
Only the Beginning



08-10-2013, 02:23 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

In another den, the happy mother Ocena and her beautiful new lives nestled close to one another, exchanging scents and settling in for their first meal. In another den, Mercianne had done just as she had promised. She had seen Ocena through to the end, had assisted her deliver the babes that she had been carrying for what felt like a considerably long time, and watched as they breathed in the same life that each of their siblings did. It had been so touching, so moving, that tears had stung her eyes in those last moments, and having assured herself that mother and children were happy and content and - most importantly - safe, she had gone, giving them their space and returning to her own den to nest and fidget and wait about expectantly for when it might be her turn.

But that turn had come much sooner than she had expected. It was only a few hours after the other mother had given birth that Mercianne began to feel the first stirrings of discomfort, of pain, and immediately she began to worry. Was this it? Was this the beginning of everything? A couple repeated, cramping pains assured her that it was. She had been unable to sit and rest inside of her den, had been pacing about nervously, lying down only to shift about, roll onto her opposite side, and then eventually give up and rise again, starting the whole process again from the beginning. Now she turned within the den, attempting with no luck to find a position that might be comfortable for her, but nothing seemed to do. She would only be comfortable once everything was finished.

Between spasms, she wondered if she ought not to call for Awaken the same way that Ocena had called for her. The wolf had been a surprisingly adept student, picking up on her techniques with herbs and plants even before she began consciously trying to teach him, but it had been so long since she had laid eyes on him. Would he even come? Was he even close enough to hear? In the end she had decided against it. Let someone else call him after the difficult part was over; the last thing she needed was him to pass out the same as he had done when she had told him she was pregnant.

A particularly hard contraction took hold of her, eliciting an unexpected whine from her lips. Oh goodness, if this is what Ocena had gone through, no wonder she had looked the way she had. It hurt. Suddenly there was less of an issue with comfort as she managed to make one more turn within her den before she lowered herself onto her side, breathing deeply and carefully. As the moment gripped her, a bit of her training was forgotten, the plants she had been so careful to pile up neatly going ignored as she adjusted to the new, painful sensations of birth. Again she was reminded of Erani's warning, the single fear that had surrounded Ocena and Gargoyle's litter: size. What if her pups, sired by the large male Awaken, were too large? What if complications arose for it? Now was hardly the moment to get caught up on her fears. She needed to concentrate on the spasms of her lower body, to breathe and remain as calm as she could. She had seen this done, she had trained in it. She was a mother; she had to do this.

A few more times she shifted, curling around inside the den and resettling herself on the soft floor of it. Painful contractions continued to wrack her body at increasing intervals. Despite how uncomfortable everything was, she thought she was progressing along well. Everything seemed right, felt right even if it hurt. This was it. She was actually going to have her puppies now.

And drawing in a few more quick breaths, unable to call for assistance or wait any longer, the difficult process began...

OOC: Alrighty. A few things. Merci's den is not nearly as large as Ocena's, so there will be a minimal amount of bystanders. Likely one if not two small ones as Awaken, who she planned to share the den with, is a decently sized wolf. Also, because I would really like a head count on pups, please do reply with your single birthing post. There's six of you, so I just want to make sure everyone's planning on keeping their pups active and are ready when they become playable. c: Wee, puppies!

Clover I


08-11-2013, 02:30 AM
I never knew the taste of blood till now

It's clear I never should have known

The tiny thing knew that today was the day, somehow instincts told him that he would greet his new life. Birth would hardly be a struggles as he was evicted from his first home. With a great gasp he was thrust into the warm air, his lungs filling with air. His mouth uttered the most pitiful of cries, signaling his need for care. He could feel the emptiness in his stomach start to gnaw at his insides. His cries grew more insistant, he needed food.

Breathing fire was never this much fun
So there's a dark side in us all

Sage I


3 Years
08-11-2013, 07:19 AM
Warmness and fuzziness had encased Sage for weeks and weeks and weeks. It had kept him warm as he grew from a little speck to what he was now. The warm comforting presence around him was the source of his food and growth. His lifeline. Although there was one big thing around him, with him were lots of little things like himself. Sometimes they bumped him, pushing him to the side of the world they were all in. Although it wasn't very comfortable, when he went to the edges of the womb, he heard little noises. There were little ones that went cheep, and deeper ones that were louder, but most of the time it was a calm, soothing voice that seemed incredibly close.

When everything started to move and shake, Sage had been pushed to the edge of the womb, he didnt hear noises this time though, only fast thudding noises around him. Suddenly, and extra big shake and push shot Sage right out of the comfy warm place to a chilly place where his mouth was dry and belly empty. One other of the smaller prescenses around him had been expelled already, the one who pushed Sage to the edge. The presence that was there before was a real thing now, and it was licking him and nudging him towards her. After a few seconds Sage found the sweet milk tbat he desired and drank it up. He lay there, once more in the embrace of his mother. What an odd world this is.

White Cloud


08-11-2013, 08:54 AM


All his life the pup had known only warmth and comfort and a full belly, but lately things had been getting more and more crowded. The other lives around him, those he would come to know as siblings, were always moving around and seemed to push him. Finally today the pushes and the pressure got worse. He nudged around, his closed eyes squeezing tighter as he searched blindly for a way out of the world that had gotten too small for him.

It was a struggle but eventually he was free again. The world opened up and he had space to move around once more. And move he did. The rooting instinct took over as he began the most awkward and futile movements of his life - his belly dragging on the cave floor as he summoned all his strength to even try to raise his huge head. 'Mother' had been the world around him, but now he had to find it again. Luckily, he had the familiar forms of his siblings there. Soon enough he was comfortable and nursing.




08-11-2013, 09:09 AM

Cut me loose
My parachute won't let me fall
Don't be afraid of a chance for a miracle

(ooc: using liquid time, apologies in advance for any continuity errors.)

Orica had left her mother happily with her new batch of siblings. Of course she hadn't wanted to leave, but her mother needed her rest and her father had finally come to join in. They were want their time together. She had done her part with that birth and now she had to make sure that Mercianne, who had been so kind in helping Ocena, received some help herself. - Should she need it of course. Orica was aware that different she-wolves liked to do things differently. Where one wouldn't feel comfortable until she had the help of at least one friend or midwife, another wanted to be left in peace until all was over. Where one fae couldn't imagine going through a birthing without her mate there beside her, another would claw at his face if he dared to come in. Orica didn't want to get in anybody's way. She just wanted to make sure that if Mercianne needed help, she would have it.

The little medic, with her leather sack now closer to 3/4 full with herbs, followed the scent trail of the expecting mother and found the den easily enough. It wasn't as big as Ocena's but it only proved her point that different faes did things different. Aunty Crusade had given birth in an alcove of a giant cave, whilst her mother and most wolves preferred a cozy little den underground.

To her surprise though, when she reached the den, there was neither hide nor hair of Awaken. Truly the male wasn't going to miss the birth of his own children? Poor Mercianne... Mercianne! Orica could smell wolfs milk and afterbirth seems things were already moving. The storks were staying busy today. Orica made her way into the den, had Merci still been calm and waiting Orica might've spoken and asked permission etc etc. But with the babies already coming and the white mother already straining, Orica merely slipped back into the role of a quiet, gentle midwife that she seemed to have adopted so naturally. She was meant to a healer this one. Her head was most confident and focused and capable when it came to helping others.

Giving a sweet warbling whine of encouragement for Mercianne, Orica tended to the pups. She made sure that the mother could focus solely on the great task set before her. Orica would make sure that the babies were licked dry and then nestled safely to their mother's side.

If at any point Mercianne showed any protectiveness or hostility, of course, the little healer would stop immediately and back off. She'd heard that some wolf mothers were like that. She just wanted to help though, and perhaps it was a good thing. Already three good sized babies had been born and it didn't look like the process was anywhere near over. "You're doing great, Merci," murmured Orica, her blue eyes shining, rather overwhelmed with all the miracles she was being allowed to see today. "You already have three beautiful boys!"



08-11-2013, 03:12 PM

From dark warmth into a flood of cold and air, the pup took in his first breath of air. He whined, confused as to why he had been pushed out of the one place he had known in his short life and into this open space. He wriggled and cried softly as he searched blindly for the warmth and comfort of his siblings and mother. Suddenly a tongue rasped over his body, eliminating some of the coolness around him. All at once his mouth and hungry stomach found food just as he was pressed against his brother's side once again, the warmth of his mother comforting him. All was well once again as he waited to see what else this new, wide world had in store.



08-11-2013, 06:49 PM
The warmth that he had known was suddenly taken away from him as he was pushed out in the open. He let out pitiful little cries, complaining about this new, colder place he was thrust into. He was aware of things he had become familiar with during his time in the womb. He could feel the warm, wriggling bodies he had come to know as siblings. They had shared the womb with him, and kept him close and warm during the time of his development. He was also aware of soft vibrations he could feel; his mother's heartbeat.

There was also something else. A strong, delicious scent that urged him to reach it. The rich scent of his mother's milk. The small, squishy form of the pup wriggled up next to his brothers, whining as he reached the source of the smell. He latched onto a teat and did what his he knew best. He began to drink the warm liquid, feeding in a content way. This would be much of his early life. Eating and sleeping, staying curled up near his mother and siblings. At this point in time that was all the little black and white pup could ask for.



08-13-2013, 01:44 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Even after being witness to one birth, Mercianne hadn't realized just how much of a challenge the whole process was to the mother. It was, in no way, easy. It was difficult, painful, uncomfortable on so many levels. But as she heard the first cries of her first born the first worthwhile sense arrived. A strained though happy smiled crept its way upon her face as she heard, ears perking automatically as she shifted a little between contractions to get a better view of the new bundle of life. White. So much white fur, peppered and striped with the black fur of Awaken. The sight of it brought fresh tears to her eyes, the need to kiss and clean the babe, to draw it to her nurturing side, very strong. She did what she could, answering its pitiful cries with an assuring whine and scooting a little more in place to offer him the warmth of her stomach, adding a few licks to its face as she reached forward to touch it, but the next contractions were already starting to worsen.

Everything seemed so hurried, so rushed, that the next pup was there before she knew it, darkly colored like its father though three of its four paws were dipped with white. Another smile, another pitiful attempt at a laugh, and she was nudging this one to her side too, drawing careful licks down its back before the next arrived. And this one came soon too. Pale grey with dark patches, though not so solid as to assure that this color would last. Would it pale? Darken? Her curious thoughts were unfocused as she made another gentle whine, running her muzzle and tongue over her newest babe as she urged it to join the rest of the growing litter. As much as she wished to sprawl upon her side with those who were already present, give in to the tiredness that was steadily growing, she could not. The task at hand, as far as she could tell, was not quite over yet.

But neither was she needing to be alone in the matter anymore either. A shadow filled the entrance of the den, and despite only being halfway through her tiring process, with pups nuzzling up to her stomach, the little white wolf tensed and stared toward the entering wolf warily, only partially expecting Awaken at this point but not so much so that she might a stranger. But it was only Orica, the blessed little healer, coming to offer her assistance. Mercianne relaxed instantly, falling prostrate under a new wave of pain and muscle contractions. More. She was going to have more pups. The encouraging words spoken by Orica did just as they should have, drawing out another short, strained laugh from the new mother. Sons! She had three sons, and more pups on the way. Wouldn't Awaken be proud!

Two more followed the first three, though the fourth did draw a touch of confusion to her already tired mind. It looked so similar to the last one that she had had that she shifted her dark brown eyes to the first questioningly, and smiled with amazed surprise at her twins. Twins! She had twins! As much as she appreciated Orica's help, instinct in her urged her to be the first to touch her children, but she did her best not to let it override her judgment. And with at least one more pup presently on its way now was not a time to be overly picky. The fifth was another mixture of both of its parents, expressing the dark color of Awaken but also the pale white of its mother. Noting how they each had been affected genetically was so fascinating, and she smiled as she looked at the little brood of boys she and Awaken had made. Five boys. Five sons. Oh goodness, was she going to have her paws full.

Thinking the worst to be over, Mercianne made a soft groan of exhaustion and relaxed her head against the comfort of the den's floor, feeling the pups nursing and snuggling and wriggling about in their need for sustenance and comfort. "Thank you, Orica," she intoned somewhat breathlessly, taking another few seconds to catch her breath and enjoy the feeling of being still for a moment. But hearing the gentle whines and cries of her pups, she could not rest long. Rolling her front half slightly to lay upon her side but still have her head upright, Merci reached down and gently licked at the small bundles of life nestled there against her stomach, completely at ease and softly admiring their little cries and shaky movements.

At least until another contraction suddenly overtook her. She cringed at the pain, shifting as little as possible due to the other pups still being so near, but there was no helping it. Through the sleepy haze that had started to settle over her, she followed the same sort of instinctual drive that had brought the others to life, and eventually another joined them. It was a darkly colored pup, silent though wriggling with just as much life as the others. Why it did not cry at first did not stir anything within her, but she nuzzled at it all the same, even managing another little laugh as she did so. This was one was a girl. The sole girl in her large litter. "Six," she whispered with amazement, feeling slightly the weight of that responsibility coming to rest upon her shoulders. But tiredness weighed more heavily. Curling up upon her side, the pups nesting there at her stomach, Mercianne's half lidded gaze set itself on the young healer who had helped her. "How do they look?" she managed to ask, her tone low and hinting at her desire to rest as much as it did her concern. In her current state, she hardly trusted her judgment and a second opinion from someone she trusted was sure to help ease her mind.

OOC: Went ahead and brought Kestrel into the mix too since Dragon can't for a while. x3



08-17-2013, 02:59 PM

Cut me loose
My parachute won't let me fall
Don't be afraid of a chance for a miracle

"You're more than welcome, Miss Merci," Orica was quick to say when the other medic went as far as to thank her. It was only natural! Only right. Mercianne had been there to assist Orica's mother -despite being near the time of birthing, herself- and Orica wanted to make sure that Mercianne had that same help. Or at least, as close to it as she could come. At least Ocena's birthing had gone perfectly normal. Fast, easy, no complications or road bumps. As soon as the pups had come so did their father. But this was different. Mercianne was having her first litter. Was she the sort of she-wolf that had trouble giving birth? Would she get overly nervous? Were the pups healthy? And where was their father? Still off on some hunting mission or something? Yet despite Orica's mind which immediately flew to problems and how to fix them, she'd just been through one easy birthing and she was hoping to see another.

Three pups had come - as large as any litter she had seen, but no, the process wasn't done yet. One more came. And another. Orica did what she could, but anything that Merci seemed able to do, she let her. She was the adult here after all, and she knew what she was doing. Five had been born - as large as any litter the little girl had ever heard of, and she had begun to relax too, thinking that maybe she had best leave the mother be with her darlings and go seek out her father to tell him the news. But then the new mother seemed to double up with pain again. One more little pup was born in the cozy den.


Six pups!

"Wow," was all Orica was able to say at first. All of these had fit inside that one small she-wolf? Six puppies? And most of them boys? That was crazy! How was Mercianne going to keep track of them all? For a moment, there was a very strong desire in the little girl's chest to step up and volunteer herself as the one to help out the most. As a pupsitter and a denminder. She was discovering today how much she liked little pups - she, who had felt like she was little more than one herself for so long. She liked pups alot. One day... one day she wanted to be a mother herself - just like Ocena and Mercianne.

But she couldn't stay here. She couldn't be a pupsitter now. There was someone who needed her even more, and she'd already made a promise to him that she would say her goodbyes and go off with him. She would still be a sitter and a teacher and a playmate, but to a very different wolf. The girl let out a shakey sigh of relief now that it really was all over. But at the mother's words she perked up. Big ears swiveled round and a grin shone on her features. "Miss Merci, they are wonderful. And so healthy and plump!" She shook her head. "They're just adorable!" She had a strong desire to pet one with her forepaw and feel how soft that newborn fur must be. She'd felt the same feeling with her own new siblings. Oh gosh, they were just so lovely - like little squirrels or chipmunks. Orica controlled her cute-response, though, and sat back down. "Can I fetch you anything? Water? Food? Herbs?"




08-18-2013, 06:28 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She could tell before her little midwife-in-training spoke that everything was well and okay with the litter. It was written plainly and rather enthusiastically across Orica's face, her exuberant expression even drawing the sleepily prideful smile upon Merci's face into fuller life. This was wonderful news. She could hardly believe it herself though she had known with excruciating detail everything that had taken place. She was now the mother of an extensively large litter, each and every one of them healthy and fit and squirming with life. At least those that were still awake. Her dark brown eyes shifted downward to take in the sight of those precious pups as they nursed at her side, a few already having taken their fill and quietly nestling in amongst their siblings to nap. So small and yet so strong, she thought admirably, reaching down to nuzzle and lick at them again with the tenderness and affection of a mother. Oh how she looked forward to the days to come, all the adventures they would have together. It was going to be wonderful.

Only a short pause followed the excited answer of Orica before she posed another question of the mother, the words running absently through her mind as she continued to watch her pups move about in their restful state. Did she need anything? A nap sounded heavenly, the birthing process having taken more out of her than she had realized. Though with six pups it was no wonder. If she thought she was tired now she could only imagine how she would be once they were old enough to walk and wander on their own, doing her best to keep up and make sure they stayed out of trouble. "I think I'll be okay, Orica. Thank you," she offered quietly, sleepily, in response, her lips curving into a vague smile. Shifting a little, she settled herself a little more cozily upon her side, lowering her had too so that her cheek nestled there against the ground, and letting her eyelids gently close Mercianne settled in to rest among her pups with a slow sigh.


09-06-2013, 08:54 PM

Awaken sighed looking about on his usual routine, scouting for things the pack could use. That is untill he smelt blood. Wolfs blood. The sweet blood of Mercianne. Fear pounded through his heart. Merci? ?"MERCIANNE!" He cried, sprinting in the direction of the scent. What if something had happened to her, what if sacrement had come for her and his unborn pups before taking his life aswell.

He sprinted in the mouth of the cave. "MERCI I-AMMM PUPPPIIEES!!" a look of absolute joy crossed his face. Six of his beautiful babies and his beautiful wife. "Oh merci, theyre beautiful." he swiped his tounge over her muzzle and gently swiped his toung over clover's back. He treated both Merci and the pups with such tenderness. He treated them as if they were fine glassware that would shatter if tested.