
Defiers of Fate



11 Years
08-14-2013, 01:12 AM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2013, 07:32 PM by Bane.)
Bane sat to catch his breath for as he overlooked the beach and couldn't help but think of Talutah and the ashlands to the north, the feathers in his head fur brushing against him in the shoreline breeze during the old wolfs moment of contemplation. The sea. How he missed it. It's gentle waves on a flat day lulling him to sleep from his little hilltop den. He'd been younger then. And Alarice, Bane would've never met his mate have he not chose to reside near the beach.?Back in Talutah he would make a salve each day in a bowl shaped rock, crushing sandalwood and aloe vera together to ease the pains of his burns. Back when his front ankles, chest and muzzle had their fur burned away and the flesh scorched.

It had taken a few years, but eventually his fur had grown back, his nerves having not though. Bane stretched and made his way down to where the grass merged with a low dune and wriggled his claws. The sand shifted between his toes and he made his way to the water and looked left at the hazy form of Alarice. They two wolves gave each other a smile and Bane leaned in with eyes closed to give her a nuzzle. And when his sapphire eyes opened again, she was gone. The Talutah Banished let out a whine and pawed at the sand where she had been sitting and laid down. This part of the sand felt a little bit warmer than it should've at this time of day, Bane touched his tail behind him to check the beachside grit and found it a little colder than what he was laying on. Bane gave a content sigh and snuggled into the warmth of the sand. He missed Alarice.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•


08-14-2013, 01:39 AM

Boring. That was the word that she would use to describe this new place. Absolutely and completely boring. She hadn't had a chance to properly sit down and chat with her old associate Medusa, so until the sultry viper had a moment to spare, the tri-colored siren would wander the new land, trying to find something or someone to entertain herself with. And to her surprise, with this place being so jam packed with wolves, it was proving rather difficult to find someone who would take a liking to her particular talents. She wasn't sure if the wolves here appreciated her kind of skill set, but Medusa being the alpha and thriving here had to mean there was some hope for the emerald eyed woman, right? It was no secret that there were males stalking about this terrain. Males littered the planet like an infestation. They were everywhere and they couldn't deny their carnal desires, no matter how loyal they thought themselves to be to their little wives and girlfriends. Aspasia was a woman who didn't take no for an answer once she had her sights set.

The day was beginning to wind down and the vixen was still very much lacking in the entertainment department. Frustration was beginning to set in as her ivory and ebony paws drummed against the warm earth, glittering emeralds dancing across the foliage as she continued to search for anything that remotely resembled a male figure. Though she had a preference with men, she was more than willing to dance with the doves. Sometimes the ladies could satisfy better than the men, but she wasn't very picky. And good thing too because it looked like the entertainment she'd been looking had just arrived. A sensual smile curled her inky lips, a seductive swing taking hold of her hips as she sashayed her way down the shore line, emeralds glittering with unbridled lust as they traveled down the length of his figure. Scars littered his body and he looked liked he had seen younger days, but he wasn't senile and decrepit, so he would do. Looks like you could use some company there handsome. She crooned, her voice a silky murmur as she approached.




11 Years
08-14-2013, 07:53 PM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2013, 10:49 PM by Bane.)
A feminine voice called out and Bane closed his sapphire eyes with a smirk and wrapped his tail around his side while his ears flickered in the direction of her voice. The Seracian's head snapped to the sound of the female getting closer, the rasp of sand shifting as her paws brought her towards to him. An oddly patterned black female was coming at him, Bane observing the way she swaggered her hips and smiled the seductive way she smiled. A rogue from the smell of things, Bane's eyes flicking up and down her more nubile form just once.

"That's close enough." Bane said without looking away from her. "By your manners and your words I take it that you want something from me." Bane felt a familiar ache surface from between his hind legs. And yet she smelled like an odd blend of Amenti, the renowned mating wolves of these lands... like Alena. His thoughts turned to the white she-wolf and wondered how she was coping with her pregnancy. Well, if this rogue female was here for his male specific services he wouldn't be one to deny her. "Your name mam? Mines Bane."
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•


08-14-2013, 09:00 PM

He wasn't exactly the most handsome man she'd ever had the pleasure of screwing, but he wasn't too bad on the eyes. She could see that he was perhaps beginning to get up there in age, but none of it was evident across his dark pelt. She wasn't too worried about it anyways. It was summer, clearly not her heat season, so worries about pregnancy happening from this little encounter had no room in the vixen's lusty thoughts. He was quick to come to attention to her appearance, his sapphires coming into view as they moved across her frame, taking her in. Onyx plume curled tauntingly over her hips, a gorgeous and luxurious appendage, the only thing standing between her lovers and their sweet prize.

That's close enough. By your manners and your words I take it that you want something from me. A great peal of laughter bubbled from her lips, smooth as silk as her emeralds danced mischievously towards his haunches, where her prize lay. Oh baby, why would I want something from you in order to have some company? She crooned seductively, a devilish smirk curling her inky lips as she began to circle him, her glittering emeralds never leaving his dark figure, ears pricking attentively as he presented her with his name. Formalities. She could care less, especially when the burn was licking at her sweet spot. Aspasia honey. She purred, flicking her tail out to brush beneath his chin as she circled him, already tired of him lying down.




11 Years
08-14-2013, 11:21 PM (This post was last modified: 08-15-2013, 02:16 AM by Bane.)
Bane saw her tail curl over her hind legs as his gazed narrowed at her laughter as her rich green eyes flickered about. The female rogue spoke with the mannerisms of a succubus. Bane had heard of these types of wolves, his adoptive father had visited one of these groups of wolves. Mating services in return for a job required of these whore packs, usually to get food in exchange of a females companionship for a night. Flesh for flesh business. At least that's what his father had told him when Bane had asked why he smelled of female. "I can obviously see that you want something more than company, you want something only a male can bring you. Satisfy your itch. So tell me how are the other females in your little group?" Bane placed his head on his paws and closed his eyes. The snow leopardess he'd spent a night with would be a better partner than this mating starved she-wolf. Silverback and Bane.... they had a helluva long and passionate night together. This female, she probably last an hour.?Aspasia was her name, Bane lifting his head and opened his eyes to look up at the dark furred she-wolf.

Aspasia brought her tail under his raised chin and that barely peaked his interest. Well, the way she was circling him and how she smiled and moved about were all enticing. As far as he could tell she was experienced in putting on a show for males. Bane had enjoyed the way but on the act of being uninterested. He'd satisfy this rogue female before him alright. "So?Aspasia, where would you have me? On the beach... in the shallows... amongst the dunes... or the shoreside forest." Bane rocked his head from side to side with each location, muzzle jerking outward and grabbing her tail with his fangs to get?Aspasia to hold still for one second and look him in the eyes.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•


08-15-2013, 02:05 AM

This man, Bane, did too much talking and she didn't like it. Most guys were pretty direct when they saw what she offering up, preferring to skirt the formalities and idle chit chat and get straight to business. Bane seemed to want to take his time with her and it was beginning to irk the tri-colored siren. Lust was pounding through her veins, crooning its familiar song and she was hungry for a good fuck. Bane was the first male she'd come across and she was willing offering herself to him and yet he was lying there like a damn fool preferring to talk rather than get things going. I can obviously see that you want something more than company, you want something only a male can bring you. Satisfy your itch. So tell me how are the other females in your little group? So he was familiar with her kind. I belong to no group darling. I work solo.

Even with her flirtatious and suggestive behavior, it was doing nothing to attract Bane's attention and stir him from his position. Irritation flickered in the depths of the dark emeralds, yet the seductive smile stayed splayed across her inky lips as she circled Bane, trying to entice him to join her. So Aspasia, where would you have me? On the beach... in the shallows... amongst the dunes... or the shoreside forest? Clearly she was getting to him, or else he wouldn't have reached out to snatch her tail. She gasped, just a hint of a moan teasing her lyrics as she spoke. Feisty now are we. I'll have you wherever your heart desires honey. She purred, tri-colored body coming to a halt with the grasp to her tail, waiting to see what he would do next.




11 Years
08-15-2013, 02:55 AM
So Aspasia didn't belong to a concubine pack. That was good news as far as he was concerned. She worked alone, if what she did was even called work. More like an unsuitable hobby for one such as for her, Bane growling with the female's tail in his maw to vibrate the appendage. The rogue still smiled that ever-lasting smile of her's, Bane tugging firmly on her tail to get her to shut up. Aspasia wouldn't leave him alone it seems and he rose in a huff and headed towards the shallows. "Follow me Apsasia. I'm not so much as feisty as I am wanting to just let us get this over with. We will mate here. Show me what you've learned from your pack and then I will leave. That's just how it's going to be if you want me that badly." The grey Seracian wolf sloshed into the lulling waters with a tired sigh and took to standing in the shallows as he waited for the black she-wolf to join him.

Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•


08-15-2013, 03:06 AM

He was certainly no fun at all. Nothing like the clients she was used to handling. Damn this new land and its inhabitants. Maybe she would have more luck finding a doll to play with. Perhaps they would be much more inviting that this grouch here. He held her tail firmly in his grasp, though not enough to damage it, a growl rumbling in his chest as it transferred through the appendage, vibrating up through her core, sending spasms of lust through her body. A grumpy old man and yet a tease. How nice. He tugged on her tail, just a bit too rough for her liking and the siren flashed her pearly daggers at her, creamy lined ears falling flat against her skull as he told her to follow him, leading her to the shallows. So clearly he wasn't into having fun. Well this was clearly not going to go well. She should've walked away when she had the chance.

Pulling her tail away from his grasp, folding it back over her hips, Aspasia padded in his direction, ivory and ebony paws breaching the surface of the chilled water, goosebumps rippling across her skin as she moved towards Bane, slapping him purposefully across the muzzle with her tail as she positioned herself before him, her luxurious tail flipped out of the way to reveal her sweet spot, now ready to get this over with as much as him.





11 Years
08-25-2013, 12:24 PM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2013, 01:19 PM by Bane.)
Bane slid off Aspasia's back with a pleased sigh, his tongue licking the blood off until he flopped onto the shallows, a wave just quite reaching his back and molding around his body. Sand was tossed about as he rolling in the grit to hide the scent of what he just did with Aspasia with eyes closed. The elder Seracian needed to stop doing this. The leader of Seracia would pelt him and use his tattered hide for his pups to keep warm with, a grin, more of a grimace really came across his muzzle at the thought. Sapphire eyes looked up at Aspasia exhaustedly and he thought of the energy he'd expended with her.

She hadn't even been worth it. To young and confused about what to do with her life, but Bane couldn't blame her. It usually wasn't the wolves of the brothel packs fault that they did what they did. It was the leader who was the one who started that type of pack in the first place. Settling on the worlds oldest profession to feed his pack by the wolves who sought out his subjects services. Bane struggled to his paws and stretched his forelegs with a bow, grunting with remorse at Aspasia. He shouldn't have done this. "Anything else Asp? No? Good, I'll leave you to it then." Bane sneered and headed towards the closest dune and towards the shoreside shrubbery. These encounters needed to stop happening.

-Exit Bane-
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•