
Played Fire on the Mountain


08-13-2013, 07:18 AM

The seas wine red; This is the death of beauty
this is the time and this is the place to be alive
. . .

(ooc: this thread is for Midnight, but I'm fine with Vioxes or any of the 'Snow Rogues' band joining in later if they want)

Champion wandered aimlessly through the lands. She wanted a visit to another beach, but wasn't about to go to the bay in the east where she'd met the ghost king. Not any time soon anyway. For all she knew, he was still prowling around, after all, he'd said he wanted nothing so much as her, and for a bit she had been ready to give herself over... but no, there was still too much spunk and spark, too much desire to freedom to sign her life away to some harem king in the Far North. No matter how undeniably attractive he was, or the purpose he could give her. She just wasn't ready for that. She was two for goodness sake. Well - almost three now. She'd already spent a season or so as Beta in Amenti before the fall and that had been enough duty-doing for her.

Course it seemed that chapter of her life wasn't over yet. Newt was still thristing for revenge, and ready to wage her own war. At first Champion had been there neck to neck and claw to claw - the first to voice her distaste for this defeat and her urge to right the wrong, but then.... then time had passed. Newt was seen less and less and Champ roamed more and more. Her wanderlust was calling her again, making her paws itch and her eyes yearn for new and distant horizons. She'd heard the smallest rumors of islands. ISLANDS! And with her love of swimming? Oh that sounded perfect! And there was still all the south and the west and most of the east in this land that she had not yet placed a claw upon. Such a crime. But rumors of war kept her in the north, fighting with herself. She had Vioxes, her devoted companion and friend and- well she didn't know what else. That was all she needed. She was ready to cut ties and run again just like she'd done from her birth pack. But Newt needed her... needed her very badly. Not everyone could let go of things as easily as Champ.

So here she was, the great gold-white bear shuffling along through the trees, scenting the open air and salty waves up ahead. There were scents of lots of other wolves, too, but those were much more distant - off away on some other part of the coast perhaps. Champion didn't fear them - but then, she didn't fear anything. Her only worry at the moment, was whether she'd gone too far for Vioxes to follow. She'd left a clear scent trail for him. Ah well, perhaps he was relaxing back at their last night's stop, or perhaps he'd show up later.

Champion was so consumed in her own thoughts that she didn't notice the sounds of an approaching wolf until that moment. She halted smoothly, and raised her head, tail curled and ears perked. What would she find today?

. . .


08-13-2013, 06:01 PM

The borders where weak they had spent so little time in this place, there new home but now that the pups had been born it was vital that they guard them all it would take was one wolf with cruel intentions and well, they where not safe but still they where together. She had climbed to the headland the thin outcropping of rock which stood sentinel at one end of the beach, from here she could see around the arching border of their home, it was different new and strange but that did not mean it was bad he nose twitched as she searched the winds, the brine had taken a while to adjust to and for a while it had muffled her sense of smell but she was used to it now and it faded as background noise to the rich palette of scents.

She was on her feet before she realised why, a stranger she had caught the dames scent but could not see her from the vantage point hidden as she was by trees, this could be dangerous she thought as she began to move towards the scent, she thought for a moment of calling the others but surely there was no reason to disturb them at this point after all they where a rouge band and as much as she wished it so they did not own this land. She had reached level ground and broke into a run slowing only when the lass came into view for a moment confusion swept over her was it a bear? But it couldn't be the scent was that of a wolf, still she hesitated the creature was huge brown and white fur covering her massive frame. Midnight had planned to step out immediately confront the lass and inform her of her restriction but now, midnight was not a small wolf but something in her heart feared this beast of a girl, the lass was clearly in a world all her own as she walked straight past midnight where she stood concealed in the shadowed bush. For a minute Midnight watched the dames tail retreating further into the territory they had claimed, then shaking her self she took a few bounding steps catching up with the dame then passing her. The girls head went up as she stopped and midnight stepped out onto the path.

She had left a gap between them if the girl attacked it would probably only take her three bounds to cross it but midnight hopped that would be time enough to get a warning off, to warn them of the intruder, she was regretting now not howling for back up from the headlands, but it was far to late for second guessing. Taking a deep breath and calming her nerves she began to speak, ?Greetings from the rouge band, my name is midnight, and I wish to know your purpose here,? there was no point beating around the bush and she spoke with conviction her head held high, tail forcibly relaxed behind her, she could not help but think if she had still been a loner then she would never have faced this wolf she would instead have run taken her meagre possessions and moved to a different land as far away from here as possible, but family makes a fool of us all, she thought her ears swivelling, trying to catch the sounds of any other wolves she did not want to be flanked.


08-18-2013, 08:51 AM

The seas wine red; This is the death of beauty
this is the time and this is the place to be alive
. . .

The secret of the surrounding foliage, proved to be another wolf - a much smaller, darker female with glowing yellow eyes. Champion wasn't sure where'd come from exactly, but she seemed to appear like magic before her path. She was a tad defensive, but not overly agressive, so Champion didn't even feel the need to slip into any sort of fighting crouch, or raise her hackles. She just listened the other wolf's words:

Rogue band? Well that explained the scents. Seemed this one was a border sentry or a scout. Compared to Champion she didn't pose much of a threat, but the mammoth couldn't help but admire the girl for her pluck. She was stupid about it either - she didn't put on some big see-through show of defense, she just help her ground and asked her questions calmly. Champion could appreciate that. In fact... there was something about the girl that was oddly familiar. She didn't know her scent or anything but she reminded Champ of someone else- Secret! Miss Secret from the old days back in Tortuga before the move. That was who this girl reminded her of! Both were small-ish black faes, older than Champion, who she had first met upon borders. Perhaps the quirk of a similarity was just that -a random, meaningless quirk, but it gave the golden bear another reason to be pleasant.

"Well stranger," said the ex-Beta in a voice that, though still young and energetic sounding was almost too deep to be feimine, "My name is Champion, and my purpose is simply a swim. I didn't realize the cove had been claimed, but if you'll direct me to some less active part of it, I'll make sure I stay out of anyone's way." She kept her body language relaxed as she talked. She couldn't help being big and muscular and intimidating, nor could she untwist her tail from's it's Alpha like knot over her back, but she could keep her shoulder's relaxed, her expression casual, and her tongue lolling out - she had a bit of a run here after all. A sudden spark of inspiration came to her, and she added: "You could even join me as a guard, if you like." It was less a precaution, and more just an invitation. It was high time Champion meet some other decent wolves.

. . .


08-19-2013, 08:47 AM
It was only when the dame spoke that midnight realised how young she was a look of suprise crossed her face, the lass Champion could not have been more then half her age. Midnight paused for a moment considering the options, Champion did not seem a threat, and if as she said all she looked for was a swim well. Midnight relaxed slightly, her assessment finished, she had not realised how tense she had been until it slipped away. ?I don't know if you could call it claimed we move around a lot but it will be home for a while now,? she thought of the tiny pups wiggling around by their mothers side she had poked her head into the dens just for a moment before patrol, to remind herself what she was protecting.

But that caused more questions what to do now, her head dipped slightly as she thought, the main cove was where the dens where located, Gargoyle and Ocena would be there, their two leaders, it was there job to vet incoming wolves, she could take this wolf to them and, but no the pups where also there, the new generation she could not risk their live on her judgement but if this wolf really did only wish to swim then why call the alpha from his mate and his new litter. The dame provided a solution a different area but where?

Suddenly an option sprung into her mind she had found the tidal pool not a week earlier on one of her patrols and had yet to have a chance to investigate it, it sat to the north of the main cove not far from where the unlikely pair stood. Large and in areas deep enough that the bottom could not be seen it was salt water filled at high tide by the sea, and she had seen fish darting around in the shallows, and most importantly it was still miles from the main cove it would be safe for the dame to be there. With a grin she looked back up at Champion, ?I know just the place,? she said with a smile taking half a step back she turned side on, maybe she no longer feared this child but that did not mean she was ready to turn her back on her, and who knew maybe Midnight would join Champion in her swim, after all she had yet to explore the area it would be a good idea to check it out.


08-29-2013, 10:06 AM

The seas wine red; This is the death of beauty
this is the time and this is the place to be alive
. . .

Champion listened with perked ears to the stranger's answer. So they weren't so much a pack as much as a band of rogues that migrated here and there. Sounded rather familiar. Old Amenti was about in the same condition - only, due to Newt's long periods of vanishing - they were not so collected nor so stationary. Briefly Champion wondered about these strangers and what their story might be. But those were questions she could always ask later when more time had been spent in the little black one's company. She did not want to appear nosy.

At Midnight's exclaimation that she knew the perfect spot, Champion let a grin wrinkle her muzzle. However, the black one made no attempt to move just yet. Champion understood at once. It was fighter's instincts - a language she could speak quite well. However it wasn't as though she could make the first move of faith and step in the lead, for she had no idea where they were going. Instead Champion simple came a little close, showing that she was ready to walk side by side whereever the rogue fae might lead. "Excellent!" the bear-woman said, "Whenever you're ready!"

. . .


08-29-2013, 09:36 PM
Midnight gave another half smile to indicate that she was ready then began to trot she hoped the dame would stay by her side the path was wide enough she followed it for only a few metres however before turning off into the scrub here there was no path just the twisting trails of deer and rabbits and she was forced to slow her pace to a walk avoiding warrens and branches that crossed the terrain, it would not be possible to walk side by side here not unless the dame wanted to risk a broken ankle, it took all her focus not to trip and she was on the path, slowly she began to feel the ground change rock and dirt turning to softer sand here the trees and brush grew further apart and she was able to lift her head once more turning slightly to check on her companion she asked as she continued foward, ?so... where are you from, if you don?t mind me asking,? a second question entered he mind as she looked over her shoulder at the dame, she had led a wolf before about the same hight gargoyle always loomed behind her on hunts and suddenly she found herself wondering if this lass could be a relative, but she held her tongue for now, maybe she would ask latter.

They had made the beach and she turned left away from the cove from this position you could almost pick out the caves which acted as dens for the outcast band. She moved closer to the water here the sand was hard and less easy to sink into with a grin she took off the girl had followed her this far there was no reason to believe she wouldn't continue to travel the path midnight was leading, and if she wanted to kill her well she had had plenty of options already. Her shorter legs pounded into the hard sand as she called back over her shoulder ?come on slow poke,? it was a challenge one she was almost certain to loose but one she had not had the pleasure of issuing in a long time, a race. She pounded down the strip rounding a corner she stopped ahead the see had made a deep channel which cut into the sand leading into the stone walled lake, she was panting slightly as she took her first cautious steps into the lake, t day was warm but the water lapping around her ankles was almost icy.