
Plot with Mouser



08-10-2013, 03:30 AM
Figured with all the changes going on lately with my characters that I could really go for another one of these. And since the last is archived, new one it is! :D

As before, I'll list my characters - colored names will be links to profiles - and write out anything that I have going with them and would want to see going on with them. If you see a suggestion you like, jump in and reply. If you have other suggestions I may have overlooked or not touched on, please let me know. I'm open to ideas and would love to hear feedback, so anything you guys can offer or tell me will be very much appreciated. c:

ASHTORETH: 5-year-old Female. Valhallan Psi. Single.
Life is, unfortunately, starting to take another tumble for Ashtoreth. She is happy to have had her leg heal up as well as it did, even going so far as to test herself with a spar, and is grateful to have her new position as Lead Hunter, but after learning that Leon would need to be going away again (as per Lu's suggestion since she won't be with us this month) she's likely going to be falling back into a funk. She's still majorly crushing on him, possibly loves him without admitting it, and can't stand that he won't just stay with her in the pack. I almost want to set up a backup love interest with her, just in case something happens and Leon is dropped again, though I have no idea how difficult that might be. And then I'd feel super bad if Ash ditched a new love for Leon if he returned. Drama, drama. Anyway, she's always ready to meet other Valhallans, or others who enjoy a good, friendly conversation.

MERCIANNE: 4-year-old Female. Snow Rogue Healer. Mated to Awaken.
This little mommy-wolf is going to be predominantly occupied by tending to her pups and ensuring that those of Ocena are doing well too. Likely she will just be spending time with them, getting caught up in the a mixed role of mother and healer, and just overall keeping an eye on everyone. She's beginning to take note of Awaken's absence, especially with the birth of their children that he missed, and is starting to worry. She'd really hate for her kids to grow up without their father figure. I don't exactly know personally where he's run off to or when he'll return, but in the meantime Merci will be devoting herself fully to her extremely large family of pups.

RUNE: 1-year-old Male. Future Tortugan Alpha. Single.
Considering all that's supposed to be happening in Rune's future, he really needs a good kick start into stronger activity. After losing track of his family when Tortuga was disbanded, he remained nearby and planned to return with Morphine as the new leader. If things go well, eventually he will receive a heavy promotion into leadership, but he has a long way to go before he will feel comfortable claiming such a title. He needs to learn to hold his own, to lead conversations rather than take part in them, to offer guidance rather than an occasional suggestion, and needs to start learning how to navigate through politics. Any mentoring, any casual conversations, anything at all would be helpful. He has the potential to become a leader-like wolf. He just hasn't realized it yet. And yes, he is single, but I don't expect him to go winning over any hearts just yet. He has a tendency to like pretty white colored females I've noticed, but his inexperience with conversation doesn't do him justice enough to typically earn favor in return.

TAHLIA: 4-year-old Female. Seracian Dame. Single.
Tahlia is, I think, quite comfortable with life. I wouldn't say she exactly has friends although she knows a few acquaintances inside of her pack and is on good standing with them as far as she's aware, but she doesn't particularly lack company. She has a tendency to wander even though much of what she does takes place inside the pack, though a few recent sour meetings with strangers may keep her within the safety of those borders for a while yet. She has been feeling somewhat neglected lately, upset that she hasn't yet gotten a chance at trying again for a family, though that's liable to change soon. She has taken an unexpected fancy in Bane and wishes to see if it might be possible for her to impress him and earn more of his attention, possibly even win him over completely. But she is entirely of a jealous sort and will make a nuisance of herself to anyone who appears to be taking an interest in him too. Overall, however, I think she may be feeling a little more content.

And since I have nothing more to add, I'll just close this off here. c: Remember, if you have a suggestion you would rather not post here to keep secret for some reason or another, my inbox on Ashtoreth's account is open. Thanks for reading!


08-10-2013, 09:26 AM
Hm. I could see a possible rivalry between Rune and Maverick, with them both being such young wolves in positions of extreme power.



08-10-2013, 12:40 PM
I could definitely see that. x3 Rune has always taken the backseat to things, even among his siblings, so he's going to want to prove himself extra hard to not only everyone but himself as well. And considering Maverick was born into this lifestyle and grew up with all this stuff he's certainly not going to want to slip up and show that he's not so perfectly sculpted for the part. Even if he is quiet, he's still extremely prideful and bound to take any criticism hard. I'd be very happy seeing how the two take to one another. c: