



08-13-2013, 11:17 PM
Quote:Duty, duty, duty. It was tiresome but necessary, and she was a devoted servant. She would not let her master down, not when she had already failed to bare him children. No, never again would Argent allow herself to be such a disappointment to the man who had saved her life, the man that she loved. Maybe she was foolish to love him; she never expected that he would be able to return those feelings, but part of her didn?t mind. Why would she want that part of him change, when that was one of the parts she loved about him?
Argent sighed, pulling herself out of the den she shared with Eris and starting a patrol around Glaciem. She found herself filled with insomnia for some reason or another, and rather than disturb her den mate and ask for herbal assistance, she decided to try to wear herself out. Maybe it wasn?t a smart thing to do in the dark while she was still so malnourished and the air was so cold, but she didn?t see much danger so long as she stayed within Glaciem borders. She could look after herself just fine, after all.



5 Years
Extra large
08-14-2013, 12:28 AM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2013, 12:28 AM by Taurig.)

Life in Glaciem was pretty boring at the moment. There wasn't much to do except wander around, try to meet some of the females he was sure his father would assign him to protect, familiarize himself with the territory. He still hadn't seen much of the amazing life Isardis had coaxed him here with, but he figured that would come along soon enough. His father was probably busy recruiting more pack members and attending to pack affairs, so it would make more sense for the young Blood to keep himself occupied rather than make himself an annoyance to the pearly man. And wandering around Glaciem seemed to be the best option to occupy his time. For now at least.

He was up and about early that morning, darkness still clouding the chilly landscape. It wasn't the wormhole darkness that was typical during the middle of the night, but more the grey of a coming morning darkness. Midnight darkness or morning darkness, it had no effect on Taurig's vision. He could see just fine either way. There was a bite to the breeze this morning, bringing goosebumps to ripple across his skin beneath his dark pelt. It was a tad bit thinner than usual, given the season changing, but it was still thick enough to guard him from most the chill of his new northern home. Powerful, steel like muscles glided smoothly beneath his grey-blue coat, senses on high alert as he began a patrol along Glaciem. He wasn't exactly sure if he needed to do any kind of patrol, but it was better than just lying around in the den he'd scrounged up. Really, any kind of activity was better than sitting around. And a patrol couldn't hurt. Might as well start protecting his new home.

Puffs of steam clouded before his muzzle with each breath he took, evaporating as he glided right through them, his icy eyes dancing over the quiet morning landscape, searching for any sign of life. So far he had seen none, most of the forest critters holed up in their resting spots, sleeping the morning away. He figured he would probably end up doing this for the rest of the day, alone like he'd been since he got here, but the day had other plans for him. By chance, he stumbled across the scent of another wolf, a fellow Glaciem, female by her perfume. And she was coming right at him. Another ghost, though this one looked much more like it belonged in the mortal realm compared to his pale father. The woman was of a silvery coat, looking ethereal in the dim morning darkness, her eyes a stark crimson in comparison to her silvery, ebony traced coat. She was tall, rather lanky in build, but he could see the whisper of muscle beneath her malnourished coat. Goodmorning ma'am. He called out gruffly, his voice still husky with sleep and lack of use, inky limbs slowing the young man down to a halt, icy gaze intent on the woman's figure.

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08-14-2013, 09:29 PM
Quote:It was not long before she found herself greeted somebody, an ever rare commodity, in fact. A Glaciem male. The opposite sex was something Argent found lacking within the walls of the Northern pack, and they were needed. After all, when all the women were vulnerable and with child, who would look after them? The Overseer was only one woman, and she could not guarantee that she would not be blessed with her own spawn to look after. ?If only we had a few more hours of the night. Insomnia is a bitch,? she sighed, attempting to make good small talk. Was this how she was supposed to form bonds and connections within a pack? Argent still had lot to learn about making friends, but Eris had taught her a little bit already.



5 Years
Extra large
08-14-2013, 09:49 PM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2013, 10:07 PM by Taurig.)

If only we had a few more hours of night. Insomnia is a bitch. Seemed like he wasn't the only one was restless, though the dame appeared to be restless in another sense. Taurig was restless from the lack of responsibility, of things to do whereas this silvery siren just couldn't sleep. Sleep was something the young Blood had not had any trouble with thus far, being able to gain his adequate amount in order to function at full power the next day. But not by any means was he a heavy sleeper; warriors never slept heavily, they always needed to be on guard, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. Taurig was no exception. It was a hard habit to let go of, one that had followed him even now that he lived in Glaciem with his father. Old habits died hard.

Is there anyway I could be of assistance ma'am? He offered quietly. Women were creatures to be respected and protected. That's what his mother had instilled in him from a young age and it was something that he would never loose. He wasn't too sure how he would be able to help this woman with her lack of sleep, but he was willing to try just about anything. It was going to be his job soon to take care of her and the rest of the females in Glaciem, so he might as well start preparing now with this vixen.

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08-14-2013, 09:55 PM
Quote:She shook her head at his question, appreciating the intention but not knowing what he could do. ?Unless you know about herbs, I don?t think this issue has a remedy,? she said with a sigh, before she decided it was time to introduce herself. ?Argent Zaldun, Overseer. Who might you be?? she inquired, ready to record his name within her mental records. What sort of character stood before her? Could she befriend him, as she?d befriended Eris? Would he be a good name to know if she ever came across an issue that she could not handle by herself? Regardless, she was eager to learn of all the residents within Glaciem, curious about who she could trust and who she could rely on.



5 Years
Extra large
08-14-2013, 10:06 PM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2013, 10:08 PM by Taurig.)

He was a giant in comparison to most wolves, towering over his father and the silvery woman standing before him. Most didn't seem to notice, or if they did, they didn't make a point of bringing it up or making it obvious that they noticed. And he didn't make a point to emphasize it, unless of course he was trying to intimidate his opponent, that which a simple glare from his icy eyes and a stiffening of posture did the trick. But there was no need for that here with his fellow packmate. There was no imminent danger surrounding them nor threatening them, in the form of outside threats or the woman, so Taurig could relax. For the most part.

A shake of the head was given to his question, a gesture of declining to accompany her words. Unless you know about herbs, I don't think this issue has a remedy. To her misfortune, he did not. He had never had the need to learn about herbs when in his pack there had been wolves specially trained in the art of healing to help warriors like himself were they to ever injure themselves in battle. Were there healers here in Glaciem too? He would have to find out for himself if he didn't get a chance to inquire his father about it first. The woman's voice brought his attention back to her, icy eyes meeting her ruby ones as she introduced herself as Argent Zaldun, Overseer. Overseer. His father had mentioned something about ranks. He didn't quite remember, but he assumed she was high up in the pack. A bow of respect was presented to the woman, dark crown tilted downwards before lifting to surpass hers once more. Taurig, son of Isardis at your service miss Argent Zaldun. came his answer, logging Argent's name along with her features away for later use. He had a feeling he would be seeing this particular woman more often than the others.

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08-14-2013, 10:36 PM
Quote:The introduction he gave certainly managed to catch her attention. He was one of Isardis?s offspring, was he? That certainly affected the way she would treat him; the King?s offspring were to be given respect, and allowed to do mostly as they pleased. ?It is certainly nice to meet you. I have served your father before, though, and I do not think we have met,? she said, curious. She supposed it didn?t really matter; the albino king was likely to have a number of offspring from different women, all of varying ages and background and appearances. She didn?t believe she would ever get the opportunity to meet them all, although part of her wished she could.



5 Years
Extra large
08-14-2013, 10:58 PM

He was well aware of the implications that came with introducing himself as the son of the King. At first glance no one would be able to tell. Taurig was one of dark coloring, well on the other side of the color spectrum compared to his albino, ghost looking father Isardis. Although their similarities in size could possibly peg them as family, but the drastic difference in appearance would make it quite questionable. He didn't introduce himself in that way in order to put himself above his fellow pack mate, but because he figured it was better to be honest up front rather than hide it. And besides, she was bound to find out sooner or later, so why not sooner if he was providing the information willingly.

It is certainly nice to meet you. I have served your father before, though, and I do not think we have met. Served his father before? That was certainly interesting. Was she some kind of slave to Isardis? Curiosity bubbled beneath the surface but Taurig pushed it away, knowing it was none of his business how Argent had served his father before. Obviously it was well before he had ever met his father, so it was of no concern to him. The pleasure is all mine, and no, I'm afraid we have not met. I have just recently reconnected with my father. In light of our reconnection, I willingly trekked here to join his new pack and well, here I am.

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08-14-2013, 11:45 PM
Quote:Ah, so there was a reason they had not met before. She nodded at his story, supposing it was good for Isardis to have loyal manpower amongst his ranks. He needed men who would obey his rules and fight for him, and who better to do so than his own spawn? ?Are you happy here?? she would ask Taurig, not that she expected him to despair about his woes to her. She would then offer her own story, hoping to promote understanding between them. ?I met Isardis when he saved my life, and I have been his Knight ever since. We were separated a while ago, but I am back at his side once more,? she explained to this male.



5 Years
Extra large
08-15-2013, 01:03 AM (This post was last modified: 08-15-2013, 01:03 AM by Taurig.)

Argent seemed like a very respectable woman to be a part of Glaciem. Certainly his father had seen something useful and worthy within this smaller silver woman in order to grant her a place within his pack borders. She appeared to be much more than the other women in the pack, a bit more valuable than the females Isardis was recruiting for the purpose of passing on his seed. Her mere physical appearance set her apart from the other females on its very own. Her physique very much resembled that of the females he was accustomed to being around back home. Tall, powerful, muscular, though not much muscle could be seen beneath her moonlit coat, but he was sure with time and the right amount of nutrition, she would fill out to her maximum capacity, to the warrior he could see hidden beneath her feminine curves.

Are you happy here? Her question caught him a little off guard. Happy? He was happy when he'd been living back home with his mother, but here in Glaciem with a father he barely knew? I think content would be the better choice. He offered, his answer rather vague, unable to fully divulge the fact that he didn't quite feel comfortable yet, knowing his father had only brought him along for his own selfish purpose, not because he wanted to form any kind of real connection with his distant son. Not that Taurig was in need of a father/son bond, but it would've been nicer to be a bit closer with his father, but he supposed that much too far-fetched. met Isardis when he saved my life, and I have been his Knight ever since. We were separated a while ago, but I am back at his side once more. Isardis had saved her life? That was a bit hard to believe from what he'd seen of his father, but perhaps there was more to him than could be seen on the surface. My father must be glad to have such a noble woman back at his side.

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08-21-2013, 12:27 AM

Ah, content. That was something Argent supposed would suffice for now; in an empire that was slowly building, content was not the best thing for its members to feel, but it was in fact the next best thing. ?Well, I do hope you?ll find your happiness here. I?m doing my best to accommodate everyone,? she said, and it was true. However, she was uncertain how she could do such a thing for much longer. She wanted children, and she wanted them soon. She knew Isardis would want her to have them as well, but she would not dwell on these thoughts just yet.
She would do her best to befriend Isardis?s son, if only so that she might make his contentment turn to happiness. ?Your father is not the only glad one. I enjoy serving him,? she noted, but there was something about the way she spoke that gave her away, a twinkle in her eyes that spoke of her deep affection. ?Tell me about yourself, Taurig, I want to get to know you,? she said.



5 Years
Extra large
08-21-2013, 01:04 AM

There really wasn't a better way to put how he felt about living in Glaciem now. It was a very beautiful place, that was undeniable, but as far as it feeling like home, he had barely gotten here scarce a week or so ago, so to say that he was happy wouldn't be accurate. But that wasn't too say that he wasn't grateful that his father had allowed him to come live with him in his new pack, but it just didn't feel like home yet. Not like how it felt when he was living with his mother. He had known all the wolves in the pack by name, had trained with most of them, had pretty good relationships with nearly all of them. Here in Glaciem, he barely knew anyone, save for his father and now Argent, but his own father might as well be a stranger for all he knew about him. But he hoped that would change, with time maybe. Or then again it couldn't. It would all be determined soon enough.

Well, I do hope you?ll find your happiness here. I?m doing my best to accommodate everyone. He appreciated her effort it was any good pack mate would do with new arrivals. Thank you, that's very kind of you, but you needn't worry about me. I will adjust just fine. He was starting to see why his father had chosen to have Argent in Glaciem with him. Your father is not the only glad one. I enjoy serving him. But as she continue to speak, he was beginning to see something else beyond the normal appearing relationship between a king and his subject. He noted the slight twinkle that took a hold of Argent's rubies, telling the young Blood that there was something beneath the surface. Something he wasn't aware of. For the time being at least. Argent's voice caught his attention once again, her question distracting. Tell her about himself? There wasn't much to tell. There isn't much to tell about myself. I was born to a pack of warriors and I was raised to respect women and protect them. I didn't know my father for the longest time until he came to my pack the season prior, asking my mother if I could come back with him here. My mother relented and so I came. I don't know much of my father, but I do hope to learn more about him now that I live with him. He shrugged, thinking himself to be very uninteresting.

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09-03-2013, 06:58 PM
OOC: figured we might as well finish it up? C:

She listened to his story with genuine interest, curious about the roots of all members of her pack. Argent wanted to form connections, to learn, to be able to bond with the members of the pack so that she might make it into a pleasant home. ?Ah, well you will learn in due time. Your father may not seem it, but he, too, cares deeply for women,? she said, especially if they are his. Even if most considered Isardis to be an ass for his tendency to claim she-wolves, he treated them well when they were within Glaciem?s borders.
It would seem that she was starting to grow tired, and she figured she ought to return to her den to rest her weary legs. ?I believe I will return to my den and see if I can sleep better. Thank you for your time. It has been nice meeting you, Taurig,? she said, offering him a smile and dip of her head before she turned to leave. ?exit-