
I Want More


08-10-2013, 03:19 AM
He hadn't learned much about fighting just yet - but he knew that with skill came strength, and strength meant power. Right now, the boy needed knowledge, and with a young sense, he knew that. With that in mind he had started hunting, fighting with prey that was a bit too big for a child his age to be trying to take down, but not large enough to permanently maim him. He had attained a few scratches, some bites from bigger rodents and such, but it was nothing that would leave him with much scarring. All of it left him feeling surprisingly empty once the animal was dead. Accomplishment did not flood his system, only the feeling that there was something missing from his little list of kills. A rabbit here, a groundhog there, and a good sized pig that had just started growing its tusks. It had taken quite a few days for him to accumulate the various kills, but he had stopped a couple of days prior because he just wasn't feeling anything from it.

He didn't want to hunt, he wanted to learn how to fight.

Codeine crept through the area, his ears high atop his head and his silver eyes looking for movement. Using his senses more often was something that he was inadvertently practicing as he trained his hunting skills. He huffed lightly as he slunk forward, only to freeze when he realized that he wasn't the only lupine in the area. Artemis... The boy had to wonder whether what she was up to - and also, whether she was paying attention. With that in mind he attempted to take her by surprise, trailing after her and waiting for the perfect moment to pounce.


08-10-2013, 04:44 PM
um i didn't know if you intended to make him pounce or not but your first round can start in your next post xD also, i didn't know if you wanted to have this judged or not, seeing as how they will probably both be inexperienced so we wouldn't receive an accurate gauge of our capabilities, but if you do, that's fine c: doesn't matter to me what happens, but regardless, at the end morphine will probs interfere and be like "wtf u guise are such noobs, let me teach you" xD

A shift in the grasses behind her slumbering form alerted her to the presence of a bystander, causing her eyelids to flutter open to unveil her mismatched gaze and her minuscule skull to elevate from its perch upon her outstretched forepaws. Her muzzle rotated ninety degrees and her vigilant pupils darted towards the source of her disturbance, the underdeveloped silhouette of her sibling entering her peripheral view and forcing a smirk to manifest upon her porcelain countenance, twisting the very tips of her leathery lips upwards and into a grin befitting of the Cheshire cat. The vulnerable tyke was blissfully unaware of the fact that her brother was crouched with the intentions of obscuring himself from view so that he may pounce upon her, so she allowed her posture to slacken as he approached, plush tendril of a tail wrapping about her haunches as she attempted to create space for the male to seat himself beside where she had oriented herself, inviting the hellion to join her in her siesta. As she craned her neck toward the side, tucking her skull against her right shoulder so that her sibling could remain in the premises of her peripheral view, the devious expression that had plagued her visage since his arrival vanished abruptly, astonishment striking the babe while she observed as Codeine?s body became aerial, his unforeseeable launch directed at her totally relaxed form.

A brief gasp vacated her unhinged jaws to accompany the shock that had greeted her, shifting her entire mass towards the left half of her body to aide her as her lithe body twisted away from itself, rolling onto her spine just as Codeine plummeted atop her. Instinctively, her hind limbs would bunch themselves in to shield her underbelly from any possible attempts he would make to harm the vulnerable flesh, her forelimbs simultaneously thrusting up in the direction of her siblings face, hoping that her bare palms would impact the sides of his face and force his skull and jaws out of reach of her body, entire form writhing frantically with her attempts to slide out from her position beneath him. Jaws would remain gaping but her gluttonous incisors would make no motion to seize his flesh, simply threatening her sibling should he decide to pull anything funny. ?Cody!? she screeched as she wildly motioned beneath him. ?Cody, gerroff me!?




round number

one ? two ? three


08-17-2013, 12:48 PM
edit: sorry this took so long! The rest should be much, much more timely if you're still interested in finishing this fight c: it doesn't have to be judged, neither really knows what they're doing just yet xD

He had thought that it was over - she spotted him from the corner of her eye and reacted to his presence - moving just slightly while inviting him to sit a bit closer. That would be her downfall though, not glancing at her brother before letting him close in, she should really be more careful. With that devious thought in mind, he pounced on the somewhat unsuspecting pup. His teeth snapped at her face, but it would be to no avail - he couldn't get close enough to her face or throat with her front paws in the way. His paws grounded him, one front paw on each side of her. His back legs would remain on her left, but his balance was placed heavily on his front paws. The little male's eyes were narrowed and his teeth bared into a grin. His tail swayed behind him in an attempt to balance him - but his movements were far from experienced.

Her cries would fall on deaf ears, she would fight - he would push the both of them. He had to get stronger and hunting wasn't cutting it. This was the only way to learn, and seeing another lupine struggle beneath him wasn't sedating his lust for power. His left front paw would try and strike just below her chest, hopefully stepping on her with enough force to surprise or wind her and just above where her back legs would protect her. The boy would change his target, snapping wildly at the left side of his sister's neck in an attempt to grab her while she was down.

attacks: aiming to bite the side of artemis's neck, trying to slam his paw into her middle
defenses: tail positioned for balance, eyes narrowed, teeth bared and then agape while attacking
Injuries: none.
move one of three


08-19-2013, 08:50 PM

Forepaws would successfully intercept the desired path of her sibling?s jaws, buffering any attempts to seize the flesh upon her countenance or upper neck, and although she had limited his attack possibility he persisted, refusing to give in to her desperate pleas. A smirk crept upon her gaping jaws as she realized that he was attempting to improve upon his combat skills by attacking her vulnerable form, tacitly accepting the challenge he posed while her hinds limbs tucked tightly against her underbelly, building slight momentum until she was satisfied with the force she had gathered, allowing the appendages to attempt to shoot up towards his stomach that loomed above her own with the intentions of impacting the tender flesh and either hoping to force him from his position above her or cause him to recoil. Meanwhile, the force she had applied to her forelimbs to keep her sibling at bay would slacken and grant him the opportunity to lunge towards her with jaws agape, his teeth penetrating the bunched fur lining the left side of her upper neck, deriving a brief growl from the pallid babe as pain shot through her minuscule form. Dissatisfied vocalizations would be cut short, however, as oxygen would abruptly vacate her lungs due to the vehement strike to her chest; she was currently losing this brawl. No matter ? it was her turn to retaliate.

Muzzle would attempt to turn in the opposite direction of her sibling?s jaws, aware that the male had boxed her in and that his forelimbs lingered on either side of her. Taking advantage of his right forelimb?s placement (Artemis? POV), the doll?s neck would attempt to extend towards it so that she may bring her gaping jaws adjacent to the appendage, gluttonous jaws seeking to encase the entirety of the brute?s right ankle, attempting to apply as much force as she could muster behind the bite to ensure her sibling knew that she was capable of inflicting damage to him too, even though the pressure lingering behind her bite was minimal in comparison to the average adult.




round number

one ? two ? three