


08-08-2013, 05:24 PM
hoorah for recycled posts
holy tits on a stick, thank you muse ♥

Dainty paws padded the earth as the vivacious viper searched for a secluded area to devour the poor creature that had fallen victim to her bleached incisors, elongated limbs propelling the wench nearer to the area she had dubbed home where her vulnerable whelps resided. The small carcass encased within her jaws swung limply with every stride the pallid babe took, blood dripping from the areas her teeth had pierced, painting a crimson trail for bystanders to follow should they seek a gored corpse and its bloodied killer ? not that the meal was much to shed blood over, anyway, but scavengers were often blinded by their greed. The infamous smirk she so typically possessed caressed her countenance at the thought of having to defend a mere hare from a starved rogue, but the amused expression vanished from her visage as her pupils caught a glimpse of a reflective object in the distance.

She maneuvered towards it with intrigue, her brows furrowing upon her forehead as she approached the unique landscape of what appeared to be a beach ? but instead of sand littering the runway to the waters, it was a foreign and dark substance that reflected the sun?s light peculiarly. Wonder struck the female and she halted at the edge of the beach, dropping her meal adjacent to her while she tentatively extended a forelimb outwards, pawpads kissing the newfound substance just barely, as she expected it to jump out and attack her. She had never seen anything like it ? it confused her, to say the least. As she planted her entire paw firmly against the smooth surface of what felt like rock, her shoulders gave a slight shrug as if to indicate it was nothing special.



08-08-2013, 05:44 PM

Ivory paws contrasted brilliantly with the black sands of the beach, it wasn?t his first time in this intriguing land, his last meeting here had been with the interesting expecting fea known as Soliel. What an interesting conversation that had been. Easy strides ate the ground beneath him, as he moved up the beach, rounding a corner, oculars would widen as he caught glimpse of another. Pausing, as his talons flexed against the ebony sand , he would spend a few minutes observing her. The beauty was nearly captivating. Shoulders would shrug, and he would strut forward, a smirk dancing on his jaws as he approached her.

?What?s a little lady like yourself doing out here all alone?? His tone would inquire as his eyes nearly raked over her, taking in every divet, curve, taking in everything about her wonderful bodice. Sex starved, he was nearly drooling as he took in her appearance. Taking a claming breath, as he came around to the front of her, he would stop, and await whatever kind of response that she would bestow upon him.


08-10-2013, 12:08 PM
nother iPad post, sorry for the quality
holy tits on a stick, thank you muse ♥

Serpentine forelimbs would reach across her chest to plant themselves away from the foreign substance embellishing the earth, petite and lithe body contorting as the pallid babe pivoted in the direction of the slaughtered hare adjacent to her, skull descending from its elevated height as her gaping jaws dipped down towards the severed neck of her kill. Bleached incisors would just graze the torn flesh of the kill as the obscure sound of footfalls breached her perked ears, causing her muzzle to turn towards the direction the noise had emanated from with the hopes of locating the source of her distraction. Steel eyes were drawn to the only pale and masculine form that occupied her surroundings, pupils brushing over the goliath's physique so as to determine his intentions, thoughts immediately returning to the gored carcass while she predicted he was present only to thieve it from her clutches. However, his stance was hardly defensive and his expression lack of vehemence, piquing the woman's interest and forcing her skull to ascend to its former height in preparation while her gaze lingered upon his body, a strange sense of familiarity striking her that she could not quite yet place a paw upon. She had encountered this brute previously -- there was no mistaking that the flame flickering beneath his mismatched eyes was a phenomenon she had crossed before; but where, she could not decipher.

His inquisitive vocals were intertwined with an undeniably devious tone, causing the viper's velvet nostrils to flare slightly as she expelled the amused snort that was uncontainable; the babe wasn't entirely fond of being entitled with the adjective the male linked with her no matter how true it was. Her petite twenty-eight inches straightened to a more respectable height as if to prove she was larger than he expected (albeit not by much), her metallic eyes boring a hole into his own as her body pivoted to face his. "I could ask the same of you, stranger," she informed the brute, her tones entirely neutral and lacking the amusement manifesting within her. As her pupils ravaged his countenance, dissecting the peculiar markings that adorned his facial features, the familiarity struck her, remembering abruptly that the male had been present in the swamps when she had succeeded in removing the filth from the earth's crust. The smirk that stretched across her stained visage was imminent at the commemoration of her sweet victory, a sinisterly obscene expression especially when paired with the sanguine liquid that tainted her otherwise immaculate features. "No -- you are no stranger to me," she confirmed, wondering if her words would trigger similar memories within the hellion.



08-12-2013, 10:20 PM

A deep breath would pass through his lungs at her words, and his mind would reach back, remembering. Closing his eyes momentarily he would think, before his oculars would snap open, taking in the white dame again. He remembered her clearly. "Lo, I remember you, and how are you darling? Last time I saw you you were disposing of a rather... unsatisfactory creature?" It was true, the first time his oddly coloured orbs had lain on the beautiful dame, she was locked in a death-match in a clearing of white wolves. Vaguely he remembered the black wolf who had joined them, and how out of place she had seemed next to the ivory creatures who watched the match unfold. The bird, lo, the bird was annoying but an interestingly gruesome creature.

Drawing his legs under him he would rest back on his haunches, his tail wrapping neatly around him, the colour an outstanding contrast against the ebony granules beneath him. "Tell me petite sorciere, what's your title?" Easily he would lapse into french, the words rolling from his tongue with a small smirk.


08-17-2013, 10:03 PM
holy tits on a stick, thank you muse ♥

Curiously, she observed the male as he allowed his thoughts to consume him, presumably attempting to retrieve the memories of her glorious victory that he had had the opportunity to spectate, pallid lids draping over his mismatched eyes to conceal the vibrant hues from view just momentarily. Seeming to have seized the correct memory, he revealed his cerulean and vermillion eyes to her own metallic once more, jaws falling agape to permit confirmation of her suspicion from escaping his larynx. A maleficent smirk chiseled at her bloodied countenance as his chosen words writhed through her auditory system, appeasing the wraith with the knowledge that she was not alone in believing that her victim was hardly a creature worthy of the oxygen that had once flooded her lungs. The devious expression only broadened upon her velveteen lips as glimpses from the gory battle flashed before her eager eyes, welcoming the savory taste of the renegade?s blood upon her tongue as it rushed back to claim her taste-buds. ?Her blood tasted so sweet; what a shame that no one else had the opportunity to taste it,? she commented absently, staring off into the distance without truly viewing what her pupils happened upon ? too consumed in her thoughts to remain aware of her ever-changing surroundings.

Baritone vocals brought the ice queen out of her trance, gaze trailing back to meet with his own as she digested his words, recognizing the inquiry but uncertain as to what name he had addressed her by. The tongue sounded foreign to the wraith and caused her skull to tilt minutely to portray her curiosity, but it was forgotten as she granted what was desired. ?Morphine, Imperial Queen of Tortuga,? the confident words cascaded from her inky lips pulled taut over her gluttonous incisors, still contorted in a devious grin. As the male planted his rump into the granules of obsidian, she mirrored his stance, rolling her mass back onto her haunches but retaining her immaculate poise although she held little authority over this rogue. Plush tendril of a tail coiled about the battered body of the deceased hair, forcefully motioning the appendage towards her rump to secure the possession of the kill. ?And who is the monster that lurks before me?? she questioned, her words disguised in a sultry purr to indicate that she did not fear monsters, but rather welcomed their companionship.



08-19-2013, 03:01 AM

the contrast between the obsidian sand of the beach, and the alabaster colour of his bodice, was astounding, as he settled against the granules, he wondered what the fea saw when she saw him. would she be more astounded by the contrast or take time in looking at the markings that adorned his proud face. black swirl worked itself around teal, nearly cerulean ocular, while opposite sat a golden brand that adorned an amber ocular. he was sexy, and he knew it, there was no lack of confidence on his part, if the count of his past whores were anything to go on. the small witch would introduce herself as morphine, queen of tortuga. ah, her scent, it was familiar, not just from the death match he had witness but from the crimson liquid that had tasted oh so sweet on his palette, as he had drank in the wretch in the eastern packs borders. "Ah, blood it's what we live for.." he would muse, his tone light, conversational.

morphine made no comment about the language switch, not that he had expected her to recognize it and would have been surprised if she did. french was one of the many dialects he had picked up phrases from from the various creatures he had met albeit his travels. she did not know he had called her 'little witch', the title seemingly so befitting. bodice would turn, as his head cast a look over his shoulder, noting that they were alone on the beach, near the gentle roll of the water, before he would again speak. "Creedance Voltaire, rouge, and satan's foremost deamon, hell, by now, I'm probably Lucifer himself, embodied." a light chuckle, would accompany his brave words, claiming to be satan himself, what a daring feat.

"what brings a petite beaute' such as yourself out here, mon ami?" question would be addressed towards her ivory audits lightly, his eyes crawling over her figure, taking her in, nearly with a starving passion.