



08-09-2013, 05:22 PM

It was hot and the two-seasons-old pup was splayed out across one of the surfacing rocks in the middle of a very shallow portion of the river. Her chin very lightly touched the water and the liquid swarmed about her submerged paws. Odd-colored eyes were lightly shut as the gal relaxed, enjoying the feel of the water washing over her pads. Her fur was still damp from a recent dip and she was taking the time to dry the rest of her body under the unrelenting sun.

The young girl's stomach barely seemed to rise and fall in a manner that was very misleading for those on either banks. From a distance, it seemed nearly like she was completely unconscious. Despite how it appeared, though, the little lady was idly thinking about various aspects of Ludicael and her life. How Oberon's markings were already coming in, for example--his pitch-black fur was covered with white all on his stomach and up on his face. It'd led to her fondly and aptly naming him 'Twinkletoes' due to the alabaster that touched the ends of his paws. She mulled piteously over how hot it must be to have such a dark pelt, but didn't linger on it long.

She became aware of a splash upstream, but didn't pay much mind to it, passing it off as what was probably a fish. It was here that she began to doze off, right there on the slightly-rounded rock in the middle of the river, and slipped into a shallow daydream...



08-12-2013, 06:08 PM

A swim. It was just what she needed to harden her resolve even more than before, to set it in stone that she was ready for anything that would happen. Her father was here, in Alacritis. There was no question about it anymore, only options as to what she could do. Liste had to choose, between cowering and letting him kill her and those she cared for, or standing her ground and letting him try. Finally she had chosen the latter. She was finished running - at least from him. For sport was still completely acceptable.

Thus here she was, sprinting her way toward Ludicael's gorgeous pools, seeking relief from the sunlight that beat heavily on her ebony pelt and threatened to cause her to overheat. She came to the edge of the water and, without hesitation, flung herself into the depths. As she plunged beneath the surface she felt the relief wash over her, and flood her veins. Yes, she was ready for this. She was a whole new wolf, no longer a coward, but the brave huntress she was born to be. The waters seemed to baptize her as such in a way.

As she surfaced, she noticed a small thing nearby. One of the Sol's new children. A smile spread on Liste's maw as she swam over to investigate and found the child slipping off to sleep. She certainly was adorable - a thought that reignited the idea of whelps of her own. As much as she wanted them, she had two doubts. First that Angeal would never go for it, and second that she was in far too much danger to bring children into the world. It couldn't hurt to postpone it, but she couldn't help but feel the longing, especially in the season of her heat.

She shook herself, releasing the thought from her mind and also managing to shower the pup before her with water that was released from her fur. Oh well, she'd be caught staring now.

i - s t a y - r u n n i n g - f o r - t o m o r r o w