felt like vengeance had been served.



10-05-2014, 03:40 PM

She's dead. More confusion. Who? Who was dead? Why was he so upset over this unnamed stranger? His gaze never met hers though it drifted in her general direction. A tremor swept through him, causing her to press into his side. She didn't know if it was from the cold, or his injuries or something entirely different. She was about to speak when he spoke again. His son was murdered here. Everything clicked into place. Another family had lived here, played a part in his sons death. So he was punishing them by keeping them out of their home? Surely there were better ways. His words held no emotion, even as he spoke of his daughter and her illness. His daughter was dead. They chose not to save her? Who was 'they'?

After a moment of silence, tremors would wrack his body, those these ones did not fade away. His vibrated beside her, is muscles tensing with some unspoken emotion. "Who caused this?" It was a broad question. Who had killed his son? Who had allowed his daughter to die? Who had attacked him? Gears immediately kicked into overdrive. Until death tore her from this earth she would do everything in her power to extract revenge on those who had wronged her love.

She would press her nose into his neck, hoping to bring him back to planet earth. "I will make sure they all pay." Her words were spoken so softly she wasn't even sure he would hear them. But it was promise. She would burn this entire place to the ground if thats what it took. Her expression would harden with twisted determination. The promise of bloodshed hung around her like a dark cloud. She couldn't help but wonder about the mother of his other children. He never spoke of her, but it seemed that her children were dropping like flies. It pleased her to know that hell would freeze over before anyone even thought of harming her own children. With her coral gaze settled on his averted face, she would wait with newly found patience for him to speak.



10-05-2014, 10:27 PM

It felt like his heart was pumping battery acid through his veins, everything burned, everything was hot as he trembled. All he could hear was the sound of his own heart thrumming a steady beat in his ears and his own ragged breathing. The only thing keeping him semi calm and centred was her, her body as it pressed into his own, her voice as she spoke to him, her touch as she tried to comfort him. After a moment she would speak. Who. That was a loaded question if he had ever heard of one. His trembling would gentle for a moment as he inhaled a shuddering breath and tried to calm the pounding in his veins. He hadn't even calmed himself enough to answer her question when a blanket statement was made. They would pay. They would all pay. He had wanted to do this alone, had wanted to make them burn by himself but something about her words calmed him. He wasn't alone anymore.

"Adravendi..." The name was spat out like venom, the first show of true emotion as he slowly lifted his head and leaned into her touch as she nuzzled his neck. His trembling had ceased but tension remained as he lay beside her, tension still making his body rigid. "I didn't find out until Basanti was born that my son had been killed in a war between Valhalla and Glaciem. My son followed Isardis to war over something petty I believe and a god damned Adravendi killed him. Vi didn't care to tell me apparently. I told her to take this pack and land from them as vengeance but I feel no justice. I only know the last name, I have found no one to say who killed my son and no one has stepped forward. Until someone does I will make sure their whole family pays. They will never rule, never have a solid home, they will never know happiness again." His lips were curling, rage boiling within him violently as he turned his skull to look at her now. There was a wild light in his eyes as he studied her, nestled into his side despite the free flowing blood.

She needed to know everything. Deserved to know it all. "They were weak. I was young and stupid. I mated with an older woman, her blood was weak and for that I am being punished. She was murdered, and with her last breath she called to the man who had tormented her, raped her and devoured her still born child. She wanted him, not me. I kicked her into a hole and buried her. I left after that, abandoned them because they were her children. I didn't see any of them until today. Maia died today, in her brother's pack. They are both parents themselves. With her last breath... Maia asked me to care for her children, Rune had other plans and so we fought..." His voice trailed off and again he would sigh, seeming detached again as he turned to stare straight ahead. "Erani could have saved her, an Adarvendi. But she didn't..." Again words would trail and eyes would narrow. He was loosing his train of thought.



10-05-2014, 11:17 PM

He accepted each touch she directed at him. He would lean into her, a name slipping off his tongue like venom. Adravendi. It sounded familiar. It was a memory that was buried so deep that she nearly forgot. Meinx. Meinx Adravendi. Realization was dawn, it was clear in her expression. He continued, explaining his history with the family and what he hoped to gain. He would finally turn and look at her. His gaze was unlike anything she had ever seen. His eyes were wild, dark lips curled back as rage rolled off him in waves. All worry and concern had been tucked away. Instead something sinister brewed beneath the surface. Her eyes danced with wicked intent. She could already envision the bloodshed that the two of them could cause.

He would continue to speak. It was probably the most he had ever said. But this time he would discuss his past. He would tell her of the woman, and her weakness. A brow would lift as he mentioned that he kicked her in a hole after she died. A mental note was made that if he ever kicked her in a hole, she spend her after life making his life hell. But despite all the horrid details the one thing that stood out the most was that he believed that he was being punished. Punished for what? And by who?

His absence and injuries would be explained. His daughter had died earlier, she was part of Runes pack. But then she would still. Had he brought more than just emotions home. For a moment she would say nothing. Instead of explaining further, he would give another name. Erani Adravendi. She too played a role in his daughters death? Was she part of Runes pack? So many names and wolves, and she had no faces to match names to. Soon though. Soon she would meet them all and they would all crumble beneath her. She could already hear their cries and pleas for mercy.

"Kylar, no one is punishing you." She would pause, looking rather oddly at him. "But I promise, this family will pay. Meinx, she is Adravendi. Perhaps she knows something." Her promise was spoken with the upmost determination. "I am so sorry for your loss, but you will get your revenge." Leaning forward, she would plant a kiss on the edge of his jaw. Turning her gaze away, she would slowly begin to clean his wounds, her tongue rasping against his torn flesh with great care. "I love you." Three little words left her lips in a murmur, spoken only for his ears. It often that she said it, but she always had and always would.